Massive Nano and Microrobot Activity In…

Oct 15, 2024

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Image: Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection filament with microchips and microrobots 5 weeks on slide with cover.


juan - Oct 15

We must pray and ask God for help from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that we can face this problem of nanorobots,
Matthew 7:8 PDT
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks at the door it will be opened.


Leslie Beau - Oct 16

Amazing research and video clips. Terrifying.


Mattie - Oct 16

Richard’s Newsletter

Oh, Dear God, Please help us defeat this evil which the forces of darkness have tried to use to taint the beautiful blood you've given us as a birthright. God, please help us defeat these evil things and evil people who seek to make Satanic forces of darkness control us all. In the name of Jesus Christ, help us, Lord, as you promised you would if we repented of our sins and walked in the righteous path. Amen


Dennis Waller - Oct 23



William Lassley - Oct 16

Regina Barry

When I took Chlorine Dioxide for the flu a few months ago, it inadvertently brought out a parasite problem I was unaware of. Anyway, I had trouble urinating, and when I finally did, it was so scary what came out, I took a photo of it for the doctor to see. Later that evening, looking at that photo, I noticed some luminous looking shapes here and there, that I didn’t see at first. (Also a good sized worm.) These bright white shapes look very similar to the things in your microscope pictures. I mean very similar, except that they would have to be 4000 times bigger than what your blood samples are. I wonder if this is possible, normal or strange. I’m very interested to know what’s going on inside of me, and if something is going on, and this information proved helpful to anyone, that is what I am all about. I still have that picture, and there are very disturbing things going on there, that I would swear wasn’t there when I first looked at what was in that toilet. I am putting this out to you, Dr Ana, because I trust you, and I do believe that what came out of me was the same self illuminating objects in your photos, only 4000 times larger, and that is scary. I am unvaccinated. It took almost 2 months of on again/of again Cl o2 and extreme pain to eliminate (I hope) all the parasites in me.


Regina Barry - Oct 17

Regina Barry

We now know that parasite have been weaponized against us and animals as well. We need to keep deworming ourselves and our pets and livestock , this things are everywhere including the food we eat, they really are wrecking every living organism and causing cancers, autism, neurological disorders and even addictions, the criminals behind this know it very well . Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide can help us big deal to keep them under control. We are constantly attacked in every front 😢


Lisa Marie - Oct 16

Lisa Marie

Get Ivermectin and take it. Western medical doctors may not acknowledge or truly help with this. Ivermectin is very effective. Order Buy tubes intended for horses. Squeeze paste out and ingest approx a pencil
Eraser size daily on empty stomach once daily.


Reprisal 2024 - Oct 17

Tricia’s Substack

Which animal do we use to order for ourselves?


crapshoot farmer - Oct 17

crapshoot farmer

You haven't seen the evidence that IVM has the nano crap in it by now?
I've got $200. worth of it to throw out, or I can send it to you!
I bought from a US supplier, made in India 2022, and it's contaminated.
"They" got to all the manufacturers...


PhoenixSpirit - Oct 20

Like every goddamn manufacturer is corrupt at this point?
I can imagine so.
"Made in India", there lies the problem.


Saxxon Creative - Oct 15 - Edited

Saxxon’s Newsletter

Do you think the CSL Replicon Vaxx they started rolling out in Japan october 3 is actually self replicating and shedding to un vaxed population?


mothman777 - Oct 16 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

So some of the current stories say, but some 'reporters' are unjustly trying to whip up hysteria against the Japanese scientists as if they are actually deliberately unleashing some kind of intended potentially exterminatory weapon against all life on Earth, and these reports are highly dishonest and maliciously misleading in that they make out that this particular Japanese biotechnology is deliberately malintended and that it is something new anyway.
This Japanese biotechnology may not even be being truthfully described by these reporters in their feverish attempts to whip up hatred against the Japanese, anything to direct peoples' suspicions away from Israel of course.
The genocidally mass-murderous small-hatter psychopath Bill Gates was an ally of the exterminatory late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson who created the original plans to instigate the Ukraine war to create a Bigger Israel.
Schneerson was also behind the Noahide Laws that are intended on exterminating literally billions of Gentiles. It is no coincidence that his associate Gates stated he wishes to 'do a great job' with 'vaccines' and 'family planning' to 'reduce' the world population (playing his part in wiping out all Gentiles who are regarded as 'amalek' in reality).
Prominent Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states that in the end, of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there will be 'no survivors', thus ALL Gentiles in the entire world are really regarded by Jews as amalek, who are intended by them to be totally exterminated, and when any Jews deny this is the case and protest that the Chabad Lubavitchers and Noahide Laws are really entirely benevolently intended, this only confirms their deception, treacherousness and complicity.
Bill Gates who has been associated with Schneerson can be seen in a photo online of them both together in very close proximity in intimate conversation with Gates wearing a yarmulke.
Gates was talking about releasing self-replicating, self-spreading 'vaccinations' long after this very same self-replicating nanotechnology had already in fact been stated by Dr Fauci to have already been actually released, surely in an attempt to confuse the issue and cast doubt on established facts that this very same nanotechnology had actually already been released in the COVID jabs.
Fauci appeared in a video recording of a medical hearing in which he openly stated that the COVID jabs all had 'self-replicating nanotechnology' in them - his very words, so replicon by the Japanese will not be a new biotechnology in any case, and that being said, if 'reporters' are saying it is new, then that is definitely knowingly dishonest and fake news, and that being said, so likely therefore is much of the rest of what is being reported similarly deliberately dishonest and with malintent concerning replicon.
I actually think it unlikely that the Japanese themselves would actually wish to unleash potentially exterminatory biotechnology even unwittingly. However, we shall see, but maybe, as there are Japanese Jews just like there are Causasian Jews, Indian Jews and Chinese Jews who all look like ordinary members of these various other races, then maybe part of the Japanese medical establishment might indeed have been hijacked by lookalikes who are really Jewish infiltrators.
I do see Japanese innovation in medicine that is actually well-intended, such as their great work on regrowing teeth, their human trials started this September and they reckon this will be released to the general public worldwide in 6 years' time, so that we will all be able to regrow brand new teeth from scratch after an injection, rather than having to have implants or dentures if we should be so unfortunate as to lose our teeth for any reason.
Only Israel had been working on actual ethnobomb biological weapon projects before the COVID poison jab weapons were deliberately deployed by Jewish scienstists working with infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation governments working in collaboration with the Israeli government, who really developed the weapon along with Jewish scientists around the world, and had their government agents deploy it in every infiltrated and controlled nation.
Israel is known to possess the second largest or perhaps even the largest military biological warfare research facilities in the entire world, which is extremely telling as to their inner mentality and intentions towards the rest of humanity. Jewish scriptures state in the Zohar that all Gentiles are to be/will be totally exterminated which is exactly what the highly prominent Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi states is to occur today and he eagerly looks forward to that actually happening with clearly very great relish.
Jewish scientists invented and patented the atom bomb, the neutron bomb, the dirty cobalt nuclear bomb with the claimed capacity to permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet, and the neutron bomb, and made the Samson Option threat to destroy the entire world with these weapons which is still maintained today as a threat by Israel, which is run by criminally insane psychopaths on behalf of a surely similar religion and population otherwise they would not be living there and supporting the government or the continued existence of that state.
I reckon that these latest attempts to blame Japan are actually yet another attempt to get people to point their fingers well away from Israel, whose military really had this type of biotechnology specifically created to be deployed entirely only for military and not genuine medical purposes. That being said, whether this type of technology could ever be genuinely employed in an actual medical context by anyone at all is a matter for debate.
They have been trying to get everyone to point their fingers at 'Chicoms', then the 'American' DOD, 50% of whose generals actually self-identify as Jewish (and those are just the ones who openly self-identify as Jewish), and now of course the Japanese are the latest to be hysterically accused of unleashing biotechnology with the potential capacity to go wrong and to exterminate all life on Earth.
But really, Fauci was saying that self-replicating nanotechnology was already in the COVID jabs from the very beginning years ago, and he appeared in a filmed hearing declaring that to be a fact, so any attempts by reporters to say that Japan is newly-creating this same or highly similar type of biotechnology are frankly ridiculous and presuming on people having very short memory spans.


Marianne Agnello - Oct 16

Marianne Agnello

don't trust scientists drs governments
go back to nature


Saxxon Creative - Oct 17

Saxxon’s Newsletter


mothman777 - Oct 17

mothman777’s Newsletter

Some surely authentic Gentile Japanese medical scientists are protesting against the mRNA tech of Gates and co. while other 'Japanese' scientists of more dubious spiritual origin do appear in this report to be going against them. Kosher lizards in skin suits are evidently pushing some new and even nastier version of self-replicating mRNA it says here.


Saxxon Creative - Oct 17

Saxxon’s Newsletter

Its a fear death campaign.


mothman777 - Oct 17

mothman777’s Newsletter

And then the astrally projecting and discarnate Jews start funny games on the other side once one passes over to the other side at the time of 'death', one needs to be able to get past their highly unpleasant spiritual blockade to access the higher planes that the Jews themselves are too unfit to access themselves through their own persistent bad attitudes and nastiness. They try to destroy or close off from all others what they cannot access themselves, doing this out of pure blind jealous hatred and selfish rage and they like to keep all the Gentiles penned in like animals for psychic food. We all live forever, there is no death, think of being conscious forever and start as you mean to go on.


Saxxon Creative - Oct 16 - Edited

Saxxon’s Newsletter



Linda Tanner - Oct 16

Linda Tanner

Intriguing that the nano- assembly is occurring in BioN Tech COVID-19 jab, as well as in Lantus Insulin solution. By examining blood, we learned early on that the nanotech feeds off of the surface electrons of our rbc's as an energy source for building stuff, but now it appears that electrons on rbs's may only augment the process, because we are seeing that even with no rbc's present, the nano-assembly of chips, etc., is taking place directly in the solutions meant for injection. Hope I didn't garble my interpretation of Dr. Ana's stellar work!


Liberty Liz - Oct 16

Liberty Liz

Almost makes one wonder if these bioweapons were in the insulin (and/or other injectables) prior to being unleashed at large via the "c0vid" jab as many (mostly) "diabetics" were among the earliest of deceased victims of "c0vid" and of the covid jab.


Michael P - Oct 16

Likewise with the flu shots.


PhoenixSpirit - Oct 20

Liberty Liz

And in dental anesthetics, like Ultracaine?
Wait, are they in it now?


Liberty Liz - Oct 21

Liberty Liz



dyr - Oct 16

See my remarks re e-ambience testing.


Ted Gunderson - Oct 16

"55 Undeclared Chemical Elements — Including Heavy Metals — Found in COVID Vaccines"
"Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in a study of the six major COVID-19 vaccine brands".
"82% of vaccines tested contained undeclared arsenic"


Nola - Oct 16

Lisa Marie

For those of us who didn't get the injection, what do we do to eliminate the hydrogel and nano things which shows up in our Live Blood Analysis? Prior to all this happening my LBA was clear of these strange things.


Lisa Marie - Oct 16

Lisa Marie

Get EDTA chelation via IV is most effective. Other things that work at methylene blue, NAC, bentonite clay, and lost effectiveness is prayer. Fighting this physically is extremely challenging. Leaning into God to save our souls is time well spent!


crapshoot farmer - Oct 17

crapshoot farmer

Lisa, I have methylene blue also and after seeing how it's made and how dangerous it is I'm glad I only took it a few times. Lots of info on both sides of the issue. Determining what's true is the problem.


Linda - Oct 17

Linda’s Substack

I’m looking for answers too although I don’t have direct injection but that can come in from everywhere from the air we breathing in and form water would drink and we eat they are poisonous in everything and everywhere.


Carol - Oct 16


Thank you for posting such great research. Hopefully, soon people will wake up to the dangers of getting shots! Closing in on the end times.
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”
‭‭Daniel‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬


dyr - Oct 16 - Edited


"no light, electricity, Wifi exposure."
If in solid metallic enclosure, perhaps the lack of presence of local wireless area network signal might pertain. But I think it is not difficult to at least give from e.g. a lower cost handheld detector reading, what it indicates about the e-ambience. What one considers "low" may still be effective. This applied as mentioned to the recent welcome Korean paper. I dwell on this because electromagnetic prompting seems to be at the core of activity within subjects and emanating from within them. I have over and over proven from effects on myself and some others, re electromagnetic transference. It has been of huge importance that Dr Ana et al have repeatedly drawn attention to what is made visible from inside subjects' blood, and in other things such as even puddle water. But what generally lacks and yet is at the core of the perpetration, is examination of what - invisible - is emanating from within and upon subjects. I have offered speculation that terahertz or nearly so range might be involved, and there was a similar suggestion in that Korean paper. Spectrum analysers and protected rooms one supposes would be optimal for this kind of experimentation, but may not be fully necessary. MAC detection is just an index for much more salient goings on.


dyr - Oct 16

I would like to repeat here that as of the last few months, I am sorry I did not diarize about this carefully when it first occurred, my own ability through symptoms to detect injectees has dropped markedly. My regime in all facets has not changed, altho' cumulative effect perhaps has diminished my own load to low enough to now have comparatively minimal effects. Still, I seek possibly corroborative reports that others are suffering less, at least from symptoms had before a few months ago and particularly had since covinsanity took off 2020. If it is not cumulative effect of my own doing, one can speculate that a stimulating e-source has been turned down or off, maybe temporarily for whatever reason, maybe re satellite emissions? Terrestrial infrastructure? Or that there is a termination mode programmed in? Or effectiveness of material diminishes enough to no longer evoke symptoms in others such as me. How dramatic a difference: an example from an injectee neighbour with whom I stood for a mere few seconds around 6mo. ago to hand him something, that caused a quick painful throb; by summer he could stand a few feet away which usually would be sufficient easily to provoke such clot/throb symptoms months ago (not by shedding but by e-effect), his more recent presence had no discernible effect. Ditto similarly re many other people since, with few exceptions.


PharmedOUT - Oct 16 - Edited


What is "MAC?"


Frank - Oct 16 - Edited


MAC address. A MAC address (short for medium access control address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment.


PharmedOUT - Oct 16 - Edited


..and, so -- these "shots" ..if one has followed Dr. Ana M. -- the dark field microscopy showing the "nano" type particles in the blood -- is that related to that ..or, is that something else, altogether? (sorry for the "dumb" questions. lol) ..I have read quite a bit of what she's researched ..


CoS - Oct 16


Directly related. Keep researching.


Thomas Lewis - Oct 16

Useless Liberal

UnVaccinated sperm and blood will be the new gold and silver.
Only more valuable.


The Fifth Column Report - Oct 16

The Fifth Column Report



Sean - Oct 16

Your conclusion brings up a very good point... how do these structures react to electromagnetic signals such as wifi? What if you specifically left one of the slides near a 5G wifi router?


Tommy Edwards - Oct 16

Tommy Edwards

We need a nuremberg style trial for everybody involved anybody who knew this was going on and allowed it and pushed it and noted it and mandated it I don’t need to be


Reprisal 2024 - Oct 16

Tricia’s Substack

Whoever created these bots must know how to deactivate them. ….. I hpoe


jandmmichels - Oct 22

DARPA and medical scientists created hydrogel and nano


Desert Nomad - Oct 16 - Edited

Desert Nomad's Substack

Good grief! Don't be taken in by other people's suggestions, and jump to conclusions. The more I see of this, the more I think there is a massive subversive effort to discredit us. DO NOT BUY INTO IT. NO NANOBOTS. None, zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bupkes. Got that? NO MICROCIRCUITS. None, zero, zip, nada, nichevo, nichts, bupkes.
What you are seeing: stuff moves about in fluids. Stuff clumps together. Crystals form. There is no structure WITHIN the crystals shown. Circuits require structure: components linked together. Nothing there.
Why isn't this simply one blood clot after a week? You added something to keep the blood from clotting. That is going to change what you see from what would happen in vivo.
Tiny moving dots are not nanobots. They're just tiny moving dots. They don't do anything other than move around and clump together.
An MD degree with specialty in internal medicine doesn't qualify you to reach these conclusions. Be scientific. Don't go beyond the evidence. On the other hand, I have been married for a half century to one of the top geniuses in the WORLD in computer hardware and software and collaborated with him. I have the background to identify nonsense when I see it. This is nonsense.
I said it before and I'll say it again. This apparently started with La Quinta Columna. Even the NAME ("the fifth column") TELLS us this is false information PLANTED within our ranks. What is a fifth column? It is a subversive element. I have looked at countless images and videos and NOT ONCE did I see anything remotely resembling either a nanobot or a nanocircuit. Hydrogels, for heaven's sake, YES! But that's all.
The more you spread this stuff, the more you discredit all of us. Please stop!


Nola - Oct 16

Desert Nomad's Substack

Then again, I had a LBA done PRIOR to all this and everything was clear and normal. Since then ... and that is when looking at the slide immediately after blood is drawn, not some time later .... my LBAs show all manner of strange things.
Perhaps... it is possible that you have misunderstood what is going on?


Desert Nomad - Oct 16

Desert Nomad's Substack

Oh, there is plenty of all manner of strange things going on. But nanobots and nanocircuits are not among them. That's the point. We have plenty of facts of nasty stuff going on in people who got the shots. We don't need to add fiction to that.


Reprisal 2024 - Oct 16

Tricia’s Substack

Why are you even here commenting on a discussion you know nothing about? You and Jeffrey are the type of people that like to argue.


Desert Nomad - Oct 16

Desert Nomad's Substack

Where do you get off claiming I know nothing about this? FYI, I worked as a colleague with a woman with a PhD in bioethics and degrees in biochemistry and genetics for a couple of years after Covid started, through the first year of Covid shots. We did extensive research, including medical papers. Although we aren't actively publishing much on this topic to her email list anymore, I continue to do research. I sure as heck DO know what I am talking about.


crapshoot farmer - Oct 17

crapshoot farmer

So how did you become an expert in the Twin Towers construction?
Just curious as I looked at your writing and wondered if you ever saw the tale of Lucky Larry Silverstein and his billion dollar insurance policy taken out on the Twin Towers just before 911. Asbestos laden buildings that needed to come down would have cost him millions and instead he walked away mega rich.
And Nola's post? That reads like real world proof of Dr. Ana's and others' work. Plus you're saying hydrogels are no problem?


Desert Nomad - Oct 18

Desert Nomad's Substack

I didn't say I was an expert in the Twin Towers construction. I relied on experts. Big difference. As for Silverstein, who knows why he did that? Maybe coincidence. Maybe he knew the plans of the terrorists. Unless he tells us why he did that, speculation is useless, nor does it have anything to do with the issue of why they collapsed.
I never said hydrogels are not a problem. I stated they ARE a problem. They're just not nanobots. There are all kinds of nasty things in the shots. Nanobots and nanocircuits are not among them. That technology is not yet deployed if it ever will be. Merely being able to make bubbles move around, attach to things, is a far cry from a nanobot, and does nothing to construct a nanocircuit. Taking scientific papers (some with really sloppy terminology I wouldn't let past me if I were on the peer review board) with what they actually SAY and SPECULATING that into nanobots in the shots is a huge leap.
Stick to the facts. We don't need to discredit ourselves; we need to be totally accurate in everything we say.


CoS - Oct 16


'Don't be taken in by other people's suggestions'
So you expect others to be 'taken' by yours?
Are you hoping to disprove the findings? Start your own substack and rant all you want.


Desert Nomad - Oct 18

Desert Nomad's Substack

I didn't make "suggestions". I gave you FACTS.
I already have a substack. Since when is my freedom of speech limited to my own substack?


mothman777 - Oct 16

mothman777’s Newsletter

"I have been married for a half century to one of the top geniuses in the WORLD in computer hardware and software and collaborated with him." Haha.


Desert Nomad - Oct 16

Desert Nomad's Substack

What kind of response is that? Your point is?


mothman777 - Oct 17

mothman777’s Newsletter



Nikkinike - Oct 16


Common sense..I had just survived Breast cancer two months before pandemic broke. When I asked my Dr at the Mayo Clinic what do I take which vax? She immediately said The Johnson and Johnson vax was for it was a traditional vax, Not made up of live virus like MRNA. Interesting no. Mayo Clinic .


Desert Nomad - Oct 18

Desert Nomad's Substack

I thought the same thing at one time, if you have to get the shot. I never thought a person should get any of them. I also care about whether tissue from a newborn vivisected without anesthesia was used in any way. And it was also used with Johnson & Johnson. My research indicated that no vaccine was even necessary, and that no vaccine was safe. J&J had its own set of problems.


Aunt Ohm - Oct 16

Aunt Ohm

I am unvexed. Where can I go to get my blood tested to see if I have any of this nanobot graphing oxide activity inside my blood?


Nola - Oct 16

You can get a test done by any Naturopath who does Live Blood Analysis. But make sure they have kept up with their studies and have current knowledge.



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