Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Live blood Analysis shows hydrogel and Quantum Dot construction with many spherical micellar components
I had posted the images of Darkfield microscopy of dental plaque of a C19 unvaccinated individual.
Substack only allows so many video’s and images per article, so this is a continuation of documentation. I also looked at the slides again, now at day 3. The first day, I had performed a live blood analysis. Interestingly, you can clearly see a correlation of similarities of the construction zones and self assembly. The spheres are known building materials of hydrogel filaments which contain the Quantum Dot microrobots. Above in the blood you can see such a construction in live blood. In the images of dental plaque below, you can see the same spherical construction. The caveat is that the first image on the left was taken day 1, the second image day 2 in a zone where there was no prior hydrogel visible - it had assembled overnight.
Image: dental plaque microscopy hydrogel day 1 on the left, dental plaque hydrogel day 2 on the right
The images below are taken on day 3. These areas were outside of the original plaque area and had assembled overnight.
Image: dental plaque hydrgel construction on day 3, self assembled overnight.
On day 3 there continued intense activity of the microbots, that were continually assembling hydrogel islands.
You can see the same spherical structures build the hydrogel filaments in the live blood on day 1.
Image: Live blood analysis with multiple spherical hydrogel construction sites
The blood was highly contaminated with rouleaux formaiton and large hydrogel filaments.
Image: Extensive rouleaux formation and hydrogel filament. Day 1
Below is the same filament 2 days later, red blood cells show extensive oxidative stress:
Significant hydrogel contamination was seen with oxidative stress on day 1 and these filaments persisted and were clearly visible on day 3.
The live blood analysis did show significant contamination with microrobots and self assembly nanotechnology, as did the oral plaque sample - both were done the same day. The spherical construction sites are similar in the blood and in plaque. The hydrogel like substance in the plaque sample continued to be assembled over three days. It would be interesting to see if there are other cases of correlation between oral contamination and blood contamination. We must entertain that the food supply is a major pathway of contaminating humanity.
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Adrian - Feb 8, 2024
Dr. Ana, I whole heartedly recognize and appreciate all that you do to expose this crime...i learn, teach and share your work to my fullest ability....just saying.
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