Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 06, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Dental plaque that assembled after leaving slide overnight
At the end of my clinic day one of my patients came in and wanted to be urgently seen. He had just been at the dentist for a teeth cleaning and the dental hygienist took a scraping of the plaque and looked at it under the microscope. They saw a lot of blinking lights. The hygienist has not seen this before and did not know what it was. He brought me the slide and wanted me to have a look.
We would expect plenty of bacteria to be present in dental plaque, but I would not expect them to blink like the micro robots we see in human blood.
I did some experiments to see if I could differentiate between bacteria and light emitting micro robots. Bacteria are sensitive to UV sterilizing light so I exposed the microscopy slide to UV B/C frequencies. Micro robots love UV light, and their activity increases. I observed an increase in activity of the blinking lights and no apparent death of the structures. Micro robots build hydrogel, as I have shown in many substacks. I left the slide overnight to see if there was any decrease in activity. You can see that quite the opposite happened, significant increase in the blinking robots. Specifically in areas where there was no plaque on the slide, there now were assembled islands of substrate.
You can see that there is an assembly process that forms islands - similar to the hydrogel manufacturing in the live blood. This is 4000x magnification and you can see blinking lights of blue and yellow and circular robots that are forming the structure:
This is an interesting article I found that shows dental robots to look like the circular structures we see in the blood and in the above microscopy. Click on the title to get the link to video footage of these robots:
This is what the bio robots look like - a round circle.
This is the round circular spheres from the dental plaque 4000x magnification. This has self assembled overnight.
None of these were present on the slide the day before.
Below you can see that many of these are clearly emitting light. These did not die with exposure under UVB/C light
This is interesting and I will continue to observe the slide to see what else develops. I will show the live blood analysis done the same day in a follow up post.
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Sean - Feb 6, 2024
Are there rebel dentists or are we just sh__ out of luck ?
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Justificus - Feb 6, 2024
Is there ever any good news? I know we are on a prison planet, living in the matrix . However, every once in a while when I catch a beautiful sunset it feels ok.
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