Our bodies actually emit light that is stronger than the Sun (UV-C)...our bones fluoresce, along with our bacteria, as we recharge like a battery when we sleep. Who will emit the stronger light, these alien life forms, or us humans? That is the question, and the crux of the battle b/w light and dark:
Dr. Ana, I whole heartedly recognize and appreciate all that you do to expose this crime...i learn, teach and share your work to my fullest ability....just saying.
Did the unvaccinated person you studied ever have PCR nasal swabs shoved up their sinus to the brain blood barrier??? If they did, that could be an answer over and above food supply.
Our VA Clinic continually asked if I wanted the "Shot", and always dropped it when I said no. They no longer bother about any vaccinations for myself. Even though recovering from West Nile Nueroinvasive Disease, showing its face in Feb 2016, which they have since observed, I am one of the Healthiest patients they see. From initially being wheelchair bound and voiceless. I now get around slowly, and since Dec 2020, my voice is returning stronger.
As a former Blood donor {very last time was September 2023, due to a local Red Cross Supervisor}, with their extra Testing, the Red Cross began to inform me that I had the Covid Anti-bodies in my Blood! To my knowledge, I was never sick nor knowingly ever had Covid! The nearest I can think of, is having the Flu ending 1999 which was totally debilitating and lasted 5 months for me. I was aware that for those of us who had it bad, it was from 4 to 6 months. All of us, after any exercise, were wiped out for the rest of the day. Like just shopping for an hour or so.
Has Dr Ana or anyone ever given information on those of us who NEED DENTIST WORK THAT REQUIRES Dental anesthesia which we know is contaminated??????? I need an answer asap from anyone if possible
On my side, I got dental anesthesia... my blood looks the same 'rouleaux, fibrin, hydrogel ribbon /graphene...). My doctor in germany sent me pics after chelation (3 weeks), I shall go and have a look soon...
I looked at commercial bread with a skin scope, so not microscopic. I found red, black and blue fibers on all bread except bread from Panera. It was even on bread from a local bakery. I don’t know what they are or who manufactures them and why they are in bread. It is not on the ingredient list. I found the same fibers on Kleenex, paper towels and napkins. I haven’t looked at everything yet. But what do these fibers do to our bodies when ingested or breathed in?
I did find a bread without the fibers from a grocery store but in the ingredient list was “polyethylene glycol.” Also, I toasted the bread and the fibers were still there. So heat did not destroy them.
I'm working under the assumption, just looking at the chemtrails alone that we all have this material in us. There are various chelation techniques I use as an adult but nobody yet as far as I can see has stuck their neck out and offered a protocol for young children (I have 2 under 3 years old). The only person I've heard comment on this was Dr Young who said pre/pro biotics and filtered water. I've followed this advice although tried to introduce small amounts of Spirulina into their diets. I'm considering adding some activated charcoal, I'm just not sure what quantities are safe while still doing the job. Any other recommendations/ advice on this thread would be welcomed.
Possibly some fulvic humic? Schisandra is mentioned in other places. It’s like a berry tincture you could add to juice. Ionic foot baths. You can get them for around 100$ I’m concerned about my children too.
Thanks very much. I'm not familiar with any of those so will definitely do some research. Slim to zero chance I'll get my sons to stop moving enough to get them to take a foot bath though :)
Good afternoon Dr Ana thank you for your bravery on going public with your findings for all of us to be able to understand what is going on behind this madness against humanity. For a long time I am having some thinking on where else maybe the nanotech been forced upon us. Do to your great expertise in microscopy I would like to ask you a big favor, could you microscopy the depo injections given most of the time by force in psychiatry. Depo/injection on antipsychotics, specially the latest 3 months injections intervals.. It will be a great help for many and for the general public as well.. I understand if you prefer not to touch this as your life is already at risk, and psychiatry are a big part of the pharma gang nevertheless forgive me if this is causing you a problem.. thank you
Massages are enough ! I have not had sex for ages, more than 20 years, so in my case, if it were a contamination it was through massage by a vaccinated masseur (all vaxxed in France) or Dental A... sweat and breath are enough. Alas...
Wow. Even in dental plaque, which has a direct route to our hearts. Smh at the level of evil perpetrated on Humanity. Not even our plaque is sanctimonious!
Now I'm wondering if there is any way to measure the weight of the samples? Do the structures use what is available to them within the sample to create larger structures or do they increase in size as well as weight as they grow? Is there a way to measure such a small weight and sense such a small increase? It would have to be a very expensive scale, I'm sure, to weigh such tiny weights.
Maybe someone in the world has one? Mike Adams claims his equipment is costly. But if they create mass and the dead are still showing construction eight months afterwards, it would be interesting to find out if there is a way that they are growing on their own! I know it sounds crazy but what if we will seriously have a zombie apocalypse and in twenty years these things start crawling out of graves 😯😠I'm so sorry everyone!
Thank you if you happen to get to comments! You are so busy researching and educating.
Blessings, Light and Love 💕
i think the dental material has been use with nanotechnology at least since 2000 in UK, sadly I have arrived to that conclusion for a personal experience too long to explain here.
at least 2012 according to La Quinta Columna. They simply did not manage to find earlier vials. In 2012, it was much less sophisticated. A few days ago, on Twitter France, a nonvaxxed woman complaint to have a MAC code after dental procedures... !!!
I Imagine you are collaborating with Dr Ryan Cole , Dr David Martin, P McCullough, et al?? Highwire with Del Bigtree... World council on Health with Tess Lawrie.....Such important research to finally bring home to the world that this bioweapon was indeed intended to be lethal.
nothing new, it seems humanity has been under powers that every now and then decide to reduce the population in many ways, including wars! but not only otherwise look at the history...the situation has always existed those in psychiatric hospitals and mental units or treated for psychosis are right! they are looking for us and poison us for long time... Some of the powers of course otherwise we will not be speaking here now...
He who does not know the truth is simply ignorant. But he who knows it and lies, that is a criminal!
Only sheets and ribbons of graphene oxide are seen here.
Dr. Mihalcea, have you any data on non-IV clearing and maintenance doses of Vitamin C? Does it have to be IV, or ingested also works as it gets into your bloodstream? What doses for vaccinated / unvaccinated or same? Do you have any general recommendations on supplements (type and dose) published anywhere I can read? Thanks.
Can you explain or direct me to an explanation of whether Propylene Glycol is connected to Hydrogel. It is in a lot of so-called natural fabric softeners and it would seem like it would absorb through the skin if not rinsed well with our low-water washing machines. Is this a Propylene Glycol a polymerized plastic? Can it be related to the technology being sprayed and injected? Anyone? I tried to research it but began to be confused. It feels like it would not be good. Celeste talks a lot about things being added to food, laundry and skin products and is why I started looking at it (in my Eco fabric softener).
Dr. Ana has stated that methylene blue is effective against the blood 'clots'. However, it would be nice to get dosing information. For example, is oral intake sufficient, and if so what concentration/dose per day?
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 8, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Our bodies actually emit light that is stronger than the Sun (UV-C)...our bones fluoresce, along with our bacteria, as we recharge like a battery when we sleep. Who will emit the stronger light, these alien life forms, or us humans? That is the question, and the crux of the battle b/w light and dark:
Adrian - Feb 8, 2024
Dr. Ana, I whole heartedly recognize and appreciate all that you do to expose this crime...i learn, teach and share your work to my fullest ability....just saying.
Marilyn Myers - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
Did the unvaccinated person you studied ever have PCR nasal swabs shoved up their sinus to the brain blood barrier??? If they did, that could be an answer over and above food supply.
Steve - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
I did. Twice. F*cking VA Hospitals. I did not get the Covid shot. I was Covid positive for exactly 10 days in February or March 2021.
Bruce Hartnett - Feb 13, 2024
Bruce Hartnett
Our VA Clinic continually asked if I wanted the "Shot", and always dropped it when I said no. They no longer bother about any vaccinations for myself. Even though recovering from West Nile Nueroinvasive Disease, showing its face in Feb 2016, which they have since observed, I am one of the Healthiest patients they see. From initially being wheelchair bound and voiceless. I now get around slowly, and since Dec 2020, my voice is returning stronger.
As a former Blood donor {very last time was September 2023, due to a local Red Cross Supervisor}, with their extra Testing, the Red Cross began to inform me that I had the Covid Anti-bodies in my Blood! To my knowledge, I was never sick nor knowingly ever had Covid! The nearest I can think of, is having the Flu ending 1999 which was totally debilitating and lasted 5 months for me. I was aware that for those of us who had it bad, it was from 4 to 6 months. All of us, after any exercise, were wiped out for the rest of the day. Like just shopping for an hour or so.
Steve - Feb 13, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
I might willing to donate blood, but only if I know it’s going to somebody who didn’t get the Covid shot.
GodsChild17 - Feb 8, 2024
Comment removed.
GodsChild17 - Feb 8, 2024
Has Dr Ana or anyone ever given information on those of us who NEED DENTIST WORK THAT REQUIRES Dental anesthesia which we know is contaminated??????? I need an answer asap from anyone if possible
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
according to La Quinta Columna, levobupivacania 1.25 is the best one.
GodsChild17 - Feb 8, 2024
Thank you!!!
GodsChild17 - Feb 8, 2024
Comment removed.
GodsChild17 - Feb 8, 2024
Thank you!!!
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
On my side, I got dental anesthesia... my blood looks the same 'rouleaux, fibrin, hydrogel ribbon /graphene...). My doctor in germany sent me pics after chelation (3 weeks), I shall go and have a look soon...
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Comment removed.
Christian - Feb 13, 2024
Ar’s Substack
had to go to Germany... I spent 3 weekks in a chelation. clinic Saying I feel much better would be a lie !
Christian - Feb 13, 2024
Ar’s Substack
They do not have to mention all the ingredients.
Steve - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
Last time I had that done, before Covid. I need to have it done soon. Where does that figure in the Covid timeline?
Steve - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
Is any of that actually bad for me at tiny amounts and only once every few years? That’s what I want to know. The side effects.
Steve - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
But is it rumored to be contaminated? And with what?
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Nanotech, hydrogel, graphene...
Steve - Feb 8, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
So what is in the anesthesia? I always ask for laughing gas, the nickname.
Stephen Verchinski - Feb 8, 2024
Stephen Verchinski
There are injections for deadening gum tissues for tooth extractions, implants, root canals etc.
I don't think its only laughing gas.
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Comment removed.
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Non non... according to La Quinta Columna, it started in 2012, even before...
Christine Mealer - Feb 8, 2024
Christine Mealer
I looked at commercial bread with a skin scope, so not microscopic. I found red, black and blue fibers on all bread except bread from Panera. It was even on bread from a local bakery. I don’t know what they are or who manufactures them and why they are in bread. It is not on the ingredient list. I found the same fibers on Kleenex, paper towels and napkins. I haven’t looked at everything yet. But what do these fibers do to our bodies when ingested or breathed in?
I did find a bread without the fibers from a grocery store but in the ingredient list was “polyethylene glycol.” Also, I toasted the bread and the fibers were still there. So heat did not destroy them.
Niall G - Feb 8, 2024 - Edited
I'm working under the assumption, just looking at the chemtrails alone that we all have this material in us. There are various chelation techniques I use as an adult but nobody yet as far as I can see has stuck their neck out and offered a protocol for young children (I have 2 under 3 years old). The only person I've heard comment on this was Dr Young who said pre/pro biotics and filtered water. I've followed this advice although tried to introduce small amounts of Spirulina into their diets. I'm considering adding some activated charcoal, I'm just not sure what quantities are safe while still doing the job. Any other recommendations/ advice on this thread would be welcomed.
Ginger Kesler - Feb 8, 2024
Possibly some fulvic humic? Schisandra is mentioned in other places. It’s like a berry tincture you could add to juice. Ionic foot baths. You can get them for around 100$ I’m concerned about my children too.
Niall G - Feb 8, 2024
Thanks very much. I'm not familiar with any of those so will definitely do some research. Slim to zero chance I'll get my sons to stop moving enough to get them to take a foot bath though :)
Orli and the team - Feb 8, 2024
Orli’s Substack
Good afternoon Dr Ana thank you for your bravery on going public with your findings for all of us to be able to understand what is going on behind this madness against humanity. For a long time I am having some thinking on where else maybe the nanotech been forced upon us. Do to your great expertise in microscopy I would like to ask you a big favor, could you microscopy the depo injections given most of the time by force in psychiatry. Depo/injection on antipsychotics, specially the latest 3 months injections intervals.. It will be a great help for many and for the general public as well.. I understand if you prefer not to touch this as your life is already at risk, and psychiatry are a big part of the pharma gang nevertheless forgive me if this is causing you a problem.. thank you
Mark Luersen - Feb 8, 2024
Sun Drink Shadows
Not sure why you only suggest food supply, but perhaps sex/oral sex with the vaccinated?
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Massages are enough ! I have not had sex for ages, more than 20 years, so in my case, if it were a contamination it was through massage by a vaccinated masseur (all vaxxed in France) or Dental A... sweat and breath are enough. Alas...
Mark Luersen - Feb 8, 2024
Sun Drink Shadows
I know the Pfizer docs mentioned this as a plausible mechanism, but blood/fluids exchange is a lot worse.
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Je ne comprends pas ! Ich verstehe nicht. Sweat is a fluid, is not it ? And my blood was as spoilt as the one of a vaxxed man !
Mark Luersen - Feb 8, 2024
Sun Drink Shadows
I thought you didn't know if your blood was spoiled or not? Anyway, I wonder how many stds or aids were transmitted via sweat.
Danna - Feb 8, 2024
Danna’s Substack
Wow. Even in dental plaque, which has a direct route to our hearts. Smh at the level of evil perpetrated on Humanity. Not even our plaque is sanctimonious!
Now I'm wondering if there is any way to measure the weight of the samples? Do the structures use what is available to them within the sample to create larger structures or do they increase in size as well as weight as they grow? Is there a way to measure such a small weight and sense such a small increase? It would have to be a very expensive scale, I'm sure, to weigh such tiny weights.
Maybe someone in the world has one? Mike Adams claims his equipment is costly. But if they create mass and the dead are still showing construction eight months afterwards, it would be interesting to find out if there is a way that they are growing on their own! I know it sounds crazy but what if we will seriously have a zombie apocalypse and in twenty years these things start crawling out of graves 😯😠I'm so sorry everyone!
Thank you if you happen to get to comments! You are so busy researching and educating.
Blessings, Light and Love 💕
Orli and the team - Feb 8, 2024
Orli’s Substack
i think the dental material has been use with nanotechnology at least since 2000 in UK, sadly I have arrived to that conclusion for a personal experience too long to explain here.
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
at least 2012 according to La Quinta Columna. They simply did not manage to find earlier vials. In 2012, it was much less sophisticated. A few days ago, on Twitter France, a nonvaxxed woman complaint to have a MAC code after dental procedures... !!!
terrence m kim - Feb 8, 2024
Divinité de L'homme Masculine e…
I Imagine you are collaborating with Dr Ryan Cole , Dr David Martin, P McCullough, et al?? Highwire with Del Bigtree... World council on Health with Tess Lawrie.....Such important research to finally bring home to the world that this bioweapon was indeed intended to be lethal.
Orli and the team - Feb 8, 2024
Orli’s Substack
nothing new, it seems humanity has been under powers that every now and then decide to reduce the population in many ways, including wars! but not only otherwise look at the history...the situation has always existed those in psychiatric hospitals and mental units or treated for psychosis are right! they are looking for us and poison us for long time... Some of the powers of course otherwise we will not be speaking here now...
Ginger Kesler - Feb 8, 2024
I was hoping this too.. wondering the same
Christian - Feb 8, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Cole, Malone, etc. Huge Moles and dangers for us ! They are Liars !
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
He who does not know the truth is simply ignorant. But he who knows it and lies, that is a criminal!
Only sheets and ribbons of graphene oxide are seen here.
Andrew - Mar 8 - Edited
Dr. Mihalcea, have you any data on non-IV clearing and maintenance doses of Vitamin C? Does it have to be IV, or ingested also works as it gets into your bloodstream? What doses for vaccinated / unvaccinated or same? Do you have any general recommendations on supplements (type and dose) published anywhere I can read? Thanks.
j abel - Feb 20, 2024
thanks for posting this!
Steve - Feb 13, 2024
gunnersteve13’s Substack
I worked there during the plannedemic. Housekeeping staff didn’t have to get it. A lot of vets did not.
Lisa - Feb 8, 2024
Oh wow. Blood and plaque and urine. Let's stay positive and keep doing our detox.
Health-Seeker - Feb 8, 2024
Health-Seeker’s Substack
Can you explain or direct me to an explanation of whether Propylene Glycol is connected to Hydrogel. It is in a lot of so-called natural fabric softeners and it would seem like it would absorb through the skin if not rinsed well with our low-water washing machines. Is this a Propylene Glycol a polymerized plastic? Can it be related to the technology being sprayed and injected? Anyone? I tried to research it but began to be confused. It feels like it would not be good. Celeste talks a lot about things being added to food, laundry and skin products and is why I started looking at it (in my Eco fabric softener).
KarlM Alias - Feb 8, 2024
KarlM Alias
Dr. Ana has stated that methylene blue is effective against the blood 'clots'. However, it would be nice to get dosing information. For example, is oral intake sufficient, and if so what concentration/dose per day?
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