Are Virus Like Entities Found In Humans Microbiome Today Just Yesterdays Quantum Dot Nanotechnology Projects Perfected?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 07, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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This article was sent to me published in Science last week. We know that virus like particles is a commonly used word in the Nanotechnology arena. Here is a scientific description on what a virus like particle is in nanotechnology:

Virus-like particles: preparation, immunogenicity and their roles as nanovaccines and drug nanocarriers

Virus-like particles (VLPs) are virus-derived structures made up of one or more different molecules with the ability to self-assemble, mimicking the form and size of a virus particle but lacking the genetic material so they are not capable of infecting the host cell. Expression and self-assembly of the viral structural proteins can take place in various living or cell-free expression systems after which the viral structures can be assembled and reconstructed. VLPs are gaining in popularity in the field of preventive medicine and to date, a wide range of VLP-based candidate vaccines have been developed for immunization against various infectious agents, the latest of which is the vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the efficacy of which is being evaluated. VLPs are highly immunogenic and are able to elicit both the antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses by pathways different from those elicited by conventional inactivated viral vaccines

From the science article about virus like entities in the gut microbiome:

As they collect and analyze massive amounts of genetic sequences from plants, animals, and microbes, biologists keep encountering surprises, including some that may challenge the very definition of life. The latest, reported this week in a preprint, is a new kind of viruslike entity that inhabits bacteria dwelling in the human mouth and gut. These “obelisks,” as they’re called by the Stanford University team that unearthed them, have genomes seemingly composed of loops of RNA and sequences belonging to them have been found around the world.

Other scientists are delighted by obelisks’ debut. “It’s insane,” says Mark Peifer, a cell and developmental biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”

It’s not yet known whether obelisks affect human health, says Matthew Sullivan, an integrative biologist at Ohio State University, but they could alter the genetic activity of their bacterial hosts, which in turn could affect human genes.

This is an article from 2013 describing Quantum Dot Nano obelisks:

A key issue in a single photon source is fast and efficient generation of a single photon flux with high light extraction efficiency. Significant progress toward high-efficiency single photon sources has been demonstrated by semiconductor quantum dots, especially using narrow bandgap materials. Meanwhile, there are many obstacles, which restrict the use of wide bandgap semiconductor quantum dots as practical single photon sources in ultraviolet-visible region, despite offering free space communication and miniaturized quantum information circuits. Here we demonstrate a single InGaN quantum dot embedded in an obelisk-shaped GaN nanostructure. The nano-obelisk plays an important role in eliminating dislocations, increasing light extraction and minimizing a built-in electric field. Based on the nano-obelisks, we observed nonconventional narrow quantum dot emission and positive biexciton binding energy, which are signatures of negligible built-in field in single InGaN quantum dots.

It is important to understand that virus like particles are considered NANOMACHINES aka nano robots. You can have a Quantum Dot envelope that delivers a virus like particle:

Virus-like particles (VLPs) have become key tools in biology, medicine and even engineering. After their initial use to resolve viral structures at the atomic level, VLPs were rapidly harnessed to develop antiviral vaccines followed by their use as display platforms to generate any kind of vaccine. Most recently, VLPs have been employed as nanomachines to deliver pharmaceutically active products to specific sites and into specific cells in the body. Here, we focus on the use of VLPs for the development of vaccines with broad fields of indications ranging from classical vaccines against viruses to therapeutic vaccines against chronic inflammation, pain, allergy and cancer. In this review, we take a walk through time, starting with the latest developments in experimental preclinical VLP-based vaccines and ending with marketed vaccines, which earn billions of dollars every year, paving the way for the next wave of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines already visible on the horizon.

Just as a reminder here is the warfare application of attacking the microbiome with synthetic biology, which virus like nanoparticles are:

"Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology": Warfare Applications Of Attacking Populations Through Their Microbiome And Immune System

Everything that ends up in the microbiome comes through the mouth. C19 unvaccinated individual dental plaque scraping microscopy shows microrobots:

"Doc, My Dental Plaque Is Blinking" - Darkfield Microscopy Of Dental Plaque Scraping


Makes you wonder when scientist describe “insane” “new” “discoveries” they have never seen in humans and that matches the research in nanotechnology and synthetic biology which can be used for dual use warfare purposes and it so happens that altering the microbiome will alter the immune system, and brain function of humanity.

All of our recent “new discoveries” happen to be old news in the nanotechnology scientific literature… maybe those scientist should take a look at those papers…

There is nothing new under the sun… but lots of planned biowarfare.

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Geraldine May - Feb 7, 2024

Viruses are debris from the breakdown and death of cells which happens to billions of cells every day. No two viruses are the same.

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JP Spatzier - Feb 7, 2024

JP Spatzier

Viruses don’t exist. Terrain theory. Read Dr Robert Young

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