Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 11, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Mesogen microchips with microwires. Magnification 400x.
In this post I wanted to remind people that shedding and environmental exposure of self assembly nanotechnology is a reality. A patient came in to get their blood checked after spending time with COVID19 vaccinated individuals. Substack only allows so many images but in 1 drop all of this was present. People do not notice much until they get hit with a major diagnosis like turbo cancer, heart attacks or strokes. I still recommend people look at their blood and take precautions. I remain highly concerned about the EMF/5G/ AI/ HAARP grid that is transforming humanity without their knowing.
In these articles you can see that this is technology - as correlated with the self assembly seen in the COVID19 bioweapons.
Image: Polymer filament and micellar construction site. Magnification 400x.
Image: High level of fibrin, indicating acidity and distress. Magnification 400x.
Image: Multiple micellar construction sites building mesogens. Magnification 400x.
Image: Mesogen microchip. Magnification 400x.
Image: Mesogen microchip with microrobots, polymers and microwires. Magnification 2000x.
Image: Another Mesogen microchip in construction. Magnification 400x.
Image: Microwires and mesogen. Magnification 400x.
Image: Mesogen with multicolored microrobots. Magnification 400x.
Image: Mesogen and polymers with multicolored microrobots. Magnification 400x.
Image: Mesogens and surrounding blood in oxidative stress. Magnification 400x.
Image: Micellar construction sites building polymer and surrounding blood in oxidative stress. Magnification 400x.
Image: Micellar construction sites building polymer and surrounding blood in oxidative stress. Magnification 100x.
Image: Mesogen and polymers with multicolored microrobots. Magnification 400x.
The amount of self assembly nanotechnology seen in the blood is significant. I recommend people continue detoxification strategies, EMF shielding and antioxidant therapy to help regenerate electrical voltage in red blood cells.
In Volume 2 of TransHuman you can find extensive documentation on treatment protocols, Light Medicine explains the principles of how to look at molecules for their electron donor capacity and light spectra emissions, hence regenerating the biophysical organism.
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Bee Gee - Nov 12
Bee Gee
Fasting is the best way to take oral EDTA, because most of the supposed 'degradation' of EDTA in the stomach is actually the EDTA binding with other things you have eaten or drank or are still in your gut.
And its Super Easy, much much easier than fasting and Not taking EDTA.
So for $35 US dollars, Right Now, you could make a remarkable difference in the visual appearance of your blood, at the very least. $25 for some Arizona Naturals EDTA and $10 for some Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals.
And you will Feel Great, so great in fact that you might even decide to fast more days than you originally planned on.
Other things you can take during your fast that help it work better and faster but do not bind with EDTA include ALA, NAC, Glutathione, Malic Acid, Bromelain, sodium citrate and Vitamins D and E (plus Vitamin C of course).
If you want to supercharge your chelation, you can juice fresh pineapple and fresh oranges into water and drink that during your EDTA fast as well. It gives you much More bromelain and other helpful things like other isomers of C and natural citrate, etc.
Bromelain also gets into closed organ systems other things do not, like your eyeball or reproductive system... both of which are impacted by what the vaxxed are shedding. It also binds with metals, dissolves hydrogels, clears your lungs and does more things than I feel like typing.
And you can get all the juice without the fiber by peeling the whole pineapple, cutting the whole thing (including the core) into quarters then chunks.
Then chew up each chunk, swallow all the juice out of it then spit out the pulp. You can do up to one and a half pineapples a day this way, in case you are a big fan of your reproductive organs and endocrine system like I am.
And if you do All of those things while not eating for 3 or 4 or 5 days, you will feel so so so So much better. I keep trying to tell people but everyone wants to try to reinvent the wheel or put it off until who knows when.
In fact, my wife and I are about to do another EDTA fast tonight, so if you already have some EDTA and Vitamin C, you can join us. You just take some EDTA and Vitamin C and drink some water and then you dont eat.
Drink some fresh orange juice or fresh pineapple juice then a lot more water and repeat. We do it when we get up, about halfway through the day and then a few hours before bed, to get an even distribution. And I think you will be glad you did.
And if you have any of those other things I listed above you can take them too...
but even just EDTA and C helps Immensely, as long as you take it hours away from all the other things it will bind with. And do not take anything it will bind with.
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Warrior - Nov 12
Beyond Treason
Somebody did this at very high levels of DOD and USA government.
They need to be found out and held accountable.
They seem to be fearless, and most know that Elon and others in deep state want to put brain chips into humans.
Recently Dr. Dietrich Klinghart, another brilliant truth telling Dr and scientist (USA but German origin) talked about the human PINEAL gland is being destroyed via calcification.
He has studied this and says FOUR things are responsible and they are intentionally trying to STOP intelligent thinking.
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