Darkfield Live Blood Analysis COVID19…

Nov 11, 2024

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Image: Mesogen microchips with microwires.


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

Fasting is the best way to take oral EDTA, because most of the supposed 'degradation' of EDTA in the stomach is actually the EDTA binding with other things you have eaten or drank or are still in your gut.
And its Super Easy, much much easier than fasting and Not taking EDTA.
So for $35 US dollars, Right Now, you could make a remarkable difference in the visual appearance of your blood, at the very least. $25 for some Arizona Naturals EDTA and $10 for some Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals.
And you will Feel Great, so great in fact that you might even decide to fast more days than you originally planned on.
Other things you can take during your fast that help it work better and faster but do not bind with EDTA include ALA, NAC, Glutathione, Malic Acid, Bromelain, sodium citrate and Vitamins D and E (plus Vitamin C of course).
If you want to supercharge your chelation, you can juice fresh pineapple and fresh oranges into water and drink that during your EDTA fast as well. It gives you much More bromelain and other helpful things like other isomers of C and natural citrate, etc.
Bromelain also gets into closed organ systems other things do not, like your eyeball or reproductive system... both of which are impacted by what the vaxxed are shedding. It also binds with metals, dissolves hydrogels, clears your lungs and does more things than I feel like typing.
And you can get all the juice without the fiber by peeling the whole pineapple, cutting the whole thing (including the core) into quarters then chunks.
Then chew up each chunk, swallow all the juice out of it then spit out the pulp. You can do up to one and a half pineapples a day this way, in case you are a big fan of your reproductive organs and endocrine system like I am.
And if you do All of those things while not eating for 3 or 4 or 5 days, you will feel so so so So much better. I keep trying to tell people but everyone wants to try to reinvent the wheel or put it off until who knows when.
In fact, my wife and I are about to do another EDTA fast tonight, so if you already have some EDTA and Vitamin C, you can join us. You just take some EDTA and Vitamin C and drink some water and then you dont eat.
Drink some fresh orange juice or fresh pineapple juice then a lot more water and repeat. We do it when we get up, about halfway through the day and then a few hours before bed, to get an even distribution. And I think you will be glad you did.
And if you have any of those other things I listed above you can take them too...
but even just EDTA and C helps Immensely, as long as you take it hours away from all the other things it will bind with. And do not take anything it will bind with.


Desert Nomad - Nov 12

Desert Nomad's Substack

Be careful with that chewing up pineapple for the juice. The juice is acid and can erode the enamel of your teeth.


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

I have vamped (as my wife calls it) many many entire pineapples, I would guess over a hundred, so probably literal hours with fresh pineapple contacting my teeth and I have not found that to be the case.
Of course I am also primarily on the carnivore diet and so have much harder teeth than most people so it may be a concern for others but not for me.
Thanks though, it may be an issue for some people which I had not considered.


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

Could be, but Im not sold on the D is poison and EDTA doesnt bind with it, so I will keep taking it.
Also I previously took 50,000 iu's a day for nearly 60 days straight and had no negative issues, but to each their own.
I can understand your point of view though and IMO its less important than EDTA and Malic Acid and Vitamins E and C so dont take D if you dont want to.
Im just telling people what I do.


Monique - Nov 15

Monique’s For the Love of Truth…

I was low on my vitamin D in 2019. I took this and in a little over a month my levels were back to where they needed to be:https://gardenoflife.com/organics-vegan-d3-organic-spray-vanilla?srsltid=AfmBOoqmwVgeJX7ednYTV1Yz8qHogk4KSHnT7mAgf8dnodd9yVsU1hMp


Floris - Nov 12

thanx but i dont do those. just herbs and no wifi or smartmeter.


Wendy Peppercorn - Nov 13

Bee Gee

Some vitamins ARE poison/not pure. I would try to use the best quality as possible. Now that Pharma is buying out vitamin makers it will be even more charro know what’s what!
Btw I take 50,000 ius vit D a day as well and have for 2 years. (I’m not recommending anything here) My naturopathic oncologist tests regularly for that and all my other levels as well. The most challenging so far though is to eat properly after a lifetime of eating unhealthy.
All of this stuff about chelation and such is quite overwhelming, I don’t think I’m up to figuring it all out.


Bee Gee - Nov 15

Bee Gee

Yeah, that definitely could be but unless you have a testing lab, how do you really Know which are bad and which arent? Everybody Says they have the best quality, but how do you really know? At some point you have to just do it and take the things that are proven to work from whatever source you think is best.
And this stuff seems difficult but its not really, start with the proven solution, EDTA and Vitamin C.
Its cheap and works if you take it right. You can add other things later that will help but those are the most important ones. Just take it 2 or preferably more hours away form anything else it will bind with. And if you want it to work a whole lot better, you can fast and take EDTA and Vitamin C, thats what I do now.


Warrior - Nov 12

Beyond Treason

Somebody did this at very high levels of DOD and USA government.
They need to be found out and held accountable.
They seem to be fearless, and most know that Elon and others in deep state want to put brain chips into humans.
Recently Dr. Dietrich Klinghart, another brilliant truth telling Dr and scientist (USA but German origin) talked about the human PINEAL gland is being destroyed via calcification.
He has studied this and says FOUR things are responsible and they are intentionally trying to STOP intelligent thinking.


Robert Broska - Nov 12


I heard that pharmaceutical company employees were not required to take the jab, as well as Congressmen's families.


Stephan - Nov 12




Linda Tanner - Nov 11

Linda Tanner

Amazing and creepy at the same time, that so much nanotech can be found in one drop of blood from an unjabbed individual! Can't thank Dr Ana anough for continuing this good fight.
And just for the record, I did order her three books, and am waiting for Volume 2 of the TransHuman set, as it was out-of-stock every time I checked. But so far, I have to say that just seeing the color pics in Volume 1 makes it worth its weight in gold. Am still reading her Light Medicine which is also blowing my mind. So much to learn, so little time!


Stephan - Nov 12


Imagine what's in the rest of our body!!


Lady Nenari Anne Diamond - Nov 12

WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, …

Thank you for this article Ana, it is much appreciated! It is important for folk to understand that this is not just from the recent vaccines that the unvaccinated are getting this, this is from any and all vaccines we have all had since we were wee bairns (children) as this is been on for alot longer than just the four years. I speak in depth about this here in my two episodes of my podcasthttps://wordsofwisdomwithladynenari.substack.com/p/thriving-aliveness-part-one?r=1s0o4candhttps://wordsofwisdomwithladynenari.substack.com/p/thriving-aliveness-part-two?r=1s0o4c
and it also takes more than just EDTA to detox from all of this because it is from birth for most of us and is embedded in the fats cells of our brains and bodies


Stephan - Nov 12




Lady Nenari Anne Diamond - Nov 13

WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, …

Agreed. It is indeed, sadly....


Stephan - Nov 13


God made us perfect! No BIOWEAPON πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ EVER needed. Greatest Mass MURDER agenda ever.


JP - Nov 12


If you are reading messages, Dr. Ana, it seems that there is definitely a correlation with morgellons and the fingertips. With a little marvin pocket microscope or even a 30X Carson, affected people can see the fibers on their fingerpads or in the nail beds. They work their way up the nail (black lines) and once they reach the tip, they are fibrous. Mostly black but sometimes in various vibrant colors. Many people have been complaining of a pinching feeling in their fingertips or a sensation like a sliver (yet no sliver is present). What they would find, if they looked closely, is that Morgellons is working its way out of the fingertips. Is it a detoxing affect? Why the fingertips? We've checked elsewhere on the body and do not see these fibers. Only on the fingertips/finger-pads. Thank you for being a voice for all of us, researching this, and coming up with solutions.


Stephan - Nov 12


That's crazy and scary. I'd totally freakout if I'd see fibers coming out my fingertips!



CLIVE’s Newsletter

check out a you tube video by dr john campbell....new global health body


Mary Cox - Nov 11

Thank you for reminding me! EDTA tonight SL then supplements in am. 🀩
Stay well everyone!πŸ›πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ•ŠοΈ


Felicia U - Nov 12

Thank you for this amazing work.
Do you have the same kind of darkfield analysis of live blood of Vaccinated individuals?
It would be so helpful to see what that would bring up - differences and similarities.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 12 - Edited

P.’s Substack

[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.


TagiosItaly - Nov 12 - Edited

P.’s Substack

can you tell me what is the patent number of Bill Gates you are talking about and where is the edta mentioned?


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 12 - Edited

P.’s Substack

I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.


TagiosItaly - Nov 12 - Edited

Bee Gee

Thank you for your story. It is especially useful that you have acquired weapons to defend yourself. I have been following the graphene situation for about 4 years, and I still have not found how to completely eliminate graphene from the body.
Unfortunately, vitamin C does not eliminate graphene oxide, but reduces it, as you can read herehttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20126730/
basically from GO you go to simple Graphene.
"Reduction is the transfer of electrons between species in a chemical reaction, where there is a process of gaining electrons or a decrease in the oxidation state by an element."
While regarding EDTA, the latter only works in the intracellular space, so all the graphene already absorbed by the nervous system remains there. EDTA cannot cross the cell membrane, nor the blood-brain barrier.
All the tests that were done by Doc. Ana Mihalcea, had the nanobots in vitro, taken with a blood sample. All the nanobots already present in the brain, how do we eliminate them?


Bee Gee - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

EDTA does enter the cell wall and cross the blood brain barrier. Read more research.


TagiosItaly - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

absolutely not. Go and look at the official studies on pubmed etc.


Bee Gee - Nov 13 - Edited

Bee Gee

Meh, believe as you wish. There are many many studies on EDTA for almost 100 years, with Many More on science direct and many other places besides Pubmed.
Although there are many on Pubmed Too, heres one about EDTA and Neurotoxicity:
Just put "neurodegenerative diseases EDTA" into any search engine and read the Full Text, not the abstract.
It Does cross the blood brain barrier but they dont know exactly How.


Mrnobody - Nov 12


Rife technology, check out Paulette's sub stack


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 12

P.’s Substack

I do not know. I personally am a water faster for the past 40 + years. The EDTA has acted like a water fast in very specail ways during the first 9 days of taking it and not fasting other then at night.
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting


P. Brooks McGinnis - Nov 12

P.’s Substack

Dr Anna Maria offeres some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's


Saxxon Creative - Nov 12

Saxxon’s Newsletter

Have you ever tried homeopathics under the microscope with these blood samples?
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that uses highly diluted substances, including heavy metals like lead, to treat various health conditions. The use of lead in homeopathics has raised concerns due to the potential risks associated with lead poisoning.
Antidotes for Lead Poisoning
According to Joette Calabrese, a homeopathic practitioner, two homeopathic medicines are commonly used to antidote lead poisoning: Plumbum metallicum and Causticum. Plumbum metallicum is a powerful homeopathic remedy that has been consistently used worldwide to treat lead poisoning, while Causticum is another effective antidote, particularly for mercury and lead poisoning.


Eccentrik - Nov 12

Eccentrik’s Substack

I wonder if there's a correlation between all this and those strange white fibrous 'clots' developing inside people?


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

Yes. The blood polymerization and nanotech self-replication in the blood leads to the gray clots.


Eccentrik - Nov 13

Eccentrik’s Substack

I wanna see more compositional analyses of this stuff, what's the hold up?


Bee Gee - Nov 13

Bee Gee

You havent read enough.
She has done some, Mike Adams has done some ICMPP testing on elemental structure, Richard Hirschmann has sent many samples to many people.
But Dr Ana is very busy since she is actually a practicing doctor, unlike many substackers and she cant restate Everything Everytime.
Its actually kind of irritating to those of us that Have been following this work for years, because she keeps restating the same things over and over and over again for the people who just learned about it.
Half her substacks over the past few months are just restating what she (and others) had already proven and we already knew for a long time now.
Over and Over and Over again.... Makes me wish I could get transferred to the smart kids class.
Here is her rumble channel though, some of the videos there have more of the concrete details you are looking for.


Eccentrik - Nov 13

Eccentrik’s Substack

oh yea, I’ve definitely looked into all the Adams, Hirschman, O’Looney, Haviland stuff and written on it (not just the analyses but ‘calamari’ prevalence in general), but I’ll admit I’m just getting familiar with Dr. Ana.
thanks for the link, it’s frustrating for me and I’m relatively new to the game, so I imagine it’s frustrating for ppl in the nanotech space for a while!


Seth G - Nov 11

Seth G

Just make a post of all pictures I’ve seen that done on here


WrittenintheStars - Nov 12 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

Are the unvaccinated those who are having relations ( sexual ) with those vaccinated , or is it just the entire population of unvaccinated who carry these technologies ? You are not being clear . Thanks for a reply .


TagiosItaly - Nov 12 - Edited

Comment removed.


TagiosItaly - Nov 12

Activated charcoal is simply graphenehttps://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/a-greener-way-to-make-graphene#:~:text=Researchers%20at%20Virginia%20Tech%20have,wonder%20material%E2%80%9D%20from%20coal%20refuse.&text=In%202010%2C%20physicists%20Andre%20Geim,versatile%20new%20material%20called%20graphene.


kaal - Nov 12


former Harris aid calls 4 Biden 2 resign- so perhaps after the prophesy of Mr t assassination Ms Kamala gets in unelected destroys the constitution[ maybe amidst the civil war reaction] then the ac- that's what I remember from masters voice prophecy blog- from some time ago- I think/


kaal - Nov 12


fall of an/ THE idol.


kaal - Nov 12


clicked on someone critisizing out pouring gates[ he is true] she is Jennifer leclaire - she is not sorry 2 judge and now my utube is filled w prophets fake.


Tara Threesix9 - Nov 12 - Edited

Tara Threesix9

This EDTA is unavailable in Canada and other countries. Do you have a safe alternative?


Gwendolyn Jones - Nov 12 - Edited

Gwendolyn’s Substack

Amazon sells EDTA.


Tara Threesix9 - Nov 12 - Edited

Tara Threesix9

There are a lot of contaminated products on the market right now, sadly. I rather not take any chances and go with reputable brands which have been tested by third parties and independents.


Mary Cox - Nov 12

Joe’s Substack

Healthy Drops liposomal EDTA is what I use as it was the initial brand Dr Anna recommended .


Joe - Nov 12

Joe’s Substack

she used to recommend MEDfive but now global healing, no explanation was given


Bee Gee - Nov 12 - Edited

Bee Gee

I use Arizona Naturals oral EDTA and I still have a little MedFive EDTA as well.
Im not sure who you trust for your testing though, many people find many things, and they often conflict. Or sometimes people do not find things in a brand they previously did.
Also you do not know the people who are 'finding' the 'things' methodology, perhaps it is in their water and not the product they are testing, for example.
There is no perfect solution nor perfect source so at some point, I think people really need to take advantage of the solutions that have been provided to them while they still can.
EDTA and Vitamin C Works, and as long as people take them properly, I have yet to see any brand that Didnt or anyone whose blood got worse after taking it... regardless of what people say they have found in it.


Joe - Nov 12

Joe’s Substack

medfive i take to every 3rd day as i work from home and rarely see anyone


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

MedFive is good but overpriced IMO, try Arizona, it doesnt really get degraded by stomach acid. Its also a financial better deal and has more EDTA per dose as well.


Joe - Nov 12

Joe’s Substack

global healing from health ranger store sells cilantro type of chelator, EDTA is oly good because it chelates metals


Warrior - Nov 12

Beyond Treason

I buy EDTA off I herb and yes, you can have it delivered to Canada.
Unfortunately, via oral supplemt, you need a LOT. (hard to absorb)
IV therapy would be far superior along with IV vitamin C.
PS YES you can take ALOYT of vitamin C daily and it is absorbed despite big pharma lies. and this was proven by Dr. Owen Funorow under the supervision of Dr. Steve Hickey during CoVid.
Dr. Steve Hickey has many books on Ascorbic Acid andi is considered the world leading expert.


Bee Gee - Nov 12

Bee Gee

Its not hard to absorb through your stomach and stomach acid doesnt degrade EDTA at all, thats both the conventional wisdom and an old wives tale...
but you Do need to take it far away from other things it will bind with.
And if you do That, it works fine...
much better than taking much less of a 'better' formulation. And how many people are really taking 20 drops at a time anyway? To get 225mg of EDTA... Pass.
Also many of the vitamins C's people are taking have other things in it that Binds With EDTA, whereas they would have been better off just taking the cheapest C as ascorbic crystals with nothing else in it.
The program works, if you work the program, to steal someone elses line.


Stephan - Nov 12


EDTA is an ACID!


Joe - Nov 13

Joe’s Substack

but if u take it 2-3 hours after eating and before eating then your fine


TagiosItaly - Nov 12

how many drops of edta and other products recommended by the doctor should i take every day?
i also bought methylene blue


Joe - Nov 13

Joe’s Substack

yeah but oral edta is also absorb good,


Warrior - Nov 13

Beyond Treason

I was simply following Dr. Ana's comments.
Naturally there ate many variables as to absorption such as...
Taking at appropriate time
microbiome health


Joe - Nov 18

Joe’s Substack

Dr ana used to advised the public to use MEDFIVE but recently changed for no apparent reason which does throw off unanswered questions onto why


Joe - Nov 18

Joe’s Substack

agreed on it depends on your body type and weight ect…however im sure no matter what the amount u take from 100 to 800 mg per day still helps


Tracy - Nov 22

Hi, When fasting and only taking pineapple and orange juice do you need to wait a couple of hours after taking EDTA before the juices? Thanks



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