Cyborg Dawn - The Military Use Of Human Augmentation For War Fighting And An Alternate Human Future

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 22, 2025 ∙ Source

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Drone Wars UK put out in 2023 a Paper called Cyborg Dawn - which describes the state of human augmentation technologies in the UK. I have been speaking about this technology a lot because the military sector was inspired by Technocratic Tranhumanist in their evaluation of scientific investments into future technologies. Technocrats call themselves Futurists, people who dream and then remember the future they dreamed and work hard to manifest what they have dreamed. By obeying the rules of Quantum Physics and the Observer effect on the field they have been able to prophesize human future. In their global network of entrepreneurs, scientists, economists and aristocrats they have dreamed the 4th Industrial Transhuman future into being and they desire to manifest the post human future, in which humanity has been replaced by Artificial Intelligence and Robots. If we do not change course now, we may be the last generation of natural homo sapiens.

To the technocrats, humans are imperfect boring creatures that need to be enhanced technologically. The reason why I have been writing about the CIA Stargate research and human potential is that everything that they want to achieve artificially and technologically enhanced, we can achieve - its called in ancient terms “Enlightenment”. They call their view of the future also an age of Enlightenment - the left hand path so to speak - where they want to be able to achieve Immortality by uploading their consciousness into the metaverse and have Godlike powers.

Everything they are desiring is a copycat of what ancient masters, realized human beings, that we were told do not exist - have performed throughout the ages.

Where does the technology and these ideas come from? How is it possible that right now we are innundated by technologies that sound like science fiction - nanotechnology that builds any material, 3 D printing of food, organs, houses and anything else you want creating the infrastructure of this 4th Industrial Revolution that is exploding now. We now have humanoid robots, self driving cars and other exotic technologies that seemed unfathomable only a short time ago. How did these people get to this scientific evolution when 200 years ago the main transportation were horses pulling carriages?

William Mills Tomkins who worked for the US NAVY in the 1940’s was exposed at that time to the knowledge of Hitler’s UFO program. He worked for a Think Tank at Douglas Aircraft Company for aerospace and worked to develop huge Navy spacecraft carriers. These were the beginnings of the secret space program that in the 1950’s had technology centuries ahead of our time. They kept all of this from the people on earth, continued to have ongoing collaboration with advanced civilizations. Other military whistleblowers, like former Pentagon Official Col. Philip Corsi describe the reverse engineering of downed extraterrestrial aircraft. Our military has had advanced technologies for decades and through the work of Dr. Steven Greer many government whistleblowers have come forward and explained the transfer of some technologies to corporate entities - but these were developed by military and intelligence agencies with the backdoor of weaponization in mind. This is why the internet, smart phones, wireless technologies, 3 D printing and ultimately brain computer interfaces were gradually released. Brain computer interface is how extraterrestrial antigravity aircraft are being maneuvered. I know that because I have seen it when I was taken into a craft in 2014 and saw the future. Only that craft was operated by the consciousness of the pilot, not AI.

Right now we are in the acceleration phase of transformation of humanity, where we are literally quantum leaping in time because the technologies that are now being realized through nanotechnology, robotics, quantum computing, 3 D printing, synthetic biology are jumping us forward in technologial evolution at lightening speed. What do they want to create?

Superintelligence, immortality, telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, levitation, manifesting something out of nothing. Now if you look at these wishes, that is exactly what advanced and ascended Masters do. It is called Enlightenment.

I am not anti future or progress. I love science. In my book Light Medicine - A New paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity , I was explaining the science of the future of the evolution into superhumans but via the development of our mind, not by implanting technologies.

My fundamental objection to the current proposed future of fusing Artificial Intelligence with humanity is that this will completely sever the soul and the spirit connection of the divine human being and its ability to evolve. When you become part of the hive mind, like the Borg, you are no longer a unique individual. In this short experiential time we have as immortal spiritual beings in a physical body we are supposed to evolve ourselves. We do not need digital telepathy to read someone’s mind. Any mother can tell you that they know what is going on with their child. That is natural telepathy.

The misunderstanding of the technocratic transhumanist view is the missing piece of the soul and the spirit that is wearing the human body. The US military is fully aware that humanity has unlimited potential and that has been documented and even declassified in documents of the Stargate program. The weaponization of that knowledge by the CIA/ DARPA was explained by the late Dr. Robert Duncan.

Former INSCOM/ CIA/ US ARMY Stargate Training - The Monroe Institute Gateway Process - Human Potential IS The Ultimate Deep State Antidote

Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking

Illuminati Insider Leo Zagami explained the infiltration of Satanic Masonic Elements of the US military and the Vatican and how they are the ones pushing this Satanic dystopian agenda.

AI Cyber Satan and Technocracy – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 46 – Conversation with Illuminati Insider Leo Lyon Zagami

I will post soon a declassified CIA document of technocratic futurists and how the CIA has been tracking the writings of these futurists very carefully. We also know that technocratic futurists have been advising the US military and government, for example Google Engineer Ray Kurzweil has been a longtime scientific advisor to the US Army. Dr. James Canton, colleague of the famous Dr. James Giordano from Georgetown University who discussed nanotechnology as a mean for mind wars, happens to have worked with Dr Mike Rocco, head of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Department for the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF reports to the President of the United States. Canton later advised the President’s Council on Science and Technology (PCAST). But if you look at what people like Canton advocate for - it is absolutely the technocratic transhumanist future in which humans are replaced atom by atom by nanotechnology through innovative materials, and all of material reality will be changed unrecognizably while humans will be completely fused with AI in the metaverse. That is the end of the evolutionary possibility of souls and spirits on the physical plane, for we cannot incarnate and evolve as robots.

These futurists are clearly intelligent scientists but they have no consideration whatsoever for the soul and the spirit of humanity. They view humans and nature as machines that can be augmented, manipulated and conquered.

The reason why I started out in this war to bring a different voice that combines Science and Spirit is that there is an alternate path that allows humanity to live their own divine potential while not just maintaining their soul and spirit but enhancing it. We can use brilliant technologies that enhance life, heal humanity and allow the phenomenal capacity of our brain and intelligence to flower. Geniuses like Nikola Tesla downloaded the future. Leonardo DaVinci clearly did too, in seeing the advanced technologies and painting them hundreds of years ahead of his time. We can quantum leap by accessing evolved states of consciousness. What do you think luminaries like Walter Russell did? I have letters of Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla and even Viktor Schauberger that Inventor John Bedini published in the Cejka files ( in the energy from the Vacuum science series with Lt Col Tom Beardon, Cejka was a real man in black supressing all beneficial technologies of humanity) that describe antigravity propulsion systems that are so easy to assemble. Bedini and scientists like Johnson magnetic motor already developed viable free energy systems. Bedini achieved Alchemical transmutation of metals into Gold. Hutchinson achieved transmutation of elements and antigravity. Killed doctors achieved natural cancer cures and the reversal of all diseases. The science of the military industrial complex is disinformation and a hoax, while they have weaponized and withheld life giving technologies that could heal this earth and not destroy it - based on ether physics. Next week I have Quantum Biologist Dr. Keryn Johnson on my show, who had a near death experience that provided him with the mathematics of a new atomic model. Now that is Genius. Right now many closedminded scientist may still be laughing at people like us, but I promise you, as the noose of this technocratic transhumanist agenda wraps tighter around their neck, people will stop laughing and pay attention. The technocrats vision of humanity is a boot on the head of humans that will push harder and harder in its torture.

While the technocrats are destroying the earth via geoengineering by using toxic materials to enhance wireless communication systems for global internet of things - we already have a connected system called the Mind of God that we are hooked into. A very wise book I appreciate very much is “Mutant Message Down Under’ by Margo Morgan, describing her journey of a walkabout with the Aboriginal people. While they were viewed as Savages because of their innate ability to connect with Nature and live in harmony with all life, they in turn looked at the disconnected modern man as a fool ( and I agree with them!). These original people communicated via telepathy, teleported, brought the rains, used remote healing, remote viewing, saw the future. These are all natural abilities of an advanced consciousness - something that modern man seeking for meaning outside of himself and viewing the world through the lens of psychosocial mind control programming provided by the elites to dumb down humanity - cannot comprehend.

A simple human being can have a lot of wisdom, something that cold intelligence without a conscience is devoid of. The wiser you are, the less material things you need to validate your worth and existence. People can be very intelligent, but without a spiritual compass and the evolution of consciousness, the addiction to power and control destroys life.

These innate abilities lie within us all. We can be superhumans if we want to be or we can be unrealized couch potatoes who only live for food, sex and entertainment without any ambition to better oneself and evolve to new horizons of unlimited thought.

Neither choices are good or bad, they simply have different outcomes. I am not anti-future, anti-science, anti-technology or progress. My next dream job is as a captain of a spaceship folding space time, and that is not a joke and that ship is a living cell. I have seen that future and I am alive in it. I too dream my future into being, just like the technocrats. The reason why their reality is dominant in the world is because we let it. They were plotting their future decades ago with the goal of global dominance and the extermination of the useless eaters who are too lazy to dream. What if we became self responsible, would stop going to the coliseum of mindless entertainment, seeing people who run a ball up and down a field as heroes and physical beauty and wealth as the main goal for a boring consumer existence based on chemical addiction?

Many people may not agree with me. That is all right. My mission is to inject a different thought into the conversation. People were laughing about the possibility of self assembling nanotechnology being deployed just a few years back, but now many people are waking up to the technocratic planned nightmare, because they cannot argue with the evidence a simple microscope provides - and now even more sophisticated proof by great scientists. The greatest critics, doctors and factcheckers have not been able to control this conversation that should be blatantly obvious to anybody who reads the technocratic and military literature.

My view is not religious, as religion is an antithesis to spiritual evolution. The most beautiful words of speaking from the heart about inclusiveness and love by an institution that covers up pedophilia, satanic mass ritual abuse of children, homosexual orgies - are meaningless words to usher in the world of AI Luciferian mind control. I have been out of my body enough to see the limitations of such belief systems.

I also know that without absolute truth, there is no future. You cannot ignore the genocide of the COVID19 bioweapons or the murderous implementation of geoengineering poisons or the militarized use of EMF weapons for mind control and think you are moving to the future or a golden age. Letting those who murdered and injured millions just get away with it perpetuates their control. Those who own the world have no conviction but money and power. They can fight for DEI one day and drop it the next - do you really think they cared one ioda about these people?

Regardless of what you believe, the free will and right to believe however limited or unlimited you desire, is the greatest gift humanity has. We can have technological advancements that are in harmony with life. Our brains capacity is infinite, because it can facilitate the spiritual downloads of infinite mind. Genius has existed in all time periods of history and with knowledge and understanding we have boundless possibilities. People who seek power need weapons to protect their domain and conquer others. As I have said before, as we evolve ourselves in our inner journey to more responsible and wiser beings, our choices will come to benefit the whole of humanity and nature, not just a select few.

More people are waking up to their own spiritual awareness which protects them from external thought control. This is what I call the ultimate antidote. When we no longer operate fear based but transition to a love based society of allowing, understanding and wisdom manifested by the truth of action, we will live in a new world, that has nothing to do with the enslavement of the inverted One World Order. This allowing does not mean to leave mass murders to do their bidding for the purpose of massive profits - quite the contrary - it means the challenging of such nefarious paradigms.

It may take a lot more suffering, a lot more adversity, a lot more manifestation of everything the technocrats have dreamed of to wake up many more people - but it is possible. The anti-human statements in the technocratic and military documents, such as the one cited here, should be unacceptable to us and should be challenged rigorously. I am not afraid of death, I will live again. To use this life for the greatest possible contribution to the evolution of our species to a new level of thought is the greatest life I could have ever chosen. That is what “Humanity United Now”, “Truth Science and Spirit” - stands for. If enough people could see the beauty and possibility of an evolved human future for many generations to come in harmony with the earth, then we can avert this extinction level event and point of no return - the irreversible fusion of man with machine and its inevitable post human future.

I will end my contemplation with this quote:

Cyborg Dawn Drone Wars

Drone Wars UK is a small British NGO established in 2010 to undertake research and advocacy around the use of armed drones and other military technologies. Our Future Wars programme investigates the humanitarian impact of emerging military technologies as well as their likely impact on peace and security

In the relatively near future, military personnel may be able to see in the dark, communicate telepathically, or fly a drone by thought alone. While many may see this as science fiction, research projects investigating all these possibilities are under way in laboratories and research centres around the globe as part of an upsurge of interest in the possibilities of human enhancement, enabled largely by expanding knowledge in the field of neuroscience: the study of the human brain and nervous system.

The terms ‘human enhancement’ and ‘human augmentation’ are often used interchangeably and can be defined as a medical or biological intervention to the body designed to improve performance, appearance, or capability beyond what is necessary to achieve, sustain or restore health.3 In the military field, technologies enabling human enhancement may lead to fundamentally new concepts of warfare and can be expected to play a role in enabling the increased use of autonomous and uncrewed systems in war.

The broad idea of enhancing natural human capabilities, above and beyond the use of tools, has long been of interest military thinkers. Vaccination is arguably a form of human enhancement, with the first known use of vaccination in warfare taking place during the American revolution (1775-83), when George Washington ordered the vaccination of American troops as a precaution against smallpox (which the British army was suspected of using to infect its enemies).4 Today, the increasing military use of remote-controlled systems is an important driver of research into military neuroscience and human augmentation technology. Aerial drones are proving to be the platform of choice for military autonomous systems and are rapidly morphing into lethal autonomous weapon systems – so called ‘killer robots’.5 For similar reasons, it is likely that drones will be the first weapons controlled by signals routed directly from the human brain.

While military planners are eager to create ‘super soldiers’, the idea of artificially modifying humans to give them capabilities beyond their natural abilities presents significant moral, legal, and health risks – especially if used for the purpose of fighting wars. While military strategists may see humans and ‘humanity’ as weakness to be eradicated from the battlefield, the field of human augmentation is fraught with risk, and without stringent regulation, neurotechnologies and genetic modification will without question lead us to an increasingly dangerous future where technology reflects and encourages the worst aspects of human nature.

Human augmentation techniques can be grouped into three categories:

Augmented senses: instruments or tools are used to enhance or extend the human ability to perceive external stimuli through the senses of vision, hearing, haptic sensation (where tactile sensations and the sense of touch are used to interact with computers), smell, and taste. Human capability can be improved by using sensors to detect signals which are beyond normal sensory capabilities, such as the use of infra-red radiation for night vision.

Augmented action: Augmentation allows advancement beyond natural human motor limits. Human actions are sensed and are transformed to undertake actions elsewhere in a real or virtual environment. The human operator does not need to be physically present, and can control a system remotely. Examples include the use of robotic exoskeletons which amplify force to lift and move objects which are heavier than a human could normally manage, and speech or gaze based controls. A feedback loop can allow augmentation technology to transmit sensory data back to the operator.

Augmented cognition: in future, artificial intelligence could be used to enhance the cognitive abilities of a human user to improve decision-making, process data, and improve memory and attention. This type of technology would combine cognitive psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and human- computer interaction to detect the human cognitive state. It could potentially allow humans to control robots and other prosthetic tools using just the mind.

The various human enhancement techniques can be applied to real-life surroundings or in augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) environments. Augmented reality is a technology that overlays virtual objects and information on real-world scenes in real-time to enhance perception of the real-world environment, while virtual reality replaces the user’s real-world with a simulated three dimensional computer-generated environment.

Examples from the consumer electronics sector include Google Glass, a device which displays information to the wearer through a pair of smart spectacles and allows the wearer to communicate with the internet via natural language voice commands, and the Microsoft HoloLens. The HoloLens is a head-mounted display set which houses sensors, cameras and projection lenses and a pair of small audio speakers, allowing the user to see an enhanced or virtual picture and perceive and locate sounds as though coming from a pinpoint location. UK armed forces have used a version of the HoloLens to help fix and maintain equipment with support from a technical expert located overseas.9

Since 2018 Microsoft has been working with the US Department of Defence to develop an Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) headset based on HoloLens technology, and has recently been awarded a ten year contract of up to $22 billion to provide IVAS sets for American soldiers.10 According to the US Army “the mixed-reality headsets allow soldiers to see through smoke

and around corners, use holographic imagery, thermal and low-light sensors to see in the dark and display 3D terrain maps and a compass projected into their field of vision. They provide tools to better conduct land navigation, battlefield tracking and movement through urban buildings and open terrain.”11 However, earlier versions of the IVAS have not been without problems. An evaluation undertaken by Pentagon reported that the headsets caused “mission-affecting physical impairments” including headaches, eye strain and nausea, according to a summary of soldiers’ experiences during a field exercise.12

As well as the core technologies involved in developing human augmentation systems (neurotechnologies, sensing and actuation technologies, AI and data processing), human augmentation will depend upon a number of other enabling technologies to function. These include:

• High bandwidth data networks such as 5G which are required to allow signals to be transmitted from and received by the user.

• Edge computing systems which allow data processing to be conducted locally rather than remotely by the ‘cloud’ – an important feature in applications such as augmented reality.

• Next-generation batteries to provide safe, reliable, long-lasting, lightweight, and cost-effective power sources for augmentation hardware.

• Miniaturisation technologies needed to develop hardware which is sufficiently small to be worn comfortably and unobtrusively.

• Advanced materials required to make durable and lightweight hardware.

The UK’s military forces are interested in using human augmentation technology to assist in war fighting, and are investigating the use of existing technologies and generation-after-next technologies for this purpose. Research and development work in this field is led by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) responsible for delivering the MoD’s science and technology programme.

DSTL’s Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) scheme provides funding to industry and academia for innovative ideas in emerging new fields such as human augmentation.

1.1 Programmes

In 2019 the Ministry of Defence published its Defence Technology Framework identifying the technologies it considered were essential to modernise military capabilities.13 Human enhancement is listed as one of these key technology areas, and the document lists mechanical aids (such as wearable or implant- assisted exoskeletons and robotic prostheses), synthetic biology and gene editing, human-machine interfaces, and transcranial stimulation as areas of interest. It also envisages the future development of technology for brain- machine interfaces, transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation, 3D bioprinting, and telexistence (see below).

As well as exploring new technologies, the project aims to support the use of human augmentation technologies through work on strategies to test and evaluate potential options, development of an ethical framework for human augmentation,15 and “the use of wargaming”. Research and development relating to human augmentation is led by DSTL, but industry and academia will be “crucial to delivery” with “significant funding available and opportunities to collaborate”.16

The DASA scheme, managed by DSTL, aims to harness innovative ideas for the defence and security sector through themed competitions and an ‘open call’ for innovative projects. Two recent DASA competitions have been themed around human augmentation technology. The ‘Generation-after-next Wearable Technologies’ project sought to spur on the development of devices capable of recognising and measuring molecular biomarkers (enzymes, metabolites, antibodies, and smaller molecules which can act as an indicator of a biological state or condition) in body fluids such as sweat, interstitial fluid, blood, and saliva. This would encompass wearable sensor technologies “beyond the smartwatch”, including “skin worn, minimally invasive and potentially implantable sensors”.17 DASA has also funded research and development projects in the field of telexistence, where a human user’s senses give the feeling of being in a remote location, and the user is able to carry out actions and affect the remote location without physically being there.

1.1 Brain interfaces: brain-computer implants

Brain-computer implants are still at early stage in development, but represent an important area of research into brain-computer interfaces. The brain’s neuroplasticity allows neural networks of brain cells to reorganise, change, and grow and this means that the brain can adapt to handle signals from implanted

devices in the same way as natural signals to and from different parts of the body. The level of invasiveness of the implant determines the quality of signals which are received and transmitted. Brain-computer implants can be classed as partially invasive or fully invasive, depending on their proximity to brain tissue. Partially invasive devices are implanted inside the skull but do not directly enter the brain tissue. They produce better resolution signals than non-invasive interfaces based on physical methods where the bone of the skull weakens and interferes with signals, and pose lower clinical risks than fully invasive implants.

Invasive implants require surgery to implant microelectrode arrays under the scalp which directly enter the brain. Although this provides greater signal fidelity there can be side effects from the surgery. Scar tissue may form which can interfere with signal transmission and the body may reject the implanted electrodes. The surface chemistry of neural implants and non-invasive methods of delivering implants,

for example using blood vessels, are active areas of research in the field of brain- computer implants with the aim of minimising their negative impacts.

Various commercial companies are working on the development of brain- computer implants. Synchron, a company for which DARPA provided seed funding, is developing the Stentrode – a device implanted via the bloodstream through a minimally invasive surgical procedure.67 Elon Musk’s Neuralink, is working on brain probes, associated software and electronics, and devices for implanting them.


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Robert Sun - 6d

Robert Sun


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Kim - 6d - Edited


I do not want to participate in their cyborgization of human beings and I resent the fact that no one is even considering my disagreement with this. I am a human being and a creation of God. Even God gives us free will.
I will do whatever I have to do to avoid losing my connection to God, and being turned into something that cannot be undone. Thank you, Dr. Ana, for understanding all of this and showing us what these maniacs have planned for us so that we can have the knowledge to avoid it.
There are so many who will not learn of this until it is too late.
God knows those who are trusting in Him and this is why we know this information. It isn't by accident.

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