Former INSCOM/ CIA/ US ARMY Stargate Training - The Monroe Institute Gateway Process - Human Potential IS The Ultimate Deep State Antidote

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 10, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I recently had come across this declassified CIA/ US Army Intelligence Document and was very intrigued to study more. My reasoning was to understand the potential weaponization of this research that has existed for 50 years. Two years ago I had explained the research outlined in the book Nanobrain, in which hydrogel and carbon nanotubes were programmed via resonant frequencies to create an artificial brain. This research has succeeded but it was noted that the results are classified. I had explained how this technology can build a parallel processing platform in the human brain when the building blocks via self assembly nanotechnology are injected. Understanding Mind Control and brain hacking became more understandable when I found the correlation between the diameter of carbon nanotubes and microtubules in the brain, which are known to be the processing place of human consciousness - they are the same and can be interchanged. The laws of quantum physics apply on this nanoscale - which is the same for the self assembly nanotechnology.

Nanobrain – The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal By Anirban Bandyopadhyay – Senior Scientist in the Advanced Key Technologies Division at the National Institute of Materials Science ( NMS) in Ibraki, Japan.

Robert Monroe left his body first in the 1950’s and later created the Monroe Research Institute. He was in the sound business and developed Hemisync, a technology to synchronize brain waves by using binaural beats. In the research the brain EEG patterning of different deep states of consciousness related to theta, delta and other states were decoded and hence individuals could be put in a state of deep sleep of the body while their consciousness was fully alert. Monroe collaborated with the Stanford , where beginning in 1972, three physicists at Stanford Research Institute (now known as SRI International)––Harold Puthoff, Edwin May, and Russell Targ–initiated free-response remote viewing experiments with psi gifted participants.

The United States government sponsored Psi research from 1972-1995 with 20 Million Dollars. To all those closedminded people to attack any research in consciousness and maintain their religious or fossilized scientific doctrine, read that sentence again. Would it not be wise to investigate what exactly was researched and funded for that amount of money? And if it was just laughable nonsense why would our intelligence and military agencies persue the subject over a span of 23 years before it supposedly was stopped ( which sometimes just means it went to a higher top secret level and reassigned somewhere else - given our current state of Mind Wars I would expect that to be the case).

Originally the project was called Grillflame, then Sunstreak then renamed Stargate program. I now have the four Volumes - over 2100 pages - of the declassified portion of the research in my possession, including letters in which Government officials like James Clapper, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency was routinely briefed regarding the results. I had found a summary CIA/ INSCOM briefing and described it here:

Declassified CIA/US ARMY Intelligence Analysis -Assessment Of Gateway Process - The Potential Of Human Consciousness And Mandatory Training Of Intelligence Officers - Was This Knowledge Weaponized?

According to Dr. Robert Duncan, STARGATE was a cover story for psychic spying , that used very advanced remote sensing and remote influencing technologies on human beings that has become global. Just like any other technology and discovery dual purpose can be applied. The technologies and scientific discoveries alone are not evil, but all knowledge can be weaponized. It is evident, that Robert Monroe’s intent was to enhance the freedom of humanity by taking away the fear of death through experiencing that we are more than our physical body.

I was very curious to see what these Intelligence officers were trained in, so I signed up for the Gateway voyager program which still exists today - and I completed it this past week. As previously explained, I have studied for more than 18 years at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, contrary to disinformation a premier academy of the mind. Hence I am very familiar with remote viewing and out of body states. However, it takes a tremendous amount of discipline in focus to be able to sustain prolonged states of dimensional phasing. The Hemisync technology has the capacity to keep an individual in deep theta and delta states ( these are the brainwaves of deep sleep - so the body is asleep but the mind fully awake) and facilitate out of body states, remote viewing and “travel beyond the veil” or beyond the dimension of time into no time and interactions with nonhuman intelligence.

Exactly like the CIA/ ARMY document states, these levels of consciousness Focus 10, 12, 15, 21 allow a whole different level of exploration. Indeed, our human consciousness is the ultimate time machine. This has been well documented by former psychic spy, Army Intelligence officer and remote viewer Joe McMoneagle who provided intelligence support for the CIA, DIA, NSA, DEA, Secret Service, FBI, US Customs, NSC, major commands within the DoD. He acted as a direct consultant to the Commanding General, US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) as well as Army Chief of Staff for Intelligence at the Pentagon.

In his book “The Ultimate Time Machine - A Remote Viewers Perception of Time and Predictions for the New Millennium” he describes working with Bob Monroe and viewing spans of thousands of years in the past and future. Much of the information of course is completely contradictory to what humans believe history was like, since the perceptions of the masses have been boxed in with belief systems and false dogma that served those who want and misuse power. His accuracy has been laboratory tested and confirmed hundreds of times.

The reason why this is important to my research is because the self assembly nanotechnology and the EMF/5G/HAARP Mind Control Grid uses the very principles developed by researchers like Bob Monroe in a weaponized way. Hemisync uses binaural beats of 100Hz in one ear, and 104 Hz in the other. The wave cancellation produces a 4 Hz wave. Where have we heard that before?

I have discussed it in the research findings done by Clifford Carnicom and I, when he exposed COVID19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood to frequencies from 0 to 25000Hz. The result showed that the one difference we found between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood is that the COVID19 vaccinated blood is extremely sensitive to 4 HZ. This is the ELF frequency used by HAARP for mind control. 4 Hz also was specifically mentioned in the CIA/ Army Gateway declassified briefing.

Prospective Difference Between C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood: Electromagnetic Observations, ELF Response And Potassium Metabolism - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Clifford Carnicom

I believe this connection to be key to the mechanism of how the remote mind control is currently occuring of large parts of the world population.

My own view of reality has been much expanded in this past week. It was very easy for me to work with the technology due to my previous training and experiences.

Recently I was asked by a Christian individual why “God” allows all of the bad things to happen in the world. In my own out of body journeys, I experienced God as being the platform of all life. Every sentient being, wherever they are, in whatever dimension - lives in their own holographic thoughtful universe that looks like a soap bubble. Then each individual exists in infinite other quantum potentials that are activated as the dominant reality by choice of their THOUGHT. The Void, the platform of all life, is the nothingness from which life springs forth and is aware of each thought of each being and ALLOWS it through love to BE.

For those who have never experienced this and think God is a wrathful man in the sky that tells you to sacrifice your first born child and should be feared - none of this would make sense. Bob Monroe spoke of “a more intelligent understanding of life” than the religious view. Again, I invite you to read the CIA briefing that speaks exactly of this platform of life as the Army intelligence community who participated and investigated this aspect of human potential - found it to be.

In that dimension beyond time, there is no judgement of good or bad, there is only being. Each entity creates its own reality, each thought is a manifestation and each action has a consequence. For example hostility, anger, hate, jealousy are very low vibratory frequencies - that create what people call thought forms - some call them demons. The demons are nothing else but the coagulated energy of their own thoughts - you meet what you are, like attracts like. In states of consciousness phasing, also called out of body, one becomes aware of much more expanded states of awareness that are specific to the vibratory rate of the being and their preconceived belief system. For example, religious mindsets are extremely limiting. I had heard of a plane where those are dead in Christ who are waiting to be resurrected. I actually visited there, and saw millions and millions of souls believing they were dead waiting for them to be resurrected by their savior. I could see their faces, eyes open waiting, wrapped in white linen and nothing could wake them up. Many had been there for many hundreds, even thousands of earth years. Such is the tremendous debilitating effect of religious indoctrination even after this life. You can only experience what you believe.

I was glad to see that Joe McMoneagle saw in the year 3000 - no religions exist but a deep spiritual understanding and awareness of the interconnection of all life. Of note there are also a lot less people, because biological weapons that governments created wiped out much of the population. Note he published that book in 1998, so I would say he is right on target - only time is speeding up because knowledge explosion is quantum leaping our experiences. There is no linear time.

What is the purpose of the self assembly nanotechnology? Why is mind control so important for the enslavement of the human race? Because if the spin states of subatomic particles can be manipulated within the body - specifically the quantum computing brain - the electrical patterns of brain waves will change without the individual being aware that the change was not generated by them.

Study Suggests Spins of 'Brain Water' Could Mean Our Minds Use Quantum Computation

For the purposes of this research, the proton spins of 'brain water' (the fluid that builds up in the brain) act as the known system, with custom magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans used to non-invasively measure the proton activity. The spin of a particle, which determines its magnetic and electrical properties, is a quantum-mechanical property. Through this technique, the researchers were able to see signals resembling heartbeat-evoked potentials , which are a type of electroencephalography (EEG) signal.

In the most extreme form this technology was implemented in the Targeting Program where we know voice to skull technologies can implant thoughts - however on a more subtle level we all have seen COVID19 injected people infected with “mind viruses” that keep even the most intelligent unable to process reasonable information.

We know intelligence communities hack into people’s dream states, and I know individuals in the MKULTRA ( or its evolution) and targeting program who’s dreams are still being hacked. This is not conjecture, but is even researched in the public domain - here is an article from 2020:

An MIT Lab Is Building Devices to Hack Your Dreams From improving your mood to focusing your creativity, scientists at MIT’s Dream Lab want to prove the power of dreams

The technology of brain wave entrainment has existed for 50 years and phase shifted states can be induced easily through sound frequencies. In a few minutes, I was out of my body, flying through space, interacting with beings, seeing past and future like pages in a book. One can stop anywhere and see for yourself what happened. Most importantly, this is not a special skill, and there are no special people. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS A SOUL AND A SPIRIT THAT LIVES IN MANY DIMENSIONS. It does not matter who you are, you are loved more than any human understanding of love could ever fathom. You can meet deceased loved ones in that state, download any information you want. Where you go is up to your intent. The realization of ONENESS with all life and all beings is something that can be experienced. Why is this so dangerous to the elites and puppet masters of the prison planet? Why is this the one thing they fear more than anything else, the most powerful weapon ever against them that needs to be hidden from the masses?

In the COVENANT - a secret document leaked from Illuminati that I had posted after Sean from SGT report shared it during our interview it states:

Interview on SGT Report: Demons Of The MRNA VAX

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know!

Why are we supposed to never know the divine truth that we are all one? Because as we think, we are. Our reality is created by the collective subconscious thought. The more people wake up and become conscious and heal within them the lower vibratory frequencies of hate, greed, insecurity, competition, dogmatic and religious belief systems etc. the collective reality can no longer be controlled by these elites. It phase changes to a new reality which is the awakening of humanity to their infinite potential. This realization is the ULTIMATE ANTIDOTE against the matrix domination. Game over, does not matter what nanotechnology robots swim in the blood, because the spirit is way more powerful. If your mind state can maintain the higher vibratory state and keep changing, keep releasing old belief systems, the collecive ONE changes everything - not towards Armageddon but a brilliant new future.

In this earth plane light and dark, like Yin and Yang, are both needed for their existence because we live in a realm of polarity. The “bad” side of self assembly nanotechnology is the weaponization, mind control, destruction of our biosphere. The purposeful side is that many humans who are open-minded are learning about it, and ultimately this changes the paradigm of science for those who are open-minded. The conscious exploration of “who am I” , “ why am I here”, “ am I more than my physical body?” is directly related to this warfare. It is unfortunate that humans have to be brought to the brink of destruction to even consider the larger context of life itself.

In another journey, I phased to a place with many advanced beings, and they showed me the Earth that was enveloped in a dark cloud, made by the low vibratory thoughts of the masses. Every time one human wakes up and reaches for states of higher conscious awareness, the cloud lifts a little and that ripple effect influences others to have more open-minded thoughts. The thickest clouds are over large populated cities.

The reason the “technocratic guys and AI” have to hurry up and get up the 5G towers and all the Satellites creating more and more toxic EMF interference via Radar, ELF, HAARP etc, is because the suffering of humanity on the earth has allowed many to awaken to whatever degree they have allowed themselves.

So will there be Armageddon? Well for those who want it and who spend all their energy focusing that some Messiah is coming to make them the chosen race, their thoughts do have an outcome. Is that the earth that you will be on of all of the potential earths and potential you’s that are out there? That is your experience to be seen.

One of the important aspects of remote viewing is that nothing is absolute. We, the Observers, are creating reality constantly. Imagine suddenly someone has an experience where they realize the interconnections of all life and the unconditional love of the platform called life - does that person have the same future as the one who was hating, jealous, hopeless, depressed and gave the responsibility for their life to movie stars, governments or religions? Do they even inhabit the same version of our universe?

Of course not. That change can happen in a moment.

Bob Monroe said it quite beautifully - the greatest gift for someones life is to loose the fear of death - for that is freedom. You cannot tell someone about this experience, they must have their own. People do not want to change because of their social status, their relationships, their fame, their prestige, their addiction to emotions, the money they make living the facade of being an automaton that tries to be like everyone else. Unless they stop, and explore the uniqueness of their own being, they will never find answers.

When you phase out of your physical existence and you go visit “there” while still in the body, are you affected by self assembly nanotechnology? No.

You are more than your body. It does not matter what is happening within the physical, your spirit is a completely sovereign being. But there are other dimensions that vibrate at a much different rate of speed. Do emotions exist there, can you touch and embrace a loved one? The emotion there is beyond anything in the “earth life support system”.

We have a unique chance in this time to raise our vibratory rate and consciousness and affect magnificent futures. This does not mean we fight against those who desire to play the game of doomsday. It means we ascend upwards from their frequency, speak and live our truth. We phase out of their realm to a different one. That work does not happen outside of us, but inside of us.

The ultimate antidote against everything we have been facing is the realization WITHIN YOU. You contain universes - your universes - and aspects of being that are much vaster than you can imagine. That cannot be hacked by any AI supercomputer because it is outside of its vibratory reach. Dimensions are like radio stations - when you turn the dial you can no longer perceive the station you just left.

I understood in those journeys that me unfolding in the “there” has more impact than a million substacks, books, interviews I could have ever given. To perceive things differently is a key feature of phaseshifting into parallel realities that are not somewhere in space, but right here. It does not matter what or who you leave behind, because what is ahead of you, yet unknown, is so fascinating, so beautiful. The higher the vibratory rate of our thoughts, the more the quality of time changes - it experientially speeds up.

There is no information we cannot be viewed or downloaded. You can travel for example in mind to the year 2500 and download any information you want. Zero point energy systems already exists even now that have been suppressed as well as cures for diseases that have nothing to do with Big Pharma poisons. What else can be explored that no human in our time has ever thought of?

In human history, those who have worked to give humanity new knowledge have been murdered, crucified or burned at the stake. These methods of silencing have now transformed into being cancelled, fact checked, attacked and in other words done away with. Why is there the development and implementation of thought police now?

China's thought police may already be at work in America Americans may discover tech they use every day is abused by China’s thought police

Advances in neuroscience, engineering and artificial intelligence have brought us a world of greater brain transparency. With consumer brain wearables coming of age, we can now monitor brain activity as easily as we track heart rate, blood oxygen levels and steps taken in a day; which will revolutionize our relationship with technology and understanding of ourselves and each other.  

Consumer brain wearables can empower us to take charge of our mental health and wellbeing, but they also threaten our last bastion of freedom.   

For the first time in history humans are maybe suffering enough under the ultimate threat of enslavement that many might awaken. Awaken to what? The part of you that cannot be controlled with any technology when you become self aware - the spirit of your being. Why did Dr. Robert Duncan, the CIA/ DARPA developer of some of the most powerful mind control AI Algorithms say “An enlightened Mind cannot be hacked? “

Right now there is a tremendous reveal going on for those who really are digging into the “why” of the self assembly nanotechnology and its coverup. It leads to understanding our divinity within. Robert Monroe did not use any terms that were in any way associated with spiritual or religious ideas, since those have been so abused and misused in human history and subconscious programming. However, since the technocrats want to be “Godlike” in the fusion with AI - the fact that we already are divine spiritual beings not in need of technological enslavement or enhancement is an important fact. We don’t need to be merged with an AI quantum supercomputer because our brain IS a quantum supercomputer. You just have to know how to use the “machine” aka human body you are wearing.

I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences with you, because a discussion about antidotes would not be complete without this very exploration. I am a scientist at heart and I do not have any preconceived dogma, I do not care about my social acceptability, peer respectability or any other form of social enslavement - in fact I actively work to expand my knowledge and experiencial base outside of those realms - in order to catch up with what is already well known in clandestine programs that have been weaponized against us. Any mindful prisons that limit our acceptance of possibilities increase our chances of dying in these perilous times, for our foe is far advanced beyond the common understanding. Adaptability and evolution is required and these new cutting edges of explorations have the solutions to problems that seem insurmountable to a dogmatic mind. Never try to convince anyone of anything, it is futile. People will understand when they are ready to understand - they have the free will to think and believe as they wish. But for those who want to know freedom from AI enslavement, there are other vistas to explore.

We will have to wait and see what happens in the Trump Presidency, but there are significant concerns about further deregulation of AI - which could prove quite dangerous for humanity - as I have described in many previous articles.

Think Donald Trump’s AI policy plans are predictable? Prepare to be surprised

In general, Trump will likely pick up where his first administration left off in January 2020, when it issued guidance to federal agencies about AI. The memo called on the government to reduce barriers to AI development and adoption and avoid regulations that hamper innovation and growth, said Adam Thierer, a senior fellow at the R Street Institute, a center-right think tank in Washington, D.C.

Each unique human being has to become an explorer for themselves, driven by their own understanding of the technocratic transhumanist advancements that continue to move forward unchecked and unregulated.

It is my conviction, that before we have DISCLOSURE about prior and current extraterrestrial government contacts - which includes the current deep state puppet masters - the biggest disclosure that needs to happen is that of our human consciousness potential INSIDE of each human. You have to have an evolved mind to understand who our government has had contact with and what other civilizations are moving pieces on the world chessboard.

The Governement program was not called STARGATE for no specific reason. CIA documents include investigations into extraterrestrial contact and downloading of advanced technologies, see link in the above named declassified summary.

I leave you with this beautiful quote by my teacher Ramtha from the legendary “White Book” published in 1999 and taught since 1977:


“There is no other redemption for mankind than to realize their divinity. You are the seeds of this understanding. Whatever you think, whatever you come to realize, lifts and expands consciousness everywhere. And when you live what you have come to understand, wholly for the good of your own purposeful life, you allow others to see in you a greater thought process, a grander understanding, a more purposeful existence than what they see all around them.

These times are the greatest of all times in your recorded history. Though they are difficult and challenging times, you chose to live here during this time for the purpose of the fullfillment that it would bring you. All of you have been promised for e’er so long that you would see God in your lifetime, yet lifetime after lifetime you never allowed yourselves to see it. In this lifetime, most of you will indeed. You will see a magnificent kingdom emerge here, and civilizations will come forth that you had not even the slightest notion existed. And a new wind will blow, and love, peace and joy in being will grace this blessed place, the emerald of your universe and the home of God.” - Ramtha

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Ross S - Nov 10

Wow! So it sounds like my Christian Faith is not ‘real’ and that Jesus must have been deluded and that I am really ‘divine’ in my own self or something like that? Okay?!?! Sounds like something Lucifer would say, just saying?

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Cecilia Gutierrez - Nov 10

I find your research and your heart amazing Ana. Keep looking for answers. Having been fooled by New Age ideology in my 20's, it is a deception I can no longer return to. Jesus is real, He created everything, and all of time and history is about His redemption. He gives us free will to choose love or hate. In this post you have reminded us that our spirits are out of the reach of any nanotech or device. Thank you! It brings hope. Whatever the intent of evil humans and evil supernatural beings, it will ultimately fail. God wins, and He loves us. Our faith in Him IS our shield.

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