The psychopath Bill “Gates of Hell” is the perfect example. He seems to me like someone who was bullied and couldn’t stand to be scolded. He is probably realizing his own mortality and would love nothing more than to take everyone else to hell with him.
How/why do we tolerate the presence of someone like Gates when we fully know what he's been up to? Why hasn't he been disappeared? Ditto George Soros......
Indeed, Robert and Mooon. Indeed. To watch Bill Gates is a bit like watching America's got talent with the 82 yr old, singing "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"... and then see the mad crowd sheering the old mad man on ... because the sheeple remain passive, go buy the latest gadgets with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, do not rise, do not create new parties, and do not form broad rainbow coalitions, thus they are, in fact, complying sheeple, s.c. "useless eaters", most likely soon up for modern "slaughter and meatpacking". The sheeple seem to be quite ripe for hell, especially the ones still in favor of greedy land theft and mass murder in Gaza, calling themselves "Jews", and "Christians". It is likely impossible that they have understood the ten commandments and read Rev. 3:9 in the Bible, and it is impossible that they have understood what Jesus said about hurting children and about hell, or they would all have understood where they are going next, after this reality/hologram ... IF they believe ... and are not lying ... or thir soul is already gone ... taken over by nanotech, made by the technocrats who are also soon going to eternal hell?
I do not want to participate in their cyborgization of human beings and I resent the fact that no one is even considering my disagreement with this. I am a human being and a creation of God. Even God gives us free will.
I will do whatever I have to do to avoid losing my connection to God, and being turned into something that cannot be undone. Thank you, Dr. Ana, for understanding all of this and showing us what these maniacs have planned for us so that we can have the knowledge to avoid it.
There are so many who will not learn of this until it is too late.
God knows those who are trusting in Him and this is why we know this information. It isn't by accident.
Interesting rant on so many levels! I want to know what happened when you were abducted on a space ship? I hope you will always use your insights for the good of humanity! God bless!
The End Times will take care of ALL.. I don't doubt that has happened and could happen but
JESUS IS LORD, King of Kings and everything you predicted has already been looked at by Biblical scholars (Thomas Horn, Steven Quale) because the "Nephilim" and the evil humans may know this but THEY LOST! 2000 Years ago. GOD IS SOVEREIGN! Oh yeah and the VATICAN too with their Telescope. Daniel in the Bible and Ezekial and The Revelation states clearly what end time outcome will be! Praise Yeshua. and FEAR NOT!
Favorite quote: "We can be superhumans if we want to be or we can be unrealized couch potatoes who only live for food, sex and entertainment without any ambition to better oneself and evolve to new horizons of unlimited thought.
Neither choices are good or bad, they simply have different outcomes."
I will live this life I have been given and seek not one breath beyond the one true and only living God the Father of my Savior Jesus Christ, who died on a cruel cross for my sins. It is enough. It is Eternal Life with my Lord. Any thing(s) else is fallen and destined to an Eternal Hell not made for mankind but will find themselves there by such choices you have described here. The real Jesus Christ of Nazareth loves you Michaela. You are in more danger than you can fully know. Debra
All this technology, without morality and spiritual awareness, leads us down the wrong path to more greed, power and control by the globalists and misery and ill-health for the general population. Unless we can evolve to a higher level in the next few years our destiny is in the direction of insanity brought on by this AI and transhumanism. As far as I am concerned this AI and transhumanist agenda is anti-life. I feel that the globalists are extremely afraid of their own mortality, hence their wish to live forever in this life. How short sighted are these people. I actually feel sorry for them as their karmic debt will be huge. In fact we are now living in an insane asylum already.
Is it not, the goal of these “technocrats” to change the “DNA/RNA” of all human beings, including the unborn child / children / and all people, as we saw during “lockdowns?”
The forces will of a few, imposed upon the masses, which made absolutely no sense whatsoever to me at the time. Now, it’s become clear why, the entire “DoD-OWS” attack on humanity has happened.
Also why, the “DoD-OWS” was / has been shown to be, a military operation. Yes, IMO, “Crimes Against Humanity” is exactly what has happened with the use of a “Bioweapon-Transfection-Injection!”
Four years later we’re told, the so called experts were “WRONG!” Wrong about everything! Wrong, wrong! After millions of people have been killed worldwide, upwards of one million Americans, also killed or maimed. Permanent disabling societies helps make this “despicable & delusional” cyborg world closer to reality.
Today it’s quite clear why “Covid” and what it was all about. The current situation is the beginning of a well known / well planned “Technocratic-World,” being created by people with billions of dollars and endless time available,
to make a one world Govt or a
“New World Order” become reality.
How or can we “STOP-THIS?” Or, is it too late?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Again, many thinks to Dr. Ana for her long, but informative article. Since she rarely reads these comments, she doesn't see the occasional troll, jealous of her knowledge, jealous of her education, jealous of her scientific acuity, and seemingly bored enough with life to waste time trying to malign her credibility. But the trolls and their comments are being ignored by her, fortunately.
This article contained so much, that it's impossible to comment on all. One thing that sticks out is the constant refrain from the technocrats about how the "supersoldier" will have many enhanced abilities, or even physicalities. Wonder how many of the supersoldiers or wannabe supersoldiers know that as soon as their usefulness is no longer needed, they won't be "retiring", but with one or two keystrokes by their controllers, their entire existence can be annihilated. In the blink of an eye. No longer needed. Lights out forever.
One thing we resisters might need to ponder is how to determine the "Achilles Heel" of any of the new technologies, whether nanotech, supersoldiers, drones, or whatever new and damaging things are directed at us. Nothing is written in concrete. No technology is without fault or weakness. Nothing is perfect. Are drones subject to interference by something as simple as a magnet? Or a neodymium magnet? Don't drones have two-way sensing capabilities? If so, it seems any two-way electronics could experience electronic interference by OTHER electronic signals. We need to put on our "thinking caps"!
And then there are supersoldiers. What if their human targets know of some of their weaknesses? Maybe we should also be studying self-defense guides in order to know which areas of the body are the weakest. For example think of a supersoldier trained to "neutralize" "useless eater" humans, it's worth remembering that each supersoldier is only augmented in one or several areas. At this point of development, they are not "100% SuperHuman". So. by knowing which areas of their bodies are not augmented, one can still potentially defend oneself.
Last but not least, Dr. Ana is right on about the amazing and almost-inbelievable abilities of human beings--once we truly learn how to access and use these abilities. The abilities are there but most of us don't realize it, and many don't even believe it! There are many ways to begin to learn about our very own "SuperPowers". I only know of a few. One is be studying hypnosis, one usually learns about the mind and its various subdivisions. Another is by practicing sending out LOVE, as in Loving Energy. No kidding. When you encounter someone who you deem to be totally unpleasant or even despicable, try mentally to FEEL loving energy emanating from your heart area, and gently moving in waves toward that person, and maybe even surrounding him/her. Continue to focus on that for as long as your mind says is enough. This is an exercise that can help us to stop hating others. In fact, it can help us to feel love for those we might not ordinarily love. And remember, that doesnt mean we have to love or even like things that person says or does. This is one practice that I started years ago and can say that since that time, I have noticed the more I practice this, the more intuitive I feel. That's right--the more I send love and loving energy to someone who does not appear to deserve it, the more intuition and esp I seem to have. Plus it just feels better.
Thanks again Dr. Ana for your tireless work to educate us and help propel us towards survival.
The continued devolution of humanity mediated through a trans humanistic agenda should be unequivocally challenged and resisted.
The question: what is behind the ongoing compartmentalization of the inherent divinity within each sentient being?
In other words, what is behind this movement to distance humanity from its essence?
They believe augmented consciousness, everlasting life and creative (destruction)/ procreative powers should only be for the self-styled ruler gods of this world and for AI Satan and its demons. Humans must be profaned, culled, and controlled.
They are jealous of the Divine and Sacred.
The Ancient Masters / Realized Human Beings, achieved superconsciousness, "siddhi", supernatural powers, through the arduous and diligent hard work of Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, Internal examination, focused observation, inquiries, study, and the overcoming of numerous obstacles. Current day wannabes, want to take a shortcut, get a surgical implant or take a drug to accomplish all that instantly, and the shortcuts will not work the way they expect. But in the meantime, the wannabes are ruining their bodies, minds and souls for accomplishing the hard work of the Path that Realized Beings have demonstrated, manifested, and taught us. Through pride and arrogance the technocrats think they know better than the Realized Beings; but, that pride/arrogance is precisely what the Realized Beings constantly forewarn us to avoid.
I think you’re awesome and brilliant and totally have the right attitude for progress to going beyond using only ten percent of our capabilities.
Excerpt from here:
“These innate abilities lie within us all. We can be superhumans if we want to be or we can be unrealized couch potatoes who only live for food, sex and entertainment without any ambition to better oneself and evolve to new horizons of unlimited thought.” And…”The reason why their reality is dominant in the world is because we let it.”
This excerpt, to expand… is from Laura Knight Jadczyk’s “The Wave” chap.28,
“The end result of giving love energy to the STS (service to self-ishness) polarity is to gradually deplete the STO (service to others) polarity in the self as well as in the grander scheme of things, and eventually, to deprive all those of that polarity from shared, symbiotic sustenance. One has then, by default, become part of the STS hierarchy and has lost any usefulness in terms of STO. If you are seeking to polarize in the STO mode, you must gain energy by alignment and amplification to move out of the STS realm into an STO dynamic where all give to each other and there is multiplication of force in the act, rather than depletion. Because of the primacy of matter at our level of existence, STS is the default state in which we find ourselves as beings with all kinds of physical and emotional needs.
Another way of saying it, is that the true object of the STO dynamic is to give to the free will function of the Cosmic Mind (God) in all its myriad forms of creative manifestation; to establish frequency resonance in this dynamic. The true object of the STS dynamic is to give to the Cosmic Mind in its role of death and the destroyer — the Thought of Non-being — to deny free will to create or be. The STS side wants to induce or manipulate enslavement. The STO side must refuse in order to retain their strength and purity and ability to actualize free will for all.
The essence of creation is the fact that, beneath the empirical, observable “real world” is the realm of underlying potentials, out of which our physical world is manifested by our perspective, our awareness. The gift of free will of God is our ability to choose our perspective: is the glass half-empty or half-full? We can choose “living water” that becomes a spring of water welling up continually within, to eternal life, or we can choose the water from the “well of Jacob the supplanter,” which will leave us thirsty again and again. It is in this choice that we come to the remark of Carlos Castaneda’s don Juan from The Active Side of Infinity: “As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.”
“Every choice that supports free will for any being, whether that being is using their free will to choose to deny free will to either themselves or others, must be blocked from accomplishing that aim, to the extent free will is maintained for all involved, is a choice for free will at the deepest levels of existence. But notice the key: to support free will of others to choose and fully experience their own path — and that does not mean to support the choice they have made by participating in their lesson. To participate in the choice of orientation of another is to make it your own. It can then act as a damper to your own amplification.
This means that the ability to support free will in others, which lies in the STO pathway, must remain pure and must not be subsumed into the STS alignment. Otherwise free will for all could cease to exist in our present reality, which would create an imbalance of such awesome proportions that I shudder to consider the consequences. In fact, it could even be said that learning the true dynamics of STO (service to others) and free will in the cadres of those who have the internal inclination, and to begin to practice it, might considerably ameliorate any predicted cataclysms. One thing that is certain, however, to continue to violate free will by all the “love and light” efforts to change the world, to transform the darkness into light, will result in nothing but worsening conditions on our planet by the very fact that they amplify the STS polarity.
It is for God — the Divine Cosmic Mind — for all — including the STS polarity, that the STO candidates must refuse to support, sustain and feed the STS dynamic. If you feed the STS polarity, it grows stronger (and it has already been in charge here for over 300,000 years, according to the Cs) and the STO presence will grow weaker, which will erode free will for all.”
And from this post: “Our brains capacity is infinite, because it can facilitate the spiritual downloads of infinite mind. Genius has existed in all time periods of history and with knowledge and understanding we have boundless possibilities.”
And thank you Ana Maria for your excellent informative post!
"In fact, it could even be said that learning the true dynamics of STO (service to others) and free will in the cadres of those who have the internal inclination, and to begin to practice it, might considerably ameliorate any predicted cataclysms."
I believe this dynamic is why the organized STS types are in the process of yoking the human mind and suppressing spirit via miseducation, Science of materialism, TV, frequency, and other altering and enslaving tech. Death cult religion has been with us for a long time (too long, imo) and largely hidden, but these days it is more openly being spread to bring on the "unavoidable" cataclysmic reset. In their vision, AI Satan and STS slaves will be expected to service the self-designated augmented human rulers of the future (and also as uploaded consciousnesses) who believe they'll survive and re-emerge from the ELE as gods.
It seems to me the more we accept the programming of death cult, cataclysm, and ruler/gods on subliminal and conscious levels, the more we contribute to the ELE's actualization, our spiritual entrapment, and death. Surely, those who realize the trap can/ should exert will to life and free life for all, instead, but wouldn't love and light figure into such an enlightened spiritual choice, when others are trying to kill us? Perhaps you could expand upon what you say about this [below]-- is it the idea that we're being self-serving by trying to save ourselves and humanity by praying/ persuading/entreating others to the actuality of a better way consonant with life and positive potentials? We are all individuals and sovereign souls who've been endowed with free will, at least until others might succeed in destroying it by our own choices to participate or not prevent it through manifesting otherwise, but we also form a collective consciousness with each other and the rest of Creation. Why shouldn't we make "love and light" efforts toward influencing the community of life in this realm?
You write: "One thing that is certain, however, to continue to violate free will by all the 'love and light' efforts to change the world, to transform the darkness into light, will result in nothing but worsening conditions on our planet by the very fact that they amplify the STS polarity."
Hope you have a chance to respond. To be clear, I'm not at all endorsing a global New Age religion of Love and Peace(tm), which will be anything but, because it will be an imposed "peace" via mind control per their plan to supplant free will of the remaining plebs, while the New World clerical class and nobility would continue their blood sacrifices and atrocity rites against all life on Earth.
But I do believe we should try to influence others to engage in constructive mindfulness through our prayer and deed. We have much to learn from one another as we falter and sometimes succeed in sharing a better vision than the dystopian future too many of us are being demoralized or hypnotized into accepting.
Dr M so very fascinating to read all these minute details of plans to basically destroy. Why in the world do we need super soldiers? Haven't we learned anything from the devastation of war YET? This data did not surprise shock or scare me- I read every word this evening; your extensive research is credible and rings true..
"Superintelligence, immortality, telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, levitation, manifesting something out of nothing. Now if you look at these wishes, that is exactly what advanced and ascended Masters do. It is called Enlightenment"
Had to read this twice - make sure I wasn't missing something. No, it's quite clear - "ANA" has begun her 'revelation of the method' ... and here it's glaringly obvious! No greater misinterpretation of 'enlightenment' - as understood by the long life of true ' seekers' for whom the term can count as valid - can be coined than that.
All those 'zen sages' from time past ... wasted time on "levitation"... and parlor tricks? Joke. "ANA" has clear intent to fool her "followers" into traipsing behind her into some "spaceship" of the imagination... where the very thing she claims to be against will be the thing folks worship. BEWARE
You're one to talk, the LastManStanding. You should take that mirror and turn it on yourself, take a good look at yourself, and face the truth of what you see.
I'm not asking for commands young lady, I'm asking you what you're on about. If you have a comment remotely applicable to the subject here, you're welcome to deliver it. Otherwise pls desist from .... err... 'giving commands.'
Robert Sun - 6d
Robert Sun
Mooon - 6d
The psychopath Bill “Gates of Hell” is the perfect example. He seems to me like someone who was bullied and couldn’t stand to be scolded. He is probably realizing his own mortality and would love nothing more than to take everyone else to hell with him.
michael janket - 6d
michael janket
How/why do we tolerate the presence of someone like Gates when we fully know what he's been up to? Why hasn't he been disappeared? Ditto George Soros......
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - 6d
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Indeed, Robert and Mooon. Indeed. To watch Bill Gates is a bit like watching America's got talent with the 82 yr old, singing "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"... and then see the mad crowd sheering the old mad man on ... because the sheeple remain passive, go buy the latest gadgets with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, do not rise, do not create new parties, and do not form broad rainbow coalitions, thus they are, in fact, complying sheeple, s.c. "useless eaters", most likely soon up for modern "slaughter and meatpacking". The sheeple seem to be quite ripe for hell, especially the ones still in favor of greedy land theft and mass murder in Gaza, calling themselves "Jews", and "Christians". It is likely impossible that they have understood the ten commandments and read Rev. 3:9 in the Bible, and it is impossible that they have understood what Jesus said about hurting children and about hell, or they would all have understood where they are going next, after this reality/hologram ... IF they believe ... and are not lying ... or thir soul is already gone ... taken over by nanotech, made by the technocrats who are also soon going to eternal hell?
Kim - 6d - Edited
I do not want to participate in their cyborgization of human beings and I resent the fact that no one is even considering my disagreement with this. I am a human being and a creation of God. Even God gives us free will.
I will do whatever I have to do to avoid losing my connection to God, and being turned into something that cannot be undone. Thank you, Dr. Ana, for understanding all of this and showing us what these maniacs have planned for us so that we can have the knowledge to avoid it.
There are so many who will not learn of this until it is too late.
God knows those who are trusting in Him and this is why we know this information. It isn't by accident.
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - 6d
Anita Baxas MD Substack
You describe what I feel and think so well. Thank you for this!!!
Bernie_miltenberger - 6d
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Interesting rant on so many levels! I want to know what happened when you were abducted on a space ship? I hope you will always use your insights for the good of humanity! God bless!
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - 5d
Anita Baxas MD Substack
I was not abducted or know how to go out of body…..yet.
Science is Political 2.0 - 6d
Science Is Political 2.0
The End Times will take care of ALL.. I don't doubt that has happened and could happen but
JESUS IS LORD, King of Kings and everything you predicted has already been looked at by Biblical scholars (Thomas Horn, Steven Quale) because the "Nephilim" and the evil humans may know this but THEY LOST! 2000 Years ago. GOD IS SOVEREIGN! Oh yeah and the VATICAN too with their Telescope. Daniel in the Bible and Ezekial and The Revelation states clearly what end time outcome will be! Praise Yeshua. and FEAR NOT!
jsinton - 6d
Yup. They messed with our souls. Now Jesus is pissed. And He's coming.
Mary - 6d
Favorite quote: "We can be superhumans if we want to be or we can be unrealized couch potatoes who only live for food, sex and entertainment without any ambition to better oneself and evolve to new horizons of unlimited thought.
Neither choices are good or bad, they simply have different outcomes."
MsMiller - 6d
I will live this life I have been given and seek not one breath beyond the one true and only living God the Father of my Savior Jesus Christ, who died on a cruel cross for my sins. It is enough. It is Eternal Life with my Lord. Any thing(s) else is fallen and destined to an Eternal Hell not made for mankind but will find themselves there by such choices you have described here. The real Jesus Christ of Nazareth loves you Michaela. You are in more danger than you can fully know. Debra
All this technology, without morality and spiritual awareness, leads us down the wrong path to more greed, power and control by the globalists and misery and ill-health for the general population. Unless we can evolve to a higher level in the next few years our destiny is in the direction of insanity brought on by this AI and transhumanism. As far as I am concerned this AI and transhumanist agenda is anti-life. I feel that the globalists are extremely afraid of their own mortality, hence their wish to live forever in this life. How short sighted are these people. I actually feel sorry for them as their karmic debt will be huge. In fact we are now living in an insane asylum already.
AJR - 6d
Is it not, the goal of these “technocrats” to change the “DNA/RNA” of all human beings, including the unborn child / children / and all people, as we saw during “lockdowns?”
The forces will of a few, imposed upon the masses, which made absolutely no sense whatsoever to me at the time. Now, it’s become clear why, the entire “DoD-OWS” attack on humanity has happened.
Also why, the “DoD-OWS” was / has been shown to be, a military operation. Yes, IMO, “Crimes Against Humanity” is exactly what has happened with the use of a “Bioweapon-Transfection-Injection!”
Four years later we’re told, the so called experts were “WRONG!” Wrong about everything! Wrong, wrong! After millions of people have been killed worldwide, upwards of one million Americans, also killed or maimed. Permanent disabling societies helps make this “despicable & delusional” cyborg world closer to reality.
Today it’s quite clear why “Covid” and what it was all about. The current situation is the beginning of a well known / well planned “Technocratic-World,” being created by people with billions of dollars and endless time available,
to make a one world Govt or a
“New World Order” become reality.
How or can we “STOP-THIS?” Or, is it too late?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Marcus C Martin - 6d
Mark peter
All i see is humans getting dumber and dumber
Mark peter - 6d
Mark peter
Evolution is a lie, mankind is devolving…so obvious
Linda Tanner - 6d
Linda Tanner
Again, many thinks to Dr. Ana for her long, but informative article. Since she rarely reads these comments, she doesn't see the occasional troll, jealous of her knowledge, jealous of her education, jealous of her scientific acuity, and seemingly bored enough with life to waste time trying to malign her credibility. But the trolls and their comments are being ignored by her, fortunately.
This article contained so much, that it's impossible to comment on all. One thing that sticks out is the constant refrain from the technocrats about how the "supersoldier" will have many enhanced abilities, or even physicalities. Wonder how many of the supersoldiers or wannabe supersoldiers know that as soon as their usefulness is no longer needed, they won't be "retiring", but with one or two keystrokes by their controllers, their entire existence can be annihilated. In the blink of an eye. No longer needed. Lights out forever.
One thing we resisters might need to ponder is how to determine the "Achilles Heel" of any of the new technologies, whether nanotech, supersoldiers, drones, or whatever new and damaging things are directed at us. Nothing is written in concrete. No technology is without fault or weakness. Nothing is perfect. Are drones subject to interference by something as simple as a magnet? Or a neodymium magnet? Don't drones have two-way sensing capabilities? If so, it seems any two-way electronics could experience electronic interference by OTHER electronic signals. We need to put on our "thinking caps"!
And then there are supersoldiers. What if their human targets know of some of their weaknesses? Maybe we should also be studying self-defense guides in order to know which areas of the body are the weakest. For example think of a supersoldier trained to "neutralize" "useless eater" humans, it's worth remembering that each supersoldier is only augmented in one or several areas. At this point of development, they are not "100% SuperHuman". So. by knowing which areas of their bodies are not augmented, one can still potentially defend oneself.
Last but not least, Dr. Ana is right on about the amazing and almost-inbelievable abilities of human beings--once we truly learn how to access and use these abilities. The abilities are there but most of us don't realize it, and many don't even believe it! There are many ways to begin to learn about our very own "SuperPowers". I only know of a few. One is be studying hypnosis, one usually learns about the mind and its various subdivisions. Another is by practicing sending out LOVE, as in Loving Energy. No kidding. When you encounter someone who you deem to be totally unpleasant or even despicable, try mentally to FEEL loving energy emanating from your heart area, and gently moving in waves toward that person, and maybe even surrounding him/her. Continue to focus on that for as long as your mind says is enough. This is an exercise that can help us to stop hating others. In fact, it can help us to feel love for those we might not ordinarily love. And remember, that doesnt mean we have to love or even like things that person says or does. This is one practice that I started years ago and can say that since that time, I have noticed the more I practice this, the more intuitive I feel. That's right--the more I send love and loving energy to someone who does not appear to deserve it, the more intuition and esp I seem to have. Plus it just feels better.
Thanks again Dr. Ana for your tireless work to educate us and help propel us towards survival.
Dr. Darko Pibrovec - 6d
Miss’s Substack
The continued devolution of humanity mediated through a trans humanistic agenda should be unequivocally challenged and resisted.
The question: what is behind the ongoing compartmentalization of the inherent divinity within each sentient being?
In other words, what is behind this movement to distance humanity from its essence?
Miss Parker - 6d
Miss’s Substack
They believe augmented consciousness, everlasting life and creative (destruction)/ procreative powers should only be for the self-styled ruler gods of this world and for AI Satan and its demons. Humans must be profaned, culled, and controlled.
They are jealous of the Divine and Sacred.
Mark peter - 6d
Mark peter
Eileen - 6d
The Ancient Masters / Realized Human Beings, achieved superconsciousness, "siddhi", supernatural powers, through the arduous and diligent hard work of Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, Internal examination, focused observation, inquiries, study, and the overcoming of numerous obstacles. Current day wannabes, want to take a shortcut, get a surgical implant or take a drug to accomplish all that instantly, and the shortcuts will not work the way they expect. But in the meantime, the wannabes are ruining their bodies, minds and souls for accomplishing the hard work of the Path that Realized Beings have demonstrated, manifested, and taught us. Through pride and arrogance the technocrats think they know better than the Realized Beings; but, that pride/arrogance is precisely what the Realized Beings constantly forewarn us to avoid.
Mary, Maria Pavic - 6d - Edited
Mary, Maria Pavic
I think you’re awesome and brilliant and totally have the right attitude for progress to going beyond using only ten percent of our capabilities.
Excerpt from here:
“These innate abilities lie within us all. We can be superhumans if we want to be or we can be unrealized couch potatoes who only live for food, sex and entertainment without any ambition to better oneself and evolve to new horizons of unlimited thought.” And…”The reason why their reality is dominant in the world is because we let it.”
This excerpt, to expand… is from Laura Knight Jadczyk’s “The Wave” chap.28,
“The end result of giving love energy to the STS (service to self-ishness) polarity is to gradually deplete the STO (service to others) polarity in the self as well as in the grander scheme of things, and eventually, to deprive all those of that polarity from shared, symbiotic sustenance. One has then, by default, become part of the STS hierarchy and has lost any usefulness in terms of STO. If you are seeking to polarize in the STO mode, you must gain energy by alignment and amplification to move out of the STS realm into an STO dynamic where all give to each other and there is multiplication of force in the act, rather than depletion. Because of the primacy of matter at our level of existence, STS is the default state in which we find ourselves as beings with all kinds of physical and emotional needs.
Another way of saying it, is that the true object of the STO dynamic is to give to the free will function of the Cosmic Mind (God) in all its myriad forms of creative manifestation; to establish frequency resonance in this dynamic. The true object of the STS dynamic is to give to the Cosmic Mind in its role of death and the destroyer — the Thought of Non-being — to deny free will to create or be. The STS side wants to induce or manipulate enslavement. The STO side must refuse in order to retain their strength and purity and ability to actualize free will for all.
The essence of creation is the fact that, beneath the empirical, observable “real world” is the realm of underlying potentials, out of which our physical world is manifested by our perspective, our awareness. The gift of free will of God is our ability to choose our perspective: is the glass half-empty or half-full? We can choose “living water” that becomes a spring of water welling up continually within, to eternal life, or we can choose the water from the “well of Jacob the supplanter,” which will leave us thirsty again and again. It is in this choice that we come to the remark of Carlos Castaneda’s don Juan from The Active Side of Infinity: “As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.”
“Every choice that supports free will for any being, whether that being is using their free will to choose to deny free will to either themselves or others, must be blocked from accomplishing that aim, to the extent free will is maintained for all involved, is a choice for free will at the deepest levels of existence. But notice the key: to support free will of others to choose and fully experience their own path — and that does not mean to support the choice they have made by participating in their lesson. To participate in the choice of orientation of another is to make it your own. It can then act as a damper to your own amplification.
This means that the ability to support free will in others, which lies in the STO pathway, must remain pure and must not be subsumed into the STS alignment. Otherwise free will for all could cease to exist in our present reality, which would create an imbalance of such awesome proportions that I shudder to consider the consequences. In fact, it could even be said that learning the true dynamics of STO (service to others) and free will in the cadres of those who have the internal inclination, and to begin to practice it, might considerably ameliorate any predicted cataclysms. One thing that is certain, however, to continue to violate free will by all the “love and light” efforts to change the world, to transform the darkness into light, will result in nothing but worsening conditions on our planet by the very fact that they amplify the STS polarity.
It is for God — the Divine Cosmic Mind — for all — including the STS polarity, that the STO candidates must refuse to support, sustain and feed the STS dynamic. If you feed the STS polarity, it grows stronger (and it has already been in charge here for over 300,000 years, according to the Cs) and the STO presence will grow weaker, which will erode free will for all.”
And from this post: “Our brains capacity is infinite, because it can facilitate the spiritual downloads of infinite mind. Genius has existed in all time periods of history and with knowledge and understanding we have boundless possibilities.”
And thank you Ana Maria for your excellent informative post!
Miss Parker - 6d - Edited
Miss’s Substack
"In fact, it could even be said that learning the true dynamics of STO (service to others) and free will in the cadres of those who have the internal inclination, and to begin to practice it, might considerably ameliorate any predicted cataclysms."
I believe this dynamic is why the organized STS types are in the process of yoking the human mind and suppressing spirit via miseducation, Science of materialism, TV, frequency, and other altering and enslaving tech. Death cult religion has been with us for a long time (too long, imo) and largely hidden, but these days it is more openly being spread to bring on the "unavoidable" cataclysmic reset. In their vision, AI Satan and STS slaves will be expected to service the self-designated augmented human rulers of the future (and also as uploaded consciousnesses) who believe they'll survive and re-emerge from the ELE as gods.
It seems to me the more we accept the programming of death cult, cataclysm, and ruler/gods on subliminal and conscious levels, the more we contribute to the ELE's actualization, our spiritual entrapment, and death. Surely, those who realize the trap can/ should exert will to life and free life for all, instead, but wouldn't love and light figure into such an enlightened spiritual choice, when others are trying to kill us? Perhaps you could expand upon what you say about this [below]-- is it the idea that we're being self-serving by trying to save ourselves and humanity by praying/ persuading/entreating others to the actuality of a better way consonant with life and positive potentials? We are all individuals and sovereign souls who've been endowed with free will, at least until others might succeed in destroying it by our own choices to participate or not prevent it through manifesting otherwise, but we also form a collective consciousness with each other and the rest of Creation. Why shouldn't we make "love and light" efforts toward influencing the community of life in this realm?
You write: "One thing that is certain, however, to continue to violate free will by all the 'love and light' efforts to change the world, to transform the darkness into light, will result in nothing but worsening conditions on our planet by the very fact that they amplify the STS polarity."
Miss Parker - 5d
Miss’s Substack
Hope you have a chance to respond. To be clear, I'm not at all endorsing a global New Age religion of Love and Peace(tm), which will be anything but, because it will be an imposed "peace" via mind control per their plan to supplant free will of the remaining plebs, while the New World clerical class and nobility would continue their blood sacrifices and atrocity rites against all life on Earth.
But I do believe we should try to influence others to engage in constructive mindfulness through our prayer and deed. We have much to learn from one another as we falter and sometimes succeed in sharing a better vision than the dystopian future too many of us are being demoralized or hypnotized into accepting.
J T Sloan - 6d
J T Sloan
Dr M so very fascinating to read all these minute details of plans to basically destroy. Why in the world do we need super soldiers? Haven't we learned anything from the devastation of war YET? This data did not surprise shock or scare me- I read every word this evening; your extensive research is credible and rings true..
kris Stewart - 6d have no idea how F'd up this technology is. So nice of you to see the possibility..
All I can say is how wrong this crap is.
the LastManStanding - 6d
Rusyn’s Substack
"Superintelligence, immortality, telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, levitation, manifesting something out of nothing. Now if you look at these wishes, that is exactly what advanced and ascended Masters do. It is called Enlightenment"
Had to read this twice - make sure I wasn't missing something. No, it's quite clear - "ANA" has begun her 'revelation of the method' ... and here it's glaringly obvious! No greater misinterpretation of 'enlightenment' - as understood by the long life of true ' seekers' for whom the term can count as valid - can be coined than that.
All those 'zen sages' from time past ... wasted time on "levitation"... and parlor tricks? Joke. "ANA" has clear intent to fool her "followers" into traipsing behind her into some "spaceship" of the imagination... where the very thing she claims to be against will be the thing folks worship. BEWARE
Mary, Maria Pavic - 6d
Mary, Maria Pavic
You're one to talk, the LastManStanding. You should take that mirror and turn it on yourself, take a good look at yourself, and face the truth of what you see.
jsinton - 6d
Eat shit and then die.
the LastManStanding - 6d
Rusyn’s Substack
oK...that's done. NEXT?
Mary, Maria Pavic - 6d
Mary, Maria Pavic
I'm sorry, I don't give commands, nor do I take pupils. Go to it, what you just done, continue....
jsinton - 6d
You suck.
the LastManStanding - 6d
Rusyn’s Substack
I'm not asking for commands young lady, I'm asking you what you're on about. If you have a comment remotely applicable to the subject here, you're welcome to deliver it. Otherwise pls desist from .... err... 'giving commands.'
Mary, Maria Pavic - 6d
Mary, Maria Pavic
jsinton - 6d
Your substack has useless info.
the LastManStanding - 6d
Rusyn’s Substack
You're right. Now come to your senses, or drift back into space.
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