VIDEO: AI Cyber Satan and Technocracy – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 46 – Conversation with Illuminati Insider Leo Lyon Zagami

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In this episode, I speak with Illuminati Insider Leo Zagami. His insight into the occult background of the AI technocratic takeover of humanity is a missing link to understanding how Satanism is related to the biodigital convergence. He explains how the Jesuits and Frankean Sabbatists push their tranhumanist agenda and what its Satanic roots in Illuminati circles really are. We discuss the US military involvement in mind control research and Lt Col Michael Aquino, whom Leo personally knew. This interview will expand your understanding of occult forces behind the technocratic transhumanist agenda.

I own all of his books and have read many of them. The book Invisible Master is one of the best books I have ever read on the secret deep state satanic Cabal. The book Pope Francis exposes the Satanic Illuminati takeover of the Catholic Church, the pedophile cover up and the gay Vatican drug orgies of 2017. Vol 6.66 explains how AI is the rise of the Cyber Satan, fueled by the Illuminati technocrats. In Vol 7 he explains that the Great Reset means Re- Set. The Egyptian God Set is Satan - meaning the Great King Satan. He explains that Klaus Schwab was mentored by Henry Kissinger of the Club of Rome and Trilateral Commission.

People may have completely different viewpoints, but these books show how the freemasonic networks have infiltrated governments, academia and have steered the world into the hands of the technocratic AI Cyber Satanic takeover that we know as technocratic transhumanism. Nanotechnology is a key element of this One World Order control grid.

Leo Lyon Zagami is a writer and researcher. Zagami, who is known for a brilliant career as Leo Young in the media and music industry as a Record Producer, became quickly popular on the web in 2006, because of his direct involvement in the New World Order and Secret Societies known to the majority of us as the “Illuminati.”

Between 2009 and 2013 Zagami began publishing books in Europe and Japan based on a variety of subjects that range from the history of secret societies and the Vatican, to geo-political matters concerning the New World Order. In 2013, he collaborated with well known Italian journalists, Ferruccio Pinotti and Giacomo Galeazzi, in drafting a chapter for their Italian Best Seller “Vaticano Massone,” which was released in May 2013, dedicated to the secretive world of Vatican Freemasonry.

Zagami has collaborated in the past with a series of articles and scoops for Infowars, and was the protagonist of a highly successful documentary made by Alex Jones in Rome, called “Demonic Possession Of The Vatican Exposed.” Leo also was the one to reveal to the world on Infowars the Gay Vatican Drug/Orgy in the summer of 2017, that forced the mainstream media to later cover the story.

His book series “Confessions of an Illuminati” provides the ultimate insider knowledge about the Illuminati puppet masters of humanity.

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AI Cyber Satan and Technocracy – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 46 – Conversation with Illuminati Insider Leo Lyon Zagami -

Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDAI Cyber Satan and Technocracy – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 46 – Conversation with Illuminati Insider Leo Lyon Zagami
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDAI Cyber Satan and Technocracy – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 46 – Conversation with Illuminati Insider Leo Lyon Zagami


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