Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 18, 2025 ∙ Source
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I wanted to point your attention to this story in cryptocurrency news. The brain computer interface and the control of humanity is not some far out conspiracy, but it is happening now.
Anonymous Chinese Programmer Donates and Burns $7M in ETH, Warns of ‘Brain-Computer Weapons’
The brain computer interface and brainchips have existed and have been deployed against humanity for decades.
Dr Hildegarde Staninger in her book analyzed these implanted brainchips and documented the same chemical signatures that are also present now in the self assembly nanotechnology of the COVID19 bioweapons. She also documented the composition of Morgellon’s filaments in 2007 and identified them all as advanced nanomaterials not of biological origin. I learned of Dr. Staninger’s research after my collaboration with Clifford Carnicom, who termed these nano and microrobots as Cross domain Bacteria. However, they were not found to have biological components, and are not parasites either. They were bio-surveillance and brain computer interface technology deployed upon civilians without them knowing.
In this context, the recent news on this Chinese computer programmer is not some science fiction story - but very much what is happen unknowingly to so many people. They become Artificial Intelligence controlled digital slaves, for their biology has been fused with technology.
Anonymous Chinese Programmer Donates and Burns $7M in ETH, Warns of ‘Brain-Computer Weapons’
The mysterious donor, who describes himself as an “ordinary computer programmer and entrepreneur” encoded disturbing messages in his onchain transactions. Over the past week, a mysterious individual who calls himself “Hu Lezhi” burnt and donated $7 million worth of ether ( ETH ) before leaving eerie messages accusing two hedge fund executives of using “brain-computer weapons” to control him, according to reporting by Pluid.
Onchain data reveals that someone burnt 603 ETH worth roughly $1,632,000 at current prices, then donated 1,950 ETH or approximately $5,277,000. The two actions cost the individual a total of nearly $7 million. The Ethereum blockchain allows users to encode messages with their transactions, and Lezhi used that functionality to warn the world that Feng Xin, co-founder of Chinese hedge fund Wizard Quant, and Xu Yuzhi, the fund’s chief investment officer, used brain-computer weapons against their employees, including Lezhi. “The heads of Kuande Investment, Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi, used brain-computer weapons to persecute all company employees and former employees,” Lezhi wrote . “And even they themselves were controlled,” he added.
Lezhi subsequently elaborates on the alleged activities Xin and Yuzhi are engaged in, which include deploying brain-computer chips “to control all citizens” until they become “complete slaves to the digital machine.”
The seemingly distraught Lezhi, who describes himself as an “ordinary computer programmer and entrepreneur” claims he has been controlled by “the mind control organization” from the time he was born, but only discovered he was being manipulated in October 2022.
There has been a lot of speculation who invented Bitcoin. Recently a white paper by the National Security Agency surfaced.
Bitcoin , whose existence is widely attributed to the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto , now has whispers suggesting its true origin might be the U.S. Department of Defense’s intelligence arm, the NSA. This isn’t a new narrative, but we’ll dive into its prior emergence shortly. For now, it’s worth noting this theory, along with the NSA’s paper, has gained traction on the social media platform X.
“The NSA invented Bitcoin?” Daniel Roberts mused . “1996 paper titled: ‘How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash.’ Sources include ‘Tatsuaki Okamoto.’ Who else would be able to sit anonymously on 1 million coins. Oh, and they invented SHA256… ?”
Why was it anonymous electronic cash? Imagine if an Illuminati elite and military industrial complex wanted to completely enslave humanity digitally, how would you keep the asset or target - in this case the injected human that has the technology in them - secret?
In this article I explained NSA and most intelligence networks are the Illuminati’s way of global control.
Codes are important to find those people who are intelligent enough to crack the language. For example, spell “Illuminati”. Reverse the spelling of the word to obtain its inverse - a classic satanic way of encoding information - it is “ itanimulli”.
Place the reversed word into your web browser using conventional URL addressing which comes to: www(dot)itanimulli(dot)com. What do you get? National Security Agency. See the image
The cryptocurrency mining through the body area network is going on and so much more advanced than people can imagine. All of those microchips implanted via COVID19 injections or dental anesthetics emit RF that can be tracked. The body activity can be mining crypo currency for these tech giants.
Cryptocurrency system using body activity data
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
The blockain security risks for BCI are discussed openly in the scientific literature:
A brain-computer interface (BCI) affords real-time communication, significantly improving the quality of lifecycle, brain-to-internet (B2I) connectivity, and communication between the brain and external digital devices. This assistive technology innovates information and communication development paradigms, such as directly connecting the brain and multimedia devices to the cyber world. The system converts brain information to understandable signals for multimedia devices without physical interference and replaces human-based languages with the external environment control protocols. This advancement challenges and limits security severely. For this reason, the rate of attacks, malware , ransomware, and other types of vulnerabilities is increasing drastically. Another reason is the need to improve traditional procedures to investigate cyberenvironment security aspects . Also, these malicious attackers' prime objective is to harm personal information, enable content security and privacy protocols and physical systems integrity, and create high risk between system and consumers. However, security's capital importance stems from the growing number of wearables (on-body) and in-body wireless devices. These limitations affect personal and healthcare wireless networks during the communication (such as on-chain and off-chain) between human and wearable sensors (sense and transmit) and actuators. This paper presents a novel, secure Blockchain Security Module (BSM) for BCI with Multimedia Life Cycle Framework (MLCF) (BSM-BCIMLCF) that safely connects wearables while investigating the present-day BCI life cycle (BCILC) protection. It homogenizes a Blockchain-based distributed permission network approach to overcome existing challenges. The Blockchain enables assistant cybersecurity for BCI distributed applications to identify brain operations in real-time.
Not all RFID chips are outside of the brain… they are in the blood and in the tissues as researchers around the world have found.
This war was never about “vaccines” for health care purposes, but the technocratic push for global world control. Many people are already controlled and do not know it because their neurological brain firing can be altered via frequencies. The microchip technology deployed via the COVID19 bioweapons was the infrastructure of the global control grid.
Global Health is connected to Internet of Things and Blockchain for the digitization of all life according to the technocratic agenda.
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TriTorch - Feb 18 - Edited
Out Here On the Perimeter
I can tell you from my gangstalking experience that this stuff is as real as a heart attack and breaks the scales of evil. Here is how evil:
Here the utterly grotesque Dr. James Giordano describes where your stolen tax dollars have been going: DEWs, gangstalking technology, mind control, nano-technology, & societal system crashing. at bottom)
The DoD, having a practically unlimited budget the use of which is sealed tight behind locked doors - doors which very few people have the security clearances to even know about much less access (meaning there is no accountability and in many cases even no awareness of what they - DARPA, the CIA, et al - are playing God with, by We the People) - is an extremely toxic mixture. Human nature all but guarantees that very very bad things will emerge from such a black dungeon. And, given that corruption grows with time, the more time that passes the more grotesque those emergent things will be…And a LOT of time has passed.
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Claudia - Feb 18
I know nothing about cryptocurrency, but I have been studying paranormal/demonic and quantum entity matters over the past five years. It is all a maze of controlling frequencies that most of our 3-D human bodies cannot notice or eradicate. Although I’ve been a questioning existentialist most of my life, I now pray nightly to our Prime Essence to help us. It is also imperative that we firmly state daily, “I do not consent to any control.”
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