Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 16, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dr Hildegarde Staninger discovers link between nanobots chemtrails and morgellons
In this important interview from 2006 Dr. Staninger explains how nanorobots build the polymers. Polyester crystals were isolated and Silica is chemically converted to Silicone. Transitional metals that make batteries and using a silicone gel in between the cells. Nanoparticles that make up an array and connect. They then make a fiber. The nanoparticles get into the body as smart dust, these are nano assmblers, using body materials to make the fibers.
She explains that these are not natural parasites. It is not biological and man made.
They are 2 parts of polyester with a silicone head. Liquid polyester crystals have also been found. They are coming out of the skin - they have to make a crystal of silica to make a gel of silicone - this process requires a certain pH. This is why she recommends against zeolite as the silica is essential to be used for the technology. We now have confirmed that zeolite is in dental anesthetics, which are known to build self assembly nanotechnology. Please listen to the world expert of these advanced nanomaterials talk about her own results and research. It absolutely correlates with everything I am finding now.
Here are some images from my office in COVID19 unvaccinated blood :
Image: Lymphocyte infected with microrobots. Magnification 2000x. AM Medical
Here you can see some nano assemblers creating a microchip in COVID19 unvaccinated blood:
Dr Staninger recommened my books and wrote a forward to it:
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DAVY Udal - Dec 16
DAVY’s Substack
Now I understand why the Liberal Government in Canada is giving FREE DENTAL CARE to children and seniors.
I will bet dollars to donut holes that those dentists who use any products that are confirmed free of poisoned adjuvants that cause disease will be refused payment by insurance and government.
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Aunt Ohm - Dec 16
Aunt Ohm
How and where do we go to have our blood analyzed to see if we have nanobots, etc in our body?
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