Chemical Analysis Of Morgellon's And Chemtrail Fibers - Dr Hildegarde Staninger 2007 - Nano Robots Self Assembling to Nanoarrays, Nanowires - THEY ARE NANOTECHNOLOGY!

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 28, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Chemtrail Droppings Summer, 2006 - Dr Hildegarde Staninger Project FMM

I recently posted part 1 of Dr. Staningers evaluation of Morgellons fibers that came from individuals. You can read about this here:

Chemical Analysis Of Multiple Morgellon's Fibers From 2007 By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger Sheds Light On Current Advanced Nanomaterials Deployed Against Humanity Via COVID19 Shots And Geoengineering

In this follow up post, I show the chemical analysis done on chemtrail fallout.

You can read below that the fibers were spider like webs. Please remember that I had analyzed such geoengineering filaments that were chemically identified as Spider Silk

Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California - Darkfield Microscopy Analysis

I explained how this spider silk can be used for nanotechnology applications:

Spider Silk Polyamide Polymers Applications In Self Assembly Nanotechnology, Biosensors, Vaccine Delivery, Synthetic Biology, Brain Computer Interface

Then we got confirmation that the COVID19 shots contain spider silk genes DNA:

Residual DNA fragments Analysis Detected In Monovalent And Bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech And Moderna modRNA COVID-19 Shots Confirms Spider Silk Genes Encoded In The Spike Open Reading Frame

Please note the chemical composition in some fibers contains silica as discussed previously. Dr Staninger discusses the nanorobots that can cause excessive itching. I have seen many patients who are contaminated with significant itching around their noses where the fluorescent orange mesogens can be seen with a UV light.

Note she also explains a reverse micelle reaction. Micelles are what we see in the blood as bubbles and she was finding them in her test subjects event in 2006 and 7.

She identified these as self-assembling nano arrays. Interestingly she discusses that depending on what the nanorobots find in the bioterrain - the body - the technology being assembled will differ. She discusses NASA’s smart memory foam - smart meaning Artificial Intelligence controlled nanotechnology even back then. Please also note below that the nanotechnology can self assemble with extreme rapidity, and can grow like a human hair but it is a silica carbon nanotube. Dr Staninger confirms that both the chemtrail fibers and the filaments that come from Morgellon’s vicitims are SELF ASSEMBLY NANOTECHNOLOGY!



Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1 © Saturday, March 27, 2007

PHASE II Samples from January 8, 2007.

Results Received March 20, 2007

Subject: Three Samples of Unknown Suspect Fibers Delivered to Laboratory. Report of: Visual and Microscopic Examination and Spectrographic Analysis of Suspect Fibers Collected by Integrative Health International, LLC.


Phase II consists of a second batch of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory. They were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, take photomicrographs, and to determine some physical properties, and to run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). They would also compare their properties with those of other fibers such as nanofibers, nanotubes, carbon-silicon nanowires, meteroritic particles, Morgellons and carbon-silicon fibers.


1.  The samples were a collection of three specimens collected by an individual in Texas. These specimens were falling from the sky after a Chemtrail spraying in the area. The specimens streamed from the sky like spider webs and landed on the plants, grass and back yard of the individual. A stick was used by the individual to collect the specimens. They were then placed in a plastic ziplock bag and saved for future analysis. These specimens were submitted to IHI, LLC for analysis under Project: FMM. The specimens received appeared to be like a clump of 3 white spider webs or white cotton candy. Meteorite fibers findings reported in Phase III of PROJECT: FMM.

2.  These fiber samples resemble some of the previously submitted fibers but not the Morgellon's "Goldenhead", which we will call a primary reference figure. They do resemble a Morgellon's "Goldenhead" that is either 1) not fully developed; 2) being discarded or 3) deteriorating. Note the shape and the SEMs picture of the standard silicon based nanotube/wire that has the "memory" shape of a tongue that is bent down/up (due to position of reference).

3.  EDS data for the three fiber samples show the presence of six elements: sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and chlorine, which could be due to natural mineral fibers. Further testing by Raman in Phase III shows they were nanotechnology (man-made structures).

4.  EDS data does have carbon and oxygen present for all samples. The carbon and oxygen was taken out of the total percent composition so a total percentage of trace elements could be identified. The elements identified were transitional elements. Transitional elements are known for their high magnetism and valence charge. They are used in making electro-magnetic batteries. (Further discussion of batteries in separate document.)

5.  Sample 13263-1 has within its nanotube an outline of a pre-Morgellon like structure known as "Goldenhead". Note the extremely high amount of calcium 69.994%, sulfur1.517 %, chlorine 18.129%, potassium 5.559% and iron 4.801%, and NO silica. Note the outline of a "Goldenhead" with distinct features of a muzzle like a wolf at 3 o'clock. SEM is at 1,500x and scale of 20 microns.

6.  Sample 13263-2 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of potassium 30.222%, calcium 12.905%, iron 18.442%, sulfur 11.117%, chlorine 21.567% and silica 5.767%. A general question of these EDS data as compared to Sample 13263-1 is that the calcium makes the nanotube, thus when it breaks down by the surrounding bio terrain, it will produce a carbon-silica nanowire or a silica wire.

7.  Sample 13263-3 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of iron 41.515%, silica 12.999, sulfur 8.791%, chlorine 16.403%, potassium 13.406% and calcium 6.885%. If silica percentage rising 12.999% as compared to Sample 13263-1 then a more defined carbon-silica or silica wire is being formed. The high value of iron 41.515%, sulfur, chloride, potassium in the presence of oxygen to form iron oxides and other transitional oxides/ -OH an electro-magnetic continuous electrical cell could be formed which would be commonly known as a "battery". The higher developed pre Morgellons "Goldenhead" would then not need a nanotube but would be allowed to move within the body freely, especially under the skin. A paper written by Marcus Mighty, Nanorobot Mechanocompatibility, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale © May 5, 2005:

( ) clearly states that the problem with nanorobotic devices is that as they pass through the skin they cause excessive bruising, itching and other disturbances. Nanorobots must be mechanically able to withstand interaction not only with other tissues and cells, but also other nanorobots interacting within the body. Nanorobots used in medical monitoring are made of diamond and diamonoids (if zirconia or liquid zirconia melting point 1,500 degrees C to 3,000 degrees C).. With nanorobots performing various duties around the body, there would be reasons to consider whether these nanorobots would cause irritation around different areas of the body. One irritation that the nanorobot could cause is excessive itching. This could happen around areas such as the ears or the mouth (or other orifices).

8.  Specimen 13263-1 contained 36.167 % Carbon and 51.501 % Oxygen. Specimen 13263-2 contained 48.486 % Carbon and 39.943 % Oxygen. Specimen 13263-3 contained 47.267 % Carbon and 47.139 % Oxygen.

Note when carbon is in these ratios and in the present of transitional elements with oxygen present electro-magnetic cells are made and a reverse micelle reaction could occur due to the interaction of the human cell and the water present outside a cell (fresh) inside the cell (salt) water. If this is occurring in these specimens once in the body a high conductivity value will be observed.


The specimens were collected and submitted to IHI, LLC by an individual in Texas.

The SEM images resemble a Morgellon like "Goldenhead" within a nanotube. These three specimens were from fiber particulate fall out after a Chemtrail spraying. These materials once on the ground surface may be broken up into smaller pieces which may be classified as nano arrays, if each section functions as an individual unit. These nano materials can self-assemble, replicate and enlarge.


PHASE IIIA - Morgellons Fibers Tested and Compared

Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1

© Saturday, March 27, 2007


Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.

PHASE III-A Samples from Jan/Feb 2007.

Results Received: March 20, 2007

Subject: Fourteen Samples of Unknown Suspect Fibers Delivered to Laboratory.

Report of: Visual and Microscopic Examination and Spectrographic Analysis of Suspect Morgellon Fibers Collected by Integrative Health International, LLC.


The laboratory received a third batch of suspect Morgellon fibers associated with skin problems (and other health problems) in individuals. They were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, take photomicrographs, to determine some physical properties, and to run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). We would run several tests using Samples 13354-1 A & B, 13354-4 and 13354-10.

Laboratory personnel would also compare their properties with other structures such as Morgellons "Goldenhead", nanofibers, nanotubes, carbon-silicon nanowires, meteroritic particles, polyethylene and polyester fibers.


1.  A majority of the 14 samples resemble the previously submitted fibers as discussed in Phase I and Phase II PROJECT: FMM Reports.

2.  Some of the photomicrographs suggest that the fibers are nanotechnology based as seen in SEMS and 4,000x 3D lens as used in Pathology.

3.  Sample 13354-1 A and Sample 13354-1 B these samples were take from skin surface. Average specimen size was 2 inches long by 1/8th inch wide.

These two specimens were next to each other and from "Anna".

Sample 13354 1 A percent composition was aluminum 1.558 %, sulfur 70.670 %, chloride 21.086 %, calcium 3.308 % and iron 3.378 %. Carbon and oxygen were present, but extrapolated out to determine concentrations of trace elements. Elements were transitional elements. See Phase II Report.

Sample 13354 1 B percent composition was sodium 0.959 %, silica 8.352 %, sulfur

11.219 %, chloride 6.568 %, calcium 4.200 %, iron 3.635 % and zinc 65.066 %. When one compares these results to the Chemtrail results we note that zinc and sulfur are extremely high. Aluminum was present while sulfur was high in Sample 13354-1 A and sodium/silica was present with high zinc in Sample 13354- 1 B. These results again confirm the various stages of Morgellon "Goldenhead" like nano structures. No nanotube was observed due to low calcium levels. Since the specimen sample was from the surface and being pushed length wise out of the body are these total percent compositions by weight reflective of the various stages or life expectancy of this nanotechnology.

4.  Sample 13354 4 were skin samples with fibers from "Lily". Percent composition by weight was sodium 4.276 %, silica 3.595 %, sulfur 4.088 %, chloride 27.828 %, potassium 26.843 %, calcium 16.494 % and iron 16.877 %.

When comparing this sample to "Anna's" there is no comparison. Shape as shown in the SEM images are in various stages of structural development. The transitional element percent by weight composition is very different. "Lily's" has the above 10% calcium, chloride and potassium present while "Anna's" had the extremely high sulfur and zinc levels. Lily's were either newly developed while Anna's were older and expelling from her skin horizontally vs. vertically. "Lily's" had 3.595 % silica while "Anna's" had no silica.

5.  Sample 13354 10 were skin samples with fibers from "Lily". Percent composition by weight was sodium 3.133 %, silica 0.889 %, phosphorus 8.142 %, sulfur 29.393 %, potassium 12.909 %, calcium 10.709 % and iron 17.492 %. This sample has the presence of phosphorus, less silica and potassium and similar levels of iron. The explanation may be that the material that coats the carbon-silica or silica nano wire may be covering the wire, thus EDS could not penetrate the specimen or that different substances found in the bio-terrain will produce various building materials for nanorobotic assembling machines to perform their designed tasks.

It must be stated that in the Chemtrail samples, Anna's, Lily's and previous samples from Jan Smith (pathology reports and 4,000 x 3 D photomicrographs all have the same "Goldenhead" shape. The molecular nano composition of the elements used to make this structure has a distinct smart technology or "memory" for that structure. The principal being expressed with these specimen samples are the same as the NASA designed memory foam. The foam maintains its original shape and form. Therefore, the original designer of this nanotechnology designed the technology to maintain specific structural characteristics.

Note in Sample 13354- 10 at 12 Noon there is a distinct image of a silica tongued nano tube.

6.  Sample 13354 7 was a sample of hair from "Lily." Dr. Staninger took the sample herself along with a "pseudo hair" that popped out of the skin after spraying das Wasser on the surface of Lily's right leg. The "pseudo hair' grew 1/2 inch in less than one could count 1, 2, 3. The importance of these specimens is that after core hair analysis by the laboratory it was determined that both samples were not human or animal hair.

Animal hair has a core, while filaments or hair like structures from certain plants do not have a core. The core diameter varies for a male, female and a child. This method of determining whether a specimen is human, animal, or plant is done under Forensic Analysis parameters. These specimens analysis was performed to these criteria.

7.  Sample 13354 13 was a specimen submitted by a Lady from Oregon. The specimen did not appear to have fibers but was composed of cream colored granules. These specimens did not match any of the others discussed in Phase III-A.

8.  The melting point for Anna's Sample 13354 11 was 200 degrees C and Lily's Sample 13354 10 was 198 degrees C. The melting points are over 400 degrees F and definitely above the melting point of the skin of a human being. This also confirms the composition of these two types of specimens are similar but in various stages of nano structural development.


Phase III of PROJECT: FMM clearly demonstrated the various stages that a Morgellon- like "Goldenhead" could be at within the body, externally and in transitional stages. It can be at a stage of being disregarded, active or decomposing. All samples except 13354-13 (Lady from Oregon) matched all other sample specimens Morgellon like "Goldenhead" or pre-"Goldenhead."

The samples of Anna and Lily had relative similar melting points that were three (3) times greater than the temperature to burn or melt human skin. SEMs and EDS confirm nanotechnology. It must be noted that a second degree burn to human skin is at 165 degrees F. The melting point of both Anna's and Lily's specimens were over 400 degrees F.

Lily's sample of regular and "pseudo" hair were determined to be non-human or animal hair. Both specimens were "pseudo" hair. Future research will determine the life expectancy or degradation properties of nanotubes, nanofibers, and nanowires within humans, plants, and/or animals as related to their environment. In addition, the mechanism of "pseudo" hair and/or the general properties of nanotechnology structures found within humans, plants or animals may be may also be expressed as nanorobotic machines. Further investigation as to the comprehensive bio-nanotoxicological effects of any nanotechnology when exposed to the life forms discussed in this paragraph must be tested not only for their mechanocompatability properties, but for their acute, chronic and systemic toxicological effects upon the human body.   The samples discussed in Phase I, II, III-A and III-B are made from man-made nanomaterials and are definitely nanotechnology. The specimens that were from individuals who have the disease Morgellons, do have various forms of nanotechnology (nanotubes, nanofibers, nanowires, or silicon gel/shapes) within their bodies. These materials were designed for a specific purpose and function, which is currently not known but will be understood by all in the near future.

Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator PROJECT: FMM Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine

I will post the final part of the analysis in a follow up substack.

Due to Dr Staningers research we have evidence that both the filaments sprayed via geoengineering operations and the filaments coming from Morgellon’s victims are self assembly nanotechnology. The reason why this historic research is so important is that what we see now since the COVID19 bioweapon rollout is the same self assembly nanotechnology.


Thanks to you all my substack subscribers for making my books Transhuman Vol 1 Number 1 Amazon Bestseller in Nanotechnology and Transhuman Vol 2 Number 1 Release in Preventative Medicine.

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Darrell - Oct 28

The psychopaths are using all of humanity as lab rats, they like Lucifer want to be like God and will fail just like their Father Lucifer. Pray and fight these devils by putting on the full armor of God.

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Margie Chism - Oct 28

Margie Chism

It is written that the earth will suffer not a flood but a fire; ■ perhaps to destroy these nanotech. M
How hot is fire? The complete fire color cheat sheet!

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