UK Forensic Report Finds Graphene…

Sep 15, 2022

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A Criminal Police Case has been filed in the UK


Lindy Flynn - Sep 15, 2022

Lindy’s Substack

Thank you so much for reporting this. It feels totally weird to Love it. I Love that you are spreading a truth about this crazy time we live in.


Stef - Sep 15, 2022

Musings on Meditation

It’s absolutely criminal what’s being done.


Marc Mullie - Oct 2, 2022

Tony’s Newsletter

Hi Ana,
great substack!
I don't have my own substack but I have been investigating the issue of what is causing all the death and disease in this ongoing genocide. I have come to the conclusion that these jabs are a direct chemical poisoning, and not a biochemical one via spike proteins (SPs). The SP model is wrong and merely a subterfuge/ Trojan Horse.
PART 1. On toxicity:
It appears there is no mRNA in most jabs:
But there is plenty of graphene:
If the foregoing is the case, we have all been led down the wrong rabbit hole of the 'spike protein' thesis, when in fact this is a global CHEMICAL, not BIOchemical poisoning. Chemical toxicity could explain both immediate, short term and long term effects.
Graphene is likely the main culprit here, a bioelectric material. If so, massive interference with the 2 main electrical organs of our body (heart and brain) could explain the pattern in the acute 'act of dying' in some of the jabbed.
This would explain the weird death pattern of people just dropping dead by falling flat on their faces from a perfectly vertical position - massive, sudden, full cardiac electrical stoppage (asystole). The other pattern is prolonged and severe Grand Mal seizure from disrupted electrical signals in the brain.
I never believed any of this until I started questioning our very presumptions about what is, and is not, in the jab. How many of you have always 'ASSUMED' there is mRNA in the jab? Do you have any proof except Big Pharma claiming there is in their 'proprietary' information? What if we have been lied to about even THAT? What if spike proteins are a toxic EFFECT of, not the CAUSE of, a purely chemical poisoning?
Chronic toxicity could very well be chemical, and the reason they need repeated boosters to achieve the MLD (median lethal dose).
This evidence, coupled with what I'm sure is coming in part 2, namely 'no mRNA in the vials', points to a teleological (goal-directed) depopulation agenda by CHEMICAL poisoning, and not 'biochemical' poisoning (SPs).
Let us reverse-engineer the Covid hoax as a eugenicist plot:
1. Invent a virus which does not exist.
2. Portray this fake 'virus' as a 3-D structure that has 'spike proteins' (SPs) on its surface.
3. Tell people the SPs are the cause of a disease called 'Covid 19', when in fact they are the effect ('spiculated' intracellular vesicles) from toxic oxidative causes.
4. Tell people we need a jab with mRNA to stimulate our adaptive immune systems to produce antibodies against the SP when in fact it is a Trojan Horse jab with toxic deadly chemicals and no mRNA.
5. Increase FEAR and the desire for more jabs by inventing a test tailored to detect human RNA (PCR) to drive the mantra of 'asymptomatic' transmission.
6. Use the fear to drive boosters and gradually increase the amount of toxic chemicals in people to attain the 'median lethal dose'.
7. Obfuscate: allow hundreds of prominent bloggers to become controlled opposition by promoting the 'SP toxin' myth. Berenson, Kirsch, Malone etc etc
8. Achieve 2 goals with one shot: death by graphene endothelial nano-slicing and clotting, and the conversion of the 'not-yet-dead' human organism into a 'graphenated' 'modulatable' bioelectric receiver/emitter.
Satan must be proud of his Darwinist, Malthusian, eugenicist minions.
Marc Mullie MD


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 2, 2022

Hi Marc, I definitely think there are multiple weapon mechanisms. Not all things even written by others that you quoted and were mentioned in pseudoscience substack are accurate. That makes for a very confusing territory to traverse. The broader picture you outlined I agree with in regards to satanic agenda - hence deception everywhere. Again, I appreciate anyone who fights medical tyranny, but there is something suspicious about ignoring so much evidence of self assembly nanostructures and calling that benign. It most certainly is not. We have to keep an open mind and cover all basis of possible treatments and PROVE they work. Many report miraculous symptom improvement with Ivermectin but many others do not see that. It does not clear nanostructures from the blood. 5G, nanobots, and other toxin delivery. Chemtrails, poisoning of food and water supply... etc... lots to consider


Marc Mullie - Oct 4, 2022

What I appreciate about your substack is that you have a totally open mind. Most writers are categorical in being either in the virus camp or no-virus camp, but the situation may be much more complex than this.
I'm now fairly certain that this is about a chemical poisoning event linked electromagnetic radiation (5G). The mRNA-SP thesis appears to be a subterfuge.


ArnoldF - Jan 13, 2023

Dr Mullie, how do you get around the argument that Dr Ryan Cole has found that the key organ tissues of the dead are loaded with the same genetic or biochemical markers of the spike protein signature from the vaccine and not the purported covid strain. He has been adamant on this finding and spent a lot of time reviewing this with Del Bigtree on a recent interview.


Nell Pursey - Jan 12, 2023

Whatever it is, these CONvid jabs are unsafe, untested on humans, unapproved, unlicenced by Medicinies and Drugs authorities and there should be an immediate cessation/halt to ALL convid jab programs and roll-outs. All Govts are guilty of pre-meditated mass medical murder ie genocide. Crimes against humanity.


Tony Porcaro - Jan 12, 2023

Tony’s Newsletter

A very convincing scenario!


Rick (from Texas) - Sep 15, 2022

What Could Go Wrong?

So many issues with these vaccines. One has to be totally blind, or have full faith in government authorities, to not believe Fauci and Pharma didn’t realize this toxic mess will kill..
Another great substack follow is A Midwestern’s a lengthy quote (and link to) from one of his latest pieces
“When I reviewed Pfizer’s internal data, it appeared that the mRNA integrity ranged from 51-71% percent depending on the vaccine lot (this included many lots that were subsequently injected into the human population). This means that much of the mRNA that was present was not the complete mRNA sequence that would produce the entire intended spike protein. These partial mRNA fragments (termed truncated mRNA), in turn appeared to have two potential consequences (these are based on my own understanding of the subject—the regulators only asked for but did not specify the potential consequences of truncated mRNA).
The first is that it would either not produce a protein or produce an incomplete spike protein, in both cases causing the vaccine to produce a lower than intended amount of complete spike protein (which is produced from the intact mRNA) and thus a lower than expected antibody response. The second was that the truncated mRNA species could produce potentially pathologic proteins and there was no practical way to assess the safety of these proteins (remember that the spike protein has multiple toxic components and since there are so many different ways the mRNA could be truncated it is impossible to test each of them).”


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Sep 15, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Finally it’s getting somewhere!! We knew it would be from foreign countries, certainly not the US, as we are too censored. I do believe that Crimes Against Humanity will prevail. Good vs evil. Thanks so much for the report Ana!!


Glenn Lawn Girl - Sep 15, 2022

I hope this is the beginning of many lawsuits and criminal charges. It feels like this maybe a turning point with all the studies coming out. The truth won’t be suppressed forever.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 15, 2022

I demand it to be so too. I want people get really really mad at the deception and those who perpetrated this on humanity. We need to become roaring lions and quit being quiet mice. This is not acceptable and needs to stop now. Does not matter what 3 letter agency or what psychopathic globalist are trying to kill us. They are yesterdays news. Time to take our country, our planet and our future back.


mejbcart - Sep 16, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

here some news for the UN-jabbed:
please click the first video and listen to the official science whistleblower: graphene is being sprayed via geoengineering efforts!!! We ALL are affected by this exotic highly toxic substance, cutter of every protein, every DNA/RNA.... Dr. Noack lost his life not for nothing.. We all need to STOP not only the gene therapy injections, but equally geoengineering, which belongs into the black budget operations area. The equally scary criminal depopulation activity.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I battle with “ shedding “ and had morgellons symptoms in the past. It’s related , somehow. I stay inside on heavy chem trail daze. I shower after being with my boosted elderly Mom . Read (& pray)every day for answers.


JMarie.58 - Jan 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Same here. I wear a grounding bracelet and practice grounding techniques, plus use various antioxidants all to reduce exposure to heavy metals and high frequencies. I was shed on last year so IVM 2x a week …also prayers for humanity daily. This is the road we’re on, the battle long prophesied. I have little hope in a Savior other than the Lord Almighty.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Amen to that. Thanks for commenting!


Evil Harry - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

My problem with the geoengineering angle is that it is an indiscriminate method.
Meaning that the "elites" would also be subject to it's effects, unless they can live fully enclosed lives.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& the Hamlin football miracle recovery made me wonder if they have a secret antidote, other than ivermectin and hydrochloroquine.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

That’s where the theory comes in that they’re either fine living inside with organic food and fancy air systems or crazier that they’re part reptilian . I’d rather not think about that myself. & they can grow in covered greenhouses. Or have their peons do it of course, later it will be their robots.


Eris - Sep 15, 2022 - Edited

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

Very good article as always, Thank you!
Remember this man (who misteriously died after he made that video) and almost nobody wanted to talk about, actually he was not taken seriously and forgotten ?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 15, 2022

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

Thank you so much I wanted to find this video. There are heroes who have lost their lives because they spoke the truth. Dr Peter Garyaev died shortly after he came out and said that the Coronavirus could be manipulated and made more pathogenic via 5G. Many more have lost their lives. We cannot forget them.


Eris - Sep 15, 2022

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

And this...
Dr. Jengdes managing director of East Germany’s largest municipal hospital. He "commited suicide"


Brek - Jan 23, 2023

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

I never forgot that one, either.


Brek - Jan 23, 2023

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

"As if he was being tortured from the outside..."
Statement of his "Frau" (wife or girlfriend) on video recording of her sharing what she witnessed/experienced of the attack that, she said, occurred within 20-30 minutes of a Zoom call with someone named Harold:
I never forgot. Watched his graphene hydroxide video and heard about his raid and arrest and then death.


Eris - Jan 23, 2023

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

Same here. Some of us, who paid attention of what happened all along the way will not forget them and their courage, may them rest in peace.


Brek - Jan 23, 2023

wendybrek, the memoir - one cha…

Here's the other installment of his woman's video statement:
She mentions his "plan." I don't know what she's referring to. It sounds to me as though there is more info. that she could share.
(I'm wondering, was she pregnant with his child in this video? If so, it would have been born by now. I wish only the best for mother and child!)


Eris - Jan 23, 2023

Thank you for the link, I remember I've seen this! No other new findings about them. I hope she and the baby are fine. Maybe he had a plan with those from la quinta columna who first discovered the graphene in the vax, who knows...we do not know so many things.


karen h - Sep 15, 2022

This film shows many of those slides and tells much more about the cabal behind this.


Gary McCollom - Sep 18, 2022

Rosalind McGill

Hi doctor, just read your comments on the Epoch article regarding the Colorado study on the vaccinated transmitting to the unvaccinated.
I think you remember my story on an earlier post of yours and a run in with a co-worker.
Would it be wise to take a treatment of Ivermectin to be on the safe side?


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I had shedding problems, bleeding in menopause. My integrative medicine doctor prescribed me ivermectin every week for a year. It gave me some peace of mind .


Gary McCollom - Jan 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Thank you, pretty much knew the answer and I got some human pills and have now ordered some 1.87% paste and going to follow the Dirt Road Discussion protocol from Telegram.
Take a pencil size drop or pea size twice a day till all symptoms are gone. Then one drop for a week to be sure because parasites multiply.
Makes so much sense considering we give Ivermectin to mammals and of course we share 90% DNA with said mammals.


JMarie.58 - Jan 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

IVM is specific to weight. Why take horse paste when we have access to prescribed compound made for human consumption?.


Gary McCollom - Jan 13, 2023

Rosalind McGill

My understanding is the horse paste version is much closer to the original soil discovery then the one marketed from big harma Merck


Rosalind McGill - Jan 13, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I got 2 prescriptions from a compounding pharmacy. Don’t know where their ingredients came from.


Gary McCollom - Jan 14, 2023

Same but I will let you know what my paste says when it gets delivered.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I know many people without insurance who do the paste route. They’re intimidated by the free doctors Or don’t know about them


JMarie.58 - Jan 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I can understand not having insurance, the cost of a telemed appt and prescription was steep. It’s OTC in TN now, hopefully, more States will follow.


Rosalind McGill - Jan 12, 2023

Rosalind McGill

That’s fantastic news! Thank you for sharing.( I’m in central Florida. )


Peter Webster - Sep 15, 2022

Re: Nuremberg2: We might better organize a truth and reconciliation commission with the power to grant amnesty to mid-level criminals, so that they might come forward and testify against higher-ups. We are not going to survive if we put all the guilty doctors in jail! See


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 15, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

These folks I used to know who got injected .
They just ain't the same.
Something came and ate their brains.
Beyond an awful shame.
A crime yet to be named.


Michael Folks - Sep 15, 2022

Michael’s Substack

The " Safe and Effective" BS, so many assumed and trusted I understand,after the 2nd " Booster" at or before 5 months, is when the Deaths begin.


Rick (from Texas) - Sep 15, 2022

What Could Go Wrong?

So, if the spike protein itself doesn’t do enough damage the graphene nanoparticles are in to finish the job.


Nancy - Jan 12, 2023

Solution Seeking

Your last show with Stew was so powerful. I pray for you every day. WHY hasn't RFK Jr. come forth?
WHY's are so plentiful now, those that do NOT come forward are either "on the take" or scared for what they will face FOR coming forward. They must be all called out for the silence of their actions.


Larry Druhall - Jan 12, 2023

Solution Seeking

Good points. Thank you.


engineeringtheimpossible - Sep 17, 2022 - Edited

The same results (self-assembling structures) were obtained in July 2021 by other Romanian doctors. Link to the steps to reproduce and pictures (English translation in the first comment)
Part 2:
Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 4: (Unvax blood vs. vax blood)


Maha - Sep 15, 2022


Meanwhile, the Leftist "fact checkers" here in the US are suggesting any evidence of abnormal clotting as reported by embalmers and pathologists do not prove a connection with the vaccines.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 15, 2022

Soon the fake media will be tried as complicit in this genocide.


Michael Folks - Sep 15, 2022

Michael’s Substack

Yes very odd,that. A High School Football player had severe leg swelling and pain. Surgery was performed, and 3 foot of Clots were removed from each of his legs....


JMarie.58 - Jan 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

They can suggest all they want, just as they become incensed when anyone tries to draw a line to sudden deaths of perfectly healthy people…the excess mortality rate noted in 2021 Insurance actuarial reports correlates to experimental drug rollout, that isn’t rocket science - it’s fact.


Maha - Jan 12, 2023


Indeed. However, with $Pharma captured agencies there are bigger hurdles. Perhaps the new House's rule making will expose many of the bad actors and their actions right there on the floor of the House, in front of the nation. Of course the compliant, bought-and-paid-for media will continue to report it all as conspiracy theory, even as their young members drop dead from cardiac events.



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