Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 08, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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It is excellent, that the publications of documentation of self-assembly nanoparticles have made it into mainstream alternative media. My recent posts regarding the work group analysis from Germany, the Italian live blood analysis from Italy, even the live blood analysis and computerized thermographic imaging by Felipe Reitz have all been reported in publications like the Epoch Times.
This is one previous article that shows many different sources of documented self-assembly nanostructures:
So - what are toxic metal nanoparticles used for and what are the implications for humanity? And why should we doctors start discussing in the mainstream the undeniable fact that the C19 operating system platforms are modifying humans? Well, that is a big question.
I came across this excellent review article by Professor Daniel Broudy and Dr. Valerie Kyrie that begins to discuss these implications.
Cyborgs R Us: The Bio-Nano Panopticon of Injected Bodies?
In this article, the authors discuss the reports from a substantial proportion of C19 injected subjects who emitted alphanumeric signals in the frequency range corresponding to Bluetooth communications networks. The next piece of the puzzle must be answered. What is the purpose of these self-assembly nanostructures and how does this system alter us?
This review article is worth studying in its entirety. I wish to focus on explaining a brief part, the plan as outlined by Yuval Noah Harari for humanity - and explain it in the context of the linguistics wave genome model relating to our spirit, soul, and free will.
We have all heard that this in fact is a spiritual war – a sometimes misunderstood phrase - and people have many unique interpretations of why they think it is a spiritual war. I will explain it from a spiritual science perspective.
The Authors in the paper quote:
Yuval Noah Harari, for example — the historical auger for the World Economic Forum as well as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Harvard, Stanford and many more — has suggested that unadulterated human beings will soon be sufficiently worthless to the transnational Giants that humanity will need to be radically transitioned to re-engineering
In 2016, the famed historian told the Royal Institution (2022) “the ultimate value of human beings will be just as consumers that will do nothing useful at all — but the economy needs consumers. However, you could have consumers which are not humans, which are not conscious” (Harari, 2016).
We don’t have any answer in the Bible what to do when human beings are no longer useful to the economy. You need completely new ideologies, completely new religions, and they are likely to emerge from Silicon Valley. The cults of Silicon Valley, moreover, Harari ordains, promise to elevate the masters of the technological universe from the status of transnational Giants to that of gods: “We are really upgrading humans into gods”, he said (Harari, 2020a). He boasts that the Giants of the future will … even go beyond God. Even if you believe in the Bible, the only thing the God of the Bible managed to create is organic beings … Now we want to create inorganic life … Divinity is not far enough to describe what we are trying to do … We are much better than the God of the Bible (Harari, 2017)
One scenario is that the technology will destroy humanity. I think it’s less likely, but still possible. The more likely scenario is that it will change humanity in a profound way. That we will use AI and bioengineering to change Homo Sapiens and to create new kinds of beings that will be much more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees … (Harari, 2020b). We are probably one of the last generations of Homo Sapiens (Harari, 2018a) … If you’re not part of the revolution fast enough then you’ll probably become extinct (Harari, 2015a).
Now, already today we have the technical ability to start redesigning humanity … The inorganic way, of linking humans to computers, brains to computers or even creating completely non-organic entities, artificial intelligence — perhaps even artificial consciousness — which is even a more radical change. You can say that genetic engineering is just playing with the same bits and pieces that evolution has played with for billions of years. This is something completely new — to create really inorganic entities (Harari, 2022)
Crucial decisions in people’s lives — what to study, where to work, whom to marry, whom to vote for — there is an algorithm out there that can tell you better than what you can tell yourself what to do ... And people think it can never happen. “ Humans are too complicated. We have souls. We have spirits. No algorithm can ever figure out these mysterious things like the human soul or free will.” But I think that this is 18th century mythology … Now or very soon we will have the technology to do it (Harari, 2018d). If you have a good two-way communication system directly between brains and computers, it also means you can connect several brains together, to create an interbrain net … And nobody has any idea what this means for things like identity. Who am I, when I can access directly the brain of another person? (Harari, 2018c)
Harari told The Late Late Show early in The Pandemic™, on 16 April 2020: What’s happening now, it’s really a watershed in the history of surveillance. First of all, we see mass surveillance systems entering and being adopted in democratic countries, which previously resisted them. Secondly, we see the nature of surveillance changing from over the skin surveillance to under the skin surveillance (Harari, 2020e). By “under the skin surveillance” Harari explained to BBC Hard Talk in May 2020 he meant not merely medical measurements such as temperature or heart rate. Under the skin surveillance, he stressed, would enable governments and corporations to monitor not just what we do, but what we think and feel while we are doing it, to the extent that they would “know me better than I know myself ” (Harari, 2020f).
Governments and corporations for the first time in history have the power to basically hack human beings … Humans are now hackable animals,” he observed (Harari, 2021b). The whole idea that humans have, you know, this soul or spirit and they have free will … that’s over (Harari, 2021b).
Excuse me??? What did he say?
The whole idea that humans have, you know, this soul or spirit and they have free will … that’s over.
What does the human soul and spirit have to do with self-assembly nanostructures?
Our current understanding of the human genome is based on incorrect assumptions of the Watson and Crick Model. Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Peter Garyaev developed and verified a completely different model. I wrote about it in this article and suggested it as an important future technology that will help rehabilitate the genome of the C19 injected:
To continue the discussion, here is an important quote from the Institute of Linguistics of Wave Genetics in Moscow:
The most important thing about human design – it the Word. "Spiritual body" – it's that, without which man would be a simple bag of meat and bones. It turned out, that the DNA nucleotide sequence is speech-like. We all come from the genetic apparatus (of a Rod (Genus)). The genetic apparatus builds DNA phrases. Among scientists, an understanding of the work of our genetic apparatus as an intelligent system is gradually formed. And this leads them to the idea of God. No wonder our ancestors knew it under the name Rod (that is, Gene). Under it, the Rod, Nature. Everything is built by Thought. Everything is reasonable. Everything has a memory.
The genetic apparatus works on two levels: material and wave. Material level – is 1% of the genes, responsible for the synthesis of proteins. Wave level – is 99% of the genes, working on the principles of holography. It represents figurative speech structures, using the principles of quantum nonlocality and the so-called teleportation of genetic information.
From the “Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistics Wave Genome – Theory and Practice” by Dr Peter Garaiev:
It is clear how far we are from complete disclosure of all the secrets of genetic code, however, the ideas of Prof. Gariaev and his colleagues, give us an opportunity to see absolutely new perspectives of operation of the chromosome apparatus in living cells, in particular, a new scientific and practical direction, which could be called "genetic-wave navigation and regulation in biosystems" . This new direction is introduced by the author within the framework of theoretical models, confirmed by his own research and independent experimental research. The quantum component of genetic cell operation is of extreme importance. It is clear, that metabolism of cells, tissues, and organisms as a whole, which is extreme in its complexity and scale, needs some regulation. The author introduces a new substantial idea of genetic quantum biocomputing. Such an approach is of interest to optical-radio electronics, radio technology, computing, navigation and management systems. Moreover, wave mechanisms of cell operation directly relate to nanoelectronics. Living organisms clearly demonstrate examples of nanobiotechnologies, effectively utilizing their own wave biocomputer regulation on nanostructures such as enzymes, ribosomes, mitochondria, membranes, cytoskeletons and chromosomes. Nanotechnological mechanisms of cell operation and their genetic apparatus, need theoretical and biological consideration, and physical[1]mathematical analysis to develop, amongst other things, not known before, principally new laser-radio wave technologies for genetic regulation of multicellular organism metabolism. Application of such technologies by Gariaev’s team has produced impressive results. The author has correctly and comprehensively demonstrated remote (over many kilometers) wave transmission of directive genetic information from a Donor (living tissue) to the Recipient (organism). Until recently such transmission was considered to be principally impossible; now this is a fundamental fact. Now we have found the opportunity to build completely new unique molecular-optical-radio-electronic equipment that should be able to perform complex navigation-regulatory functions for positive control of genetic-physiological functions in organisms.
Let’s me translate this in simple terms. We are spiritual beings of light inhabiting a physical body. We modify our DNA by our thoughts and words, in fact our thoughts and words encode our genes as Dr. Garyaev’s team demonstrated. If we are subject to mind control, via mockingbird mainstream media - their information content which we observe, modifies our thoughts and thereby our genetic material. Our genetic material encodes our record of life or “soul”.
Free will does not come from a government, it comes from our spirit. When our mind is completely controlled, so is our genetics. The self-assembly nanotechnology is a receiver and transmitter. It is a surveillance mechanism but also a mind control system. Our thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic frequency waves that can be externally manipulated. Humans already have the technology to make our thoughts visible. Dr. Garyaev showed that the entire genome of a species of frog can be teleported to another species and imprints its genetic material. He reversed human cystic fibrosis. He regrew teeth and completely restored pancreatic function in mouse models.
You do not need a reverse transcriptase mRNA to modify genetic material. You can send a electromagnetic frequency signal from a satellite in space and modify a genome via a receiving antenna, be that nanostructures or your cell phone for example. The DNA teleportation experiments done by Dr Garyaev have proven that.
I see many people in the freedom movement that do not understand the nature of the spiritual war. All thoughts and emotions have a frequency value. For example, if you are involved in your image, are a deceiver to keep your audience, take from others their ideas and claim them as your own without giving credit- all of those are lower vibrational states. As we are interconnected via the morphogenetic field we can either uplift the whole of humanity or not. Intent never lies. Our effects on the nature of reality are profound.
In my book Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity, I have discussed the novel model of medical science based on quantum observation of manipulation and evolution of our own DNA. I make the point that the future of humanity is not in the interface with AI technology. We ARE the greatest divine technology, if we free and evolve our minds and make our spiritual evolution the most important focus of our life. We can evolve as a species if we uplift the frequency vibration of our thoughts and deeds to love, harmony, integrity, truth etc. Because as spiritual beings we are ONE, this internal change creates a ripple effect in the world. You cannot change the world without changing you. You cannot be a deceiver and pretend to be hope. Your thoughts are things, and your intent gives you away.
Our DNA is a radio antenna. It does not need self-assembly nanostructures. We are already connected with all information in the universe.
The old mechanistic model in medicine of the human in the complete denial of our spiritual reality is yesterday’s fake science. Luminary scientists like Dr. Peter Garyaev or Walter Russell have already described a novel science of the future. One of the greatest lies is the idea that life does not continue after physical death. Not only have I had a dying experience, but I have spoken with countless patients who have died and had the experience of leaving their bodies only to realize they were alive. They came back and were profoundly changed. I have discussed this in my book and highly recommend the NDERF website.
NDERF is the largest Near-Death Experience (NDE) website in the world
Right now we are in the greatest fight of humanity. We have anti-life Silicon Valley Globalist tech people want to extinguish humanity as we know it. Not only are they interested in population reduction, but also they are waging war with our soul, spirit and free will. We have seen unprecedented obedience by the population to the war on our freedom via lockdowns and extremely high acceptance in C19 nanotechnology platform injections. If you were to contemplate, that right now this is the biggest fight in the universe and your life time - and that your spirit cannot die – would you wake up and join the fight?
Those who have these self-assembly nanostructures, I would investigate not just detoxification measures, but also chelation therapy to remove these metals from the body. Never take another shot again. Elevate your thoughts, be noble, truthful, kind, loving. You will change your genes if you do. Above all, there is hope. The nature of God is much more unlimited then what Harari has any concept of.
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Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 8, 2022
Ray’s Newsletter
Excellent article!
It looks like the actual "vaccinations" have become a side show, because there are many other delivery systems now, including "test" swabs, aerosolized nano-tech, and GMO mosquitoes.
On the other hand, I strongly doubt that genetic manipulation in humans is taking place. GMO mosquitoes, yes, they exists, but human development will need more test subjects, which will probably take place in the "Green Zones," once deportations start during the food/energy riots.
Still, messing with the human genetic code will be probably the demise of the technocrats, too, because they don't know what their quantum-nanotech graphene-based "super AI" that is running the worldwide simulation is doing, but its recommendations have been working out perfectly in the process of herding the masses towards their own extinction:
The simulation would need about 200 thousand years of the history of the human DNA in order to be able to formulate a working paradigm for genetic manipulation. The technocrats are conceited and impatient, so there is a good chance that their "genetic move" will be more devastating than a nuclear world war, an "alien attack" (that will also come on TV and in a few false flags), and a number of more devastating mass poisonings that emulate the appearance of a "pandemic" could ever accomplish.
mRNA seems to be a fad:
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Lioness of Judah Ministry - Sep 8, 2022
Exposing The Darkness
Transhumanism, Nanotechnology and Cybernetics
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