Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 22, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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After yesterdays great news of WHO exit, the AI Stargate announcement of mRNA cancer vaccines that can be created by AI in 48 hours surfaces by Larry Ellison of Oracle. Interesting names, CIA was the creating engine for Ellison’s Oracle and the human potential investigations of CIA Stargate research eventually lead in its dark side to psychotronic weapons and psychic warfare applications, the basis of MIND WARS. We now find a revival of the terms in a new version.
Here is more information on Oracle origins:
Larry Ellison’s Oracle Started As a CIA Project
Vox simply says that Oracle was founded in “the late 1970s” and “sells a line of software products that help large and medium-sized companies manage their operations.” All of which is true! But as the article continues, it somehow ignores the fact that Oracle has always been a significant player in the national security industry. And that its founder would not have made his billions without helping to build the tools of our modern surveillance state.
“Recognizing the potential demand for a commercial database product, [Ellison] founded the company that became Oracle in 1977,” Vox writes, conspicuously omitting the whole “because CIA wanted a relational database” part of the history.
Which isn’t to say that Oracle’s work with the US government should necessarily be frowned upon. The CIA needs databases, just like any large organization. But not mentioning just how reliant Oracle has been on government contracts since its inception is downright strange and seems to feed this narrative that Ellison simply created a product that companies wanted and private enterprise did the rest.
Oracle has pulled in billions of dollars each year working for governments at all levels for all manner of projects, the most high-profile of late being the disaster that was the Oregon health insurance exchange. But it’s the company’s philosophy behind how national security databases should work which would surprise someone who’d only read about them on Vox.
Ellison has always been a big believer in the federal government maintaining large national databases. And he was able to be much more public about it in the months after the September 11th attacks. In fact, Ellison argued that we needed just one large national security database, one with national ID cards and mandatory iris scans, naturally.
Ellison talked about the benefits of AI at the press conference.
“Little fragments of [cancer] tumors float around in your blood. So you can do early cancer detection. If you can do it using AI, you can do early cancer detection with a blood test and using AI to look at the blood test,” Ellison said.
“Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person — design a vaccine for every individual person that vaccinates them against that cancer. That mRNA vaccine , you can make that robotically, again using AI, in about 48 hours.”
We know that the mRNA COVID19 bioweapon delivered nano and microrobots for biosensing applications and self assembly nanotechnology for the Intra body area network.
I have extensively written about the rise of AI as an existential threat for humanity. The same software used for pharmaceutical discovery found 40000 lethal neurotoxins in 6 hours.
I have written much about the previous CIA Stargate program which was by many known as remote viewing program. AI will be the ultimate remote viewer of mass surveillance - the eye in the sky.
It makes sense now that some publications clearly said, that AI is the future most powerful disruption.
This is the continuation of technocratic transhumanism delivered under the guise of precision healthcare.
You can find this military prediction here: Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD
The global healthcare market will fuel human/machine enhancement technologies primarily to augment the loss of functionality from injury or disease, and defense applications will likely not drive the market in its later stages. The BHPC study group anticipated that the gradual introduction of beneficial restorative cyborg technologies will, to an extent, acclimatize the population to their use.
We are in the later stages now. Vaccines of any kind are considered human augmentation - read this document:
If we still have the freedom to choose, alternative health care clinics that use natural modalities of treatment and not big pharma/ military complex AI created mRNA or other Cyborg technologies via injections, need to take the responsible place of helping to save those natural humans who do not want to be modified by these technologies and assimilated by Cyber AI Satan into the Cybernetic Hive Mind. If we get no justice under the Trump administration for the COVID19 bioweapons, then all we can do is continue to say no to the technocratic transhumanist enslavement.
The battleground is that of our Soul. Once your mind is assimilated, your soul is hacked via the self assembly nanotechnology by AI. In my mind, this is the most important war going on right now. And it looks like it is far from over. Remember the technocrats want to create AI vaccines for EVERY DISEASE.
'World-leading supercomputer using AI to develop vaccines'
Speaking to BBC Radio Bristol, Prof McIntosh-Smith said: "We've actually got a little bit of the system already up and running, we already have people using it to do things like look for new drugs and new vaccines to treat people."
He added that the team are using the computer to develop vaccines for Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, as well as treatments for heart disease, emphysema and different types of cancers.
Now we can understand how humanity would even get to 500 vaccines per person by 2030 according to the Agenda 2030. If the virus vaccines are decreased in popularity maybe the anti cancer or anti dementia vaccine will entice people.
This is what the COVID19 mRNA bioweapon looked like under the microscope when I examined it. It reminds me of Ido Balanchets thousand billion nanorobots in one syringe - so what else will AI put into those cancer vaccines created in 48 hours?
Robert Duncan’s work is essential reading for any natural human in these critical times:
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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 22
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Disgusting - why won't many so-called conservatives wake up?
Do they not want to conserve their humanity, or do they want to conserve transhumanity?
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Dawn Mogyoros - Jan 23
And with the Turbo Cancers caused by the covid bioweapon, it's Operation Warp Speed 2.0 on steroids, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
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