Jan 22
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After yesterdays great news of WHO exit, the AI Stargate announcement of mRNA cancer vaccines that can be created by AI in 48 hours surfaces by Larry Ellison of Oracle.
Roman S Shapoval - Jan 22 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Disgusting - why won't many so-called conservatives wake up?
Do they not want to conserve their humanity, or do they want to conserve transhumanity?
Jay Campbell - Jan 22 - Edited
Jay Campbell
What's up brother! Trump is OWNED by you know who in the Middle East! Been a willing slave since he was bailed out with Taj Mahal in the 90's. He serves only one master!
Roman S Shapoval - Jan 23 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
What's up Jay! Great to see you man! Yep - owned, lock, stock, and over a barrel. So happy you feel the same way - let's hope our consciousness raises all vessels of humanity.
babbazee - Jan 23 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Jesus heard your subterranean slur against his people.
Many will come to him in that day.....
See Matthew for details
Piotr Bein - Jan 23 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Trump's zionists and extreme globalist banksters? They dwell not only in the Middle East...
Or do you mean His with capital H?
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 23 - Edited
Wish to vomit when seeing the Billionaire Bros. seating directly behind the family and in front of the Cabinet Appointments at Inauguration...As knew they were there due to the HIDDEN AGENDA AGREEING WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT'S REGRESSION INTO GLOBAL SLAVERY WITH BIO-DIGITAL CONVERGENCE...HELL'S THEFT OF ALL GOD'S CREATION.
There was NO choice in the last election. The ability to stay up all day and speak complete sentences as opposed to dementia is no measure of a MORAL and GODLY person loving Earth, life on Earth or other people. Taxpayer $$$ went to create this BRANCH ON THE TREE OF EVIL and yet 'the people' do not benefit nor profit...Only the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits already SLAVE PUPPETS to the Black Nobility Trillionaire Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires.
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 23
Thomas’s Substack
You nailed it again bro, just wait , this is going to get really ugly and all those fools believing in him and thinking they voted him in are going to be in shock and hopelessness , which of curse is part of the plan, so they will be even more likely to get in line for NEW SHOTS, STAY SAFE BRO
JimG - Jan 23 - Edited
The princes of the world in Revelations.
AwakeRedPilled - Jan 24 - Edited
Yep - also remember the WHORE riding the BEAST in book of Revelation.
Keep your eyes and heart on Yeshua - and stay close to Him (abide in Me…)
We are definitely being pushed towards the BEAST system by those ULTRA privileged that align themselves with darkness and principalities…
Good news is we have been GIVEN the story in advance and we KNOW the END is a BETTER one where God BUILDS BACK BETTER - not flawed, compromised, selfish men following the fake imitator, lucifer’s will.
Dawn Mogyoros - Jan 23
Thomas’s Substack
It's as if they care nothing for their children's or grandchildren's future. They likely have no idea what biodigital convergence means let alone transhumanism. Not paying attention or dismissively passive. Willful ignorance.
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 23
Thomas’s Substack
They ARE A DEATH CULT, they dont think , act or emote, like normal real HUMANS, that Is one reason they are trying to turn the real humans into slave machines.
Ileana - Jan 23
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 23
Thomas’s Substack
You aint seen anything yet just wait, does anyone think 16 million illegals are just going to line up and get back on busses and MILITARY planes , TO WHERE ?
JimG - Jan 23
A lot going on. Steven Greer is doing disclosure on aliens, we got AI, and we have Stargate, and we have money for AI Stargate technology. Where do we go with this? I keep going back to Asimov's three laws of robotics and realize we are programming AI to kill people. REALLY stupid war monkey stuff. But, we've got soul.
Dawn Mogyoros - Jan 23
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
And with the Turbo Cancers caused by the covid bioweapon, it's Operation Warp Speed 2.0 on steroids, they'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 23
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
What could possibly go wrong AGAIN!
Piotr Bein - Jan 23
Piotr’s Substack
Not just cancer but as Dr. Ana remarks, many other diseases induced by the bioweapon already... Is this why the psychopathic cabal opted for thousands of bioweapon effects instead on a few attributable to a classical "virus" in previous plandemics and "epidemics"?
And what elese? A person's unique soul and spiritual connection to Highest Being will also be spied on and then a unique "vax" prescribed and made on the spot at your trusted clinic?
Piotr Bein - Jan 23
Piotr’s Substack
...and to NWO that is to secure the Planet for themselves only.
Len Ber MD - Jan 23 - Edited
Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber …
Folks, you are doomed.
For those of us whose lives have already been destroyed by these technologies, - we tried to warn you. But there is a limit to what we can do. You have to do the intellectual walk yourself. We can't make you drink the water, we can only take you to it.
As of the state of our society now, I am abandoning the "educate the masses" project. I am still trying to stop gruesome torture enabled by this tech. But as far as the rest of you - you are on your own.
Jason Hidenrite - Jan 23
Jason Hidenrite
I have to look for opportunity in this. Artificial Intelligence is something that everyone in the world will have to endure. It gets massive amounts of media attention and criticism. The general public will now be able to take the small step and realize what we have been going through has been true, and they are next. The Supreme Court will no longer be able to say “fantastical” and the general public believe that our claims are from crazy conspiracy theories we imagined. We have a small window of opportunity but soon reporters, media, people who are worried about Artificial Intelligence will wake up. Nuclear power plants and water thirsty data centers will go up everywhere. People are going to loose their jobs and universal basic income will be the only answer. When people loose their purchasing power we will eventually loose our ability to change anything. AI will soon have more knowledge than every single person in this earth, and every recorded article, book, experiment every written. I have to look at this like it's now or never. Sam Altman and Elon do not get along. To many smart people with billions of dollars for it to go smooth. Those 51 Intelligence Officials that lied about the laptop who just got their security clearance taken away may start talking out of desperation. When people loose their credibility, they try and get it back. Who knows what will happen. But the status quo and cover-up of this technology is now over with. It's mainstream, it will be commercialized and we are the guinea pigs. But know this, you are right, we are right, and the truth is on our side. We have suffered and survived so far. It's not over, it's just play-off time. Just think what could happen when the masses wake up. Believe me, that has every politician, every billionaire, every perpetrator of these crimes worried. Their mind control experiment is trash. It has to work better than this. I for one am to hard headed. Artificial Intelligence is our Trojan horse to wake up the masses, not theirs to rule the masses. Thank you for inspiring me and sharing your knowledge and research with us. I will be forever grateful to each and every one of you that has shared their insight, knowledge, experience, and their story. As long as I have breath in my body I will not submit. I am a child of God! God bless you all!
Dennis Lyons - Jan 24
GOD BLESS YOU and all the people who are waking up...yet without Christ on our side we have little chance...We will fight the good fight...we will stand against enslaving humanity....Christ stated...that if he did not cut the days short...there would no flesh alive on earth...No matter what...we all know who wins...That is all the hope I need.....Always better to die standing defiantly...then on your knees begging...I do not beg...better get your head right folks!!
Nadine Brennan - Jan 23
Thank you for that hopeful comment. I needed to read this. What about RFK Jr? Surely he would not be for this!
Bee Gee - Jan 23 - Edited
Bee Gee
Im not doomed until Im dead... some of them might be but I keep trying to tell them.
Speaking of which, have you tried EDTA and ascorbic acid? It can do wonders if you take it correctly, Much better than chlorine dioxide or natto/curcumin/bromelain or charcoal or sodium citrate alone.
Plus you can fast while you take it and stack it with other things that help but do not bind with EDTA for much Much better effect.
I think if you fasted for 4 or 5 days and took oral EDTA and ascorbic and other things that I have found that help but do not bind with EDTA, you would feel much much better.
I have a lot of comments where I write far too many words about my findings, especially considering the ephemeral nature of each one of these comment threads before it becomes paywalled.
But the things I have found that work best are oral EDTA, ascorbic acid, malic acid, vitamin E, NAC, ALA, glutathione, bromelain and sodium citrate.
We take them all in fairly high amounts as we fast for 3 or 4 or 5 days, once month for around a year now. And they say oral EDTA is destroyed by stomach acid but its obviously untrue.
I think you will probably feel so good you will want to keep going, we did at first, but my wife has hypothroidism though so I always stop at 5 days then take a few off from taking anything for our system to catch up and eliminate the chelates. I could definitely go longer though.
Good luck to you in any case though, and thank you for all you have done.
Len Ber MD - Jan 24 - Edited
Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber …
Have I tried it? yes.
Do I know that these modalities stop this technology in its tracks? no, an there is no data otherwise.
This is an example of wishful thinking, which is one of our cognitive biases. We want to believe that there is an easy solution for things that we barely understand.
We don't even know how advanced the technology is, so how can we measure how something is effective against it?
Bee Gee - Jan 24 - Edited
Bee Gee
There is no instant off switch that we have found yet, which makes sense to me because no one got it at once, it took a body burden type buildup after the vaxx rollout. Some of it may have been around in peoples blood before but it plainly shows up in more advanced form in Everyone after the rollout.
So do you doubt Dr Anas work?
Do you not find that EDTA and ascorbic acid stop the selfeplication on a slide, at least? I have seen nothing else that works Better, but plainly antioxidants alone cannot do it, as she has shown many times. And its not a one time thing, we are always getting the shedding so we always need to be Cleaning, A.B.C.
And I disagree both that it is wishful thinking or that wishful thinking even Is a cognitive bias, that is Fighting for Humanity and the universal Will to Live. And I plan on living.
But it Is an advanced technology that requires more than one solution, kind of like I provided right up there.
Multiple chelators that cross the BBB, sodium citrate dissolves alginate hydrogels, bromelain does too many novel things to type.
No one else talks about Fasting while taking solutions, no one else talks about taking EDTA Correctly and not wasting it, no one else talks about ALA, or how to get the most bromelain intake possible. Does that make me a genius? Probably not, yet I dont hear anyone Else talking about these very important points.
Or formic acid dissolves polyamides, which is why ants do not get caught in spiderwebs, havent seen anyone try that yet and it may even dissolve the gray clots. I would have tried some myself, because I dont like to tell people about things I have not taken myself, but I cant find any yet.
Or the company that sold hundreds of millions of biological semitransistors with the cellular adhesive in them to pfizer right before the rollout? That cellular glue is highly degraded by Trypsin.
Is it more likely that the same cellular glue was used in TI's or that they just decided to create a whole new cellular adhesive for the jabs? I dunno, but might be worth finding out.
And I am well aware that we do Not know how advanced it is, I discovered we had the magnetism-like phenomenon on June 10th 2021, which started my quest for solutions. That phenomenon defies the laws of physics as we knew them, so yes, there is much we still do not know.
And other people KNOW that is occurring too, you yourself know some of them but Crickets from them. Why? Who the fuck knows, but to each their own, they know who they are.
Or did you just discover you have it too? Kind of sounds like it, that often leads to negative thoughts, and downward spirals but it will pass. ALA and glutathione were the first things I took when we found we had it, fwiw.
And you Can get rid of it, although I do not know exactly how yet, I just know what we did.
In any case, good luck to you Dr Len Ber... Choose to Not be Doomed.
Do not let them win.... Fuck Them.
Len Ber MD - Jan 27 - Edited
Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber …
Thank you for this lesson not to comment in public forums.
Bee Gee - Jan 27 - Edited
Bee Gee
Hmm, thats too bad, I had thought you wanted interaction or feedback. Duly noted, I wont reply to your comments anymore.
All is not lost and I refuse to believe it is.
To each their own though and good luck to you in any case.
Ing. Dipl. Voicu Anton Albu πΊπ¦ - Feb 4
Voicu’s Substack
I said it many times before: we need a team of Lieutenant Columbo meets Hendrik Lorentz type of scientist/forensic. They would know how to isolate and measure the phenomenon, as well as defenses/sensors/measurements.
psalms91 - Jan 27
are you all saying that even trump team is involved etc.?
both sides don’t care. am confused by the post. thank you.
Philip Joseph - Jan 22
Philip Joseph
Linda M - Jan 23
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
This information needs to be in the public sphere, and co-incidentally, today, Trump’s news conference introduced Sam Altman, Maoshi? & Larry Ellison to present their $500 Billion investment in building a giant tech center to study AI & mRNA developments to identify & treat health conditions, like cancer, with designer “shots”…. We will be able to target specific problems that they can identify. These things happen a “little by little and then by a lot” and we are always playing defense. FYI…Elon is very against this…
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 23
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
I was wondering about Elon, he worked so hard to get him elected & he’s left out of this! This is insanity.
Tboxtango - Jan 23
Tboxtango’s Newsletter
What does this have to do with Sam Altman and Larry Ellison wet dream ?
Nadine Brennan - Jan 23
Im glad to hear Elon is against this. How about RFK Jr? Surely he would be? Was he at the inauguration?
Linda M - Jan 23
Following tee box tangos link , Ellison is very in favor of using AI to install a security system to monitor ALL of us & everything we do, so a Security State. They always find a good use to sell us their agenda & never mention the nefarious. Musk & Altman disagree on the development of these AI uses.
Amy Malta - Jan 23
Amy Malta
Imagine for a moment that you go in
for a simple blood test and it comes back with an early detection of cancer.
Now imagine United Healthcare says
“if you refuse this mRNA vaccine to
preemptively prevent/treat your cancer,
we will deny any future treatment for
that cancer:" Because it feels like that's
where we're heading.
Kelly Sexton - Jan 23
Kelly Sexton
Stay away from doctors, hospitals. Treat yourself. So glad I declined the COVID vaccines..
Tess - Jan 23
Better to cure it with the Tippens protocol instead of their deadly experiments.
Piotr Bein - Jan 23 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
"great news of WHO exit" -- Dr. Ana needs to read the fine print. See James Roguski's analysis and forum comments.
Same about "surprise" -- mRNA to fight cancer on the rise after c19 bioweapon deployment. Trump's warp speed deployment of bioweapon included cancer-causing SV40 and recently that clown met with Pharmafia re. "mRNA cancer vax":https://www.axios.com/2024/12/05/trump-rfk-jr-pfizer-lilly
Translation: "Bioweapon program continues at warp speed under my presidency."
Nathan Foia - Jan 23
Nathan Foia
crapshoot farmer - Jan 24
crapshoot farmer
Wasn't Trump's son vaccine injured?
vanessa amo - Jan 23
Thank you for all your Research and information.Sharing this and Praying this will not be leashed on a already suffering society.God Help us as only You canπ
SH - Jan 23
F*&% Larry Ellison
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 23
Thomas’s Substack
What was that you said awhile back about a "glorious new golden age under Trump", as I Have ALWAYS stated , . Anyone believing in this man and his agendas and his nasty array of GLOBALIST/Zionist agenda pushers should not be listened to on anything political. Take a good look at what has already been done and is REALLY BEING LAUNCHED.
Dennis Lyons - Jan 24
Thomas’s Substack
Hope you meant zionist pig jews...80% of trumps cabinet!!! Go figure...I am holding out condemning trump as yet! He should defund apac.....but 95% of congress/senate would commit suicide with all their pig jew money not coming into the coffers...:-)
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 25
Thomas’s Substack
I leave the pig part out , they are simply tyrant criminals, Trump converted to Judaism back in 2017 all of the appointed people are Zionist agenda pushers , whether they claim to be Judaic or not. Its who controls the money the agendas and politics .
Dennis Lyons - Jan 26
Thomas’s Substack
Agreed...just stating the way I feel....I am not a hypocrite....many folks are afraid to call it out. I feel if you aren't willing to call a pig a pig...that is one's prerogative. My personal opinion may differ from others....however, I will not change how I feel about zionist jews! They are the central bankers...they pushed the bioweapon are pedophiles, won't condemn queer/fags/trannies, it's encouraged and excepted in israel! There talmud states you and I are lower life forms than animals, Jesus in in hell boiling in feces and we are here to serve the jews...! apac funnels millions of dollars to congress/senate and owns them! 80% of our government are jews...it is not AMERICA first...it is israel first! I could go on...but no need...We all have a right to feel and express our opinion...:-) I do respect yours..Thx
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 26
Thomas’s Substack
Im very aware of all you state, I just find I get better results if I dont play into the psyops they have perpetrated on everyone by saying certain things instead of just pointing to the reality as you did stay safe my friend
gusman - Jan 22
gusman’s Newsletter
sv40in theshot
Mary Cox - Jan 22
Declare something an emergency!π¨ Trump you must prove this first!
Kim - Jan 23
Everything is going to be labelled as an emergency if it means that they are allowed to do what they want...against our will.
Dominique Guillet - Jan 23
Xochi’s Substack
“STAR-GATE”, the Rat's Cage Gate, is also, in reverse, “RAT'S-ETAG”, Electronic Rat's Tag, i.e. an “Electro-magnetic Rat's ID number
“STAR-GATE”, is also, in reverse, “RAT'S-ETAG”, Electronic Rat's Tag. Not a “Stargate” but, rather, an “Electro-magnetic Rat ID”. An Electromagnetic Tag serving as a health, vaccination, national, police, driving, decarbonized identity card... Not forgetting an identity card on the “Web” - a poetic appellation for the Cybernetic Cage that would suggest, to the most naive, a potential for network mutualism.
“STAR-GATE”, the new Eldorado of non-Artificial Intelligence and Universal Simulation is a huge Archontic Gulag - at the service of the Banksters and their sanitary, financial, ecological and technocratic dictatorship.
“STAR-GATE”, it's a gigantic theatrical orchestration led by a born magician, the ultimate JOKER/TRUMP of the Globalist and Eugenicist Mafia - without father or mother, without fatherland or motherland, without faith or law, in the image of their revered clone, Melchisedech - who sense that their Poker/Power game, with the Peoples, is bordering on double or nothing... in this age of “viral” Transparency.
“STAR-GATE”, it's the Door to the Rat Cage - a kind of labyrinth, described as “virtual” or “digital” - from which the Rats NEVER leave.
“STAR-GATE”, it's an electro-magnetic spider's web from which the very Graphenized Rats NEVER emerge.
Ohio Deb - Jan 23
Ohio Deb
You just described Diia ..Ukraine is the first totally digital state with everything you explained should be in the storage..
Takes a few seconds then scroll down:
Dominique Guillet - Jan 24
Xochi’s Substack
Ukraine sells its soul to the WEF'ers: Launches program to fully digitize citizenry in partnership with globalist World Economic Forum
Dominique Guillet - Jan 24
Xochi’s Substack
It's not hard to imagine Zelensky using the digital identification system of Ukrainian males to track them down and send them to the Butchery of Liberation... to leave the field clear for Blackrock and other rightful Who?WHO?
According to the abominable Klaus Schwab:
“In recent years, Ukraine has become a world power in ‘GovTech’, becoming the first country to have a digital identification system that can be used throughout the country and the fourth in Europe to launch a digital driving license.”
Does it make any sense why the Imperatrice Ursula von der Liar wants to continue funding Ukraine with another 50 billion euros on the top of the previous 90 billion... while Europe withers away?
Ukraine is the new Promised Land of the eugenicist Globalists
Promised by whom? By WHO?
Dominique Guillet - Jan 24
Xochi’s Substack
"Ukraine: the new Promised Land for which Chosen Ones?
How many billions of euros have already been extorted from the Peoples of Europe for Ukraine? 140 billion euros.
How much will Ukraine receive if it joins the European Union: 186 billion euros over 7 years - with a cut of around 20% in the agricultural subsidies previously distributed to European Farmers?
Dennis Lyons - Jan 23 - Edited
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Jay....Man up owned by POS jews......don't be a coward!!!!Can't change it if you are afraid to call it out...F-ck israel!!!!
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 23
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Leave Israel out of this! It never fails, blame the Jews. Getting very old. We are a tiny minority in this world, you Christians are a whole lot bigger, take responsibility for your own actions.
Nadine Brennan - Jan 23
crapshoot farmer
Agree, Im sick of rhe anti semitism too. Angry people need to blame and condemn.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 24
crapshoot farmer
Read "One Nation Under Blackmail" Vol. 2 by Whitney Webb for some modern information.
We're angry because of statements from Ariel Sharon, for example, "we own the Americans and the Americans know it."
Try "The international Jew" by Henry Ford.
And why did Gen. Douglas MacArthur state, "we fought for the wrong side." ?
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 27
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Really, he thought we should have fought on the side of Hitler? Who gassed 12 million people? WOW. What a disgrace to humanity Gen. Douglas McArthur was.
Dennis Lyons - Jan 28
Another jew pig lie...12 million....with no gas chambers ( proved with forensics) and Hitler never killed the number of jews....stated 6 million...now a jew states 12 million...If a jews mouth is moving...it's lying...:-) There were more jews after the war than before the war....same lying shit.....different day!!!
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 27
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Henry Ford was a notorious Jew hater.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 27
crapshoot farmer
You should do some reading, Leslie. If One Nation Under Blackmail is too long for you, start here:
(Netanyahu quote.) He changed his name from Mielekowski so he'd appear less Polish.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 23
Actually cowardly people.
Dennis Lyons - Jan 24
If I was a coward...I would not let you know how I feel about your jew asses...
Time for America to kick your pedophile and queer loving asses out !!
Get a couple more jabs...that'll do it!!! LMAO...you dirtbags have been using that poor...poor jews shit for so long...it is really tiring!!!
Dennis Lyons - Jan 24
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Read the pig jew talmud....soak that in...you folks are nothing but a bunch of jew loving lemmings...
And these POS hate America any you...talmud states you/me are lower than animals and Christ in boiling in a lake of feces...Do some research.....All I can say is government schools are working...:_)
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 27
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
You are a disgusting human being. I am an American Jewish woman who has lived in this country for 79 years. I have loved this country until I found out about the atrocities committed by the government of the USA since it was sold out by NOT A JEW to the Central Bank & we went off the Tariff system, killed JFK, by NOT A JEW, RFK, by NOT A JEW, MLK, by NOT A JEW, was screwed over by Obama, NOT A JEW, & the Biden Crime Family, NOT JEWS! I love my country again & hope my President will be allowed to govern us back on the right track. But with people like you, I’m good to go now so I don’t have to share one molecule of air with such a hateful despicable person like you, unless you go first. The Jewish people have some really lousy people just like the Christians do. Any for your information to your tiny shriveled brain the Talmud is just a compilation of OPINIONS of Rabbis, it’s not the word of G-d. So untwist your big boy pants & get on with life. You might find that living without hatred is a good thing.
Nadine Brennan - Jan 28
Just ignore these pathetic excuses for humans. They cant think or speak rationally. It seems like the conscience/soul parts of their brains have been compromised.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 27
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Julie Van - Jan 24
Julie Van
I agree. An excellent book I read and you might appreciate also is The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Basically has all of the info of why this is happening and what the outcome will be....and Israel is still the apple of God's eye. He uses a lot of Old Testament Bible verses. It's all been told to us ahead of time by God and seems its almost time for it all to be fulfilled.
Nadine Brennan - Jan 24
For some reason it wont let me like your comment. This site is hard for me to figure out. Thanks for the book suggestion.
Piotr Bein - Jan 23 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
And who owns Israel?
Julie Van - Jan 24 - Edited
Julie Van
Ultimately God does. And all of this has been prophesied in the Old Testament. And Israel is the apple of God's eye and he will not let Israel be destroyed but they will go through difficult times. An excellent book that contains many of the Old Testament verses about this is in this book, The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum. I highly recommend it. Its no mystery what's going to happen, it's all in the Old Testament.
Piotr Bein - Jan 24 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
So God disowns other countries milked and trashed by the extreme Jew bankster-Zionist-oligarch cabal?
Christians don't know such god. Christ calls the extreme Jews "sons od devil" and such.
Owners of Occupied Palestine are its initiators and maintainers -- the Rothschilds aka banksters.
Leslie Benjamini #π¦ - Jan 27
Leslie Benjamini #π¦
Please show me where Jesus, who was a Jew said extreme Jews were sons of the devil. Jews don’t & never did believe in the devil. We believe in the evil inclination ( ytezer hara) which you have to fight in order to live by the good inclination ( yetzer hatov,) πππ₯²Everyone has both.https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-birth-of-the-good-inclination/
Piotr Bein - Jan 28
Piotr’s Substack
Yetzers like in Christianity...
You are right, Leslie, I wasn't precise. I refer to scribes and Pharisees whom Jesus Christ condemned. e.g. Matthew 23:33 on "serpents" and "vipers."
Piotr Bein - Jan 24 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
God does not do ghastly, terrible, atrocious things like the Zionists do.
"Israel" in Old Testament is not what the banksters' Zionists made of it in Scoffield's bible. A bulk of the Zionists are not even Jews but Khazarian fakes whose ancestors switched to Judaism more than 1000 yrs ago. Christian Zionists have succumbed to the fraud while believing they're truth seekers.
Propagandist hijack of the term "Holocaust" is the Judeocentric chauvinism's ugly spinoff. The term refers to the German Nazi atrocity on more than 20 groups: ethnic (Slavs most numerous victims), religious (non-Zionist and Orthodox Jews killed in Shoah, Jehowa Witness), political (Hitler's opponents, Soviet POWs) and other (disabled ppl).
Except for tribesman villainy in Shoah, Jews were not special Holocaust group. E.g. Poland lost about 80% of intelligentsia and ca. 8 million (fate of 2 million still unknown) of pre-WW2 citizens in the Holocaust (incl. ca. 3 million anti-Zionist and Orthodox Jews). Similar about Serbs.
Add to it the atrocities of the extreme Jew dominated Soviet regime before, during and after WW2, the total toll is on the order of 100 million ppl. The Soviets cooperated with the German Nazis in annihilation of the Poles. Psychopaths Stalin and Hitler were bankrolled and manipulated by the extreme Jew bankster cabal. In USSR and Germany, Zionism played a prominent role in internal and external politics, e.g. Hitler's pushing German Jews to colonise Palestine, Stalin's atrocius policies for Jew emigration to Israel ("pogroms" staged on Soviet Jews in transit in Poland).
Piotr Bein - Jan 24
Piotr’s Substack
Julie, I have difficulty reading books for my poor eyesight. But if you have a e-copy I could magnify on the monitor, give me a link to Fruchtenbaum's "The Footsteps".
David Pfaff - Jan 22
David Pfaff
All and everything is suspect, and even more of all of it is just a big ass lie.
Tess - Jan 23
You know how we can cure cancer and make the world a better place? Get rid of this farce and bring back farms and grow real food, without bioengenineering. No technology needed, except for the farm equipment.
Ohio Deb - Jan 23
Ohio Deb
We would still need ceasing the UN Agenda of Geoengineering! Theres no where to hide from the chemicals being sprayed .
aprayerformonkey - Jan 23
Of course. Which is why they are taking us farther and farther from that knowledge every hour.
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