Torsion Spectroscopy Of C19 Vaccinated…

Dec 14, 2023

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Aliss Terpstra - Dec 14, 2023

Aliss Terpstra

Can they be dissolved with methylene blue?


piotr - Dec 14, 2023

Same Question from me and how to defend :)


Catherine MacLeod - Dec 14, 2023


From what I have read in her work, EDTA is the only substance that actually disintegrates the proteins, but MB is said to stop their progress.


John - Dec 15, 2023


There is an MD on YouTube who quit cutting people open to resolve Gall Bladder issues.
Instead, he teaches them to vocalize the Yoga Om sound (ahhmm) while focusing on the gall bladder.
Doing so causes the stones to break up and pass.
Sound healing has universal application, and the basic instruction remains the same, only the focus changes to whatever needs correction.
There are also certain frequencies that have different healing abilities, and there are tutorials and articles on line and on YouTube, including instructions for tuning musical instruments to produce healing tones.
I can't predict what effect it would have on this, but it would be unique if sound therapy didn't at least help quite a bit.


Barbara - Dec 15, 2023

what is his name- youu tube channel?


Barbara - Dec 15, 2023


wow thanks!


John - Dec 15, 2023


You are sure welcome.
Good health to everyone!


John - Dec 24, 2023


Comment removed.


John - Dec 24, 2023


After five years of three hour classes a week, I know exactly what it is for me, a way to literally grow old gracefully.
The fact that Hindus also practice Yoga vin the context of their religion is irrelevant.
I won't be falling and breaking a hip and that is my focus, I don't care what anyone else does.
And in all likelihood you are referring to hysterical threads by Churchians who would not know True Religion if it bit them on the nose with their Counterfeit Sabbath and Ham Dinners and clowns in suits and silly costumes presuming to be their Shepherds...


Caroline - Dec 15, 2023


Would the nano explain the weakened immune system? Is all the other stuff like spike and SV40 and changes to DNA just a made up distraction?


Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2023

Seeking Truth

yes, it seems that way. This was their goal all along.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 15, 2023

Patti’s Substack

There is also research that shows that Myloperoxidase can degrade one and two layer graphene. I found that research on the net. So can you just get ready to spend some time reading.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 14, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Comment removed.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 15, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Yes and it does the same with carbon monoxide poisoning. They run it IV in the ER. it restores the RBCS ability to carry oxygen. Saves lives!


piotr - Dec 14, 2023

yes but how much dose use of methylene and how use this to body


Margie Chism - Dec 14, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision ■ When I found this clip, my jaw dropped. It perfectly explains everything we see happening today. Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision. Now, imagine what we're capable of today in 2023. Source @HATSTRUTH 🎩


Lynette Devries - Dec 14, 2023

Margie Chism

I saw on a clip from 2007 a scientist bragging that they have a machine capable of sending thoughts in people's minds. It was used to send a message to some Muslim soldiers to put down their weapons. The voice said it was Allah.


Margie Chism - Dec 14, 2023

Margie Chism

LD - Yes, I remember that. It seemed so evil, like receiving a call from a family member, but a joke. â–  These are terrible times. M


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 15, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Yes Lynette and it worked. They laid down their weapons. Confirmed by someone involved with that experiment.


John - Dec 15, 2023


That's really old tech.
It's called Neurophone, you can find lots of articles, it just buy one from Amazon.


John - Dec 15, 2023


Aww man. It's Brighteon.
That means yet another utterly useless, totally inaccessible uncaptioned video.
Crap. I really wanted to see it.


Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023

Margie Chism

John - I do not appreciate your statement. My last reply to you. â–  M


John - Dec 15, 2023


I really could not care less, except the part about not clogging my inbox with your dysfunction anymore.


Unagnu - Dec 16, 2023


No surprise here. They've literally been working towards this goal since the 1950s!


Margie Chism - Dec 16, 2023

Margie Chism

Una - It was not to be a surprise; but a share. â–  M


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Yeah, it's all fun and games until the MOSSAD uses mind control tech against your Bible Thumping Pastor, Army Captain, Doctor, Judge or Politician and leads your ass right into an ambush.......DOPE !!!!! TO LATE!!!!......#Agentmidnightrider


Margie Chism - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

AMR - I do not appreciate your comment. Last reply from me. "Lead your ass right into an abush," I do not receive from you or no one, therefore I send your comments back to you double portion. In Jesus Name. â–  M


Lisa - Dec 14, 2023 - Edited


This is criminal. I contend that it's no longer the jabs we need to be concerned with. It's everything - air, food, water. We are all getting this. We all need to be concerned about this.


Bee Gee - Dec 14, 2023

Bee Gee

The magnetism can shed to the unvaxxed, from another unvaxxed who is shed upon.
And as many people have discovered, it is not true magnetism as we knew it because many of the things that stick to unvaxxed peoples foreheads and sternums and clavicles are not "magnetic"... like keys and coins. That is to say a magnet will not stick to those items, like brass, aluminum, alloys, etc. Trust me, I spent days driving a Uhaul across the country with a pocket full of them. And I showed EVERYBODY I met.
What I think many people did Not realize was that its not only metals, but that plastics and even wood would stick Too. We first figured it out with plastic tooth flossers and moved to larger objects like rulers and smartphones and too many other things to remember. We took a gallon ziplok bag full of things that would stick to us to her longterm doctor, after extensive blood tests, but he denied it was happening Right In Front Of Him and even seemed to already know it was happening to people.
I found many other people could do it too, the same unvaxxed that are "magnetic", always on the forehead or sternum or clavicle. I've got a bunch of pictures and videos of multiple people from multiple states with metal and plastic things stuck to them but meh.
We had a YT channel with a few thousand subs and I started a Rumble and Gab and Minds and Telegram and Bitchute and others I've forgotten to try to show people what was happening but they all got deleted or banned, and eventually they shut down my proton mail and tutanota.
Then I gave up trying to tell people and concentrated on getting rid of it.
I was successful, we no longer have "it" but I don't know exactly what it was that "cured" us.
Also my wife and I each had to fly and go around the infected on trips for a few days (separate instances), and when we got back, (first I and then months later she) were magnetic again.
It did not cross spread from her to I or vice versa and eventually went away again but we were taking so many things it would hard to narrow down what did it. Or maybe it was something else altogether.
Also if you watch people closely, you can sometimes see when they have it. If they are wearing a necklace or cross, it can be stuck unnaturally to their clavicle. They usually dont even notice but even when they bend over and move around, it wont come off their collarbone or sternum and the chain is just free hanging.
Me and my wife couldnt help but spot them regularly back when we used to go out but we stay far from the Infected as much as we can now and only go around them rarely to minimize re-infection.


ValkrieScotDottir - Dec 15, 2023

ValkrieScotDottir’s Substack

"The characteristic signals for prion-like proteins revealed are: copper, zinc, selenium, sulfur, elementary particles from the prion-led nuclear reaction:" I know I'm going to display my appalling lack of scientific knowledge here and this may be a stupid question, but....given these elements keep turning up re these clots, should we cease taking supplements of same? I regularly take copper and zinc, for example. Am I simply feeding the building blocks of these clots? Sorry if this is a dumb question.


Unagnu - Dec 16, 2023


Not a stupid question a very PERTINENT one in my opinion. Why feed the fire, eh?


Karl.C - Dec 15, 2023

Karl.C’s Substack

Wow, I wish i could find out where to get schematics for that torsion spectroscopy setup. Incredible work this person has done. There are other criteria I wish to measure. Very nice.


Margie Chism - Dec 14, 2023

Margie Chism

What a great gift! Thank you for sharing! â–  M


AJ - Dec 15, 2023

Dr. Ana. by saying that the research Diana W. sent to you "is a gift for you as an expression of sympathy" she means expression of appreciation, liking you as a person, sing of friendship. This is a very common translation error and has nothing to do with the feeling of pity, condolences or regret. Just an FYI :)


Angie - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited


" We known that prion-like proteins tend to form pseudocrystals in the form of fibers with even macroscopic dimensions. "
Dr. Wojtikowiak
" Both neural dust and smart dust have been kicked into high gear by beam-steering technologies (phased array antennas) entailing mesh electronics technology picking up ultrasound waves for data transfer and control over brains. The sensors... contain a piezoelectric crystal that converts ultrasound vibrations from outside the body into electricity to power a tiny, on-board transistor that is in contact with a nerve or muscle fiber. A voltage spike in the fiber alters the circuit and the vibration of the crystal, which changes the echo detected by the ultrasound receiver, typically the same device that generates the vibrations. The slight change called backscatter, allows them to determine the voltage. As a wireless, battery-less system which monitors the brain from the inside, the neural dust system is tetherless and remote-controlled. In fact, the network of tiny implantable sensors function like an MRI inside the brain, recording data on nearby neurons and transmitting it back out. Particles are coated with polymer and contain an extremely small CMOS sensor capable of measuring electrical activity in nearby neurons. Neural dust can therefore be interrogated by components powered by ultrasound outside the body, which is much more efficient than radio waves for targeting the tiny subatomic world embedded deep in the body or brain: ultrasound transmits 10 million times more power than EM waves at the same scale. "
From pages 110-111 of Elana Freeland's book, "Geoenineered Transhumanism..."


Paul Vonharnish - Dec 14, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Of course no discussion of WHY any of these technologies are even allowed. Let's just continue to duck for cover and hope the bogie man goes away... Who's the bogie man? Hint: Technologists.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 15, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Here's another hint DARPA and the DOD.


Seeking Truth - Dec 21, 2023

Seeking Truth

But whose orders are they following? Who is Klaus reporting to?


Mark - Dec 14, 2023

Per Dr. Levy they can


kaal - Dec 14, 2023 - Edited


biotech- bst dna polymerase reverse transcribes xna back into dna 2 b read w dna sequencing. bst dna polymerase w its structural plasticity exhibits high tolerance 4 templates containing sugar modified nucleotides. high resolution crystal structures of bst dna polymerase captures translocated product of dna synthesis on templates of fana and tna nucleic acid polymers. pdb- accession codes 6MU4 [bst structure of fana template} 6MU5 bst structure with tna template.


kaal - Dec 14, 2023


geobacillus stearothermophilus.


kaal - Dec 14, 2023 - Edited


XNA reverse transcription. Synthetic biology involves XNA - directed evolution. xenobiology.


kaal - Dec 14, 2023


Just looked this up further and seems associated with covid pcr tests.


kaal - Dec 15, 2023


funded by darpa- aka folded non natural polymers with biological function.


Unagnu - Dec 16, 2023


No not with no function, fun factoid function is to KILL YOU OFF useless EATER and PARASITE. HUMANITY (original flavor) must DIE.


kaal - Dec 15, 2023


this is biopolymer folding. transliteration of synthetic genetic enzymes.


Amber Allen - Dec 15, 2023

Dummy version?


Thomas Guitarman - Dec 14, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Excellent now what about Sodium Citrate? SK


Lioness3* - Dec 14, 2023


Check out Karl C's substacks.


Seeking Truth - Jan 11, 2024

Seeking Truth

If you're worried about 5G radiation, I'd suggest learning what Ian F Akyildiz has to say about 5G and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things.
2.(PDF) The internet of Bio-Nano things | Ian Akyildiz -Academia.edu
3.Ian F Akyildiz wants to teach everyone about his design for remotely controlling your cells from the internet, the hub being your mobile phone & his implantable bioelectronic devices which include an engineered Ecoli fluorescent bionanosensor.
PANACEA:PANACEA: An Internet of Bio-NanoThings Application for Early Detection and ...
[PDF] The internet of Bio-Nano things - Semantic Scholar
4.[PDF] The internet of Bio-Nano things - Semantic Scholar


JesuSalva - Dec 15, 2023

JesuSalva’s Substack



Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 15, 2023

Agent’s Substack

If you want to know the GENESIS of this attack, so far, I have traced Obamas involvement back to at least 2005 when he first became Senator....keywords BAXTER PHARAMCEUTIACALS....#AgentMidnightRider


Keyesgood - Dec 15, 2023

Keyesgood’s Substack

Don’t forget, Gaddafi in 2009 he said at the UN that they want to make viruses and sale you the antidotes, then in 2011 NATO backed rebels killed him ,


Unagnu - Dec 16, 2023


Yes, and he had alot of gold in Libya which they stole too. And also they were running arms to the muslim extremists via Lybia hence the Benghazi debacle... thank you to Ms. Hilary Clinton 'what does it matter now?"


Keyesgood - Dec 16, 2023

Keyesgood’s Substack

The evil will take out any one that don’t comply,



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