The Possible Role Of Toxic Metals In C19 Shots In Development Of Heart Damage - Another Reason For Preventative EDTA Chelation

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 06, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I was sent this interesting study from 1999 by Cardiologist Dr Thomas Levy. It really peaked my interested since it showed that significant myocardial damage was associated with extremely high levels of metals in the tissue. As noted above, Mercury was extremely high, with the next leading metal being Antimony, Chromium, Gold and Cobalt. In the summary of worldwide testing of the C19 contents of teams around the world, many metals were found. Antimony, Cobalt and Chromium amongst them. Remember that many teams did not find mRNA or molecules of life like phosphorus and Nitrogen. BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

If many people did not get mRNA but still have cardiac toxicity, could the metals be part of it? What about the nanotechnology polymers that contain metals? We did discuss the recent findings of “microplastics” - which have the same chemical composition as nanotechnology polymers - in the myocardium: Humans Turning Into Cyborgs: Scientific Article On "Detection of Various Microplastics in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery"

Please note, nano particulate metals are thousands of times more toxic then micro particle metals.

Here is what the teams found investigating the C19 shots:

Extensive metals were found in C19 shot analysis from Germany as well:

Alarming New Report from Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany and Other Countries

It is well established that heart complications, including myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy are found post C19 injections.

Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Cardiomyopathy After COVID-19 Vaccination

At the same time the association between toxic heavy metals that bio accumulate in the body from different sources is also well documented. Note in the below article, the metals in the air are from geoengineering projects that contaminate our biosphere with toxic metals, and hence pollute our bodies. The more metals you have, the more toxicity you synergistically manifest, and this causes oxidative damage and accelerated aging.

Here is another study associating heart damage with toxic metals, note antimony and chromium found.

Toxic metals also are associated with cardiovascular disease, strokes and diabetes.

I have written about the possibility of helpful intervention of Vitamin C and EDTA in Vaccine injury in September 2022. There certainly exists enough research that toxic nanotechnology metals particles in the C19 shots contribute to the cardiac problems seen.

Is EDTA Chelation and Intravenous Vitamin C An Additional Hopeful Medical Treatment For C19 Vax Injury? How Can Toxic Metals Found in C19 Shots Synergistically Harm The Body?

I still recommend the Medfive Sytem for oral chelation, new batch will be available January 18th, 2024.

Medfive tablets back in stock January 18th, 2024

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Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Dr Ana
I’ve been on the methylene blue for about 3 weeks. After 2 weeks, I started getting headaches and did an ion foot bath with the rife set to detox graphene and had metals pouring out of me. It took 5 sessions at an hour a day and got rid of the headaches. Metals are still coming out, but not as bad.
To me it appears that the white clots are disintegrating and overloaded my body with metals.
I’ve posted in the past of my detox regimen and I do the foot detox once a week and so all this coming out at once after doing the MB, it does work!
Thanks for all your research, it has made a huge difference in recovering from the death jab.
Since having the jab, I have overcome passing out over a dozen times, breathing issues, cancer, and the last two are the skin conditions and neurological issues I have. All natural products.

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Leah - Jan 6, 2024

You know, people all over the earth are trying to get relief from these and other ailments using a product called Lifewave patches and I tried them for many months with zero changes. I was looking at one under my microscope trying to see if something nefarious is there but I don’t know how to do this very well. I would love to know if Dr. Anna Mihalcea has looked at these or her colleagues because I smell huge foul here. Placebo at work? Lots of networked reviews from people involved in the MLM plan?

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