The Possible Role Of Toxic Metals In C19…

Jan 6, 2024

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I was sent this interesting study from 1999 by Cardiologist Dr Thomas Levy.


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

Dr Ana
I’ve been on the methylene blue for about 3 weeks. After 2 weeks, I started getting headaches and did an ion foot bath with the rife set to detox graphene and had metals pouring out of me. It took 5 sessions at an hour a day and got rid of the headaches. Metals are still coming out, but not as bad.
To me it appears that the white clots are disintegrating and overloaded my body with metals.
I’ve posted in the past of my detox regimen and I do the foot detox once a week and so all this coming out at once after doing the MB, it does work!
Thanks for all your research, it has made a huge difference in recovering from the death jab.
Since having the jab, I have overcome passing out over a dozen times, breathing issues, cancer, and the last two are the skin conditions and neurological issues I have. All natural products.


Kathleen Rapp - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

Please share how you were able to access the methylene blue! Through an MD? Any chance insurance paid for it? I know it’s a long shot but please share how you were able to access MB. Thank you so much!


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

Earth Harmony Methylene Blue Pharmaceutical Grade 99.99% with Dropper, with Liquid Gold for Enhanced Photodynamic Activity & Increased Absorption, Methylene Blue USP Grade, No Formaldehyde (2 Oz)


Kathleen Rapp - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

Thank you for the information!!


Kathleen Rapp - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

I thought methylene blue was a pharmaceutical developed approximately 100 years ago for infection and depression..


Lisa Nash - Jan 6, 2024

Lisa Nash

It was but they have discovered it’s many other health benefits. One of the main things is to help repair the mitochondria.


EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024

we purchase same. we are happy with it.
anyone know why i smell something like bleach every time i drink it with vitC? can’t figure that out.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 6, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Friends Methylene Blue is an over the counter product. I bought mine on Amazon but the company that makes and supplies it is in the USA. It's called either BHP or BPH Chemicals. They have an online store. USP grade is the only one to get (food grade).
It's also sold in capsules to make a 200 ml dose of 1 % in steam distilled water which is the dose in the bottles.
Shipping costs on the capsules is low compared to the bottles.


Lisa - Jan 7, 2024


So happy for you that you are recovering! Thanks so much for sharing.


Sandy K - Jan 6, 2024

Sandy K

Thanks for sharing your info, Jesse. How do you know you are releasing metals? Thank you and blessings to you. I hope your healing continues.


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Sandy K

Sorry to be blunt, but did you even read my original post? It says right there.


Sandy K - Jan 6, 2024

Sandy K

Hi Jesse, yes, I read your post, but how can you prove that metals were released? Are you saying the rife machine was set to "metals"? Which metals? Genuinely want to understand. Thank you🙏


Johnathan - Jan 7, 2024



Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Jerms 9654

Do you even know what an ion foot detox does? Research that first. It’s basics. Metals means metals. Any of them. If you want to do specific ones with a rife, set it to that frequency. Some things need to be researched for you to understand, I don’t know what you know and don’t know, but from your comments, you don’t seem to know about either, otherwise you wouldn’t be saying “how do I prove”. That is an insult and I’m done responding to you.
I’m not being rude, but you post like a bot.
My post is about MB and the result in using it and your comments have nothing to do with it.
Have a good day and good luck.


Jerms 9654 - Jan 6, 2024

Jerms 9654

Wow. Youre an asshole.


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Bless your heart.


R. Q. - Jan 6, 2024

R. Q.

All of these effects that you describe are described in the scientific literature. Graphene oxide produces that and more.
Stay away from any microwave emitter (antennas or Wi-Fi), graphene is a superconductor, it charges with these technologies, and you already know that it produces arrhythmias in contact with cardiac cells.


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

Ok, thanks, but that’s stuff I learned 2 years ago.
I am giving real life results, not what is in scientific literature.


Seeking Truth - Jan 6, 2024

Seeking Truth

what ionic foot bath do you have?


Jesse - Jan 6, 2024

I bought this one 6 years ago Vitaciti Ionic Ion Detox Machine Professional Foot Bath Spa Negative Hydrogen Ion Cleanse with Far Infrared Belt, Two Foot Bath Spa Arrays Holiday Gift


Leah - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


You know, people all over the earth are trying to get relief from these and other ailments using a product called Lifewave patches and I tried them for many months with zero changes. I was looking at one under my microscope trying to see if something nefarious is there but I don’t know how to do this very well. I would love to know if Dr. Anna Mihalcea has looked at these or her colleagues because I smell huge foul here. Placebo at work? Lots of networked reviews from people involved in the MLM plan?


wilson - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


I tried the X39 lifewave patch for three months and couldn't tell that it did anything. It is an MLM scheme. sellers have a vested interest in pushing the product and gushing about the benefits. If you read the advertising, you'd think the patches are a cure for everything. Just another version of snake oil but maybe I didn't do it right or something.


Maureen - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


I have used these with some success, I've also got a friend who reversed her son's heart problem, she has the tests/imaging to show the before and afters I know her well so trust her. I'd love to know someone else's take on these as well. They have helped my quadriplegic dad fight off bladder infections as well.


wilson - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


I am happy to hear that. I would be pleased to be wrong. We are all an experiment of one.


Sandy K - Jan 6, 2024

Sandy K

Thank you; I used Lifewave patches X39 & X49 for 6 months and think they helped energy levels and focus. They are not inexpensive products, however. The patches were sent exactly on time and each month a different 10-sample was included. I stopped only because I felt the $200 could be better used elsewhere, but may return at a later time. I met the founders at a health expo & they sure came across as genuine people with their own health stories (so....yes, they could have been excellent snake oil sellers😉)


Ken Kobalanski - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited

Could it be that your prayers and positive belief systems led to a positive outcome? Something similar to how a Reiki practitioner is a pure channel for loving Reiki energy? Please research REIKI for additional information. Thanks.


Grandpa Castorini - Jan 6, 2024

A second lvl Reiki myself? I've noticed that it helps with illness, symptoms. So far not able to remove the critters! Maybe at master lvl?


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 6, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

Thank you again and again for all your research !
I learnt from you that methylene blue helps cleansing the graphene oxide and the metal from the shedding (I am not jabbed).
Have you found any proof of zeolite having a similar role?
I can tell you that I have been having methylene blue IV and they certainly help when I feel I have been shedded ...
I got the “original” cov in April 2020 and went through it uneventfully with Zithromax, vitamin D3 / C / zinc and aspirin for me heparin for my 74 year old husband just out of a cancer surgery!
Since then (both not jabbed) we had no other infections except at times we feel getting shedded .
IVM helps against the spike .. I was wondering if zeolite can help detoxing from the graphene
Thank you again for all your help and hard work


R. Q. - Jan 6, 2024

R. Q.

I don't remember the name now, but I recently saw a presentation by a doctor from Mexico and how she treated several of her patients. She treated it with everything, zeolite, chlorine dioxide, etc. We know that these antioxidants do not eliminate graphene oxide, they only improve the symptoms.
The doctor said that her patients were getting better, but after several months her blood looked the same and they had the same symptoms.
That is why reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been studied around the world for decades. They knew what material to put into people.


Lisa Nash - Jan 6, 2024

Lisa Nash

I forgot to say charcoal in the am and pm! Sorry!


Lisa Nash - Jan 6, 2024

Lisa Nash

I read on another thread where taking high doses (5 in the a.m. and 5 in the p.m.) for 2 days a week cleans the blood. I think Zeolite would do the job also. Methylene Blue is also very cheap and very medicinal for cleaning our bodies up and healing our mitochondrial function.


Giulia filippelli loewy - Jan 6, 2024

Giulia filippelli loewy

I love MB: I get it as an IV and it is a great . In Europe though it is difficult to find it in drops or pills .
My concern was mostly about protecting from shedding


Lisa Nash - Jan 7, 2024

Lisa Nash

There is a company called Sacred Purity that is in the U.K. where I get mine from. Can you get stuff from the U.K.?


Lisa - Jan 7, 2024


Hi Lisa, when you say "5 in the a.m." what is the unit for the :5"? Thanks!


Lisa Nash - Jan 7, 2024

Lisa Nash

The girl didn’t say. I would just buy encapsulated charcoal and take 5 pills of any kind. All charcoal does is draw toxins out. It would be a cheaper way to see if it would clean this junk up.


Lisa - Jan 7, 2024


Thank you!


jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 6, 2024

i advocate for whole plant medicines any way you can achieve that


Allan - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited

Just Checkin??

Michael Denborough in the early 60s believed Calcium could be the link between childhood vaccines and SIDS. The Calcium causing malignant hyperthermia. My 1961 six month Whooping Cough vax put me in hospital and my parents were told I would not make it through the night twice. I am still fighting them.


Leah - Jan 6, 2024

I have more patches and would be happy to mail some to Dr. Anna if she wants to check them out.


R. Q. - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited

R. Q.

You are right, doctor, certain heavy metals that have been introduced into vaccines for decades do cause harm. But the metal, or rather, the mineral that has caused the most deaths since the covid vaccine, is reduced graphene oxide. In the analysis of the covid vials, 99.9% analyzed is reduced graphene oxide. A small part 0.1% contains different metals. But what is causing the deaths is reduced graphene oxide (rGO)
The scientific literature is very rich in the extreme toxicity of this toxin:
57- Graphene oxide administered intramuscularly accumulates in the lungs, causing pulmonary toxicity and death due to granuloma:
- Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of biocapped 2D materials - 2018
- Graphene oxide generates blood clotting:
- Toxicity of nanoparticles of the graphene family: a general review of the origins and mechanisms
- The dangers of graphene and its side effects on human biology:
- Nanotoxicology: Breathing carbon nanotubes produces pulmonary fibrosis, a cause of lung cancer:
- Toxicity of graphene in normal human lung cells:
- Graphene oxide affects the outcome of in vitro fertilization by interacting with the sperm membrane in an animal model:
-- Graphene oxide touches blood: in vivo interactions of 2D materials with "Biological Corona" effect -!divAbstract!divAbstract
- Graphene oxide can induce mutagenesis (cancer) in vitro and in vivo:
- Physico-chemical properties based on the differential toxicity of graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide in human lung cells mediated by oxidative stress:
- An evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of graphene nanoparticles on human lung epithelial cells:
- Role of surface charge and oxidative stress in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of graphene oxide towards human lung fibroblast cells:
- Graphene nanoparticles induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells through mitochondrial damage and the NF-KB pathway:
- Genotoxicity of graphene nanoribbons in human mesenchymal stem cells:
- DNA fusion and genotoxicity induced by silver and graphene nanoparticles:
- Hydroxylated graphene quantum dots induce DNA damage and alter microtubule structure in human esophageal epithelial cells:
Graphene oxide nanosheets induce DNA damage and activate the base excision repair (BER) signaling pathway both in vitro and in vivo:
- Genotoxic response and damage recovery of macrophages to graphene quantum dots:
Can graphene quantum dots damage DNA in cells?:
Blood exposure to graphene oxide can cause anaphylactic death in primates:
PEGylation of Graphene Oxide Reduction Induces Toxicity in Blood-Brain Barrier Cells: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study:
47- Evaluation of the toxic potential of nanomaterials of the graphene family:
50- A differential effect of graphene oxide on the production of proinflammatory cytokines:
51 - Graphene oxide disrupted mitochondrial homeostasis by inducing intracellular redox shift and autophagy-lysosomal network dysfunction in SH-SY5Y cells:
56- Control of the cardiac activity of a living being remotely using graphene:
59- Graphene oxide induces apoptotic cell death in endothelial cells by activating autophagy:
I could be listing the hundreds of studies that there are in the very rich scientific literature on this material that has been introduced into all the vials.
There are studies that address how it affects the heart, the kidney, the liver (remember those strange hepatitis in children vaccinated against covid), the brain, etc., etc.


The Bodysnatchers - Jan 6, 2024

The Bodysnatchers

Would Medfive be useful for reactions to other non-covid jabs, eg flu, tetanus? Or even dental anaesthetics or mercury fillings?


ThreeArchBay - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


What is the best test to determine if one has a metals contamination problem? lab Corp? Quest Diagnostics??
Anyone have the codes, if such exist?
I understand that mercury moves pretty quickly to the bones, etc... so is it measurable in blood or urine?


Questioning - Jan 7, 2024 - Edited


If you are in the US, here is the website
You can search for term “heavy metals” and it brings up different tests available. You can order test without doctor or insurance. I have used this site for other tests, not for heavy metals though.
Here is one more site that was recommended to me by lab technician. She said some tests are better priced here I have not personally used it yet.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 7, 2024


Thanks, appreciate it.
I wonder if the tests for mercury from amalgams is any different... or more or less accurate, than a mercury test for industrial exposure?


Questioning - Jan 7, 2024


I have asked your question in their chat. They should email me response when agent is available. I will share, if they actually resond to my request.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 7, 2024


Thank you!


Questioning - Jan 16, 2024


Just wanted to let you know I haven’t received any response from customer service. I guess, we need to decide on our own what are the best tests to use for ourselves.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 16, 2024


Thanks for trying...


Leah - Jan 6, 2024


I hate to think people who need real help are being scammed and these are expensive.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 6, 2024


Yes, this smells of a scam... I read that customers have a hell of a time getting their money back, and the prices are outrageous... look up the ingredients... very common.


Leah - Jan 6, 2024


I see there are claims that the patches have some effects on various organic processes in the body because of “crystals” in the patches. Looking with my microscope I could see no crystal looking structures but I’m sure mine isn’t as strong as a clinical microscope. I am very skeptical having zero changes after trying a variety of these for many months. I also see they are being sued.


ThreeArchBay - Jan 6, 2024


Look into methylene blue, if you have not already... great stuff!
IF dealing with a major problem, look into Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)
I take Pure Body Extra liquid zeolite for general ongoing detox... so far, no side effects. EDTA only works effectively via IV. Oral does not.


Bernie Sumer - Jan 6, 2024


@ColMacKnows what product are you referring to?


ThreeArchBay - Jan 6, 2024


X39 lifewave patch


Jlbcreation65 - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


I am getting so confused. I just watched a 2 hour interview with Dr. Arnie Burkhardt -- supposedly it was his final one before his death. I thought it was excellent. He found spike protein in a lot of autopsies of jabbed people who died suspiciously after the jab. How could that be if there was no MRNA in the jabs? Supposedly the LNP's transported the spike into all of the various tissue samples whereas a covid infection would not produce spike in these locations or something like that plus there was no nucleocapside, which there would have to be if the virus not the jab.


Claudia - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


It seems likely to me that different lots have different dangerous anomalies … to fool us, esp. pathologists trying to determine the actual content of the vials.


Jlbcreation65 - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


I just can't believe that they tried to force us to INJECT something that they would not reveal the ingredients of while all food items, medications and supplements that you SWALLOW must have a list of ingredients.


EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024

yes, lots of 🚩 red flags went off for me. then they wanted us to wait for 75 years to reveal what’s inside! holy cow! something is really wrong here.


Claudia - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited


Excellent point. It’s also hard to believe so many people allowed themselves (and their children) to be injected … and still do.


EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024

the poor children 🥹


Sunny B - Jan 6, 2024

Sunny B

Dr Mihalcea thank you for your indepth electron micrographic analytical research findings related to C19 vaccine nano components and likely harms. Really is an eye-opening factual study well worthy of wider publication.


lauron Smith - Jan 6, 2024

lauron Smith

I am interested in the medfive tablets


Charlie - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

Use them as follow up to edta and Nac/zinc. I’m still alive, lol. Lots of different things to do once a week. AHCC for white blood cells too. It has taken about a year to refine it all. MMS on shelf along with others round out med cabinet with every imaginable dottea essential oil, my wife’s department. My witch doctor, lol


Kathleen Rapp - Jan 6, 2024

Kathleen Rapp

What is AHCC?


Charlie - Jan 6, 2024

mushroom supplement from Japan. MMS is chlorine dioxide.


SoCalGal - Jan 6, 2024


The Medfive tablets sound interesting


ThreeArchBay - Jan 6, 2024


Far less expensive to order the ingredients separately. They are common and should NOT be expensive.


jeff rozanski - Jan 8, 2024

I'm trying to contact Ms Ana Maria Mihalcea about something important in my point of view her secretary won't let me contact her?


EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024

you need to make an appointment. she’s a busy Dr.


Terri - Jan 8, 2024

Terri’s Substack

I just thought everyone should know that in the midst of all this chaos, we are going to have a pole shift. I found out


Terri - Jan 8, 2024

Terri’s Substack

I found out about a pole shift possibly happening years ago and also about Planet X being real too. So, read S.4488 and watch the Diehold Foundation Youtubes to read about the big secret being kept from us. Then, watch the Chris Thomas Youtubes to find safe locations in the world. Stock up on LOTS of water, food, survival items, Rxs, masks for PlanetX dust, and etc. EMP (grid down) will probably occur this Feb or March. I'm NOT kidding about this. I wish that I was. So, my advice is to hurry up and find a safe location and get ready ASAP.!!! Also Some honest to God aliens have been warning us for years??? Holy crap!


Bruce Hartnett - Jan 9, 2024

Bruce Hartnett

It's been happening for several years now. That's why different airports have had to change their info for their own airports. The Magnetic North Pole is now in Russia!
It's just part of the Earth changing itself. Not the 1st time in the history of the Earth.



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