The 21st Century Will Be Known As The Age of Spiritual Machines and Soulless Men

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 04, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The above quote is from Dr Robert Duncans book Soul Catcher. In the posted video above, which I highly recommend everyone watch, you can see that humanoid AI Robots are becoming too real. We now have humanoid robots that can smile, gesture, read our thoughts and emotions as we move towards the smart work free home, where robots take care of all task and replace humans. The workforce will also be replaced by robots in all fields of expertise. AI through neural network self learning capabilities can evolve its own knowledge base exponentially. Of course, we know that the concern is the potential human extinction level event where AI robots deem humans as superfluous and destroy the human race. That is not science fiction, but reality, since AI has no conscience and no emotions.

As the COVID19 bioweapon software installation of AI controlled brain computer interface via nano-robotics is creating the Cyborg Zombie soulless men and women, the robots industry is making strides at exponential speed.

Watch for yourself. The dystopian future of robots replacing humans is already here.

The other aspect of the development of AI that can read brain wave activity is the concept that was developed through the CIA Targeting program. As you can see in the below slide, through the use of Nanobots that enter the brain, full brain wave activity can be captured, uploaded to the virtual you in the cloud and remotely modulated.

In this video below, recently deceased Dr Robert Duncan, CIA whistleblower and former Department of Defense employee, explains how this works - to allow remote torture of innocent civilians in their home. Steve Hoffman, Silicon Valley serial enterpreneur, also describes how thought sharing works. He explains how the brain patterns are being analyzed and uploaded into the cloud and put into a database. Then the patterns of the brain are matched with the patterns in the database to decode the information and read the persons mind. This is not some sci fi future technology, but has been implemented for decades now.

The use of surface EEG has also been described by Dr. John Hall, a targeted individual himself,who wrote the book “A New Breed - Satellite Terrorism in America”. In the book he exposed how private criminal individuals with ties to the FBI have also been able to hack into the government surveillance program and use it for gang stalking, drug operations and rape - in essence creating human slaves. The method of surface EEG use is able to remotely monitor and translate thoughts of any individual and also insert thoughts that sound within your head as if they are your own. A large portion of Targeted Individuals cannot differentiate that this external control is happening to them and the thoughts they are having are not their own. The sound can be projected to come from other external sources. In the coverup these people have been branded as psychotic.

We should take note of this technology as we are observing the personality changes in many COVID19 vaccinated individuals, for this external remote control is the point of the self assembly nanotechnology. The mind control of the masses has been investigated by the CIA and military for many decades, in fact many of the human experimentation of torture and mind control have been analyzed and furthered by the CIA since the 1940’s. John Marks, in his book “ The Search for the Manchurian Candidate” summarized 16000 pages of declassified documents from the CIA mind control research which included project BLUEBIRD, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA and others. The illegal experimentation that was executed by civilian psychiatrists on innocent civilians with illegal drugs like LSD, heroin and other mind altering substances is outlined - as well as the longstanding desire to control humans in body and soul. Aldous Huxley, prominent technocrat, and Author of the book “A Brave New World” wrote in 1959:

“ And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing… a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people with in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.”

Of course that is now translated into the WEF motto: “You will own nothing and be happy.”

The WEF in their 2023 Davos meeting discussed the topic of complete brain monitoring of every thought. Please watch this video that describes that your employer and the government will be assessing brain waves and will deploy thought policing. They discuss that AI has already brought this technology here and shows the speakers brain wave activity being monitored by AI. This is being done by a wearable device, nothing needs to be implanted. The speaker describes how all interface with computers will be via thought only. This future has already arrived. Please watch this World Economic Forum Lecture:

In our time, no pharmacology is needed or wearable device is needed, since the mind control is achieved electronically via programming the nanorobots in human blood. What nanorobots?

The ones I have been showing you all along, that are now even in COVID 19 unvaccinated blood. These are not harmless little critters, they are the nano-technological basis for the greatest crime ever committed against humanity on a mass scale in order to control not just their mind and body, but also their soul. Through geoengineering operations that have sprayed smart dust sensors on humanity through decades, injectable poisons like vaccines, dental anesthetics and other “medications” this self assembly nano-technological brain computer interface is being delivered. I captured this video at 4000x magnification in COVID19 unvaccinated blood:


Whistleblower Bryon Kofron who worked as a security specialist for the targeting program headquartered in Seattle, explains that the Voice to Skull operation and organized gang stalking as a social engineering program. You can listen to these whistleblowers explain the already existing technologies that have been deployed and are active now in this 15 min video:

As Bryan Kofron explained in the video, the technology works like this: “A computer multiplexer routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specific defined location or cell. The receiver is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy by their biometrics, DNA, gait, facial recognition and brain wave pattern. However, the receiver is not a cell phone - it is the human brain. This technology can also be used to manipulate the emotions of the target, it can induce fear, love, hate. It can cause you to be nervous, confident, depressed, happy. It can cause you to feel any emotion at any time by artificially inducing them.”

Another security expert explains: “They get your garbage and from it sequence your DNA. Once they have your DNA they can create directed energy attacks that will only bioresonate with your body.”

Once the frequency hacks into the mind it has access to the entire body and the entire brain. All it is doing is manipulating the electrical signals within the brain.

By manipulating the brain this no touch torture is exerted. Steve Hoffman goes on to explain how real identity theft can happen, by erasing you, reprogram you IN A WAY WITHOUT YOU EVEN KNOWING IT. You think you are in control of your own will, but those are not your thoughts. Hoffman goes on to explain that this technology could create heaven, the sense of oneness - or hell, where an evil AI is creating zombies, and people think they are free but they are not free without knowing it.

The perpetrators are approaching this as if it was a video game, and they are controlling all of civilization as well as individuals. It is highly illegal and it must be stopped.

As John Marks stated in his book “The search for the Manchurian Candidate”:

“Nearly every Agency document stressed goals like “ controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self- preservation. “

I would like to remind people, that reputable universities have confirmed self assembly nanotechnology building blocks in the COVID 19 bioweapons and now even in dental anesthetics - as have scientists around the world. Many did not find mRNA in the vials at all. Here are a few examples:

Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado

Dr. Marcela Sangorrin is from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council - National University of Comahue.

Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Analysis Of Covid 19 Injections – 50 Undeclared Chemical Elements, Graphene Oxide, Fluorescent Particles – Conversation With Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep23

BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

Alarming New Report from Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany and Other Countries

UK Forensic Report Finds Graphene: Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions In Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines – by UNIT: Self-Assembly Graphene Nanoparticles confirmed

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”? Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity - My Interview with Dr. David Hughes

With the recent developments of a possible military world war, given the conflicts with Ukraine/ Russia and tensions with NATO members as well as the Israeli, Palestinian and Iranian tensions, it is easy to forget that the greatest war on the human race is happening right now in a silent stealth mode, by transforming humanity from the inside, without their knowledge, by an invisible AI controlled self assembly nanotechnology.

It remains imperative that people learn about this while they still have the mental faculties to comprehend the information. We are already in the midst of World War Three, and the battlefield is visible only by observing human blood through a high quality Darkfield Microscope.

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Cy Lanced - Aug 4

Cy Lanced

"It remains imperative that people learn about this while they still have the mental faculties to comprehend the information. We are already in the midst of World War Three, and the battlefield is visible only by observing human blood through a high quality Darkfield Microscope."
This explains to me why so many remain resolutely impervious to acknowledging this massive crime against humanity. The battle is invisible to them and their minds are blocked.

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Honeybee - Aug 4

Honeybee’s Substack

Many events will occur on the road to liberation. (1) Humankind will adapt. Right now, humanity is completely vulnerable because the science has been developed in secret, dark projects and by highly manipulated and ideologically devout groups. Humanity has no knowledge of these developments. Humankind will eventually be able to block AI. I do not deny that humankind will suffer greatly for millennia. (2) Humankind will be able to fake out AI. The end event will be catastrophic for technology like AI. One chink in their armor leads to their downfall. The human will be able to project an energy which AI receives and substantiates as a genuine thought when, in actuality, it isn't. (3) Almost all of the people will be captured by methods and more you describe. Either a few groups will learn to thrive underground somewhere or remain outside of AI surveillance somehow. These groups will not only naturally evolve to combat AI-type technology but also, by that time, to fight with spiritual prowess the AI won't have. The age will demand spirituality. The times will have changed...see? I saw this before my 2nd husband died of cancer. He exited quickly opting for no treatment. I'm not naturally psychic by any means, but a complete download was given me to pass on to him prior to his death for some reason. I didn't understand anything at the time except the whole episode was beyond my comprehension.

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