Reversing Autoimmunity – How Can Peptides and Antiaging Treatments Help? New Epoch Times Article Discussing C19 Infection and Injection Autoimmune Effects

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 20, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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With the C19 injections there has been a rise in autoimmunity that can present in many different ways. I have seen a rise in ANA – called anti-nuclear antibody - which is a marker that goes up when the immune system starts attacking the cells in one’s own body even in circumstances of long Covid, shedding and in those who got the shots. Many different rheumatologic diseases might have elevated ANA antibodies. There are sub – categories that can help differentiate what kind of auto-immune disease it could be, for example Lupus, Sjogren’s disease, mixed connective tissue disease and others.

In this recent Epoch Times article, I was asked about my treatment experience.

Spike Protein From Infection and Vaccines Contributing to Autoimmune Diseases, Studies Suggest

If you are not getting the Epoch Times ( which I highly recommend), here is the PDF:

I explained, that I have used multiple modalities like nutritional supplementations, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Methylene Blue and infusion therapy with Vitamin C, Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid. Additionally, I use anti-aging peptides which have excellent effects in long Covid, shedding with D-Dimer elevation indicating micro clotting, as well as abnormal autoimmune markers after C19 injection.

One example is a woman in her 60’s with a previous history of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In 2019 she had abnormal anti-DNA antibodies for Lupus at a titer of 1:80. She never developed any symptoms. After being exposed to vax shedding, she developed a rash on her arms as well as face in a butterfly fashion, characteristic for a Lupus flare. She never had Covid. Because I had seen so many people have elevation of D-Dimer when exposed to Vax shedding, I tested both D-Dimer and ANA antibodies.

The ANA suddenly rose extremely high to a titer of 1:1280 and the D-Dimer also was abnormally high, without any symptoms of blood clotting like swollen legs or shortness of breath. She started high dose Vitamin C infusions weekly and she got an anti-aging peptide combination with Epithalon and GHK Copper. After 4 treatments, her symptom had completely resolved, and she no longer had any autoimmune anti- DNA antibodies.

Original Lab in 2019 showing positive finding and then test on 3/8/22 showing very high titers.

Follow up testing from 4/22/22 shows no evidence of Lupus antibodies.

I wrote about the anti-aging properties and literature review of the peptides in this article.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
COVID Spike Protein Causes Accelerated Aging
Many recent publications discuss the fact that Spike Protein alone and the virus cause accelerated aging. This is called Senescence –and means that the immune system is excreting many cytokine messengers that are aging all the cells around them. In a simplified way, this causes cells to stop dividing. They are in a permanent state of this aging decay an…
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As we are facing the long Covid, Vax shedding and C19 shot toxicity epidemics, more work is needed to see how these peptides and treatments can continue to help and I hope other physician colleagues will start using these modalities that have no side effects. As I documented here, they also work in reversal of long Covid brain dysfunction:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Complete Reversal of Long Haul Covid Brain Dysfunction as documented by WAVI Brain EEG
Complete Reversal of Long Haul Covid Brain Dysfunction as documented by WAVI Brain EEG In this video presentation I discuss causes of Long Haul Covid Brain dysfunction and show how it ages the brain by decades via neuroinflammation as documented via WAVI Brain EEG screening technology. Documentation of complete reversal of brain inflammation and aging an…
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Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Sep 20, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Excellent work Ana! I wish there were more around like you! Thanks for your innovations and care!

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E Constantinescu - Sep 20, 2022

Hi Ana, I have a few questions about this article. Could you please contact me on - Elena

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