Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this study, the toxicity of the plasticizer DEHP was studies on electrical conductivity in the hearts of mice. The study checked human blood products that were stored between 7- 42 days. The authors assumed that the toxic levels of DEHP were related to the plastic bags that the blood was stored in. However, the authors do not consider that phthalates could come from other sources. These chemicals are used for the softening of polyvinyl alcohol, a plastic that was found in human blood by Clifford Carnicom and I and happens to be a stealth nanoparticle in the Moderna patent.
In the study the sinus heart rate was stable at a low concentration of the chemical DEHP, but slowed down by 43% within 30 minutes of exposure. Furthermore the following adverse heart effects occurred:
DEHP exposure also exerted a negative dromotropic response, as indicated by a 69.4% longer PR interval, 108.5% longer Wenckebach cycle length (WBCL), and increased incidence of atrioventricular (AV) uncoupling (60-min exposure).
Follow-up studies using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes confirmed that DEHP slows electrical conduction in a time (15 min–3 h) and dose-dependent manner (10–100 μg/ml). Previous studies have suggested that phthalate toxicity is specifically attributed to metabolites of DEHP, including mono-2-ethylhexylphthalate. This study demonstrates that DEHP exposure also contributes to cardiac dysfunction in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
First, since these studies were done on blood that was for blood transfusion, how would a human getting these toxic metabolites fare?
The authors did not mention if the blood samples were C19 vaccinated or unvaccinated. They immediately jump to the conclusion that the medical bags in which the blood is stored in is leaching the DEHP, and not the self assembly nanoparticle polymer plastics that were already in the blood at time of blood donation, via C19 injection, environmental exposure, food, geoengineering and other exposures. Both can certainly contribute!
We measured DEHP concentrations in stored RBC units and then used those concentrations as a guide for cardiotoxicity assessment.
RBC units (300 ± 50 ml) from healthy donors were obtained from the Rockville Red Cross Blood, Platelet and Plasma Donation Center (Rockville, Maryland). All blood units were O-negative, sickle-negative, collected using standard single donor needle methods and stored in additive preservation solution (AS-3) according to standards of the American Academy Blood Banking requirements and the Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration, 2020). RBC units were stored at 4°C–6°C in a research-grade, temperature-monitored refrigerator according to standards.
However, it is a fair question to ask if the blood was contaminated with phthalates or the plastics that leach them prior to entering the medical bags. Here is some indication that it could be so:
Here are Phthalates found in every placenta:
Damning New Research Study Finds Self Assembly Plastic Polymer Nanoparticles In Every Placenta
This was the C19 analysis from Attorney Todd Callender that showed Phthalates:
Here are the same polymber plastics that can degrade to Phthalates found in myocardium, pericardium and fat surrounding the heart as well as the blood:
Here is the filament analysis from geoengineering showing they found DHEP which means humans are inhaling it with every time they are spraying the toxic poison via chemtrails:
Here they are in bottled water:
Here they are in all foods tested:
Study Shows How Microplastics Can Easily Climb The Food Chain
And of course here they are in blood:
So you can see that I do not buy their conclusion that this came from the storage bags for the blood transfusions, but I am stating that these were contaminating the blood already when it was donated.
The researchers go on to state:
DEHP is highly susceptible to leaching because it is not covalently bound to the polyvinyl chloride matrix; phthalate leaching is increased when lipophilic solutions come into contact with plastic materials that have a large surface area, at an elevated temperature, or for a prolonged period of time.
Wait a minute, if self assembly polymers aka microplastics are swimming in human blood, which is at an elevated temperature of around 97 degrees F, and blood is a lipophilic solution, would DEHP not start leaching into the blood?
They admit that the toxicity of phthalates is not novel news, but that they know it is very toxic to the heart and even kills animals when exposed via cardiac arrest:
Identifying the consequences of clinical phthalate exposure on patient outcomes is inherently difficult, given the complexity of clinical care and the heterogeneous nature of patient populations. Nevertheless, experimental studies have shown that phthalate chemicals can exert cardiotoxic effects. As examples, DEHP exposure slows the spontaneous beating rate of isolated cardiomyocyte preparations , whereas mono-2-ethylhexylphthalate (MEHP) exposure (primary metabolite of DEHP) delays atrioventricular (AV) conduction and precipitates cardiac arrest in rodents . Although the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood, it has been suggested that phthalates may exert immediate effects via interaction with cholinergic receptors , whereas longer exposure times can disrupt intercellular coupling likely via oxidative stress and/or increased matrix metalloproteinase activity . For the latter, comparative studies conducted in liver cells estimated that DEHP reduces gap junction intercellular coupling by approximately 20% within 1 h and >80% within 16 h of exposure .
CARDIAC ARREST…sounds like DIED SUDDENLY… where have we been hearing this since the C19 bioweapon roll out?
Here is another study discussing the toxicity of phthalates to red blood cell and the reproductive system:
Red blood cells (RBCs) can be considered excellent target cells and are used to understand the toxicity of xenobiotics . Exposure to xenobiotics causes haemolysis or programmed eryptosis , which is meant cell death, for the contraction and shrinkage of cells and the shuffling of the cell membrane and thus the exposure of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface . Haemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that provides oxygen and carbon dioxide transport . Synthesis of haemoglobin begins when the RBC is within the proerythroblast stage and continues into the reticulocyte stage. Phthalates, due to their liposolubility, enter the erythrocyte membrane and interact with haemoglobin, altering its structure and function and, inducing accelerated erythrose, decreased erythrocytes and anaemia . Phthalates, including DEHP, affect the plasma membrane of erythrocytes, causing osmotic fragility . Exposure to phthalates makes erythrocytes more flexible and deforms them due to the decrease in membrane surface area .
The toxicity to male and female reproduction has also been extensively documented.
The presented study shows that red blood cell transfusions contain toxic phthalates that can cause endocrine dysruption and cardiac abnormalities. As I have said for the last couple years, the toxicity of the C19 bioweapon is not the mRNA - which many researchers did not find - but the toxic metabolites of self assembly nanotechnology.
The researchers should get a microscope and look at the blood and they will see the source of the toxic phthalates. Its already in the blood and it is causing cardiac toxicity in people. Blood transfusions may put the receiver at significant risk. Liquid gas chromatography on donated blood needs to be done to verify if the blood is safe. In this age of C19 bioweapons and shedding, I strongly suggest it is not.
Peer reveiwed studies are flooding the scientific literature with false conclusions because they are not considering broader context of the toxic assault of self assembly nanotechology polymers in our biophere, food, water and C19 injections.
I have previously posted about different methods of pulling microplastic polymers out of the body from the research of Dr. Hildy Staninger over the last 30 years:
You can also find extensive documentation that the self assembly of polymers is inhibited by EDTA, Vitamin C and other antioxidants according to polymer chemistry.
I spoke about the reasoning for the therapeutic interventions in my recent interview:
Here are some helpful interventions
For Metals and Hydrogel detoxification - EDTA:
Recommended nutritional support – Dr Tennant’s RESTORE:
Ultimate Probiotic to support the Microbiome: ( and fermented foods like Sauerkraut)
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Max Headroom - Mar 2
You know, a plastic bag over the heads of a few of these thieves would do wonders. Typically, an I.Q. of 17 or more renders a state of genuine fear when witnessing a sentient being turning blue from oxygen deprivation. For the most part, it it cause for a perpetrator to second guess his or hers genius ideas, drop the syringe and walk away. I’ll even play “Walk Away” by Joe Walsh to complete the experience.
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Max Headroom - Mar 2
Not sure about that, but chlorine will off-gas from the shower head and create a cloud of poisonous chlorine vapor for all to enjoy. And you just thought you were scrubbing off the bad stuff.
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