Phthalates Found In "Healthy" Donated Human…

Mar 2, 2024

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In this study, the toxicity of the plasticizer DEHP was studies on electrical conductivity in the hearts of mice.


Max Headroom - Mar 2


You know, a plastic bag over the heads of a few of these thieves would do wonders. Typically, an I.Q. of 17 or more renders a state of genuine fear when witnessing a sentient being turning blue from oxygen deprivation. For the most part, it it cause for a perpetrator to second guess his or hers genius ideas, drop the syringe and walk away. I’ll even play “Walk Away” by Joe Walsh to complete the experience.


Rob - Mar 3


You about as funny as a heart attack, mute


Max Headroom - Mar 2

News Paradigm

Not sure about that, but chlorine will off-gas from the shower head and create a cloud of poisonous chlorine vapor for all to enjoy. And you just thought you were scrubbing off the bad stuff.


Harold Saive - Mar 2

News Paradigm

A "do-it-yourself" Auschwitz, eh?


Bee Gee - Mar 2

Bee Gee

Thanks for bringing this up again, I find soap with essential oils in it will clean glowing nanofibers off your skin very effectively.
I found a source of old bottles of Dr Bronners from before they sold out and I bought a bunch like the peppermint and orange and tea tree. Then we got a bunch of foaming soap dispenser mason jar lids and mixed up the soap with the corresponding essentual oils, like teatree, peppermint, spearmint and orange oils, among others.
So all our sinks have different foaming soaps with essentual oils in them. I tried making my own orange and pineapple oil but was not successful in my few attempts so I just moved on to other projects.
Also fwiw I grow my own tobacco, nicotine binds to the receptors in your brain but all commercial tobaccos are poisons helping them kill us. I still smoke them sometimes too, its too convenient but Real True tobacco though is amazing and no one even knows it... if you smoke a Real cigarette from Real tobacco it is like an inhaler, you can actually breathe better After you smoke the cigarette than you could before.
It freaks normal smokers out though, I took a bunch to work a few years back and gave them to a bunch of people at break and after everyone finished smoking, they all just stood around taking deep breaths for a few minutes because it is so crazy that you can breathe better After smoking. Even a dude that Didnt really smoke tried one and was amazed.
And no one even knows anymore.
Im not advising you to smoke but humans have been inhaling smoke for hundreds of thousands of years and only been inhaling oil or sticking patches to themselves for a few. To each their own.


The BarefootHealer - Mar 3

Bee Gee

Can I ask where you got your tobacco seed from?🤔🤔🙏


Bee Gee - Mar 3

Bee Gee

Several years ago I purchased twelve heirloom tobacco varieties but i could not find the seller I got them from, so just do a search for "heirloom tobacco seeds", there are suppliers all over the globe.
The current crop I have going is actually my own breed, it is a mix of Virginia Brightleaf and Vuelta Abajo that I cross-germinated and bred myself.
At first I only had the one plant but then I let it seed, and then planted 200 in 16 ounce plastic cups that are spread all around my house. They would do better in larger pots of course but they still grow to 2-3 feet in just a 16 ounce cup, which tbh surprised me.
Small roots equal small leaves so they are not producing a ton of smokable leaf but tobacco is also one of the best air cleaning plants there is because it is so sticky and has so many fine hairs on the leaves. The indoor air quality absolutely increased when I started them all but I have so many that if i get lazy and let them dry out, it will suck the moisture out of the air and make it super dry so its a fine line. I would recommend starting with less but its not easy since the seeds are smaller than a grain of sand or salt or pepper.
I only meant to start a few seeds in three little cups but even though I just used a tiny tiny tiny amount of seed on the tip of a knife, I ended up with over 200 seedlings and I couldnt stand to throw away any of my progeny that I worked so hard for so long on : )
No one knows anymore that Real tobacco actually helps you breathe though and if you smoke a few in a row, you will stat hacking out bad things from your lungs and actually clean them out and then you can breathe better. Its a strange feeling, smoking to breathe better but its true for real tobacco.
Eating or Juicing a fresh pineapple also clears out congestion from your lungs, which no one seems to know anymore either. It took me a while to determine whether it was just the fresh bromelain in my system that did it, I thought maybe I was inhaling pineapple juice during my chomping but nope, if you just drink it straight rather than vamp it, it will still break up congestion in your lungs.
It gets into All of your body tissues, even closed organ systems like the reproductive system, which I will spare you the details of, but Trust Me... It Works.
Like smoking real tobacco to breathe better, who knew?


Adrian - Mar 3

Adrian👈This is a must happen major step to Ban Chemtrails and Miccrowaves...the filaments get their fuel to grow and move from microwaves...i pray it passes in all states. Secondly, all this abuse is unconstitutional, therefor...👈Restore the Constitutional Republic Act via Nullification....Just pass these two bills in all states and we save America.


Harold Saive - Mar 2 - Edited

News Paradigm

Is there a hazardous synergy when fluoride is added to drinking water containing Chlorine?
Chlorine was first used in the United States as a major disinfectant in 1908 in Jersey City, New Jersey. Chlorine use became more and more common in the following decades, and by 1995 about 64% of all community water systems in the United States used chlorine to disinfect their water. --


Harold Saive - Mar 2

News Paradigm

CDC: Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. They are often called plasticizers. Some phthalates are used to help dissolve other materials. Phthalates are in hundreds of products, such as vinyl flooring, lubricating oils, and personal-care products (soaps, shampoos, hair sprays). -


Max Headroom - Mar 2

News Paradigm

I’ve always wanted to take a big bite out of my flooring; it looks delicious; with A-1 of course…..


Harold Saive - Mar 2

News Paradigm

I'm eating the soap


Max Headroom - Mar 2

The song “Tiny Bubbles” comes to mind……
Searching for mind


Edward Bernaysauce - Mar 3 - Edited

Edward Bernaysauce

“...this shit is everywhere...”
and thus ...“ I am the Shit !”


James - Mar 3

Self assembling amyloid clots forming due to spike protein. Soluble blood fibrin to insoluble fibrin causing clots. The spike protein poison has been shown to be causing the clots.
"addition of purified, recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S1 spike protein to coagulation-competent normal plasma is sufficient to induce the formation of anomalous clots"
"we discovered that fibrinogen in blood can clot into an anomalous ‘amyloid’ form of fibrin that (like other β-rich amyloids and prions) is relatively resistant to proteolysis (fibrinolysis)."


Susan Hojdik - Mar 2

Susan Hojdik

So, Anna, are you saying that transfusions are dangerous and Only as a last resort? I believe there is a religion that does not allow them. Kinda make sense now:/ If you need blood? It’s a crap shoot:/


Carol_007 - Mar 3


There are a couple of organizations matching unvaccinated blood donors with those who need it. One is Blessed by His Blood and sorry, I can't remember the other one or provide links.


Nina - Mar 3


They are not keeping vaccinated blood separate from unvaccinated blood but you can donate your own blood if it is a pre scheduled surgery or get unvaccinated donor that you know perhaps!


Angela - Mar 4


Guess what 'dissolvable' sutures are made of? Donated blood is not the only pollutant.


Nina - Apr 15


What are they made from?
Only just saw this I have been flat out busy!


Babel - Mar 2


Jehovah Witnesses are the ones I believe you are thinking of.


Babel - Mar 2


Comment removed.


Babel - Mar 2


I believe JW are the same. We told doctors in two hospitals no transfusions for a surgery in Hershey Med in PA, and Univ of Md, both bombarded us as to why, since we were not Jehovah Witness.


jacquelyn sauriol - Mar 2

Again, how can you tell between thalates from prev exposures....


Michael Folks - Mar 2

Michael’s Substack

Killing us off, the "unneeded eaters", anyway they can.


DAVY Udal - Mar 4

DAVY’s Substack

I would love to see another interview with Dr Lee Merritt and Harald Kautz. Lots of updates there to be had. Perhaps you have Dr Lee's contact info?
Interested Conspiracy Theorist


Charlie - Mar 3

Like a puzzle forming accurate picture of the true intent. Some of these pieces are research for good intent, no doubt.
The border is formed more pieces are being added. Keep eating plant based alkaline food as 1/2 plus of daily diet. Like duh. Still eat some meat and Nono’s like ice cream ect. Far from perfect here…


Poetry or so they say - Mar 3

S.L.’s Substack


Rosanna Enchants - Mar 3

The Methylene Blue you recommend is a lovely product I would glady have take daily, yet it has gold colloids in it and gold is conductive and can't it transmit & receive frequencies, if so isn't this going to continue the problem? There are other brands without gold or silver.


Nina - Mar 3


I would like to know if there's a blood test for seeing if you have spike proteins or nanoparticles in your blood? If anyone knows? My doctor said no? I am not vaccinated as far as I know but suspect that they may have vaccinated me when I was under anaesthesia for surgery! The grubberment here suggested that they vaccinated people during surgery so I don't know exactly but I was very sick after that surgery which was certainly not normal!


Angela - Mar 4


Got me that way too. Doctors ans surgeons get incentivised to inject poisons without (informed) consent.


Nina - Mar 12


It's disgusting and unlawful



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