Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 06, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have been writing a lot of substacks about the self assembly nanotechnology which creates the intrabody area network to create the digital twin in the metaverse. I have written many articles about how the interaction with smart devices - smart means artificial intelligence - and is bio -surveilling people for the purpose of ultimate control. This control happens from the inside, without the humans knowing. Simply by affecting the electrical discharges in our neurons people can be altered. In bio-surveillance technologies, the decoding of the human character, emotions and thought process is extremely far advanced. China’s thought police is an example of this. The World Economic Forum has already presented technologies that can read brain waves and can perform surveillance on workers EEG patterns.
Sometimes people ask me why I as a doctor write about all of this technology. The direction of my research is guided by what I see. I recently had an out of body experience and visited a future timeline of earth. I saw a devastated wasteland without any living humans, only humanoid robots. AI had exterminated all life on earth. I wish more people would start studying remote viewing. I would like to tell the naysayers - go look for yourself. Nothing is hidden, you just have to look. At any point choices can be made that avert disaster. It only needs courageous people to come together and make different choices. We are running out of time.
It seems prudent to me to warn people of the current dangers facing us. This is why my substacks are such a mix of medicine, science and technology, spirituality, the study of consciousness and what it means to be a human being - because all of these areas are interconnected in solving the growing threat of technocratic transhumanism.
My focus is that evidence of the self assembly nanotechnology and the explanation of how far advanced AI already is, will allow the remaining free humans that have not yet been assimilated into the cybernetic hive mind to create a necessary course change - meaning the immediate moratorium on AI controlled self assembly nanotechnology and AI development.
We are on the cusp of 2025. This is the year that Celeste Solumn reported as critical in the Transhumanist Agenda. She participated at a US Army Transhumanism workshop in 2018, where it was presented that by 2025 no natural human will be alive.
Cyrus Parsa from the AI organization mentions AI extinction codes that his organization found in the Bio Digital Network present in humans - that can be activated by AI at will. He explains that via the process of facial recognition, biometrics, voice recognition, and other surveillance technologies AI signature codes can be found in those humans who are controlled via AI in their neural networks. This is not science fiction, but happening right now. I wish to give you some information of common articles in the popular and technological literature. We are in an information warfare scenario. You have differing opinions everywhere, creating in some areas intentional confusion. Understanding how to discern information by getting a broader context is important. For example there are scientists that say there are no nanobots, just lipids. You only have to do your own research to understand that this is the very motto Moderna et al adopted by naming the “lipid nanoparticles”. They are a lot more than lipids - and if you do not know that lipid robots have been created, you would be out there saying that people have nothing to worry about. But you only have to read nanotechnological literature to understand that this is not true:
The more you know, the better you can fare in this information war. People consume knowledge in tidbits, or based on opinions of “thought leaders” that are crowned by media sources as experts. The safest trajectory for any human is to study for themselves and consume knowledge that is ever evolving while carefully maneuvering around people’s agendas and ulterior motives.
Let’s get back to the feasibility of AI controlling people right now - through your smart devices. Of course, what is the news now is an old hat for clandestine programs. Science exists right now already decades ahead of what you are reading. We are in the exponential technological evolution phase of the singularity, the most dangerous time for the humans species.
Here are some articles discussing the very topic:
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence allows the creation of high-impact experiences, focused on users. However, great dangers lie ahead in the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology; as well as the computer, the human brain can be vulnerable to attack by hackers. This research offers a preliminary exploration of these thematic intersections that aim to know the state of the studies and present a discussion and a theoretical approach to the existing relationships between Artificial Intelligence and neurohacking in the teaching–learning processes. In this work, studies that address the symbiosis composed of Artificial Intelligence and brain hacking (neurohacking) as a process of manipulation and adulteration of the electrical activity of the brain are analyzed, at the time of restructuring the synapse processes. The results of our study reveal that neuroprogramming with Artificial Intelligence could, in the future, counteract bad neurohacking practices. It is concluded then that there is a growing interest in these disciplines that could be part of a global threat.
Brain–computer interfacing technologies are used as assistive technologies for patients as well as healthy subjects to control devices solely by brain activity. Yet the risks associated with the misuse of these technologies remain largely unexplored. Recent findings have shown that BCIs are potentially vulnerable to cybercriminality. This opens the prospect of “neurocrime”: extending the range of computer-crime to neural devices. T his paper explores a type of neurocrime that we call brain - hacking as it aims at the illicit access to and manipulation of neural information and computation. As neural computation underlies cognition, behavior and our self-determination as persons, a careful analysis of the emerging risks of malicious brain-hacking is paramount, and ethical safeguards against these risks should be considered early in design and regulation. This contribution is aimed at raising awareness of the emerging risk of malicious brain-hacking and takes a first step in developing an ethical and legal reflection on those risks.
There are researchers who advocate for AI mapping of the human biofield. We know from Cyrus Parsa’s work that AI is able to generate biomatter and infect the human biofield, in fact completely take it over - creating a cyborg. Researchers such as the below author do not consider how this technology can be weaponized and in fact how likely it is that this would happen. The idea that robots would not assess internal emotions is false. If you look at Bina or other humanoid robots their specific capability is that of conscious machines.
There is an organizing field of energy intimately connected with each person, the human biofield, which holds information central to a higher order of being. It has been proposed as having mind-like properties as super-regulator of the biochemistry and physiology of the organism, coordinating all life functions, promoting homeodynamics, and key to understanding life's integral wholeness. Although brainwaves and heart waves are well characterized and clinically useful, the biofield has not yet been mapped. Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential to handle the data processing from biofield mapping of a large database of humans to elucidate the electromagnetic fields, acoustic fields, and subtle energy field components of human life. Moreover, AI could monitor health and well-being through the biofield via a variety of sensors and indicate on a daily basis which lifestyle choices would improve the biofield and enhance well-being. AI could also be programmed to manipulate the biofield to directly enhance well-being. Once the biofield is decoded, then direct communication between humans and AI through the biofield would be possible. Thus, a number of positive applications of AI to the biofield to enhance human well-being are possible. Nonetheless, the presence of a biofield around humans presents a dilemma for AI robots, which would not possess a biofield other than the electromagnetic properties of their electronic components. So, even though robots may well exceed humans in certain cognitive tasks, robots would not possess a biofield, emotions, or an interior experience. Although they may be able to emulate emotions with certain facial expressions and vocal patterns, they may always be distinguished from humans as lacking the complex dynamic biofield of human beings that reflects the living state.
The following articles are what is known in the unclassified literature. The military programs are decades ahead and have weaponized neuro weapons as well as AI. We know this from Dr Robert Duncan.
A world-first, non-invasive AI system can turn silent thoughts into text while only requiring users to wear a snug-fitting cap.
The Australian researchers who developed the technology, called DeWave, tested the process using data from more than two dozen subjects.
Participants read silently while wearing a cap that recorded their brain waves via electroencephalogram (EEG) and decoded them into text.
With further refinement, DeWave could help stroke and paralysis patients communicate and make it easier for people to direct machines like bionic arms or robots.
"This research represents a pioneering effort in translating raw EEG waves directly into language, marking a significant breakthrough in the field," says computer scientist Chin-Teng Lin from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
Although DeWave only achieved just over 40 percent accuracy based on one of two sets of metrics in experiments conducted by Lin and colleagues, this is a 3 percent improvement on the prior standard for thought translation from EEG recordings.
The goal of the researchers is to improve accuracy to around 90 percent, which is on par with conventional methods of language translation or speech recognition software.
Other methods of translating brain signals into language require invasive surgeries to implant electrodes or bulky, expensive MRI machines , making them impractical for daily use – and they often need to use eye-tracking to convert brain signals into word-level chunks.
When a person's eyes dart from one word to another, it's reasonable to assume that their brain takes a short break between processing each word. Raw EEG wave translation into words – without eye tracking to indicate the corresponding word target – is harder.
Brain waves from different people don't all represent breaks between words quite the same way, making it a challenge to teach AI how to interpret individual thoughts.
After extensive training, DeWave's encoder turns EEG waves into a code that can then be matched to specific words based on how close they are to entries in DeWave's 'codebook'.
"It is the first to incorporate discrete encoding techniques in the brain-to-text translation process, introducing an innovative approach to neural decoding," explains Lin.
Voice biometrics has enormous capabilities for identification and hence manipulation.
Voice biometrics is a technology that utilizes the unique characteristics of the human voice for speaker identification, authentication, and forensic voice analysis.
Why is every person’s voice unique? As an audible pressure wave (typically caused by the vibration of a solid object), sound propagates through the air and modulates when it hits obstacles.
In the case of the human voice, this wave is produced when the air goes from the lungs through the vocal folds (vocal cords), causing their vibration. Then the wave is further modulated in the vocal tract by the larynx muscles (commonly called the voice box) and articulators – tongue, palate, cheeks, gums, teeth, lips, etc.
Each human voice is unique because of the individual form and size of the vocal organs and the manner in which they are used. For example, women and children usually have smaller larynxes and shorter vocal cords – that is why their voices are often higher.
Google, Meta and many other companies are all working on these technologies at lightening speed. The one who will develop the most capable AI will rule the world - say some. But we know the Demiurge AI super Quantum computer already has been created and has been in charge of steering humanity into this technological trap.
Again, we know this from Dr. Robert Duncan.
Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking
Meta is developing brain-scanning technology that can convert brain activity into vivid imagery in miliseconds.
Meta has unveiled a groundbreaking AI system that can almost instantaneously decode visual representations in the brain.
Meta's AI system captures thousands of brain activity measurements per second and then reconstructs how images are perceived and processed in our minds, according to a new research paper . “Overall, these results provide an important step towards the decoding—in real time—of the visual processes continuously unfolding within the human brain," the report said.
The technique leverages magnetoencephalography (MEG) to provide a real-time visual representation of thoughts.
MEG is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that measures the magnetic fields produced by neuronal activity in the brain. By capturing these magnetic signals, MEG provides a window into brain function, allowing researchers to study and map brain activity with high temporal resolution.
The AI system consists of three main components:
Image Encoder: This component creates a set of representations of an image, independent of the brain. It essentially breaks down the image into a format that the AI can understand and process.
Brain Encoder: This part aligns MEG signals to the image embeddings created by the Image Encoder. It acts as a bridge, connecting the brain's activity with the image's representation.
Image Decoder: The final component generates a plausible image based on the brain representations. It takes the processed information and reconstructs an image that mirrors the original thought.
Meta's latest innovation isn't the only recent advancement in the realm of mind-reading AI. As reported by Decrypt , a recent study led by the University of California at Berkeley showcased the ability of AI to recreate music by scanning brain activity. In that experiment, participants thought about Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall," and the AI was able to generate audio resembling the song using only data from the brain.
Furthermore, advancements in AI and neurotechnology have led to life-changing applications for individuals with physical disabilities. A r ecent report highlighted a medical team's success in implanting microchips in a quadriplegic man's brain. Using AI, they were able to "relink" his brain to his body and spinal cord, restoring sensation and movement. Such breakthroughs hint at the transformative potential of AI in healthcare and rehabilitation.
Human ideas and sentiments are mirrored in facial expressions. Facial expression recognition (FER) is a crucial type of visual data that can be utilized to deduce a person’s emotional state. It gives the spectator a plethora of social cues, such as the viewer’s focus of attention, emotion, motivation, and intention. It’s said to be a powerful instrument for silent communication. AI-based facial recognition systems can be deployed at different areas like bus stations, railway stations, airports, or stadiums to help security forces identify potential threats. There has been a lot of research done in this area. But, it lacks a detailed review of the literature that highlights and analyses the previous work in FER (including work on compound emotion and micro-expressions), and a comparative analysis of different models applied to available datasets, further identifying aligned future directions. So, this paper includes a comprehensive overview of different models that can be used in the field of FER and a comparative study of the traditional methods based on hand-crafted feature extraction and deep learning methods in terms of their advantages and disadvantages which distinguishes our work from existing review studies.This paper also brings you to an eye on the analysis of different FER systems, the performance of different models on available datasets, evaluation of the classification performance of traditional and deep learning algorithms in the context of facial emotion recognition which reveals a good understanding of the classifier’s characteristics. Along with the proposed models, this study describes the commonly used datasets showing the year-wise performance achieved by state-of-the-art methods which lacks in the existing manuscripts. At last, the authors itemize recognized research gaps and challenges encountered by researchers which can be considered in future research work.
Some people even state AI can be used to heal you.
What do you think of using energy healing therapy to help your mind and body?
The odds are that you probably have a strong opinion. Some people believe vehemently that energy healing is the right way to go. Others tend to raise their eyebrows and intimate that energy healing is a questionable practice. There are also the in-betweeners. They are unsure, don’t know much about it, vaguely have heard that it is one of those touchy-feely approaches, and remain hesitant and somewhat skeptical.
Let me add a new dimension to the conundrum.
Turns out that generative AI can be used to perform energy healing therapy.
Say what?
Of all the aspects of energy healing that just about everyone knows, the act of energy healing seems to require that a human energy healer be in the loop. The rather incredible idea that AI would be able to substitute for a human energy healer seems nearly preposterous. Can’t be. Until the day that AI may become sentient, and perhaps includes a “body” such as a robotic structure, AI is merely a cold-hearted non-feely piece of software and computing hardware.
I highly recommend the videos and books of Cyrus Parsa on the topic. He explains the mechanisms of control very well. I also recommend reading his lawsuit against Big Tech explaining how the parallel processing platform for AI is being built in the brain and how Elon Musk confirmed this fact.
Cyrus Parsa's Lawsuit from 2019 - Excellent Summary of The Dangers Of AI And Big Tech Mind Control
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Mike Hoehn - Dec 6
Mike Hoehn
I've been hacked going on 11 years. No one believes me. I've suffered brutal microwave weaponry attacks, 24/7 stalking, property broken etc... the American stasi is real folks. Remote neuroweapons have been around a long time.
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Stephan - Dec 6
satan's sons and daughters are raging full force. Live with CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT Within and pray. Detox regularly! Earth life determines whether your Soul Ascends or descends for eternity. Your SOUL is the PRIZE 🏆
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