Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 19, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The interview with Luca Biotti is now available. It is both in Italian and English. In this interview Luca asked me about a specific experience in which I understood the multidimensional nature of reality outside the body and saw my future several years in advance.
The question of who we really are as spiritual beings is intimately connected with the self assembly nanotechnology and the satanic spiritual aspect of the technocratic agenda. The ultimate goal of the technology used for mind control is the hacking of the human soul. The rise of Cyber Satan, the infrastructure of the demonic realm using advanced technology and artificial intelligence to control humanity is the ultimate objective of this war. It is not just to enslave and capture human minds and souls while in the body but also after death. The ultimate example of that is the idea to upload the consciousness of humans as a mind file into the cloud, where the technocrats believe they will find immortality.
I have explained my near death experience after being targeted in my interview with Dr Len Ber. Do not listen if you are faint of heart. I know about the remote assassination program and brain hacking via first hand experience and survived it. When I left my body, I saw the Red Dragon that runs the show of this technological enslavement. Some call the dragon Satan, some advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. Doesn’t matter what you call it, but this other dimension is in charge of this war and what the Satanists are accessing these dimensions here on earth.
My Interview With Dr. Len Ber From Targeted Justice On Remote Mind Control And Soul Hacking
More on this on my upcoming interview with international Illuminati Insider Leo Zagami who is the worlds premier whistleblower on the satanic masonic infiltration of the Vatican and international governments. Regardless if you are religiously or spiritually inclined, the common factual denominator is this pervasive reality of satanic technocratic transhumanist globalism progresses regardless of who is in the White House. This is the real invisible enemy.
The Awakening as spiritual beings outside of the body, weather through out of body experiences or near death experiences is certainly a transformative experience that puts the meaning of life into perspective. Humans are driven by chemical addictions, the hunger for power, money, greed, being socially acceptable by other asleep people. In the interview someone asked if my experience was not just a dream. I asked “Isn’t reality a dream? “ Certainly the great Masters call this reality the “great illusion”.
I explain how the quantum field of potentials does not have time - hence all our previous and future lifetimes exist now simultaneously as well as all possible timelines with its potential outcomes in parallel universes. As the quantum physicist Erwin Schroedinger famously said: is the cat dead or alive? I experienced being both at the same time.
Unenlightened people who have no personal experience attack this knowledge - this interview is for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Ultimately it does not matter what other people have experienced, it is what are you doing with your life now? How do you address the assimilation into the Virtual Reality Matrix and your smart city controlled life? That is what matters on a personal level.
My question to the naysayers is this:
Why did the CIA and US Army Intelligence spend over 20 years and over 20 million dollars studying human consciousness, remote mind, psychokinesis and remote viewing? And how do you explain the psychic spies who can not just influence another human while they are operating outside of the body, but they can actually remotely assassinate someone?
If you have not heard of this, the books Psychic Warrior: The True Story of America's Foremost Psychic Spy and the Cover-Up of the CIA's Top-Secret Stargate Program and Psychic Warfare: Fact or Fiction? are great discussions of the US and Soviet Psychotronics Warfare programs.
I also have written about the Gateway process that was mandatory training to INSCOM Army, CIA and Intelligence officers. I am a graduate of the Monroe Institute Gateway program.
Of course I continue to recommend Dr. Robert Duncan’s work. He was the foremost whistleblower who was eventually eliminated for disclosing the Cybernetic Hive mind program.
You can read more about my experiences and how this can be a new foundation of understanding a new model for medicine. I think this information is quintessential in understanding the war and what the real goal is, as well as how to overcome the assault surviving as awake human beings, not remote controlled Cyborg zombies.
Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity
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Christopher Haley Simpson - Jan 20
Rudolf Steiner saw all this coming. The Poets of all ages Exit this Money laundering nanotech AI car Park.
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wns115 - Jan 19
wns115’s Substack
I completely agree that the purpose of the AI nanotech was to take control of humanity in body, mind AND soul (beyond this lifetime.
Per Kim Goguen, Inited Network News (UNN) - she explains in detail how the globalists, and operatives that run all governments, militaries, puppet leaders, etc. we're accomplishing this very thing.
She explained that they had a LOT of help from non-human 'others'.
Welll...the death and destruction program has been stopped by Creator/Source/God because the goal was to take over every living organism on all planets and AI would be the new 'god'...the dark AI has been thwarted and greatly limited - eventually stopped completely.
It's 'almost' game-over for the globalists and their operative cronies...they are out of money and the dark force they relied on went back to Source.
Feb or Mar 2025 should be the beginning of the transition to a Light Age per Kim Goguen.
We truly are living in the most exciting time to be alive!
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