Near Death, Out of Body Experiences and Light…

Jan 19

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The interview with Luca Biotti is now available.


Christopher Haley Simpson - Jan 20

Rudolf Steiner saw all this coming. The Poets of all ages Exit this Money laundering nanotech AI car Park.


wns115 - Jan 19

wns115’s Substack

I completely agree that the purpose of the AI nanotech was to take control of humanity in body, mind AND soul (beyond this lifetime.
Per Kim Goguen, Inited Network News (UNN) - she explains in detail how the globalists, and operatives that run all governments, militaries, puppet leaders, etc. we're accomplishing this very thing.
She explained that they had a LOT of help from non-human 'others'.
Welll...the death and destruction program has been stopped by Creator/Source/God because the goal was to take over every living organism on all planets and AI would be the new 'god'...the dark AI has been thwarted and greatly limited - eventually stopped completely.
It's 'almost' game-over for the globalists and their operative cronies...they are out of money and the dark force they relied on went back to Source.
Feb or Mar 2025 should be the beginning of the transition to a Light Age per Kim Goguen.
We truly are living in the most exciting time to be alive!


240Gordie - Jan 20

wns115’s Substack

If you want to believe that this is the most exciting time to be alive that's your choice, but for me I would give pretty much anything to go back to the 70's. In my opinion what we are living in now sucks!!


wns115 - Jan 20

wns115’s Substack

Lol...yes todays world is quite crazy in so many ways.
But for the military stuck in Vietnam between was pure hell.
In addition, the 'gas shortage' and sharp rise in gas forced my dad to lose his business along with many other business owners who relied on reasonably priced and available fuel.
My mother had to wait in long lines for hours trying to get gas to go to work.
My older sister and brother were sent home from school constantly over the race riots where students were bringing bats, knives and other weapons to school with violent outbreaks.
The Cold War left everyone wondering when and where the next nuclear bomb would be launched on a regular basis as the fearporn news always reminded us that the 'evil USSR' was building their arsenals of nuclear weapons.
The 70s might have seemed like easier times but it was still riddled with globalist manipulation to create disruption, panic and fear.
I prefer todays times because there are signs all around us that the globalists are finally going down. Everything in the news is a globalist manipulation and now I know that the enemy is not another country nor a 'natural disaster' nor a pandemic but rather the dark sinister operatives and globalists launching yet another weapon on humanity.
And...I now know they don't have enough money or power to launch a worldwide pandemic or WWIII and they are just like a dying trapped animal lashing out its final attempts to fight back thru low-cost (to them) but high impact assaults on we-the-people (like the California fires).
Coupled with that the 8 billion people are slowly waking up and once the full wake up happens, its truly game-over for the cabal.


Anna - Jan 25

The 1970s were known as The Dark Ages.


240Gordie - Jan 21


It's unfortunate that your father and others were affected so much by the gas shortages and race riots. There has never been a decade where there wasn't problems and it's not easy to find a decade where the US wasn't involved in a war someplace. Like most people, I wasn't affected by those things here in Canada. For me, as well as a lot of others, the 70's was the best decade that we ever experienced.
Because of the fighting in the Ukraine and Gaza we are actually at greater risk now of nuclear armageddon than at any time during the Cold War and that fact has been stated by retired Military people. Regarding Vietnam, Americans need to stop supporting these wars and they need to stop fighting in them. The people all need to refuse to fight in anymore Banker wars just like Muhammad Ali did. Like the old saying goes, "Imagine if they gave a war and nobody came."
Now the war is not just on the other side of the world. It's also right here in our backyard, because we have people that are trying to kill us with weapons other than bombs and bullets.
The 70's seemed like easier times because they were. We've always had globalist manipulation but it's gradually gotten worse with every decade and is now much worse than it was in the 70's. Now we have so much 'technology" that is being used against us, like computers, the internet, cel phones, AI, and more. Life was much easier in the 70's because we didn't have all that crap that the globalists like to use against us, and a lot of their power would be gone without all that tech.
What are the signs that the globalists are going down? Until they are either put in jail or they die, they are not going away. Evil never does. And why do you say they don't have enough money or power? They work with (or are) the bankers, so they will always have enough money for wars, pandemics, or anything else they want to kill us with. The dollar is no longer connected to gold so they can print as much of it as they want to, or need to.
As far as the people waking up goes, the question is, will enough wake up before the bio-weapon injections do them in? Every person that has had even one injection has a 4900% greater chance of having a heart attack.
Not to mention all the other things that the shots can do to kill people like turbo cancer.
And then there's this:
And even if they do wake up, so what? Most people are now too docile to do anything anyway. Also, the injections have altered the DNA of at least 80% of the population. Is the human race even going to survive that? I wouldn't want to be a young person now who is awake and has not been injected with the bio-weapon and then they want to start dating and find a mate who is also not injected so they can get married and have a normal child with normal human DNA. Good luck with that.
Like every other decade, the 70's was far from perfect, but we didn't have to deal with trans-humanism, or fake pandemics and be prevented from entering certain places because we didn't show our NAZI passport, all because we now have a "smart" phone. Nobody was trying to kill us with a bio-weapon. Nobody told us we had to cover our faces with a bogus mask.
If we walked into a room where there was other people we didn't have to wonder if we were putting our life in danger because of shedding from a bio-weapon. Nobody had their house/neighbourhood/town burned down from directed energy weapons. Nobody had their house/neighbourhood/town destroyed from a storm due to weather modification. Nobody tracked us every place we went because there were no cameras on the corner or "smart" phones in our pocket. Nobody was trying to destroy our food supply and make us eat bugs. Nobody was trying to kill us!!
Then there's the crash of the financial system that is coming soon and the digital ID and CBDC's that they want to force on us. I will be very surprised if enough people have enough fight in them to prevent digital ID and a CBDC.
Despite the problems that some had to deal with in the 70's, how is it still not better than all that?
And there was a lot of great music.


vrilforce - Jan 25


Red the '24 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ( Sion ) which was translated into the English language by Prof. Nilus ( Russian ) at the turn of the 20th century. The contents will come as shock, but will open your eyes. 'Facts are Facts' by Benjamin Freedman, written on Oct. 10, 1954. Freedman was a member of the Zionists who divorced himself from them and went public in 1946, exposing their systematic take over of America since the beginning of the 20th Century. ( shows the history and their plan how to take over the world through planed wars on all fronts ). The Russian writer and Gulag survivor under Stalin's Bolshevik Terror, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote his book 'Archipelago Gulag' how between 1919 and 1953 close to 100 Million Russians were systematically stripped of everything they worked for and mass murdered. Same genocide in the Ukraine ( between 16 to 18 Million ) through systematic starvation and murder). Look at China under Mao, Asia., South America, South Africa. Isn't it interesting how communism since the end of WWII has spread like wildfire all over the world, taking one country after another! America fought and bled itself out, 'cause they believed in the propaganda machine fed to them by the same manipulators who own all news agencies. All wars are banker wars. Who controls all big corporations, big pharma, organized religion, health industry, all media ? Who is in charge of the military industrial complex, AI technology ?Has nothing to do with freedom. Follow the money trail, names, institutions, secret societies, etc. and it becomes clear who is in control over peoples lives. Our world is controlled and run by some very different personalities then the average citizen can even comprehend. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Henry
Clay, Andrew Jackson, McKinley, Garfield, Charles Lindbergh, JFK, to name a few well known personalities, etc. knew and gave plenty of warnings, which unfortunately were ignored.
We're in the final battle and it is up to the citizen of the land, 'cause there is no one coming to fight this battle for us. We're on our own. Let's not be deceived by those who pose as saviors.
Peace and Blessings to all.


Karenvusa - Jan 20


We didn't suffer in the 1970's like your family as my dad was in the military and we lived on base. He didn't need to drive very far. I don't remember being affected by gas rationing. I DO remember the fear of my parents and scenes from TV about MLK's assassination and the race riots in the late 1960's when we lived in Ohio. I remember as an 8 yr old seeing Cincinnati (?) on fire from riots. It seems to be always something to keep us off balance. I too am glad to be in these times as many people, me included woke up the last 5 years - although I get very anxious about the outcome. Could you please provide a video link discussing how they are losing their hold and dying? Thank you!


vrilforce - Jan 25


Sorry to disappoint you, but mankind's mutual enemy will not just give up and leave without a fight. We're in a dangerous spiritual warfare that has been waged against all humanity. Since the take over of this planet and multiple genetic manipulation ( pedri-dish experiments - see ancient records and artifacts ) modifying humanity we have been nothing more to them but working slaves, used, abused, robed, murdered, sacrificed, disregarded on every level serving these parasitic entities, who claim they're the 'chosen' ones, to rule over all of mankind, serving only them. In their ill doctrines ( read the Talmud ) one will find what they think of us Goyim.


Christopher Haley Simpson - Jan 25

IT Cheers me Up to read these comments. The BigPharmaTech totalitarian Project crawled out of the Same womb AS much Nazi experimentation. The Rockefeller of the Nazi age studied at Heidelberg University AS a Young man. What Secrets are still Hidden ? At school they never taught US that Eugenics andc IBM Wirld Control was a transatlantic extreme right wing Project from the beginning. (IBM and the Holocaust by Richard Black )
The angloamerican geopolitics still torturing, vandalising Europe and the Middle East go Back even Fürther than the Crimean War of 1852.
The world and my space age prepared mystic children deserve better leadership and more Open world than these mentallycill, greedy hoary old patriarchal are Bent upon.


Seeking Truth - Jan 24

Seeking Truth

I can't phathom that they can take our souls. Source , will not allow billionaires of souls to be connected to the AI cloud. The human brain is much smarter than AI.


Robert Sun - Jan 20

Robert Sun

BEFORE SLEEPING Last night their v2k radio microwave frequency was on 1450 am I used dave case cd to mitigate it. Other v2k radio microwave frequency was on 87.9 fm I mitigated it using z app.
Few minutes without v2k.
Then started v2k bone conduction aka resonant chamber on floor aka vibrations from feet up.
I mitigated it. I used COSTCO WINIX AIR purifier to vacuum off tech on floor. I used lead apron covering my legs. Knees etc.
It was hard but I was able to sleep. I also had 2 fans with magnets. 1 big fan. I slept on couch.
Radia blanket. Lead cap. HALO pulser. Edta. Calcium. Melatonin etc.
Sometimes I can see laser light inside the house laser light is usual followed by smell of metal. Graphene, dirt, sulfur, carbon monoxide etc.
That s V2K FNIS.
V2K SATELLITE I believe i experienced v2k satellite when I met other ti s in my support group back on october 2021
1. Fry effect sending encoded message through microwave radio frequency.
2. Bone conduction through resonant chamber on floor.
3. Fnis. Functional near infrared spectroscopy.
Laser light tech plus graphene dirt metals etc
Lasers that put sound on your head n
4. Satellite
5. Ultrasonic sound. Elmet " woody" norris winner of mit s emelson prizes 500k in money.


We The People - Jan 20

We’s Substack

Second link is dead


Jill - Jan 20


Dr. Ana, I have never gone along with the denigration of the human body that I feel is somewhat a part of what you are saying. The beauty of the physical world and all life around us should not be denied. In some ways, this denial of human physical existence can make it more easy for people to get into the disembodied digital "life". I think we need to examine this way of thinking much more deeply. Perhaps we actually have a very inadequate understanding of reality which is actually a whole that we break apart by saying: "body" and "spirit". This beautiful earth is under attack, all its life forms. This attack is on the totality of living, a river of all that is alive and pulsing. I think it is a mistake to deny any part of the totality of that living river.


Matthew Gardner - Jan 20

Matthew Gardner

If one knows Christ then one should not fear. The elect will never be abandoned. this is why there is probably no doubt this is in the works, but I am very suspicious of those panicked about it. I would stay away from the military and from what I gather that is now a dishonorable profession, medicine is corrupt and will soon be taking guidance from climate change religion. All this is easily search ..vast proof.


JimG - Jan 20


A Question Ana: In your travels, do you see a catastrophe coming our way? You said you saw a huge wave that your wanted to warn people about. I have seen it also. Many sites on the internet see the 12,000 year catastrophe cycle complete during our life times. It seems like too big a thing to "phase out of" to another reality.


vrilforce - Jan 25


Jim, please look up 'Diehold Foundation', by Dough. You will find his work insightful. Much of the information was discovered during archeological diggings, uncovering ancient records of previous civilizations ( see Sumeria, Babylonia. Same to be found in Persia, southern Iraq, throughout India and China, South -Central America, Siberia, northern Europe. Much has been confiscated and hidden in underground storage like below the Vatican, British Museum in London, Smithsonian Institute. Let us keep in mind that major discoveries have been located on the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, South Sea, Mexican Gulf, between Argentina and Hawaii, off the Coast of Japan, Baring Sea, off the Coast of India, Tibet. The late Jacques Cousteau had a lot to say about it his own discoveries, so conveniently suppressed by those who do not want the public to know. Workers who have worked in Arctica also found plenty of artifacts during deep core drillings, and were not allowed to talk about their finds. Check out Robert Sepher, and Tatarian Cronicles. According to Edward Meier in Switzerland the Pyramids on this planet are much older then what we are being told. Ever wonder why every ancient discovery of great importance is so suppressed and guarded? Not to mention ancient technology that was used to make and move such megalithic structure as recently discovered, again in China! Cheers!


JimG - Jan 25

Hi, I actually corresponded with Doug Vogt. I differed with him on some technical issues - Pangea vs. expanding earth - and didn't really want to do the underground thing, but still watched him get strange with ghosts and then he died about a year ago. I expect they weren't ghosts. I think there is a 12,000 year catastrophe cycle and Doug picked the year 2068, and getting close and the earth's magnetic field is breaking down. What I wanted was Ana's viewpoint. She has warned us about a big wave, and Rampa said something about a catastrophe in her first book, I think, that didn't make it to the second. If Ana has predictions about what we should do, and if there is an alternative way? But I need to know her opinion as that is probably the reason for the depopulation CV and mind control. Depopulating a people isn't easy and you have to lie. How do the aliens fit in, Ana? Is there anything we can do other than pray?


Marten - Jan 19

Marten’s Substack

All the "works" of Dolores Cannon is about that !!!!


Lorraine Thomas - Jan 19

Lorraine Thomas

I don’t know about all of this…but this I do know…The Lord Jesus Christ is returning very soon…and nothing can stop Him….or thwart His power…no Devil or demon or earthly power! All power… and authority… in Heaven and Earth…have been given unto Him! Matthew 28:18!


mothman777 - Jan 20

mothman777’s Newsletter

I keep coming across comments from purported Christians who are obviously either like Manchurian Candidate victims of some hellish mass hypnosis program themselves, or actually intending to be perpetrators of such a program of mind control over others.
Christianity was not spread by love, but spread by mass burnings alive, mass garrottings to death and tortures to the death, and the threats of those things, with many scores of million pagans being killed, including not only those put to the sword but those even killed in wars between different mind-controlled Christian sects.
Christianity is a crypto-Jewish controlled opposition false flag psyop, devised and used essentially as a weapon to keep Gentiles terrified, and to destroy many ancient Gentile cultures under the veil of spreading 'Christianity'.
Jesus never existed in reality, he is an entirely fictitious political construct.
This false flag program of destruction of ancient pagan cultures was to remove any obstacle of any pagan (read Gentile) culture strong enough to resist the Jewish-intended NWO one world dictatorship of this world.
This false flag program, being entirely Jewish-based really, ultimately involves the total physical extermination of all Gentiles that is stated as intended in the Jewish Zohar and Torah, with the Torah stating that there are to be "no survivors" from among all Gentiles, as quoted by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, and he further states that the Torah says that even all memory of all the Gentiles in the entire world after they have been killed is then also to be totally erased from the collective memory of all the Jews who then alone will remain to occupy this entire world. The Talmud very explicitly states that the extermination of all Christians is necessary.
The Bible is a cruel joke, several times 'Jesus' who should be more properly referred to in any case as Yeshua in order for his name to have any actual spiritual quality according to Christian texts, is actually referred to in RABBINICAL terms several times, so Jesus, or Yeshua, was a JEWISH RABBI in any case.
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi adds that just for the crime of idolatry, under Noahide Law, some 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles are to be killed, and that 6 to 6.5 billion to be killed just for 'idolatry' alone is just for starters of course. Another rabbi states that this will be acomplished by means of Jews starting wars between Gentile nations (surely like in Ukraine already) and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel states that NATO nation armies controlled by Israel will go from city to city around the world and kill all Christians and Muslims there (and surely the members of all other non-Jewish religions while they are at this madness), and of course, their Jewish scientist-invented bioweapon ethnobomb COVID and other military poison jabs are already being deployed around the globe to sterilize, injure, maim and murder.
What is actually spiritual in Christianity about burning all non-Christians alive unceasingly for all eternity after just one life in this world?
Many Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddhist children for instance die in childhood from many diseases while engaged in embracing their creeds of universal love, kindness and mercy to all others. Surely they do not deserve to be burned alive unceasingly for all eternity for this.
But the actually entirely selfish, cowardly, thuggish and conceited Christian without a second thought is entirely willing to go along with the criminal terrorist insanity of the intended burning alive forever of all these innocent and benevolent children, as long as that Christian themselves of course gets to have their own promised eternal place in heaven.
I think you will find in the clear, fully conscious spiritual light of ACTUAL spiritual reality, that Christians for example will be assessed by the real God on how willing they were to go along with the actual criminal terrorist insanity of Christianity while thinking that such callousness is OK as long as they are seen to go along with the program in the false belief that this will help them get a place in some heaven.
Their next incarnation will likely be very much related to this, and they will be educated further to understand their previous failings and helped to have a broader and more compassionate understanding of spiritual matters in future.
There is no eternal hell by the way, nor does the real God ever cut even a single soul off for all eternity, though they may spend countless incarnations indulging in various futile material addictions until they grow tired of them after seeing through them.
What genuine person or genuine God offers friendship to someone by threatening someone with being burned alive unceasingly for all eternity unless they surrender their love to such a person or such a purported God?
You really need to do a lot more deeper thinking and spiritual meditation.


JimG - Jan 20


Old Testament religion instituted by Emperor and Saint Constantine the Great has the imperialist murderer's fingerprints on Christianity. Jesu was a master who knew and taught we are One. "Whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters you do unto me (Christ Consciousness). First Commandment: Love God. The second is the same as the first - love your neighbor as your Self." The Self should be capitalized as it is the Christ Consciousness or God within. "Thou art That."


Un-silent - Jan 20


You might want to lay off of the New Age garbage and pick up an actual New Testament Bible.


mothman777 - Jan 20

mothman777’s Newsletter

I have read the entire Bible from cover to cover, and found in it plagiarism, fraud, constant contradictions, and blatant spiritual untruths.
The Islamic scholar Ahmed Deedat for example expertly demonstrates this very clearly by highlighting in one instance for example an entire passage in the Bible stated there as being written by one author at one period of time, then he shows precisely the same passage repeated entirely word for word in another part of the Bible, and attributed there to an entirely different author and time period. The Bible is not God's word, but demonic falsehood.


Un-silent - Jan 21


So have I, and I am on the second reading. Did you say an "Islamic scholar"? Wow, I bet he would never say a word against Christianity. Please state the passages he was referring to. Jesus often quoted things form the OT, while prophets of the OT predicted things in the NT.


mothman777 - Jan 20

mothman777’s Newsletter

The Jewish Piso family invented the new Christian religion for Emperor Constantine on request, having adapted an older Jewish cult teaching to suit the political requirements of a standardized universal link religion required by Constantine to replace the varying religions of the different conquered nations of the Roman Empire.
Obviously, even Constantine was not actually looking for something to actually uplift the conquered peoples of nations who had just been militarily conquered by him, and so he would rather naturally have sought to impose a standardized religion that could be used in the enforcing of a form of political based pseudo-spiritual terrorism.
Either Constantine himself was an infiltrated Jewish soul plant, or he was conned by the Pisos, either way, the Christian religion was created by the Jews who would surely have really held a grudge against the Romans for earlier having suppressed the Jewish religion during their military occupation of the Bible lands.
The Christian religion was actually the undoing of the peoples of the Roman Empire and of any subsequent peoples made to adopt it, always by means of lethal force as several authors have documented.
Look at America now, finished, to be run now by POTUS Trump, since 2017 a fanatical member of the Chabad Lubavitcher death cult Jews whose Noahide Laws state that all Christians are to be totally exterminated, with America now totally subjugated and totally in the service of Israel whose rabbis openly state they intend for the literal extermination of all Christians in America and the rest of the world.


aprayerformonkey - Jan 20


And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.


aprayerformonkey - Jan 20


The only thing I can say to you is that if you're right, it doesn't matter. If the Bible is right it matters very much. None of what you are talking about has anything to do with Christ, His message or His true followers. If you are so passionate about this, read the New Testament.


Lorraine Thomas - Jan 20

Lorraine Thomas

Amen! All of this lengthy nonsense…to do away with Christ… and Christianity! Yes…aprayerformonkey…if the Holy Bible is not true…then we’ve lost nothing…lived a profitable life with no future or returns!….BUT…if the Bible is true…then those who mock… and don’t believe… have lost everything!! Especially…and most importantly…their own soul! Think of it!


mothman777 - Jan 20

mothman777’s Newsletter

Absolute insanity.


crapshoot farmer - Jan 20

crapshoot farmer

Moth, you make some valid points. But these...
"Jesus never existed in reality, he is an entirely fictitious political construct."
"The Bible is a cruel joke, several times 'Jesus' who should be more properly referred to in any case as Yeshua in order for his name to have any actual spiritual quality according to Christian texts, is actually referred to in RABBINICAL terms several times, so Jesus, or Yeshua, was a JEWISH RABBI in any case."
So did He exist or not?
This reminds me of LaoTse,
[on God] "who who speaks does not know. He who knows does not speak."


Healing Stories - Jan 24

Healing Stories

I am reminded of the Scripture in Psalm that says You are a shield about me. We wrestle against dark principalities… but the name Yeshua- Jesus puts them all back in their place.


E.C. - Jan 21

In English? Could not find.


The Freedom Conversation - Jan 20

crapshoot farmer

Will you please consider being on my podcast. I have had Maria Crisler and Sir Julien rose on my show, after seeing them on yours. Combine these two guests' topics. That would be ours.
Please consider! I do not monetize.


crapshoot farmer - Jan 20

crapshoot farmer

Dr. Ana does not really read these posts. Maybe but rarely.


The Freedom Conversation - Jan 20

ah well.


Dz - Jan 20

Dz’s Substack

.....So basically the same plan outlined in the Bible....


Petra Bucenieks - Jan 20 - Edited

Petra Bucenieks

i have watched half of the video interview with Luca Biotti with him translating every few sentences of your testimony. i understand that this is done so that people in Italy will understand your story, but i did find it distracted me from your story. Somehow i wonder if this introjection by a male voice in a foreign tongue (to me) could be mirroring your own journey to do with making women angry in your previous life ?
i have done past-life work by different processes over a number of decades. The first time (in 2001) was at the Light Institute in Galisteo MN that is run by Chris Griscom, where i was first guided to connect with my Higher Self (HS) and my HS then showed me 7 lifetimes (over 4 days), a couple of which were very significant to understanding my present life issues. But through my overall experience with different past-life processes, i have come to understand that there is the journey of the soul which does not follow a linear timeline, i.e. bringing up a lifetime 2,000 years ago, then another only a couple of lifetimes ago, and then there is the journey of the spirit (often called the Body Elemental since it is a separate Elemental being in us running our autonomic body processes, and acting as our Unconscious (check out Tanis Helliwell's material on this)) which does follow a linear timeline, i.e. the lifetime before this one, then the next before that, etc.
The former is a past-life process that is karmic based, where you do experience responsibility for your actions in the other lives, while with the latter, where the BE is involved, you don't need to. The latter is what happens (in its pure form) in Family Constellations as developed by Bert Hellinger. An imbalance in the ancestral line of energy caused by an ancestor of yours, can usually be resolved by a representative taking your place while you personally only witness the process.
With the soul-based karmic process, gender can change many times across the reliving of a series of lifetimes -- all of which relate to a common (gender-irrelevant) theme, without problem. Usually there is only a cycling of victim and agressor -- being the agressor in one lifetime, then the victim (where the actual soul of the current agressor may have been the victim previously). But when dealing with the BE process, an issue can result if the male and female lineages become 'crossed'. This is my understanding that i have developed from a lot of research (and some personal experience).
So because you seem very focussed on this gender crossover between lifetimes (recent ones i assume) (which cause no issue at all in soul-based past-life work), it makes sense to me that you are dealing with an imbalance in your BE (your spirit) rather than something that is karmic and soul based. Just feeling you make women angry, is like what Jung termed a 'complex', a program that runs at the BE level. But anger is usually only a surface emotion, one that masks deeper issues -- which could be soul-based, i.e. like the challenging of (male ?) authority and the revealing of hidden secrets (which you have been doing) -- and the 'gender crossover' could come in here too (i.e. why did your BE take on this switch, when it is the soul that chooses gender for each lifetime ?)
Just out of curiosity, have you watched the film 'Wake Up' by Jonas Elrod ? seems to me to be some parallels in his story with yours.


vrilforce - Jan 25 - Edited


I sense and feel that consciousness is what the vast universe is. Does the universe in all its variation, vibration, I AM experiences itself in its trillions of seen, unseen, frequencies, atoms, forms, matter, light, dark, nebulas, clusters, holes, silence, souls, spirits, silver cord, golden cord, elements physics, etc.? What about a collective consciousness, the core source were everything is coming from, spreading throughout gazillions of universes within its own vast universe? What really is the ur-source were all originates from expressing itself how we perceive through our our own imaginary interpretation or someone who thinks he/she know? Ancient, forgotten science rediscovered, again, used to control mankind by a handful of lunatics who want to control all.
With regards to Karma:
Why would I and hundreds of millions of souls want to reincarnate on this planet to be repeatedly enslaved, sent to never ending wars, slaughtering our own kind in bloody, godless, battles in the name of a handful of overlords who think they are divine or above everyone else? Why would a soul want to reincarnate in another human spacesuit, to experience being taken, kidnapped as a baby, toddler, child, teenager to be tortured, raped, sacrificed in satanic blood rituals, their blood drained, their organs eaten by these very sick twisted minds, who sink that they have the right to do so? This is happening all over this planet. How about the hundreds of millions of abortions, including late term abortions right after birth. Someone wants to tell me about karma, and their multiple gods and goddesses they worship. Religions were installed to control mankind. Do as I tell or else. Control in many forms for human being to conform to those who want to rule over us, telling us that we are just insignificant little sinners, to keep us small in our thinking and growing. Time to shatter the prism of lies and deception.


Petra Bucenieks - Jan 25 - Edited

Petra Bucenieks

i like a lot of what Icke writes and speaks about and i have a few of his books, just having received his recent, The Reveal, from Amazon yesterday. He does a lot of research to show what is really going on, and what its objective may be and then writes about it in very clear terms. He is able to bring it down to where everyone can understand, such as with his "Problem, Reaction, Solution" characterization. However, the one thing i disagree with him on, is his "soul trap" idea.
Yes, there may be something wrong with the idea of re-incarnating over and over again, apparently to fix our karma. But what it is that it is wrong, is that it is actually an illusion. We believe it is 'we' who live over and over again in a different body each time, but this is incorrect. It is closer to the truth to say that our soul re-incarnates and not 'we'. When we have a past-life experience, it actually happens because it's like we look through our soul to see the other life it had, but only believe it is ourselves, our personal identity, that lived it. Of course our soul's karma is our karma, so we also see deep significance to what 'we' apparently did in that life and how it connects to what tendencies we express in this one. The way i see 'working to fix our karma' is like it is a noble quest towards a sublime goal, like is said about Alchemists looking to make gold from lead. That quest may be a true one, but its higher purpose is to refine the alchemist's own consciousness and the nobel quest is the caveat to do it and keep them on track through many years of constant study and experimentation. But it is never the ultimate goal.
But then it is also an illusion that the many 'past lives' that our soul has lived -- happened in a linear sequence in the past. The progression of time itself is another part of the illusion that we are under, because these lives of our soul all happen in a simultaneous timeframe. When we are able to engage our multidimensional nature, we can apprehend this fact, and seeing the true significance of our past-lives is a means that helps us engage our multidimensionality, since 'being above time' can't be embraced from the point of view the personality has -- that we are in only in one, or any other, lifetime at a time. We can, however, seek to take on the perspective of our soul and let our soul subsume our limited point of view and engage a multidimensional one. So i see it like a progression of seeing through the religious point of view that we only live once, to where we re-incarnate and have multiple lifetimes, to where it is our soul which actually re-incarnates -- to where our soul becomes our whole self with its true multidimensional nature.
But yes, Icke is right about bad ETs subverting us and extracting loosh. This intervention by negative ETs for their own purposes has happened before to earlier seedings of humans on Earth. Apparently ours is the third seeding. But it's not that this is a prison planet. The 2 Van Allan belts are a protection from ET intervention meant to keep them out, not keep us in. The reptis have been here before humans were seeded and may be part of the plan for our evolution, but the others, like the Zetas, some humans were duped into letting in, in exchange for secret tech and other goodies. It is not like everything is overseen by higher beings however. It in big sense, it is up to us to step up and do our part and prove our worthiness to 'walk with' the other benevolent races of ETs in the galaxy. For them to 'save' us would reverse our evolutionary progression in major way. We have the abilities dormant within our DNA, even if the bad ETs have messed with them and degraded our DNA. DNA isn't everything.


Christopher Haley Simpson - Jan 20

We’s Substack

I can't believe it all exists. Innocence is more attractive.


JimG - Jan 20

I meditate and watch my mind. Although I miss finding words, I do not feel any change in mental processing. I think my meditations are going better. Is that because we keep our minds at a higher frequency where we are happy and thus innocent? If I worry about these mind sucking aliens, does fear take me to a lower vibration? Is that why innocence is better? I would rather think of light, love, and the glory of God, Hagia Sophia, the Holy Spirit of Wisdom.


We The People - Jan 20

We’s Substack

Innocence is not a choice.



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