My Interview With Dr. Len Ber From Targeted Justice On Remote Mind Control And Soul Hacking

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I am linking my interview with Dr. Len Ber. It is rare to meet physicians who understand the aspect of mind control in this war and I am very grateful to have connected with him. I was recently invited to become an Advisory Board Member for Targeted Justice. For those who have the ears to hear, I explain what I experienced when I was targeted. This helped me understand the nanotechnology, synthetic biology and the demonic nature of this assault on the human soul.

Below are other articles I have written that explain further the science of what is known about mind control and soul hacking in conjunction with the nanotechnology.

If you have a sensitive nature and cannot handle graphic truth, do not listen to this interview.

For wee wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Dr Charles Morgan described what I experienced in this Military Lecture - remote control access of someone’s brain and complete take over of their brain function - please look at this great video by Greg Reese discussing the technology referring to my research - Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

Dr. Robert Duncan described the remote assassination artificial intelligence Demi Urge that can kill anyone anywhere remotely by accessing their brain waves. The CIA considers this Artificial Intelligence program a Demi God. Cathy O’Brian, MK Ultra CIA survivor confirmed in my interview with her that the Deep State is controlled by AI - and this AI is controlled by the demonic realm.

Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking

Here are the different neuroweapons discussed, including nanotechnology

Battlescape Brain: Engaging Neuroscience in Defense Operations - Review Of Dr. James Giordano's lectures

The military and DARPA has been developing this technology for decades. Patents show capabilities or remote mind control and thought deciphering from the 1990’s - read Dr Nick Begich’s book on Mind Control.

Brain Computer Interfaces: US Military Applications and Implications

Here I explain how the IV Chelation’s have been helping people who clearly are affected by a “shadow or demonic force” - it works almost instantly:

EDTA Chelation Helps Lift The Darkness - Spiritual Healing Experiences When Treating Shedding Related Spiritual Suffering And Documented Live Blood Changes

This is Georgia tech Professor discussing the Graphene Terahertz interface with Satellite systems

"COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES" - Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology

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Larry Sullivan - Sep 16, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

Seems Dr. Ana never rests. Always getting the word out! That's why we admire Dr. Ana!!🤠👍

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Margie Chism - Sep 16, 2023

Margie Chism

Great resources; [t]hank you ■ Dr. Len Ber is a most courageous man to lead and fight this battle; happy to pray for him and those oppressed, and may God help their legal case/s be successful because it will be a change most needed. M

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