Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Many people still do not believe that we live in the time of nanotechnological warfare, mind control and transhumanist synthetic biological assault on humanity - where our health, free will, soul and spirit are under attack. People do not believe we found nanotechnology in the C19 shots and have been inhaling nanotechnology and synthetic biology via geoengineering weather warfare for decades. They do not want to believe that carbon nanotubes aka graphene oxide can transmit all information about your thoughts via the spin state of subatomic particles in the synaptic cleft in the brain and modify this signal externally while sending the information to the cloud - hence controlling your mind. They do not want to believe that the C19 injected emit a MAC address via Blue tooth signal - please look at Figure 17 and you will understand how your personal biometric data is being uploaded to the cloud.
Many say that pulling out patents says nothing about what is happening in the real world. However, we are witnessing scientific advances that have been documented for decades. I highly recommend the book: Nanotechnology And Homeland Security: New Weapons for New Wars by Mark Ratner, published in 2004 , who has been associated with nanostructures and molecular electronics since the EARLY 1970’S and explains the involvement of the Department of Defense with its Ultra submicron Electronics Research program in the late 1970’s. By the early 1990’s major DOD programs were exploiting nanostructures. DARPA began ULTRA ( Ultrafast, ultra dense) electronics program in the 1990’s. The office of Naval Research began their program in nanostructured coatings in 2003.
Quote from the book published in 2004:
The continued miniaturization of electronic devices will provide 100 times more memory. Processing speeds will increase to terahertz rates. Display will be flexible and paper thin, if not replaced by direct write of information on the retina. Prolific unattended sensors and uninhabited, automated surveillance vehicles under personal control will be providing high data streams on the local situation. The marriage of semiconductors and biology will provide physiological monitors for alertness, chemical/ biological agent threat, and casualty assessment.
Special thanks to Mik Anderson who has been relentlessly researching these patents and explaining the nanotechnology we are witnessing. Please note the evolution of implantable Neuralink Press Release | Blackrock Neurotech Reveals Neuralace™: 10,000+ Channel Next-Gen BCI is already evolved by injectable or inhalable nano technology that can self assemble in the body.
I recommend against all forms of surveillance via any type of device, even if they claim it is for your wellness, as you see below in Figure 8. It is all part of the transhumanist agenda. Just look at these images and see for yourself what is possible and already being done. I find the name of the patent - spike frequency modulation - curious, if you take into account that Francis Collins 2020 NIH post that the Covid 19 virus can be mimicked by quantum dot nanocrystal. Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots.
Here is the full patent:
CNT= Carbon Nano tubes aka Graphene oxide
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Apr 16, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
It's good to see that my conjecturing about two and a half years ago is now proven. I had to use limited information, the proper frame of reference, and some logic like this:
Ultimately, it looks like hydrogels have been used in the vials to deliver self-assembling graphene structures that created permanent contact with the central AI through 5G and followed its instructions. The damages/kills are identical with the existing, but not deployed, technology of mRNA/spike protein combo, but they affect only the target, whose DNA can be targeted as long as it is in the central database from blood works, PCR "tests," genetic tests or, even from a police record of a roadside breathalyzer (the last one happened in England about a year ago for all I know).
This time, the killing fields have been opened with a lot more than the general poisoning that has been going on for decades:
The AI is advising the globalists to use single events for multiple purposes that all serve Agenda 2030, as it happened in New Palestine:
Psychotronic attacks are becoming common:
As for me, I have been proposing the development of a new medical paradigm that would actually work, at least to a certain extent:
Ten days ago, I posted about the introduction of universal poisoning (aka. "vaccination") in the food supply:
All this should suffice for a single comment...
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Lioness3* - Apr 16, 2023
A plan so diabolical as to be unfathomable. And yet, we have the evidence. Where to go with this data in terms of protection and justice for the Peoples?
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