Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Source: Nanobrain - The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal
This scientist describes the work of cataloging the clocks of the brain- body network to reverse engineer consciousness. I am quoting passages from the book that explain in relation to the ingredients of the C19 shots and what we have been seeing with the microtechnology that self assembles. I am also tying this into the transhumanist agenda. In essence, it is possible that the C19 injections convert humans into inorganic life forms governed by artificial intelligence, some people call that “Zombies.” Here is the science, and you make up your own mind. My comments and explanations are in bold. Excerpts from the book are quoted.
The work started in the 1970’s with time crystals - it mapped the universe as a composition of time crystals with a sensor that acquires 11-dimensional data. This work was based on previous researchers that saw the universe in fractal symmetries and events. It uses principles of fractal mechanics and recognizes a new geometrical musical language for operating a time crystal. Every single component of the brain was mapped – software and hardware- by using dielectric and cavity resonators. Maxwell’s equations were solved and therefore the electromagnetic resonance of components was measured and collected over 80 years. The first comprehensive catalog of 534 classes of brain rhythms was reverse engineered using copper wires in a 1:1 million ratio in the brain and 20 conscious expressions were replicated for the humanoid like response of the avatar.
This is a completely different mathematics/ physics we are dealing with, Maxwell’s quaternion equations, using a physics that is based on Light, the original building block of matter.
A 4th circuit Hinductor has the elements of a resistor, capacitor and inductor and it generates magnetic vortices as a function of a stored charge when monochromatic light falls on it. It is a metamaterial that cloaks quantum mechanically, which helps make part of the device invisible to others. Cloaking enables circuits without wiring. Quantum cloaking is the invisibility for the matter wave.
Magnetic vortices are torsion fields, they encode information faster than the speed of light. The physicist Kozyrev called them the density of time. Find more about this physics in my book. Please remember Dr. David Nixon’s assembly and disassembly of structures - exemplifying quantum cloaking.
Here is a link to our video and Dr. Nixon’s findings.
Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots - Structures Assembling and Disassembling
A Brain Jelly is a material where one could write environment-acquired information as a time crystal of prime numbers and let it evolve into complex architectures following the patterns of primes. A time crystal analyzer converts any sensor information into a 3D pattern of geometric shapes, which converts into a time crystal of primes, feeds the time crystal to the organic jelly, and reads the output pattern of magnetic vortices and optical vortices into a time crystal of primes. As the jelly grows, by shining a monochromatic laser light, the evolution of input time crystal could be read by projecting the light produced magnetic vortices on a magnetic film. We read that in the crystal made of atoms of magnetic light.
Brain Jelly is made from Hydrogel. Hydrogel acts as a time crystal that can be encoded with magnetic light information which makes it grow and self learn.
The hydration of biomolecules is related to the forces that are either attractive or oscillatory. Hydration shell has 15% more density than of water than bulk water, but is not homogeneous all around the molecule. Particular functional groups bind water differently, all groups cannot bind equally, so the bonded water molecules create a channel of water namely the “spine of water.” It was known for a long time that DNA has a double helix, but if we consider the water channel created by choline groups in the phospholipids, and there is an additional helix of water too. The shell plays an active role in modulating the biomaterial property. A water film can emit coherent terahertz near thermal signal, it eliminates the need for additional laser sources required to operate force circuit element Hinductor.
The carbon nanotube is the sender/ receiver that mimics the microtubules in the neurons. The water hydration shell helps to emit a Terahertz signal and is independent of external laser light for programming.
Water channels can be created artificially. It’s been shown in molecular biological studies and artificial ordered water monolayer synthesis have consistently shown that simply by wetting one could generate a helical replica on the surface on of a nano structure. Microtubule is a hollow tubulin protein-based cylinder with 25 nm diameter its internal hollow core is 18 nm wide were in ordered water channels reside. Similarly, ordered water channels are found in the carbon nanotube core. The core water part works as an active device , undergoes symmetry breaking in phase transition like an independent molecular system.
This means Carbon nanotubes mimic brain microtubules and the water surrounding it can be used as a programmable device.
Biosystems encode and decode rhythms to run highly interconnected machines simultaneously. An organic jelly made of spiral nano wires changes its length and helical pitch to mimic the composition of frequencies pumped into it. The cluster of spiral strive the self-assembly to a particular kind of fractal network that encodes the rhythm so we can read and write any encoded rhythm or time crystal. The jelly learns several complex rhythms pumped into it operates without algorithm, learning and memorization finish within a few seconds with zero human intervention at any step.
It is self learning and it controls itself. Magnetic field projected self-assembly is key to synthesize the brain jelly. Triggers could be to mechanically shake, trigger electromagnetic signal or even pump magnetic pulses into the gel. Once the seed pattern is written into the gel, it triggers contiguous self assembly. We have observed that with Dr. Nixon’s time lapsed videos which show continuous assembly and disassembly. This is programmed into the brain jelly hydrogel as the software.
Programmable matter: The programmable matter is instantly reconfigurable, shows variable resolution, intelligent sensing, integrated actuator and local motors, as it engages in invisible computing. Invisible computing means primarily working with virtual atoms, or waves, like quantum, where electron like real particles are invisible. Programmable matter is a material that absorbs a particular particular form of energy, say light, sound, magnetic, electric field, etc., and changes its structure typically to encode the parameters of the input signal. Our brain, even a single DNA molecule is a “programmable matter.”
This is vacuum engineering. It does not work with material reality, but with virtual potentials. This again is a different kind of physics based on Maxwell’s Quaternion equations. Very few physicists even know how to work with this physics.
Multi layered clocks govern a biological system using rhythms or time fractals or frequency fractals. A material that replicates the dynamics of biological rhythm, could compute without using any machine language or algorithm intelligence hidden in the complex rhythm get automatically decoded by the matter. It demands a dynamic material that programs the complex time series.
They have decoded the rhythms of life that is artificially intelligent and the material is hydrogel.
The artificial brain jelly means that a neuron is replaced by a Hinductor class 4 circuit element, glia by supra molecules are made of carbon nanotube-based hydrogel. Hydrogen based bipolar fractal architecture create hydrogel, this is used to mimic the neuron. The gel morphs time crystal like real biological materials. This mimics the neural net of the entire body as part of the brain, neural fibers are made of tubes, tube membranes are semi-porous plastics.
Hydrogel and Carbon tube mimic neurons and create an artificial self learning brain that is based on natural Maxwellian Light physics.
Mirroring the nature in the resonance chain is consciousness, the density of allowed vibrational frequency in a band and length of the frequency chain which is 10 to the minus hertz to 10 to the 16th Hertz - determines the degree of consciousness. The brain or every living thing performs only one computation in life, it begins at the birth of the baby and the mother’s womb in it and with the death of human life. Life is a single pulse of the lowest resonance frequency of a life form, the chain vibrates as one string 10 to the -10 Hz to 10 to the 16 Hz. It is the same with the universe too. One rhythm, one oscillator, one tape with one cell… Inside it’s a nested network of those elements.
They are saying they have figured out the mathematics of the quantum signature of all living things, including humans. The one computation is the program of the soul. This is in essence the soul and spirit interaction with the body. They can mimic consciousness. The Oneness frequency of the universe is God. Everything is connected to everything else. There is only one creation, all of life and that is God. This is not religious understanding but spiritual understanding of the quantum field of creation. They are saying they have decoded the mathematics of creation based light and replicated it artificially.
Microtubule is another DNA, instead of genetic codes it holds the thermodynamic code . Not written like DNA does not mean no code exists. Microtubule holds a map of 3.5 billion years of evolution, but people do not have the time to look beyond DNA. The spiral symmetry is everywhere from DNA, the secondary structure of proteins to solar systems even to the black holes.
By using carbon nanotubes that virtually replace the thermodynamic information of the microtubules a new program is written for the entire history of humanity when this is injected via C19 shots into humans. It is replacing the consciousness of the human, thereby destroying the soul and interface of the spirit with the body. Yes, the mathematics of the universe is fractal mathematical resonances.
Microtubule is the gateway to the understanding of the brain thanks to its water channel inside. It’s not the only component responsible for consciousness, but, just like DNA holds the key to genetics and evolution, microtubule holds the key to thermodynamics and acquired information by living systems.
In these extracts from the book Nanobrain, I am providing an alternative explanation of artificial intelligence mind control that can occur with the C19 shots. The Hydrogel carbon nanotubes can create an alternative neural network that reprograms the human via Artificial Intelligence. The underlying physics are Maxwell’s Quaternions equations of magnetic light and they mimic the rhythms of nature, the true physics of Light that I have been writing about in my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity.
You do not need mRNA to genetically engineer and alter humans. MRNA has not been found in C19 vials by several investigators like Dr. Kevin McCairn, Dr. Daniel Nagase, the team of Steve Kirsch, and others. If you target the microtubules in the brain, you can edit neurological programs and that affects DNA. In magneto biology, which uses magnetic Iron nanoparticles with hydrogel, genetic engineering of any cell can occur. This would explain why no mRNA is needed and that the metal ingredients, the Lipid Nanoparticles with Hydrogel and Carbon nanotubes would be enough to get the job done - to replace human consciousness by artificial consciousness - and create inorganic entities - as foreseen by Yuval Harari:
One scenario is that the technology will destroy humanity. I think it’s less likely, but still possible . The more likely scenario is that it will change humanity in a profound way. That we will use AI and bioengineering to change Homo Sapiens and to create new kinds of beings that will be much more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees.
Now, already today we have the technical ability to start redesigning humanity … The inorganic way, of linking humans to computers, brains to computers or even creating completely non-organic entities, artificial intelligence — perhaps even artificial consciousness — which is even a more radical change. You can say that genetic engineering is just playing with the same bits and pieces that evolution has played with for billions of years. This is something completely new — to create really inorganic entities.
The whole idea that humans have, you know, this soul or spirit and they have free will … that’s over.
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Possum - Nov 14, 2022 - Edited
Possum’s Newsletter
Artificial intelligence will never be able to compose or perform on the violin the Bach Chaconne from Partita no 2 in D minor. Too much nuance is involved in the bowing techniques, choice of string colour and fingering, also the use of natural harmony and tempered harmony. Musical interpretation comes from the soul. All the great musicians perform this differently and equally as good. Watch and hear Jascha Heifetz perform this music consisting of chords and sometimes the melody in two or three part harmony on a violin. Hillary Hahn and Itzhak Perlman are of equal excellence here. Music comes from the soul. Artificial intelligence would kill music. You can’t beat human intelligence. Because we are all different there are just as many different gifts from God.
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Art - Nov 14, 2022
They have been letting the cat out of the bag lately.
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