Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 19, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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My friend and colleague Dr. Shimon Yanowitz was interviewed by Stew Peters:
Nano-structures EXPOSED In The Vaxx: Engineer DECONSTRUCTS Frozen Vaxx Vials
In this excellent interview, Shimon discusses the self assembly structures, carbon ribbons, shedding of the C19 injectables. Below is Stew Peters excellent commentary - and thank you so much to Stew Peters for bringing this information forward.
I will have Dr. David Nixon from Australia and Engineer Mat Taylor from Ecuador mentioned by Stew below on my radio show on Monday. Stay tuned for some new revelations and images from our team.
For more interviews that Shimon and I did - which shows his remarkable documentation of self assembly as well as the images of nanostructures in his own blood presumably from shedding please see these two posts:
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Lee Muller - Oct 19, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
The U.S. government is finally paying out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.
In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.
The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.
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Dollyboy - Oct 19, 2022
The Last Australian Libertine
It's a bit overbaked, with the action music at the end. Why aren't they running more tests to find out more? When Stew asked Shimon about what he thought the purpose of the circuitry was he basically said - I dunno. If this guy is an expert in electronics and microscopy why hasnt he got anything to say beyond "Ive seen things under my microscope." I'm not doubting the existence of these things but I was sorely hoping for a bit more insight.
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