Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 25, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Photo: Shimon’s blood
In this groundbreaking interview, I discuss with independent Researcher Shimon Yanowitz his blood findings after having a toxic exposure with vaccinated people and falling severely ill with eventually persistent “Long Haul” symptoms. Shimon has a background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Both Shimon and I have experienced particularly severe and life threating acute symptoms with presumed Covid as well as severe Long Haul with debilitating neurological symptoms. We discuss our recovery journey and thoughts on causing factors.
For people who do not know what Covid shot shedding is, please read my article here:
“Shedding” – Understanding Self spreading vaccines in the Setting of Novel mRNA Technology
Please click on this link to see our full interview here:
Nanotechnology, Vaccine Shedding and Long-Haul Symptoms - Blood Analysis of an Un-injected
This is a picture of Shimon’s blood. Apart from abnormal Rouleaux formation, what is that rectangular shaped object in the middle of the picture?
Shimon also analyzed injectables from Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and Astra Zeneca. He showed that after incubation the nanostructures in C19 injections have self-assembly properties. He discussed this with Researcher Sasha Latypova - please click on this link:
These are some of the self-assembly nanostructures found in BioNTech injection after incubation at body temperature:
Comparison of Shimon’s blood particles and self-assembling structures of a Pfizer BioNTech vial.
Pictures 1 and 2 are Shimon’s blood, Picture 3 is Pfizer BioNTech vial.
Picture 1(Shimon):
Picture 2 (Shimon)
Picture 3 (Pfizer BioNtech)
In our video Shimon and I discuss our thought about the possible mechanisms of ongoing toxicity causing Long Haul Covid symptoms and ask the question about – what exactly is being shed and transmitted from the Covid injectables. Many scientists presume it is the spike protein. However, some adverse reactions of for example unvaccinated women coming in contact with a vaccinated person can lead to uterine hemorrhaging within minutes. Could the signal producing such symptom be more electromagnetic in nature? We know that one photon that hits the retina can initiate 100.000 biochemical reactions. Could it be nanostructures? An open mind to assess the many ways that we can be affected will help us find broad solutions.
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Gary McCollom - Jul 25, 2022
I understand this is anecdotal in some respects but at my work where I had the run in with a pfizer jabbed co-worker I tested him and 2 other jabbed workers with an EMF field detector and all 3 of them came back as 'high magnetic field' detected.
I'm sure you heard about the German Graphene expert and his findings and then you have the WEF and their plan for the 'internet of bodies' and its very clear to me that nano-tech is in these injections.
"Could the signal producing such symptom be more electromagnetic in nature?"
These people are SICK and need to be brought to justice.
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Johannes - Jul 25, 2022
What can Vax injured do to save their lives ?(except obviously not take any more jabs...)
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