My Letter To The Moldavian Government Officials On Behalf Of Iurie Rosca

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 05, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I am posting my letter to the Moldavian government officials regarding the prosecution of Iurie Rosca. I have previously done interviews with Iurie and have been a speaker at the international think tank Chishiau Forum.

CHISINAU FORUM 2024 - Unrestricted Warfare - A Holistic Approach To The Great Reset - International Academic Live Event - This Weekend May 25th and 26th

Technocratic Global Tyranny and the Resistance - Conversation with Journalist and former Deputy Prime Minister of Moldavia Iurie Rosca -Truth, Science and Spirit Episode 17

Chișinău Forum Podcast | Interview with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea by Yuri Roshka

Iurie is under threat of being jailed for his political activism. I am posting his links here, should you be in a position to help. I also posted my letter that was sent via email to the President, Minister of Justice, Members of Parliament and other officials in Moldavia.

Anti-Globalist freedom fighters have been persecuted or even murdered around the world. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich is still incarcerated in Germany. Iurie’s situation is very serious.

There are few human beings in this world, who would rather sacrifice everything -including their life - than live as a slave under tyranny and unjustness. He and I are cut from such rock, and I consider him my brother in this fight. Whatever you can do to help him, is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to support him, here are his links.

Telegram :
Substack :

Here is his statement and letter describing his situation:

Open Letter to friends around the world

Yuri Roshka July 01, 2024

Dear friends,

First of all, I sincerely thank everyone who took a stand and protested against the attempt of the rulers of the globalist Soros network to sentence me criminally to several years of imprisonment on the basis of a false accusation of committing the crime of "influence peddling". It is not an unusual situation for me, because in the last 35 years I have always been criminally prosecuted for my political and journalistic activity. I was an anti-communist dissident and I became a dissident for the second time, an anti-globalist one.

The power centers' obsession with silencing me is simply explained. Only in the last 15 years, since I am no longer an MP, as a journalist and editor, I have published about 10 books by the author, plus more than 15 books by foreign anti-System authors. I wrote hundreds of articles in four languages, made an enormous number of videos, held video conversations with anti-globalist intellectuals around the world.

I will mention here the titles of only a few of my books published in recent years: " The Fall from the USSR into the EU " (2014), ”” Orthodoxy and Economic Nationalism ” (2017), ” Conspiration of the Red Demons. 100 years since the Bolshevik coup ” (2017), ” National Interest as Modus Vivendi ” (2020), ” Falling from Capitalism in Technology. Notes of a dissident under the New World Order ” (2023), ” Humanity 2.0: Depopulated and Augmented ” (2024, English, German, French). My editorial activity is carried out within the institution of academic and editorial character, People's University, of which I am president.

Since 2020, when the fake Covid-19 pandemic broke out, I have been a staunch critic of the strategy of mass murder and genetic modification by injection. My video interventions and articles gained a remarkable audience in Moldova and Romania, which is why Big Tech platforms such as YouTube and Facebook have liquidated my accounts.

After Moscow started "special military operation" in Ukraine as a result of the Atlanticist strategies to strangle Russia, by order of the director of the Intelligence and Security Service, our news and political analysis website and my author's blog under the pretext of combating "war propaganda". During this period, the governors of Chisinau, controlled by Western mafia circles, exerted major pressure on the Prosecutor's Office, trying to get them to open a criminal case against me. And finally the Soros mercenaries in government found the optimal solution to put me in prison.

They resorted to an illegal trick by which they sent a judge politically subordinate to the Atlanticist regime a criminal file, the examination of which had been pending for over six years. I mention that the criminal complaint was filed by a well-known swindler in my country back in February 2017. And then I was in conflict with the oligarchic and anti-national political power. But since the accusations brought could not be proven, the file remained in suspension for these 6 years. The episodes cited by the person who filed the criminal complaint would date from 2009-2011. But as his claims are not supported either by evidence or witnesses, it was necessary to identify a person endowed with the cloak of a judge who would be ready to commit any abuse and illegality in order to fulfill the political order to imprison an inconvenient public figure.

In my opinion, the acceleration of the rhythms of examining the criminal case in which I am a defendant is related not only to my activity as an anti-System journalist. I believe that one of the major factors that determined the urgency of the prison conviction process is the Chisinau Forum. This international think tank has become increasingly visible lately, bringing together more researchers, scholars, political analysts and investigative journalists from around the world. I recall here the name of the last editions of the Chisinau Forum that had a remarkable international impact.

UN Agenda 21 and The Great Reset. The Fall from Liberalism to Technocracy and Transhumanism ”, September 9-10, 2023. The subject of this meeting could be formulated as: The death of the liberal paradigm and the rise of technocracy.  Our meeting this year was called ” UNRESTRICTED WARFARE. A Holistic Approach to the Great Reset ” (25-26 May 2024). I have every reason to believe that the gathering together of so many eminent personalities from around the world, able to analyze in depth the state of the world today, disturbs the centers of globalist influence. And then it is resorted to annihilating the main organizer of this event that acquires the size of a world metapolitical movement.

My dear friends and comrades fighting against the technocratic tyranny of Satanists, I will not give up my position. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. The importance of our cause above personal risks.

Please send your messages of support to the President of the Republic of Moldova, members of the Parliament and the Government, that is, to the political factors that control justice in my country. These people do not vibrate to arguments of a moral or legal character. But they are pragmatic enough to understand at some point that my persecution is disadvantageous to their image and jeopardizes their electoral chances.

God bless you all.

 Sincerely yours,

 Iurie Roșca

This is a copy of my letter to the Moldavian government emailed to all of the named officials today:


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

715 East Yelm Ave, Suite 5

Yelm, WA 98576


To: Presidential Office of Moldova

Maia Sandu, President of Moldova

Members of Parliament: Chairman Igor Grosu

Prime Minister: Dorin Recean

Minister of Justice: Veronica Mihailov-Moraru

Prosecutor General: Ion Munteanu

Yelm, July 5 th , 2024

Ref: Letter of Support for Iurie Rosca

To Whom it May Concern,

This letter is in support of Iurie Rosca, who is currently under threat to be unjustly prosecuted and jailed in Moldavia. Mr. Rosca has many friends around the world and has earned respect and support for his fight for freedom of speech and the freedom of humanity from tyrannical technocratic enslavement. 

He is a former Member of the Moldavian Parliament, is a journalist and editor, and has published 10 books. He wrote hundreds of articles in four languages, made an enormous number of videos, and has held video conversations with anti-globalist intellectuals around the world.

He is also the organizer of the Chishinau Forum, an international think tank of intellectuals, journalists, lawyers, and doctors dedicated to a holistic approach to tackling the unrestricted warfare of globalism against humanity.  I have been a speaker at this esteemed forum.

I am a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine in Washington State, U.S.A. and have researched and found evidence of self-assembling nanotechnology in the COVID 19 injections. I am also a board member of the National American Renaissance Movement, an organization that has delivered COVID crimes against humanity grand jury petitions to 25 US states asking for the criminal prosecution of those responsible for the COVID 19 genocide. My fellow advisory board member, Professor Francis Boyle, who is the author of the US bioweapons laws, has declared the COVID 19 injections biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

Mr. Rosca has fought bravely against a globalist transhumanist tyranny that threatens to exterminate humanity with their depopulation agenda. Already, millions of excess deaths have been recorded around the world after the COVID 19 bioweapon rollout.

Mr. Rosca’s many contributions to this global fight are significant.

We freedom fighters around the world will not stand by while Iurie Rosaca is unjustly prosecuted.

I appeal to your compassion for the human species in consideration of free speech, liberty, and justice – all values that Iurie Rosca is fighting for.


Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD


Dr. Francis Boyle Releases Affidavit Confirming Covid ‘Vaccines’ are Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction

Evidence Of Crimes Against Humanity - Darkfield Blood Microscopy

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EmEm33 - Jul 5


Things are becoming very serious globally for those who speak out, and educate the world as to the truth of the multiple evil agendas. Sharing this important Substack. Thank you Dr. Mihalcea and thank you Iurie Rosca. Praying for all of humanity.

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BlazeCloude3 - Jul 5 - Edited


Whole Post is accurate and well wrote making this extraordinary global threat exposing ENEMIES of The People more clear than ever before in history. The ENEMY hides behind Agencies, Nations, Organizations...ANY GROUP POSSIBLE TO USE AS ITS MAFIA ENFORCER. The mid-level lieutenants functioning to perform the 'Surgically Precise Murders' are those not so easily defined.
THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THESE TACTICS AND OVERALL STRATEGY HAVE BEEN PERPETRATED AS EVIL IS ACTUALLY VERY PREDICTABLE WHEN STUDIED THROUGH HUMAN HISTORY IN TIME; hence the reason history is so often hidden in the dank, must and mould and dust of attics in piles of manuscripts never accepted by the Editors bribed to refuse to print them.
This time is EXACTLY as what the original 13 Colonies fought against in the U.S. Revolutionary War with the only exception being ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES OVERLAPPING Bio-Digital Interface, Space Warfare/Surveillance and scale of the threat. The major difference lies in the population lacking COURAGE, PRIORITY BASED IN FREEDOM AND MORAL FORTITUDE TO STAND AND FIGHT.

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