Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 04, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity
In this video, I review the systematic evidence of the nanotechnology in the C19 shots, the darkfield live blood findings, the research with Clifford Carnicom and my findings and documentation of the mechanism of self- assembly hydrogel filaments and blood toxicity. This phenomenon has been increasing in the level of contamination of the blood, the ill health effects from bioweapon shedding and environmental contamination. According to Celeste Solum, who participated in an US Army Military Workshop in 2018 on Transhumanism, the US Army was predicting that by 2025 no natural humans would exist. Since my research is on unvaccinated C19 blood to alert the world of the de facto evidence of shedding, it is my conviction that we are dangerously close to fulfilling the goal of this transhumanist agenda.
This overview can be used to present to law enforcement, attorneys, openminded scientists and the public, so that they may understand the progressive devastating impact of the nanotechnology and synthetic biology assault on humanity.
We are a less than a month away from launching our Humanity United Now Website which will catalogue further the body of work that can serve as evidence. I have written close to 250 substack articles on the topic and have given extensive interviews in collaboration with brilliant colleagues. It is time, that the right people use this evidence provided around the world. I have been asked to be a witness in international lawsuits and yes, I am happy to testify on the matter if it is possible to do so remotely. I am also in contact with the American Renaissance Movement and support their mission. If attorneys need my help, please contact me.
On this Independence day, may we regain our freedom and press on to win the war.
In the video I show what quantum dots are. The sound is suboptimal, so here is the link.
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Crippsy1969 - Jul 4, 2023
Dr Ana, yesterday Epoch Times “CrossRoads” did a segment on the US Congress indicating it’s tentative support for “dimming the sun” type of tech. As you probably know this is also a WEF/Gates objective also. I was reading up on Karen Kingston’s nanotechnology stack & found Roman S Shapoval’s (The Power Couple) research on EMF/sunlight & nanotechnology detox possibilities. I had also seen a video on YT by another Dr talking about the connection between melatonin/sunlight & mitochondrial DNA impacts. I’m confident there’s more to this than “climate”. I’m adding this comment here so ppl can look into this & raise hell over the whole “sun dimming” BS. We know they’re geo engineering weather, using “climate” as cover for implementation of their Agenda etc. But also so ppl are aware of possible nanotechnology detox info etc. Roman Shapoval has also commented under Karen’s stacks as well. Thx for all you do🙏. Can you please advise Karen of the Congress/sun dimming aspects also. I can’t afford to be a paid subscription to all that I research source so I’ve not been able to comment yet on her stacks . Thx in advance & In solidarity KC.
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Larry Druhall - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited
Solution Seeking
Thank you for this valuable information. My hope is that some will read this comment and learn about the science of system analysis that our enemy knows and uses against us with tremendous success. Far too many efforts to solve the problems we face have failed. We need future efforts to succeed.
Our root cause enemy excels at using several strategies against us. Much of our enemy's success comes from its knowledge of systems science. This knowledge allows our enemy to rig many aspects of society against any opposition. The following might be the best introduction into systems theory from the perspective of the opposition. My hope is that some people will look at this with an open mind and learn how the few control the many. If more people understand this kind of thing, it might lead to the development of innovative new strategies that might turn the tide.
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