Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 25, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this episode, Iurie Rosca and I discuss the current technocratic globalist warfare on humanity that transcends national government. Compared to other times in history where people opposed tyrannical dictatorships, as was historically present in Romania, today there is no free country in the world to flee to. We, the people of this earth all face the same totalitarian globalist one world order that wants to transform us into Cyborgs and control us all.
Yuri (Iurie) Rosca is a journalist, author and editor from Moldova born in 1961, very vocal in alternative media. He has had a long political career since the Soviet regime. He has managed to be a dissident twice in one lifetime, once confronting communist totalitarianism and now opposing technocratic totalitarianism.
He is the author of several books such as "Out of the Darkness" (1995), "Exercises in Lucidity" (2000), "Notes of a Christian Optimist" (2012), "Moldova, the Part that Became Whole" (2013), "The Republic of Moldova: from Political Independence Towards Economic Independence" (2013), "The Fall of the USSR in the EU. Anti-liberal Chronicles" (2014), " The Conspiracy of the Red Demons. 100 Years since the Bolshevik Coup" (2017), "Orthodoxy and Economic Nationalism" (2017), "National Interest as Modus Vivendi" (2020), "The Fall from Capitalism to Technocracy. Notes of a Dissident on the New World Order" (2023).
From 1988 he was one of the main organizers of an anti-communist political movement, contributed to the formation of the first underground newspapers and the first anti-communist party. He was the leaders of the Popular Front of Moldova. Since 1994 - he was a member of Parliament in 4 legislatures, twice Deputy Speaker of Parliament, in 2009 - Deputy Prime Minister.
Since 2009 he has been a university professor in communication sciences and recent history, and focused on journalistic and editorial activities.
He is the coordinator of an international think tank, Chisinau Forum, which started its activity in 2017 and which has annual meetings in Republic of Moldova. The next international meeting of the Chisinau Forum will take place on 25-26 May this year under the title ” UNRESTRICTED WARFARE: A Holistic Approach to the Great Reset ”.
He is active in alternative media as an author and as an interviewer in Romanian, Russian, French and English.
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Curtis Loew - Apr 25
Curtis Loew
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Chardin
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Geanina Hagima - Apr 25 - Edited
An excellent interview! A real guide to what we have to do! It's important that we have absolute trust only in God, and in what undertake ourselves. Let's not wait for savior leaders. Faith, sacrifice, humbleness, action! Thank you Ana! Thank you Iurie Rosca!
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