Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 24, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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How does Science really work
How does Science really work? According to an article by the University of Berkeley in California, science is a journey of exploration, observation, asking questions, sharing data and ideas. We approach questions with a curious mind.
In my recent article, I published an interview with Felipe Reitz, a Brazilian Biologist, Researcher, Inventor.
We spoke about his findings of Graphene nanoparticles and Live Blood changes in vaccinated people. He also obtained Computerized Thermographic Imaging which showed concern for blood clotting in many veins. His patients were asymptomatic, were sent for Doppler Ultrasound - which is the standard of care for medical evaluation of blood clots. Indeed, deep vein thrombosis was confirmed! Those who dismiss the findings of Computerized Thermography do it without any consideration that the finding was indeed confirmed.
These same live blood changes, with evidence of Graphene Oxide nanoparticles, have been found around the world.
Here is an example taken from UK Lawyer Anna de Buisseret Telegram channel:
“In his latest set of slides of blood samples taken from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Dr. Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated that the graphene being injected into people is organising and growing into larger fibres and structures, gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibres are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.
He also demonstrated that “shards” of graphene are being transmitted from “vaccinated” to vaccine-free or unvaccinated people destroying their red blood cells and causing blood clots in the unvaccinated.”
Doctors discover Graphene is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Blood Clots
She states:
I, personally, have cross-examined Dr Philippe van Welbergen on his evidence and can confirm that his evidence has been peer-reviewed by the multi-disciplinary teams of doctors, medics, scientists and lawyers with whom I’m working.
Be warned.
Anna de Buisseret
U.K. Lawyer
Dr. Philippe van Welbergen has been featured on the Dr. Jane Ruby show.
In our video, Felipe and I explain the exact same findings about Graphene Oxide and correlate it with some disturbing findings that he objectively found on Computerized Thermograms.
Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis post C19 injection
We discussed that this method of potential early detection should be investigated and could serve as a helpful adjunct to early diagnosis of blood clots. I have never discussed anything about the nonexistence of spike protein, but I did discuss that self-assembly nanostructures have been found in many C19 vials. Dr. Nagase specifically found no evidence of elements of life in the shot vials he analyzed. There are many other scientists who found graphene and other nanostructures. I wrote about this in this article.
I sent Dr. Ruby, who’s courage I greatly admire, our video - as I thought she would be openminded to look at the information. In my view, this adds and confirms what she has been discussing for a long time on her channel. Yet suddenly Felipe and I are proclaiming fake science. It appears she dismissed the information without ever even taking the time to look at it. Here is Dr. Ruby’s comment on her Telegram channel:
There are many physicians around the world who have found the same Live Blood Analysis results. This method is proclaimed as “quackery” by traditional hematologists. However, naturopaths and openminded physicians around the world use this to help them guide their diagnostic approach. Here are some examples.
Dr Zandre Botha of South Africa:
Dr Philippe van Welbergen of England
Dr Barbel Ghitalla of Germany
Sarah Westall video with slides from undisclosed doctor:
This article was published about the use of Dark Field Microscopy in vaccinated individuals confirming what Felipe discussed as well:
Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna
I am so grateful for these doctors, because without them we would not know about the significant findings. It is evident that many traditionally trained medical doctors have not been helpful in furthering our understanding of the effects of the shots, as most are in complete denial about vaccine side effects and injuries.
As another rapid response, Steve Kirsch published my private email to the group Medical Doctors of Covid Ethics on his substack. In this group we are sharing information to learn about the subject, and I was so concerned about Felipe’s findings that I wanted to share it for the good of vaccinated patients and for a discussion with my colleagues.
I do not know Steve Kirsch and I did not give him permission to publish my email. I am extremely grateful to him for exposing the C19 shot adverse effects. Without further investigation or contacting me for more information, he published this article. His advice was to “thread very carefully on new territory.”
He had some factchecker, who does not do Live Blood analysis post this comment, again noting that our observations are “Garbage”. Here is the comment:
He is arbitrarily talking about cell size. Talking about PMNs that are not T-cells. He is all over the map. This is the type of presentation that lacks enough credibility to watch all of it. If what you (these people) present up front is garbage, I won’t waste a full hour of my life watching the rest.
I am an Internal Medicine physician and a scientist. I have taken care of Covid 19 patients for over 2 years, have treated hundreds of patients with early treatments, and of all those who came to me early, I had no hospitalization and no death in my practice. My oldest surviving patient, that I treated with respiratory failure at home, was 92 years old. Both he and his wife who were both ill at the same time are happy to now enjoy excellent health, when they were facing certain hospitalization and death.
I have been working for medical freedom and bringing different information out to help patients. As an Internal Medicine physician with an integrative practice, I combine many approaches. With my background in cancer research and PhD in pathology, my experience as a certified chelation practitioner by the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, I have a broad and unique perspective on health. I am also an Author and have explored many areas of biophysics, quantum physics and spiritual healing.
I have reversed successfully long Covid in patients with devastating fatigue and dementia like symptoms.
Here are some case reports and novel ways of assessing effects on the autonomic nervous system.
Here is the documentation of reversing Covid brain fog as documented by Wavi brain EEG:
My approach to any complex problem is with an open mind. I study, listen, learn, explore. I endeavor to broaden my mind to find solutions for people who are suffering. I never close the door to any idea that might work. I do my own research and form my own opinions. I am not afraid to question any paradigm. As a scientist, I never assume I have figured something out completely. I am open to refining what I know. Every day, I evolve in my knowledge.
My question is this: Who are these people who proclaim what scientific exploration or inquiry is “Garbage”? Racing ahead, clearly without even investigating the information to discredit it? Why? Are we not on the same side of the war, for the great good of humanity?
Can a scientist no longer share observations, their experience, and concerns because it may help people?
Have we figured out everything there is to know about what is going on, that it is indicated to shut down so effectively any exploration, investigation, or debate? Have you sent any vaccinated patient for a thermogram to discredit the methodology that helped Felipe find potentially life-threatening blood clots confirmed via doppler ultrasound - that would otherwise have gone undiagnosed?
Solutions to great problems like the terrible C19 gene modifying shots are complex. They deserve exploration, research, discussion. People who have been injured deserve us to ask more questions, and to find novel answers.
I will always continue to search and broaden my mind. We are fellow scientists, working to help humanity. I deeply appreciate the tireless work of everyone who has the courage to join this fight. Answers and solutions may not fit in everyone’s old paradigm. We will get much further in the spirit of collaboration.
I am a very spiritual person. I have had what people call a near death experience, and in that I realized we do not die, we are divine spiritual beings. I have understood that as humanity we are not separate, but all interconnected. This absolute knowing of our divine nature inspires me every day, when I contemplate this genocide, and it propels me to get involved and do what I can to help.
I admire and am grateful for both Steve Kirsch and Dr. Jane Ruby, they are amazing fighters for humanity. But dear friends, what Felipe and I brought forward is not “Garbage.” I invite you to take another look.
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mejbcart - Aug 25, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
Dr. Ana, Felipe provided only one image made with his new equipment. Every experiment requires controls, s.c. placebos... Please provide images of more injected and non-injected people, that will definitely make a difference in acceptance of that new diagnostic technology.
REPLY | 5 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
salialioli - Sep 7, 2022
Looks like you, as are many, are a target for the disinfo crowd. Sometimes it can be explained as extreme closed-minded scepticism on the part of trad. allopathic doctors, but usually it is professionals trolls upholding the not-so-dangerous form of "admissible" truth. As a veteran info-warrior I can tell you that it is quite difficult to perceive the difference between the two.
The objective is to keep the public far away from the most damaging, i.e., you are over the target. Don't forget for one moment that the dangerous part of the truth you (and I) are trying to push to the forefront is military-grade advanced biotech engineering. How secret do you think this info is?? Ask yourself 'what is the purpose of the shot? What is *really* the purpose of the shot? A Matryoshka strategy for info-control.
As an example, do you know anything about the extraordinary defense that Pfizer produced in their latest (?) lawsuit? They claimed they were not responsible for the shots trials because they were instructed to follow protocols set by the US Military. So Why?
REPLY | 1 reply by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
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