Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 02, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear friends,
I have been doing a lot of research for a long time on what is really the truth about what happened to humanity. I just wanted to know. I was fascinated by the Live Blood Analysis and the findings of Graphene in vaccinated - and unvaccinated who were exposed to shedding. So I bought a microscope, enrolled in a class to learn about the technicalities of Live Blood Analysis. Even though I have a PhD in Pathology, in my training I did cancer research on dead tissue, never on live blood. I am a trained Internal Medicine Physician, and they did not teach this in my training. I studied integrative medicine, but this technique, that is familiar to many Naturopaths, was not on my radar.
Last year I had “ Covid” and almost died from respiratory failure. I treated myself with everything I could think of, including Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Quercetin, Zinc, high dose Steroids, inhaled Budesonide, Colchicine, high dose Vitamin C infusions up to 150000mg in 24 hours, Methylene Blue, Epithalon, GHK Copper, NAC, Glutathione, Plasminex, Aspirin and a lot of other things. The interesting thing was, that I went into respiratory failure within a day. I was tired one evening and the next day I could not breathe and my oxygen was 88%. Totally health before hand. Nothing worked, and after a week at home with steady decline, with Oxygen levels of less than 86% on 10 liters of oxygen, I went to the hospital. I had supposed Covid “pneumonia” in every lung lobe except the right middle one. I was offered Remdesivir and intubation. I refused both. The hospitalists would not give me what I asked for, like Doxycycline, Aspirin, inhaled Budesonide, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine. It was not in their protocol. My life was saved because I smuggled my own drugs into the hospital.
I remember distinctly looking out of the window one morning in the hospital, not very certain if I was going to survive, and thinking - “THIS IS ONE MEAN BIOWEAPON.”
Recovery was terrible and within about 6 weeks I developed severe cognitive dysfunction, speech difficulties, on top of the shortness of breath, fatigue and other symptoms like severe neuropathy in both legs that made it very hard to walk. I ended up in the hospital again because my symptoms were so severe. They were clueless and thought I was depressed. I said “ No, I just almost died from Covid respiratory failure and this is Neuro Covid.” They had never heard of that.
Once I got out, I used my own treatments for my own recovery, EDTA chelation, Vitamin C infusions, many peptides like Epithalon, GHK Copper, Methylene Blue, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, everything I thought would help. I used light therapy with the Blu Room as often as I could. Gradually, I reversed my symptoms, and I verified my recovery with the technologies called WAVI Brain EEG and Autonomic Nervous System test. After a long sabbatical from work and a challenging fight for my life and my ability to practice medicine, I recovered enough to go back to work.
The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had been poisoned. I did not know how. I knew this was not a virus. I have been a physician for over 20 years and the virus story just was not adding up, not with what happened to me and not with what happened with my patients. I feel excellent now, but if I stop all of my treatments because I forget to take them, I get really tired and my legs burn from neuropathy.
Fast forward to today, when I finally got my darkfield microscope to work. And I got my answer looking at my own blood. I am unjabbed, but I have graphene in my blood just like those who had the shots.
Not clear where it is coming from, vax shedding, chemtrails, food. I drink my own well water and only eat organic. Have not been doing my IV chelation’s- that I was getting once a week - because of lack of time and my veins are hard to access after all the IV treatment I did.
The reason I share my story here is because I want my colleagues to stop dismissing live blood analysis and the fact that nanotechnology and graphene is in the vials and it is shedding to other people. If we do not look at the blood, we cannot find this. I checked my D-Dimer, which I thought was a good marker for shedding. It is normal. My blood work is amazing - literally everything normal.
Live Blood Analysis is the future. You can see EVERYTHING. I am restarting my chelation therapy this week which I know is the solution according to the patents about Graphene. I will keep you posted as I am treating myself and I will start offering live blood analysis in my office next week.
Lets see what really neutralizes this poison. I am on Ivermectin 12mg twice a week, Hydroxychloroquine 200mg three times a week, Methylene Blue 50 mg daily, Carbon 60, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C 10000mg, Vitamin D 15000U, ASEA, Neo 40 professional, DMG, Plasminex, Dr. Tennant’s Restore, Blue Green Algae, NAC, Glutathione, Thymoquinone, Boswellia AKBA, CJC 1295, Epithalon, GHK Copper. Humic and Fulvic Acid and a lot more supplements. All of them help, and if I do not take them, I can feel it.
My protocol is above and beyond what is contained in the vax injury protocols around the world. Guess what - they are not clearing the Graphene alone, otherwise this would not be in my blood. Doctors, get a microscope. Its a few hundred dollars. Take a class on Live Blood Analysis. Here is the one I am enrolled in:
Once you see for yourself, you will know. All the doubts and dismissal will fall away. If you are seeing vaccinated patients, you will have this in your blood and they will too. It sheds to others. Don’t worry about what others think. This is what I learned from almost dying. It is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that you find the truth. For you. Then you can share with others.
We have been lied to. All of us. About everything. This is a poison and it is called Graphene Oxide. Yes, cover spike protein too. Cover every possible weapon they could have deployed against the population to decimate us.
But lets include nanotechnology and carbon species like Graphene in the discussion.
Here is also a video with my friend Dr. Shimon Yanowitz, who has severe long Covid, and his live blood analysis finding the same nanostructures that I have too:
Lets figure out what really gets rid of it. Not by listening to people who have not done any research themselves but by trying things - because obviously many things recommended are not working enough - and reevaluating the blood. Only objectively can we find out what helps to clear this. This is science to save lives. In fact, the human species.
And you critics with lots of letters behind your name and lots of peer reviewed not so sure if it is nonsense that needs to be retracted published papers - who want to attack or dismiss this - don’t even talk to me unless you have a microscope and have looked at your own live blood. Your criticism is nothing but hot air of ignorance. Become a scientist and take a look. Fact check that!
Oh and for those of you that think this cannot be from shedding. Here is a picture of a drop of Pfizer vial content Graphene oxide left overnight to dry on a slide that has self assembled at room temperature ( courtesy my friend and colleague Dr. David Nixon from Australia) - its the same thing:
I am glad I know now. And now I can help others even more. We have a way to check this and it is as easy as a finger prick and a microscope. The truth shall set us free.
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Tessa Lena - Oct 2, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Dear Ana, first of all, I hope you find a way to clean your blood from this the soonest!! Graphene isn't our friend, for sure.
Also, sadly, graphene is coming to us from every direction (see the links). So it is really important to find what works before it's put in paint, clothing, walls, and many other things, which is all in the works!
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Lisa - Oct 2, 2022
One last thought, last year when people were sharing videos of magnets and metals sticking to them, I learned that graphene oxide is both a metal that is attracted to magnets and it is magnetic. In theory, a magnet and a metal will be attracted to it. So, I tried the "dime and magnet test" on myself, confident that nothing would happen because I have not been injected. Nope. Both were sticking to my head, chest, neck and abdomen. We live in an area where geoengineering is on steroids and I believe it is coming to us in the air. We are breathing it in. We need to bind it and remove it daily. As you discover the best way to do that, please share. Our health is going down hill out here and it is not from cv, nor the jab. Blessings.
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