Dear Ana, first of all, I hope you find a way to clean your blood from this the soonest!! Graphene isn't our friend, for sure.
Also, sadly, graphene is coming to us from every direction (see the links). So it is really important to find what works before it's put in paint, clothing, walls, and many other things, which is all in the works!
Tessa graphene oxide and nanobots along with aluminum and lithium is being sprayed on us from the chemtrails as you may or may not know. Can't get much worse than that.
Is it possible since graphine is Magnetic wouldn’t it stick to the magnets as it goes thru air filter, Maybe crate air filter type slooSe box that they catch metals and gold with
One last thought, last year when people were sharing videos of magnets and metals sticking to them, I learned that graphene oxide is both a metal that is attracted to magnets and it is magnetic. In theory, a magnet and a metal will be attracted to it. So, I tried the "dime and magnet test" on myself, confident that nothing would happen because I have not been injected. Nope. Both were sticking to my head, chest, neck and abdomen. We live in an area where geoengineering is on steroids and I believe it is coming to us in the air. We are breathing it in. We need to bind it and remove it daily. As you discover the best way to do that, please share. Our health is going down hill out here and it is not from cv, nor the jab. Blessings.
It's shocking that even unjabbed you were still magnetic but it's been pretty much established that in recent years they started spraying graphene more and more through geoengineering. In Europe they spray a lot in the summer and all this poison lands on the crops .. I sincerely believe that food intake is the main contributor for graphene poisoning and as you say we're also breathing it. Things i use which i think are beneficial: NAC, pine needle tea, onions (increases glutathione, you can use onion skin as well), and raddish (contains peroxidase which can degrade graphene).
Thank you . I actually do take NAC , for quite a few years though not on a consistent basis. Funny enough over the past year I have increased my onion intake , and added binders such as activated charcoal into my diet. I will consider radish though its not my favorite . I know i can find a fermented variety which may be worth trying.
Compared to last year I am significantly less magnetic but know that can change the moment Im reseeded .
It was around 2014 when i noticed consistent aerial spraying in NE USA and its pretty bad … The assumption was likely environmental or occupational exposure caused this phenomenon.
You're doing the right things. I suggest adding radish to your diet, find a variety that you like, also it's easy to grow all year round I believe most varieties of radish contain the peroxidase enzyme, but horseradish is often cited as being a powerful graphene oxide detoxifier (a search on this topic should confirm this).
Thanks for this tip. I like radish and there are many varieties. Yes, they are a great plant to grow, especially for new gardeners, since they are ready to eat in 30-45 days. Glad to know about the peroxidase enzyme.
Thankyou for the advice. I have been using NAC and it helped my breathing as soon as I took one capsule .Like Dr Ana I had severe breathing problems & chest pain for months after getting Covid plus non stop tiredness for overall year, leg pain if I walked any distance etc which has not fully gone away 18 months on. The planes spraying poisons & nanotechnology on us are murdering at least millions so the planes need to be treated the same way enemy aircraft would be in war time.....The psychopaths committing global genocide need us the people to get together and stop them by whatever means because everyday of delaysees millions mire people get 'vaccinated' ie maimed/lkilled They declared war onthe human race at least 100 years ago eg Rockefeller, Carnegie & other billionaire eugenici ists wanting most 'Useless Earters' dead..Back then the desire to kill was as strong but the technology was not developed enough to kill billions easily.. They poisoned food, water, air etc but its a slow way to commit genocide. Nanotechnology, 'vaccines' etc mean that billions of people can easily be killed fairly quickly
Brief comment Lisa: apparently the "life" of the q-dots is relatively short, on the order of 3-6 months. The outer shell disintegrates over time, then the inner parts also decay. Getting rid of the q-dots in our system becomes a task of reducing their intake, not so much trying to get rid of them directly. You are very correct that we breathe this stuff in (chemtrails), in addition to ingesting them with food, etc. At home, I encourage everyone to run a sub-micron air filter 24/7 in your living space. This would be a very high quality hepa filter; they aren't cheap. I run an "Air Doctor" in my house non-stop, and the company claims its hepa filters retain sub-micron particle sizes. All we can do is go by the product specs. Additionally, the sheer size of the filter plays a role how quickly it can clean the air and keep it clean. This at least minimizes our exposure to q-dots in air, and hopefully contributes to keeping our lungs cleaner. Fyi: I have no affiliation with this air filter company, and there are now many others to choose from. The two specs I pay most attention to: filter size which affects rate of air flow, and particle size retention (sub-micron hepa filters).
And no emf. And not overloaded being around the jabbed. It is in the air here. You can see it. The clouds are dark like smoke. I noticed it right away after we moved here in 2020 and is nothing like where we lived before. I believe we are targeted, honestly, as it is rural and there is no other pollution (well, except for Monsanto fields). We distill our water, btw.
Great diet, pristine. Nope, don't eat out, we cook at home. Yep, we grow a lot of our food organically and have our own egg and chicken meat production.
It's in the air. And soil and the meat animals and plants. Look at the forests. The nano Aluminum is desiccating the heck out of the trees and all vegetation. This is part of the chemtrails dumping for over a decade...graphene derivatives are in that mess too.
Our trees are covered in lichen....I keep wondering what the mechanisms are...I'm a biologist/scientist by training and what I'm seeing in nature is not normal at all.
This article and the comments are riveting. So much is still unknown about this virus, its modifications and the many ways it can attack and kill you. I am a retired family practice physician and found myself saying at the onset that this did not behave like any viral infection that I had ever seen in almost 42 years of practice. I am not vaccinated. I quit working rather than submit to it. As I read and researched Covid I became convinced that it was a manufactured bioweapon that was released from a lab either by accident (doubt) or more likely intentionally. My wife and I started on a regiment of Vitamin C 500 mg a day, Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily, HCQ 200 mg twice a week, Quercetin 500 mg a day and Zn/Cu 25/2 mg a day. Once Ivermectin came on the scene, I added it once a week at 2 mg/kg weekly and dropped one of the HCQ. We have been on these medications since the very beginning and by the grace of God we have not had Covid. We did not shelter in place but continued to live our lives. We watched our grandchildren daily throughout this pandemic. They and their parents all had Covid albeit mild and we were with them during that time and once again, thank God, we did not get sick. I firmly believe that with all illness an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I did not want to get this disease. Within a couple of weeks of the vaccine roll out several friends of mine died within a week or 10 days of receiving it of suspected myocardial infarctions. I was floored. I began a deep dive into them and nothing about them was safe. This has been the greatest crime committed against the people of the world in the history of medicine. I can only say that it is time for all doctors to stop peddling this poison and to start to do their own research. I had to abandon everything I thought that I knew about the CDC, FDA and the established medical hierarchy. It is critically necessary to do this otherwise you will never get to the truth. It was a stunning revelation to learn that the very agencies that have been tasked with the medical care of the US have become corrupted by Big Pharma. They exist solely to self-serve. The lies upon lies upon lies is jaw dropping. Like you, Ana, I could care less what they think of me. I know that I have lost some friends due to my stance on Covid but, that is the price to pay to get to the truth. Keep up the battle. I sincerely hope that you continue to feel better and that you will ultimately find the answers to the questions that you have. Good luck.
I borrowed a microscope from the neighbors last week wanting to do this as well. Really appreciate the link to the online class. I even considered Hematology, but the thought of mandates deters me. This post gives me the extra push to get it done. I am unvaxxed, with no knowledge of ever getting covid, work from home, and only live with others who are unvaxxed. I'm very curious to see what I find.
I finally got a chance to look at my blood using a simple light microscope. I used 100x magnification and was able to see just fine. In just one drop you can see hundreds of thousands to a couple million or more. I used a cover slip and panned the entire thing. Just looked like evenly distributed, nicely shaped blood cells, and towards the outside of the cover slip, because the were pushed outward, those blood cells were more clustered. If I were to describe, I'd say there was nothing unusual that was visible. I am not able to view things at the nanoscale, only microscale. If I ever do get a cold or flu etc. I might take another look out of curiosity.
UPDATE - one year later ... I see what appears to be hydrogels now. I take no meds or supplements and was not vaxxed.
I’m so sorry. That’s consistent with what Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD is finding and sharing in her Substack. It’s now imperative we all detox it, daily. We take the trash out of our homes. We need to do the same for our bodies.
My friend, Dr. Rahm, formulated a detox that is patented. She developed it while at a 3-year nano biotechnology engineering program at Harvard. Her class had military generals and heads of pharma. She was the only one to reverse engineered the bioweapon to protect our health.
It breaks apart the nanotech, graphene, heavy metals and toxins, binds it, and simultaneously replenishes micronutrients to regenerate. Safe, unlike most detoxes which may cause mineral gapping as they pull needed minerals. Mineral gaps may cause an autoimmune disease. Easy, drops in water. I use it every day.
This comes closest to answering my questions and supporting my own random observations re my health post covid (11-2019 for 3 months). I lost 10% body wt quickly and it felt like a combo btwn whooping cough and mono (witnessed in others before). Drank Burdock Root tea (milk and honey if you like) Drank a pint a day for about 45 days, till I ran out of it. I think it saved me from going to hospital, I can't praise Burdock Root enough (roasted tastes better but raw is good too) Inulin and quercitin. I just couldn't move much. Exposed to a sick person, we had fairly similar symptoms. Wicked.. I would also recommend AGAINST aspirin but DO RECOMMEND BIRCH OR WHITE WILLOW TINCTURE or food grade WITCH HAZEL TINCTURE to reduce swelling and headache. Also SKULLCAP is indespensible for migraines and headaches for me. My ankles swell immed if I take aspirin, and of course many aspirin have caffeine in them perhaps without saying even...avoid. Bonus, what if we ALL have some graphene now?. Seems likely. Bloodcleaner Burdock, again.
Dr. Ana.
I have a yearly Medicare PCP appointment coming up in Jan. 2024 and will get a standard blood test in late Dec. 2023. I was thinking of having my PCP add D3 and Zinc levels to the analysis. Would you recommend having any other levels of anything analyzed to provide a baseline for future comparison? -- Thanks.
I'm not vaxxed and have not had Covid.
Hi Ana, wife and I have on average a 150ng vitamin d level and have not even caught a cold the last 2 winters. You may remember my shedding story I posted here many months ago, at that time I had an 82ng level.
"Moreover, vitamin D3 has been reported to potentially modify neutrophil function by modulating expression of neutrophil genes via functional vitamin D receptors51."
This is terrible to see here, Dr. Ana, hopefully the chelation will get rid of it, as fast as possible. You are the point to go to now in this disaster! If these pictures are from your blood, then your entire blood is clumped, as if you were exposed to EMFs too. One can estimate the size of these flakes, which look like around mm range!! Can anything that big cross the veins, without that it comes to bleedings???
I'm not MD, just a retired biophysicist, who also got covid, a BAD one. Dr. Brownstein on Mercola's shows mentioned diffusion of H2O2 is the saver, and so I think was the case for me. NIST doc mentiones that H2O2 is the best reducer of graphene....
What the geoengineering sprayings have is coal ash, a black stuff, which when exposed to specific frequencies can turn into first graphite and upon ultrasound exposure to graphene. But to have this amount of that SIZE in blood is absolutely crazy. That must happen only inside of the blood vessels via some kind of transformation... We know the edges of graphene are extremly reactive, they would, like Noak says, cut through everything, leading to bleedings. Those who are doing that to us need to be jailed, NOW!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, mejbcart!
Here is the Youtube link:
Best wishes to you and Dr. Ana!
Reiterated thanks....
I left you a note on TruthSocial call me a time Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Dig on this 8 grams Zeolite Clinoptilolite powder and mix into 8 ounces of Hydrogen enhanced H2O, once a day for 30 days, and re-do your live blood Analysis and please report your findings. Thank You, Jeffrey 😊
Totally agree that everyone should have a source of H2. whether from a water machine, a brown's gas machine that can bubble it into water, or tablets. Also Zeolite.
This is fascinating Dr. Ana. I have somewhat of a similar story. I got sick back in February, knew it was pneumonia in my lungs, but because my oxygen saturation didn’t go under 94, I didn’t go to the hospital. I was too afraid to.
Fast forward to the lungs clearing up, and I developed some serious GI issues along with breathlessness. The GI is not as serious as it was, but the breathlessness is still pretty concerning and it is not my lungs as I’ve had them listened to.
I agree with you that this is not a virus, but I feel it’s from an environmental source. I wonder too if I have graphene from shedding.
About when you had Covid, the first time I wasn’t sick. The 2nd time 6 months later it started the same however, I started taking NAC & I became deathly ill. Is it possible that the NAC somehow boosted the spike protein for me? I don’t understand how it worked so well for my family & did the opposite for me. I’m unvaccinated btw
Thank you for sharing. That is very curious. How long did you take NAC for and when you stopped, you started feeling better? NAC is supposed to bond to spike protein. Is it possible the detoxing made you feel that way?
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
What dosage of NAC were you taking ? It's good to use 700mg on empty stomach in the morning. NAC is just a glutathione precursor i don't think it can make things worse with the spike protein. Also glutathione levels are age-dependent, as we age the body produces less.
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Glad you got out of the hospital alive glad you’re alive to share wondering why some people have such difficulties others do not ? You took everything things I am completely in the unknown about. You say never vaxxed ?
I am thinking there’s a lot more to this than
Anyone has brought up.
God Bless for your determination and diligence
And sharing details. This is science 🧪
Dear Dr Ana thank you for sharing your real life experience, being so open and detailed about it. It feels empowering knowing you survived Covid and you are getting better while gaining so much insights about it. It would be helpful if you could share where you get your ivermectin from and all other supplements (some of which I hear about for the first time). Also, when you recommend Live Blood Analysis is that something a non medical person would benefit from? I am not sure whats the purpose for an ordinary person knowing whats in their blood if they do not have the ability to intervene with treatment protocol?
Dr. Maria, thank you for your work about live blood. But, I think the things you presented from your blood can be fibrin. The live blood never got treated for anticoagulation. As you know, blood is a very dynamic system and starts to activate platelets even when blood stream slowed such as when your arm is tied up for blood collection. Your live blood might have been collected with no EDTA, cirate or heparin. And how can you tell those things are not fibrin but graphene oxide?
I am a MD, phD in laboratory medicine and have been doing clinical lab work over 15 years. Peripheral blood smear report is my routine. I have observed those things on routine PBS since the first year of my training. And PBS is dried, fixed, dyed blood, no live blood. But fibrin is very stable molecule and must not differ on PBS and on live blood. Fibrin fragments represent diverse shapes (fine threads, thicker fibers, ribbon like threads, even patch sometimes with or without mingled platelets or other blood cells).
Would you please tell me the difference btw the fibrin and graphene oxide on dark field microscope?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Oct 5, 2022 - Edited
Hello Dr. Henrietta. Is there any way I could contact you to discuss this further. I have images I would love to have your input about. Please let me know how to find you.
And one more thing.
The fiber in blood on slide is not a newbee. The early year in my training, I came across some naturopathic doctor's page who proudly presented his article about "clumping of bad energy 'chi' on peripheral blood smear in leukemia patients". The picture of his finding was just a fibrin fragment to me and my colleague residents. We were astonished and felt being joked that the article was on a journal.
I am sorry that my comments are aggresive, but I am concerned about chaotic misinformation and disinformation on graphene things nowdays.
I am against co19 vax. And I suspect nanotech involving vax. I don't rule out ubiquitous nanomatrial influencing our mind and body. But I don't buy the live blood findings on fiber materials for now. About metallic things, I am impressed and interested.
Dr. Maria,
I am sorry I cannot open my details. But I am concerned about confusion, misinformation, even disinformation about blood findings on graphene oxide things.
I found that recent article on live blood of 1006 vacinee fron italy did not control fibrin factor. Of course, their mjor finding is "metal-like" materials, but about those fiber material they did not take fibrin seriously. When I read those results, their no-remark on fibrin made their article less reliable to me.
Then I've come to your newsletter page, I am in doubt and concern about your article. As a scientist, you should have controlled artifacts or physiologic factors. And as a pathologist or morphologist, you shoud have presented your criteria for positive findings, fibrin vs graphene oxide. On thoses basis, you could have concluded your findings to be graphene oxide.
I just want to know what were your criteria for ruling out something or differential diagnosis. I think those things should have been described before someone asks.
Tessa Lena - Oct 2, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Dear Ana, first of all, I hope you find a way to clean your blood from this the soonest!! Graphene isn't our friend, for sure.
Also, sadly, graphene is coming to us from every direction (see the links). So it is really important to find what works before it's put in paint, clothing, walls, and many other things, which is all in the works!
Katherine Treffinger - Nov 17, 2023
The Time is Now
Tessa graphene oxide and nanobots along with aluminum and lithium is being sprayed on us from the chemtrails as you may or may not know. Can't get much worse than that.
Happiness: AViewpoint! - Nov 16, 2023
It seems we are bombarded with heavy metals. Perhaps it has something to do with the 5G bandwidth.
Fayanne - Nov 17, 2023
It’s the 5G frequency that pulls the whole thing together literally and figuratively
Vladimir - Dec 22, 2023
Air filters with Magnets placed inside to catch metal might work?
Fayanne - Dec 23, 2023
Vladimir - Dec 26, 2023
Is it possible since graphine is Magnetic wouldn’t it stick to the magnets as it goes thru air filter, Maybe crate air filter type slooSe box that they catch metals and gold with
Fayanne - Dec 26, 2023
How do we get it out of our blood?
Lisa - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
One last thought, last year when people were sharing videos of magnets and metals sticking to them, I learned that graphene oxide is both a metal that is attracted to magnets and it is magnetic. In theory, a magnet and a metal will be attracted to it. So, I tried the "dime and magnet test" on myself, confident that nothing would happen because I have not been injected. Nope. Both were sticking to my head, chest, neck and abdomen. We live in an area where geoengineering is on steroids and I believe it is coming to us in the air. We are breathing it in. We need to bind it and remove it daily. As you discover the best way to do that, please share. Our health is going down hill out here and it is not from cv, nor the jab. Blessings.
Marty - Dec 25, 2022 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
It's shocking that even unjabbed you were still magnetic but it's been pretty much established that in recent years they started spraying graphene more and more through geoengineering. In Europe they spray a lot in the summer and all this poison lands on the crops .. I sincerely believe that food intake is the main contributor for graphene poisoning and as you say we're also breathing it. Things i use which i think are beneficial: NAC, pine needle tea, onions (increases glutathione, you can use onion skin as well), and raddish (contains peroxidase which can degrade graphene).
Michael P - Nov 17, 2023
For the past few years they are spraying year round here in northern Illinois. Even at night.
Collapse Podcast - Dec 25, 2022 - Edited
Chronicles of the Collapse
Thank you . I actually do take NAC , for quite a few years though not on a consistent basis. Funny enough over the past year I have increased my onion intake , and added binders such as activated charcoal into my diet. I will consider radish though its not my favorite . I know i can find a fermented variety which may be worth trying.
Compared to last year I am significantly less magnetic but know that can change the moment Im reseeded .
It was around 2014 when i noticed consistent aerial spraying in NE USA and its pretty bad … The assumption was likely environmental or occupational exposure caused this phenomenon.
Marty - Dec 26, 2022 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
You're doing the right things. I suggest adding radish to your diet, find a variety that you like, also it's easy to grow all year round I believe most varieties of radish contain the peroxidase enzyme, but horseradish is often cited as being a powerful graphene oxide detoxifier (a search on this topic should confirm this).
Lisa - Dec 27, 2022 - Edited
Thanks for this tip. I like radish and there are many varieties. Yes, they are a great plant to grow, especially for new gardeners, since they are ready to eat in 30-45 days. Glad to know about the peroxidase enzyme.
Neve O - Nov 23, 2023
Neve O
Thankyou for the advice. I have been using NAC and it helped my breathing as soon as I took one capsule .Like Dr Ana I had severe breathing problems & chest pain for months after getting Covid plus non stop tiredness for overall year, leg pain if I walked any distance etc which has not fully gone away 18 months on. The planes spraying poisons & nanotechnology on us are murdering at least millions so the planes need to be treated the same way enemy aircraft would be in war time.....The psychopaths committing global genocide need us the people to get together and stop them by whatever means because everyday of delaysees millions mire people get 'vaccinated' ie maimed/lkilled They declared war onthe human race at least 100 years ago eg Rockefeller, Carnegie & other billionaire eugenici ists wanting most 'Useless Earters' dead..Back then the desire to kill was as strong but the technology was not developed enough to kill billions easily.. They poisoned food, water, air etc but its a slow way to commit genocide. Nanotechnology, 'vaccines' etc mean that billions of people can easily be killed fairly quickly
Tom Subirge - Nov 17, 2023
Tom’s Substack
Brief comment Lisa: apparently the "life" of the q-dots is relatively short, on the order of 3-6 months. The outer shell disintegrates over time, then the inner parts also decay. Getting rid of the q-dots in our system becomes a task of reducing their intake, not so much trying to get rid of them directly. You are very correct that we breathe this stuff in (chemtrails), in addition to ingesting them with food, etc. At home, I encourage everyone to run a sub-micron air filter 24/7 in your living space. This would be a very high quality hepa filter; they aren't cheap. I run an "Air Doctor" in my house non-stop, and the company claims its hepa filters retain sub-micron particle sizes. All we can do is go by the product specs. Additionally, the sheer size of the filter plays a role how quickly it can clean the air and keep it clean. This at least minimizes our exposure to q-dots in air, and hopefully contributes to keeping our lungs cleaner. Fyi: I have no affiliation with this air filter company, and there are now many others to choose from. The two specs I pay most attention to: filter size which affects rate of air flow, and particle size retention (sub-micron hepa filters).
Lisa - Nov 17, 2023
Great idea to focus on filtering our home air. thanks!
Collapse Podcast - Oct 2, 2022
Chronicles of the Collapse
Same thing happened to me. Discovered last June. Its in my bones.
Lisa - Oct 3, 2022
Sorry to hear. Have you been able to work on getting it out?
Edmond Paré - Nov 16, 2023
Edmond Paré
What type/strength of a magnet does one need to use when testing one's self? -- Thanks.
Lisa - Nov 17, 2023
We get them at the hardware store. Stronger than a refrigerator magnet, but still small enough to place on your face, forehead, temples, etc.
Some dumb old guy - Oct 4, 2022
What type of diet do you have? Do you eat out alot? Do you grown your own / eat your own?
Lisa - Oct 4, 2022
And no emf. And not overloaded being around the jabbed. It is in the air here. You can see it. The clouds are dark like smoke. I noticed it right away after we moved here in 2020 and is nothing like where we lived before. I believe we are targeted, honestly, as it is rural and there is no other pollution (well, except for Monsanto fields). We distill our water, btw.
Some dumb old guy - Oct 4, 2022
Dont need to name a state, but can you throw out the label of "where you are"
Lisa - Oct 4, 2022
East coast, big state, very corrupt. lol
Lisa - Oct 4, 2022
Great diet, pristine. Nope, don't eat out, we cook at home. Yep, we grow a lot of our food organically and have our own egg and chicken meat production.
Typhus - Dec 16, 2022
It's in the air. And soil and the meat animals and plants. Look at the forests. The nano Aluminum is desiccating the heck out of the trees and all vegetation. This is part of the chemtrails dumping for over a decade...graphene derivatives are in that mess too.
Lisa - Dec 16, 2022
Our trees are covered in lichen....I keep wondering what the mechanisms are...I'm a biologist/scientist by training and what I'm seeing in nature is not normal at all.
It’snotaboutme - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
Joe's’s Substack
This article and the comments are riveting. So much is still unknown about this virus, its modifications and the many ways it can attack and kill you. I am a retired family practice physician and found myself saying at the onset that this did not behave like any viral infection that I had ever seen in almost 42 years of practice. I am not vaccinated. I quit working rather than submit to it. As I read and researched Covid I became convinced that it was a manufactured bioweapon that was released from a lab either by accident (doubt) or more likely intentionally. My wife and I started on a regiment of Vitamin C 500 mg a day, Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily, HCQ 200 mg twice a week, Quercetin 500 mg a day and Zn/Cu 25/2 mg a day. Once Ivermectin came on the scene, I added it once a week at 2 mg/kg weekly and dropped one of the HCQ. We have been on these medications since the very beginning and by the grace of God we have not had Covid. We did not shelter in place but continued to live our lives. We watched our grandchildren daily throughout this pandemic. They and their parents all had Covid albeit mild and we were with them during that time and once again, thank God, we did not get sick. I firmly believe that with all illness an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I did not want to get this disease. Within a couple of weeks of the vaccine roll out several friends of mine died within a week or 10 days of receiving it of suspected myocardial infarctions. I was floored. I began a deep dive into them and nothing about them was safe. This has been the greatest crime committed against the people of the world in the history of medicine. I can only say that it is time for all doctors to stop peddling this poison and to start to do their own research. I had to abandon everything I thought that I knew about the CDC, FDA and the established medical hierarchy. It is critically necessary to do this otherwise you will never get to the truth. It was a stunning revelation to learn that the very agencies that have been tasked with the medical care of the US have become corrupted by Big Pharma. They exist solely to self-serve. The lies upon lies upon lies is jaw dropping. Like you, Ana, I could care less what they think of me. I know that I have lost some friends due to my stance on Covid but, that is the price to pay to get to the truth. Keep up the battle. I sincerely hope that you continue to feel better and that you will ultimately find the answers to the questions that you have. Good luck.
Lioness3* - Nov 17, 2023
Bravo, Sir!!!
Lee Muller - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
I borrowed a microscope from the neighbors last week wanting to do this as well. Really appreciate the link to the online class. I even considered Hematology, but the thought of mandates deters me. This post gives me the extra push to get it done. I am unvaxxed, with no knowledge of ever getting covid, work from home, and only live with others who are unvaxxed. I'm very curious to see what I find.
Lee Muller - Nov 12, 2022 - Edited
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
I finally got a chance to look at my blood using a simple light microscope. I used 100x magnification and was able to see just fine. In just one drop you can see hundreds of thousands to a couple million or more. I used a cover slip and panned the entire thing. Just looked like evenly distributed, nicely shaped blood cells, and towards the outside of the cover slip, because the were pushed outward, those blood cells were more clustered. If I were to describe, I'd say there was nothing unusual that was visible. I am not able to view things at the nanoscale, only microscale. If I ever do get a cold or flu etc. I might take another look out of curiosity.
UPDATE - one year later ... I see what appears to be hydrogels now. I take no meds or supplements and was not vaxxed.
Lee Muller - Nov 12, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Also, I was able to hold my phone camera up to the eye piece to take pictures.
Vladimir - Dec 26, 2023
Show the photos
Amy Fotis - Mar 25
I’m so sorry. That’s consistent with what Dr Ana Mihalcea MD PhD is finding and sharing in her Substack. It’s now imperative we all detox it, daily. We take the trash out of our homes. We need to do the same for our bodies.
My friend, Dr. Rahm, formulated a detox that is patented. She developed it while at a 3-year nano biotechnology engineering program at Harvard. Her class had military generals and heads of pharma. She was the only one to reverse engineered the bioweapon to protect our health.
It breaks apart the nanotech, graphene, heavy metals and toxins, binds it, and simultaneously replenishes micronutrients to regenerate. Safe, unlike most detoxes which may cause mineral gapping as they pull needed minerals. Mineral gaps may cause an autoimmune disease. Easy, drops in water. I use it every day.
BMcG33 - Oct 2, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Let us know what you find. Please. Thanks.
Lee Muller - Nov 12, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Hope you can view my results in this thread.
Vladimir - Dec 26, 2023
Dental anesthesia has nano tech since 2019
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
Edmond Paré
This comes closest to answering my questions and supporting my own random observations re my health post covid (11-2019 for 3 months). I lost 10% body wt quickly and it felt like a combo btwn whooping cough and mono (witnessed in others before). Drank Burdock Root tea (milk and honey if you like) Drank a pint a day for about 45 days, till I ran out of it. I think it saved me from going to hospital, I can't praise Burdock Root enough (roasted tastes better but raw is good too) Inulin and quercitin. I just couldn't move much. Exposed to a sick person, we had fairly similar symptoms. Wicked.. I would also recommend AGAINST aspirin but DO RECOMMEND BIRCH OR WHITE WILLOW TINCTURE or food grade WITCH HAZEL TINCTURE to reduce swelling and headache. Also SKULLCAP is indespensible for migraines and headaches for me. My ankles swell immed if I take aspirin, and of course many aspirin have caffeine in them perhaps without saying even...avoid. Bonus, what if we ALL have some graphene now?. Seems likely. Bloodcleaner Burdock, again.
Becka Hardman - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
I have the same reaction to aspirin. Great advice on the herbs!
Edmond Paré - Nov 16, 2023
Edmond Paré
Do you know what the mechanism is of the lower leg swelling when you take aspirin? -- thanks.
Some dumb old guy - Oct 4, 2022
Edmond Paré
Sorry for the link spam as I see its been deleted but lookup and review "degradation of graphene"
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 5, 2022
Edmond Paré
Thank you, great article
Edmond Paré - Nov 16, 2023
Edmond Paré
Dr. Ana.
I have a yearly Medicare PCP appointment coming up in Jan. 2024 and will get a standard blood test in late Dec. 2023. I was thinking of having my PCP add D3 and Zinc levels to the analysis. Would you recommend having any other levels of anything analyzed to provide a baseline for future comparison? -- Thanks.
I'm not vaxxed and have not had Covid.
Gary McCollom - Nov 16, 2023
Hi Ana, wife and I have on average a 150ng vitamin d level and have not even caught a cold the last 2 winters. You may remember my shedding story I posted here many months ago, at that time I had an 82ng level.
"Moreover, vitamin D3 has been reported to potentially modify neutrophil function by modulating expression of neutrophil genes via functional vitamin D receptors51."
mejbcart - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
mejbcart’s Newsletter
This is terrible to see here, Dr. Ana, hopefully the chelation will get rid of it, as fast as possible. You are the point to go to now in this disaster! If these pictures are from your blood, then your entire blood is clumped, as if you were exposed to EMFs too. One can estimate the size of these flakes, which look like around mm range!! Can anything that big cross the veins, without that it comes to bleedings???
I'm not MD, just a retired biophysicist, who also got covid, a BAD one. Dr. Brownstein on Mercola's shows mentioned diffusion of H2O2 is the saver, and so I think was the case for me. NIST doc mentiones that H2O2 is the best reducer of graphene....
What the geoengineering sprayings have is coal ash, a black stuff, which when exposed to specific frequencies can turn into first graphite and upon ultrasound exposure to graphene. But to have this amount of that SIZE in blood is absolutely crazy. That must happen only inside of the blood vessels via some kind of transformation... We know the edges of graphene are extremly reactive, they would, like Noak says, cut through everything, leading to bleedings. Those who are doing that to us need to be jailed, NOW!
Typhus - Dec 16, 2022
Jailed??? For Mass Murder???
Are You freaking kidding???
Nuremberg Trials 2.0
mejbcart - Oct 4, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
mejbcart - Oct 4, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
yes, H2O2
Rehabmom - Oct 2, 2022
I wonder if there is graphene oxide in the Chem trails they constantly spray us with?
mejbcart - Oct 2, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
yes, there is, the first interview in that post at:
Sally Gould - Oct 2, 2022
Sally’s Newsletter
THANK YOU SO MUCH, mejbcart!
Here is the Youtube link:
Best wishes to you and Dr. Ana!
Reiterated thanks....
Dennis Spain - Oct 2, 2022 - Edited
acudoc1949’s Substack
Watch “Europa The Last Battle” on bitchute(it’s banned from youtube!)——KNOW YOUR ENEMY!
Dennis Spain - Oct 2, 2022
acudoc1949’s Substack
See my
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - Oct 2, 2022
Dr. Jeffrey Horelick
I left you a note on TruthSocial call me a time Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Dig on this 8 grams Zeolite Clinoptilolite powder and mix into 8 ounces of Hydrogen enhanced H2O, once a day for 30 days, and re-do your live blood Analysis and please report your findings. Thank You, Jeffrey 😊
Atlandea - Oct 20, 2022
Totally agree that everyone should have a source of H2. whether from a water machine, a brown's gas machine that can bubble it into water, or tablets. Also Zeolite.
Vladimir - Dec 22, 2023
I looked on GOOGLE WHAT ZEOLITE I made from Says layer on top of volcano and it is consist of SILICON AND aluminum and Oxygen,
Tess - Oct 2, 2022
This is fascinating Dr. Ana. I have somewhat of a similar story. I got sick back in February, knew it was pneumonia in my lungs, but because my oxygen saturation didn’t go under 94, I didn’t go to the hospital. I was too afraid to.
Fast forward to the lungs clearing up, and I developed some serious GI issues along with breathlessness. The GI is not as serious as it was, but the breathlessness is still pretty concerning and it is not my lungs as I’ve had them listened to.
I agree with you that this is not a virus, but I feel it’s from an environmental source. I wonder too if I have graphene from shedding.
Heather - Oct 2, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
About when you had Covid, the first time I wasn’t sick. The 2nd time 6 months later it started the same however, I started taking NAC & I became deathly ill. Is it possible that the NAC somehow boosted the spike protein for me? I don’t understand how it worked so well for my family & did the opposite for me. I’m unvaccinated btw
Lee Muller - Oct 2, 2022
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Thank you for sharing. That is very curious. How long did you take NAC for and when you stopped, you started feeling better? NAC is supposed to bond to spike protein. Is it possible the detoxing made you feel that way?
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Collapse Podcast - Oct 2, 2022
Chronicles of the Collapse
It is possible you chelated too quickly, & did not ingest enough binders resulting in re-absorption
Marty - Dec 25, 2022
Nano Ordo Mundi
What dosage of NAC were you taking ? It's good to use 700mg on empty stomach in the morning. NAC is just a glutathione precursor i don't think it can make things worse with the spike protein. Also glutathione levels are age-dependent, as we age the body produces less.
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Vladimir - Dec 22, 2023
What IS NAC AND what is Thiol? I have mercury teeth fillling so I need to know
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
Blue Sky - Oct 6, 2022
Because I am mercury poisoned, I have thiol issues and can't take NAC, However, I can take
glycine to glutamine in a 1:2 ratio for the same effect.
NAC would make me ill also.
JamesDuff - Oct 2, 2022
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Glad you got out of the hospital alive glad you’re alive to share wondering why some people have such difficulties others do not ? You took everything things I am completely in the unknown about. You say never vaxxed ?
I am thinking there’s a lot more to this than
Anyone has brought up.
God Bless for your determination and diligence
And sharing details. This is science 🧪
James Roguski - Oct 2, 2022
James Roguski
Dr Ana,
Please contact me A.S.A.P. at 310-619-3055
Bibi - Oct 2, 2022
Dear Dr Ana thank you for sharing your real life experience, being so open and detailed about it. It feels empowering knowing you survived Covid and you are getting better while gaining so much insights about it. It would be helpful if you could share where you get your ivermectin from and all other supplements (some of which I hear about for the first time). Also, when you recommend Live Blood Analysis is that something a non medical person would benefit from? I am not sure whats the purpose for an ordinary person knowing whats in their blood if they do not have the ability to intervene with treatment protocol?
Henrietta - Oct 5, 2022 - Edited
Dr. Maria, thank you for your work about live blood. But, I think the things you presented from your blood can be fibrin. The live blood never got treated for anticoagulation. As you know, blood is a very dynamic system and starts to activate platelets even when blood stream slowed such as when your arm is tied up for blood collection. Your live blood might have been collected with no EDTA, cirate or heparin. And how can you tell those things are not fibrin but graphene oxide?
I am a MD, phD in laboratory medicine and have been doing clinical lab work over 15 years. Peripheral blood smear report is my routine. I have observed those things on routine PBS since the first year of my training. And PBS is dried, fixed, dyed blood, no live blood. But fibrin is very stable molecule and must not differ on PBS and on live blood. Fibrin fragments represent diverse shapes (fine threads, thicker fibers, ribbon like threads, even patch sometimes with or without mingled platelets or other blood cells).
Would you please tell me the difference btw the fibrin and graphene oxide on dark field microscope?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 5, 2022 - Edited
Hello Dr. Henrietta. Is there any way I could contact you to discuss this further. I have images I would love to have your input about. Please let me know how to find you.
Herietta - Oct 7, 2022 - Edited
And one more thing.
The fiber in blood on slide is not a newbee. The early year in my training, I came across some naturopathic doctor's page who proudly presented his article about "clumping of bad energy 'chi' on peripheral blood smear in leukemia patients". The picture of his finding was just a fibrin fragment to me and my colleague residents. We were astonished and felt being joked that the article was on a journal.
I am sorry that my comments are aggresive, but I am concerned about chaotic misinformation and disinformation on graphene things nowdays.
I am against co19 vax. And I suspect nanotech involving vax. I don't rule out ubiquitous nanomatrial influencing our mind and body. But I don't buy the live blood findings on fiber materials for now. About metallic things, I am impressed and interested.
Herietta - Oct 7, 2022 - Edited
Dr. Maria,
I am sorry I cannot open my details. But I am concerned about confusion, misinformation, even disinformation about blood findings on graphene oxide things.
I found that recent article on live blood of 1006 vacinee fron italy did not control fibrin factor. Of course, their mjor finding is "metal-like" materials, but about those fiber material they did not take fibrin seriously. When I read those results, their no-remark on fibrin made their article less reliable to me.
Then I've come to your newsletter page, I am in doubt and concern about your article. As a scientist, you should have controlled artifacts or physiologic factors. And as a pathologist or morphologist, you shoud have presented your criteria for positive findings, fibrin vs graphene oxide. On thoses basis, you could have concluded your findings to be graphene oxide.
I just want to know what were your criteria for ruling out something or differential diagnosis. I think those things should have been described before someone asks.
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