Freedom Activist Yuri Rosca, Former MP and Deputy Prime Minister of Moldavia Sentenced to Prison for 6 years today

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I am in shock today to hear of my friend Yuri ( Iurie) Roshka’s sentence to prison for 6 years. Below you can see his letter. Just like attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been jailed now for many months, Yuri is now also sentenced. It is a sad day for humanity and freedom in the world. Please send your prayers and support to Yuri.

You can see here our joint interviews and my letter of support to the Moldavian government officials.

Chișinău Forum Podcast | Interview with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea by Yuri Roshka

CHISINAU FORUM 2024 - Unrestricted Warfare - A Holistic Approach To The Great Reset - International Academic Live Event - This Weekend May 25th and 26th

Technocratic Global Tyranny and the Resistance - Conversation with Journalist and former Deputy Prime Minister of Moldavia Iurie Rosca -Truth, Science and Spirit Episode 17

My Letter To The Moldavian Government Officials On Behalf Of Iurie Rosca

Dear friends,

Today, August 2, I was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Thus, my activity as a journalist, editor, and politician was appreciated at the highest level by the globalist circles that control the power in my country, the Republic of Moldova. In particular, the fact that I was among the few and most vocal critics of the fake Covid-19 pandemic, the UN 2030 Agenda, and the digital tyranny of the satanic technocracy. Among the most serious "misdemeanors" I committed in the last seven years was the organization of an international think tank Chisinau Forum, which brought together dozens of leading intellectuals from around the world who are part of the anti-globalist Resistance.

In recent years I have edited a multitude of books by important authors from the international dissidence, along with a number of my own books. I managed to conduct a series of interviews with scholars and academics from several countries. I practice every day my speeches appear in video format.

I had a long political career, 4 mandates as deputy, 2 as deputy president of the Parliament, one as deputy prime minister. I have always been penalized for my public beliefs and attitudes. But this time the globalist occupation regime in Chisinau perfectly executed the role assigned to it.

In 15 days we have the right to appeal the decision of the first instance to the Court of Appeal. After which follows the Supreme Court of Justice. I have no more illusions about what will happen next.

I remain an Orthodox Christian fighter, a patriot of my country and one who does not accept silence and compromise in exchange for my own comfort.

Our fight continues.

God bless you all!

Yuri Roshka

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Thaddeus Robinson - Aug 2

Thaddeus Robinson

He's a warrior and a champion and will remain true to his values.

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Roman S Shapoval - Aug 2

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thank you for raising awareness here Ana.

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