Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 26, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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We have known that the C19 injection vials contain abnormal nanoparticles and self-assembly nanostructures. This topic has not received the attention it deserved for a long time in larger news publications, while the discussion about the mRNA spike protein and its toxic effects were filling the daily news. Most front-line doctors did not address the topic of Graphene Hydroxide, self-assembly nanostructures, magnetism after the injection - and the topic of shedding is still being denied by many, even though we have mounting evidence for this phenomenon.
After the publication of the German report on contents of C19 vials, this has changed.
I first reported on this August 8th.
The following predominantly metallic elements were detected in the doses from AstraZeneca, BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna:
• Alkali metals: caesium (Cs), potassium (K),
• Alkaline earth metals: calcium (Ca), barium (Ba),
• transition metals: cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti),
• Rare earth metals: cerium (Ce), gadolinium (Gd),
• Mining group/metal: aluminium (Al),
• Carbon group: silicon (Si) (partly support material/slide),
• Oxygen group: sulphur (S)
On August 22nd the Epoch Times ran this article.
Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German Scientists
This was republished by Children’s Health Defense.
Toxic, Metallic Compounds Found in All COVID Vaccine Samples Analyzed by German Scientists
Yesterday, Dr. Pete Chambers in his interview with Tanya Parus also discussed this and states that Chelation will be the future treatment for all vaccine injured people.
Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines: Episode 19 W/ LTC Peter Chambers and Tanya Parus
Of course, Doctors like Dr. Robert Young, Dr Phillipe van Welbergen and others have spoken of Graphene Hydroxide and other nanoparticles for a long time.
I am a certified chelation practitioner and have been using both Chelation and Vitamin C infusions to reverse abnormal blood clotting in unvaccinated people who have been exposed to vaccine shedding.
I tested a blood marker for micro clotting, called a D-Dimer, and it was elevated in an alarming amount of my unvaccinated patients who were concerned about vaccine shedding. I successfully reversed the elevated D-Dimers with Vitamin C infusion (Dose 20.000mg), intravenous Glutathione and the peptide Epithalon. In my practice, the Vitamin C infusions are more effective in reversing D-Dimer elevation faster than Chelation, even though I use both. It takes an average of 4 infusions. Sometimes, when people are re-exposed or have a particularly high D-Dimer, it may take longer.
I discuss my findings in this video that was recorded in May 2022:
D-Dimer elevation in the Unvaccinated. A Marker of Shedding?
The UK Expose has done a fantastic job bringing attention to the nanoparticles as well.
Doctors discover Graphene is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Blood Clots
They also discussed the live blood analysis of vaccinated patient that was published by Italian researchers. Traditional allopathic physicians and hematologist have called this method “quackery”. But look at what these methods, that previously were met with such vehement rejection, are bringing forward in much needed answers. It is a great lesson that yesterdays academic experts may not be the ones bringing solutions of the future.
I would also like to highlight again the phenomenal work of Dr. Shimon Yanowitz who incubated the Moderna, JJ, Pfizer and Astra Zeneca Vials over 3 weeks and showed how these structures self-assemble over time. I wrote about both his interview with Sasha Latypova showing those fascinating and shocking images as well as his interview with me discussing the finding of the same self-assembly nanostructures in his own unvaccinated blood.
Many scientists and doctors like Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Kevin Corbett and others are discussing that there are no viruses and the entire postulate of the existence of viruses has not been proven. Of course, those who are invested in viral existence, by creating vaccines and anti-viral pharmaceutical medications, vehemently oppose such views. What would happen to allopathic medicine, virologists, epidemiologists, Big Pharma and thousands of journal articles if this is indeed the case? Well, as scientists, let’s keep an open mind and keep exploring.
These are exciting times. When we have the courage to question everything, that we think we know and have been told, we will find answers and solutions. We can detox people from metal nanostructures.
EDTA Chelation can take care of all of those listed metals, it also binds to Graphene. High dose Vitamin C infusions also work as a Chelator and have excellent electrical regenerating effects. If we understand that metal poisons interfere with electrical cellular processes, using high electron donors like ascorbic acid can regenerate and detoxify the problem.
Glutathione, NAC, DMG, Zeolite. Nutritional support to enhance immune function and reduce inflammation with Nitric Oxide supplements ( Neo 40 Professional in my testing is best), Vitamin D3 +K to reach a blood level greater than 75 and less than 100. Blood thinning supplements like Plasmanex, Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase. Reversal of immune system aging with low dose twice a week Ivermectin 0.2mg/kg and Hydroxychloroquine 200mg 3 times a week. Giving high level electrons bypassing mitochondrial dysfunction and increasing cellular oxygen delivery between 37-70% with Methylene Blue. Anti-inflammatory supplements like Thymoquinone (bioactive extract from Black Cumin Seed Oil), Curcumin, ECGC, Resveratrol, polyphenols, Skutellaria, Baicalein, redox molecules. When we lower inflammation we increase electricity. Peptides that help reverse the accelerated inflammatory aging cascade like GHK Copper and Epithalon.
Combine that with organic nutrition, juicing, turning your TV and Wifi off, loving your life, connecting spiritually to your divine essence, refusing to buy into life shortening fear and depression. Go out in nature, let the wind caress your hair, hug a tree that has lived for hundreds of years, listed to a brook in the forest, and the birds sing. Believe in life, not in death.
Nature provides so many possibilities of healing. We certainly need more research and more answers. But in the meantime, we can start healing the injured.
There is hope.
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Grasshopper Kaplan - Aug 26, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Tis possible the bioweapon is electricity...
Seemed like we all got the Flubah when they turned on their 5g....
Though someone later said tis 4g...
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Russell Howells - Aug 27, 2022
Just-Russ’s Substack
Totally agree that our thoughts guide us. We can believe we are going to get the flu and voila, there it is. I have not had a cold or flu for over thirty years now because I believe that it isn't going to happen to me. Some people laugh at my ideas but they are the ones getting sick every year with influenza and whatever else is being pumped into their minds. I am enjoying your articles. Thank you for your work.
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