Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal…

Aug 26, 2022

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And with Truth, comes Hope


Grasshopper Kaplan - Aug 26, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Tis possible the bioweapon is electricity...
Seemed like we all got the Flubah when they turned on their 5g....
Though someone later said tis 4g...


Russell Howells - Aug 27, 2022

Just-Russ’s Substack

Totally agree that our thoughts guide us. We can believe we are going to get the flu and voila, there it is. I have not had a cold or flu for over thirty years now because I believe that it isn't going to happen to me. Some people laugh at my ideas but they are the ones getting sick every year with influenza and whatever else is being pumped into their minds. I am enjoying your articles. Thank you for your work.


Deborah Richardson Evans - Aug 27, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I really know more I’m not concerned at this point. I am going after saving our children and please, read “ T R A N C E Formation of America, “ by Cathy O’Brian and Mark Philips, also their work “ Access Denied, For Reasons Of National Security.” Then please, please pray and share others will do the same and help the children. Please.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 27, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I have read both books years ago. I know about human sex trafficking, satanic ritual sacrifice, cannibalism of our children to get Adrenochrome. I know who we are fighting. You are right. I am doing my part to prevent the population being killed via a poisonous injection. This war has many levels and many battlefields. I recommend the books you mentioned.


Deborah Richardson Evans - Aug 27, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

Thank you, the books as well as more I have been aware of, has deeply affected me. I saw video’s and pictures that were horrible. I had the absolute honor of for a short period of time to be following, Robert David Steel. He had COVID did not want to be hospitalized but died. A very brave, sincere and caring man. I don’t admire a lot but him I certainly did. I’m glad so many are picking up different types of horrific issues not many will. I do know that our G-d will and is using all our gifts to fight on the multi levels of this negativity. He will win, positivity always wins. The time line I don’t know, yet I and other’s can only be on the positive side of life.


Glenn Lawn Girl - Aug 27, 2022

Thanks for this information. I have a person in my circle who will be getting the poison jab soon to enter a clinical rotation for college. I’ve formulating a plan for her to do after the jab (maybe before also) to neutralize the poison. I am adding some more of your protocols. All this BS is hopefully falling apart. The criminals can’t suppress the truth forever.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Aug 27, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

mRNA seems to be the cover-up for the real ingredients.


deever - Nov 15, 2022

There is no doubt that uninjecteds like myself who suffer clot/throbs after exposure to injectees AND EVEN 2nd hand through some uninjected who have had sufficient contact, no doubt the effect is electromagnetic. This is based on the timing and distances involved. This has not abated since it started just after the mass injection programme began (I am in central Ontario). Except when actually touching the subject when the throb occurs in the place I touched with, throbs seem to occur adjacent to acupuncture meridians, suggesting the low resistance pathways are where the particularly toxic emissions are propagated. In some the toxicity may stay at the skin level. I have extensively self-experimented, eg with the most painful throb subsequent to holding 4 quarters for a few seconds offered to me, picked up off a table, in exchange for a $1 coin, that palm endured very painfully the effect. It would be especially important to isolate vaxees and monitor e-smog exposures prior and use a spectrum analyzer to find what is coming off. Do the graphene compounds or whatever absorb ambient e-pollution then rebroadcast at very toxic frequencies/patterns? E-effects on blood eg rouleaux are well known if neglected since already the 80s (Frohlich).
As for vitamin C, once I clued into this effect which never occurred in all my life (in mid-60s), I relied on hawthorn berry boiled for delicious remedial effect. At 1st brew various other clots must have come loose as I felt throbs without exposures, these had presumably been clinging. Also the effects are diminishing but still there as I follow consumption of (Chinese-sourced, excellent medicinal grade) hawthorn, as well as "chelating" by means of kelp (or other sea veg).


mejbcart - Aug 27, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

The only good info in this article are the protocols which use substances which are good for almost ANY DISEASE, cancer, cold, flu, infections, you name it. I value the EDTA in particular, since that is indeed the metal chelator NO 1. Everything else begs the question, do MD's ever learn any physics???
There is NO LOGIC AND KNOWLEDGE BASED details in regard to genetics, or virology for that matter here.
Can any MD explain how to produce a GMO soy which will grow in presence of glyphosate in the same time with all other plants dying upon exposure to that toxin?? The complete DENIAL of genetic manipulations presented here is just mindblowing. The only reason for it, which seems plausible is to try to take away human eyes from the fact of becoming GENETICALLY MODIFIED. Exactly that, what the entire medical cartel is denying all the time anyway!
Btw. the GERMAN REPORT, under the link posted by CHD, about the 'vaccines' ingredients didn't find ANY GRAPHENE OR ITS OXIDES., while using the proper technology. That's another topic, completely fishy in my view.
Also, can anyone explain how people are getting all the blood clots with 'just metals' after an injection of a 0.5ml of transparent liquid??? After spending LOT of time on listening to Dr. W.. with Dr. Merritt,
I couldn't believe what I heard....


salialioli - Sep 2, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

I think you have misunderstood the science (I am not a scientist so ..) and the equipment used in testing. Graphene comes from graphite, though a super-technologically enhanced product, and the element detected in breakdown would be carbon. Although:
"The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view, but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic." It is the thinnest, hardest, most flexible, unbreakable material there is. If you do an elements test with an ICP-MS which is:
"Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP-MS) is a type of mass spectrometry that uses an inductively coupled plasma to ionize the sample. It atomizes the sample and creates atomic and small polyatomic ions, which are then detected."
Then you have ATOMISED the graphene.
I can explain, roughly and badly, how the people are getting blood-clots but it would be better if you just researched this properly yourself. Anyway, broadly, the blood of jabbed people is damaged, "approximately 94 percent of the subjects’ blood samples showed aggregation of erythrocytes [red blood cells]. Also present were various particles of unknown origin. The slides show visible packing and stacking of red blood cells, the type of damage that precedes circulatory disorders. The slides show the formation of “gigantic conglomerate foreign structures” which did not appear before vaccination." The Adams study shows that these clots are not blood clots but made of another substance and I think the material contains large quantities of silicon and polymers. Who has tested for this I have no idea.
Does this help you?


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Sep 2, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

THEY are injecting us with UNKNOWN UNDECLRED substances. The proof of the content of those vials should be on their side, not ours


mejbcart - Sep 2, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

it is YOU who clearly misunderstood my comment/s, to say the least here... Btw., do you work for CIA?? Read my posts, and you will find the rest!


salialioli - Sep 3, 2022

oh I see, projection from the troll spook!


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Aug 27, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

they examined vials - graphene is in all MASKS - please google:
so people inhale it and nanotechnology crosses all blood barriers, it is already there
It is in chemtrails
in sorts of food and drugs, including "flu vaccines"
In "PCR tests"
But they examined vials, not Hospira or Baxter "saline solution", so hopefully more to follow from labs:
(With Hospira "saline solution" there was never a control group in C-19 "trails" - ha ha - as tragic and criminal it was).
IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.


mejbcart - Aug 27, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thanks for all the links, I know most of the stuff, did experiments with graphene YEARS back myself, please check my substack for the rest of the story about crimes against HUMANS...


Deborah Richardson Evans - Aug 27, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

It is 5G+, no, doubt so we can get our information faster and it is killing us. Thank goodness now that the truth is being documented so that many will now take heed. Then we can work on getting the ones who did all this to humanity.


jan van ruth - Aug 27, 2022

jan van ruth

sure it is 5g.
you do appreciate that 5g is not implemented in most parts of the world?
grow a brain....


Deborah Richardson Evans - Sep 2, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

Nah.. insulting my intelligence does how demented yours must be. Ha ha go bother some one who is as uninformed as you, have a nice day.


jan van ruth - Sep 2, 2022

jan van ruth

for you to put "my" in front of intelligence is an affront to intelligence.


salialioli - Sep 2, 2022

jan van ruth

Unnecessarily rude reply, but anyway. No, 5G is not implemented *yet*, but 2, 3, 4G is and we are using wireless systems all day long. The radiation we absorb in all our cities is high, higher than the regulations allow. However they were written circa 1978 before any of this tech was around so a total joke. A whistleblower Telecoms engineer has spelt out all the dangers so it's perfectly real and a threat to humanity and all life on earth. Whether we like it or not, we are getting it all shoved down our throats without asking for our consent.


jan van ruth - Sep 2, 2022

jan van ruth

"A whistleblower Telecoms engineer has spelt out all the dangers so it's perfectly real"
you have any idea how moronic that statement sounds to a rational person?
because some person says something it is real?


The Ninth Column - Dec 26, 2022

The Ninth Column

Dr Ana, thank you, so, so much.
Can you recommend a brand of oral EDTA and a standard daily dosage for people who are symptom free but clearly have significant damage in their live blood microscopy? 🙏✌️❤️


Deborah Richardson Evans - Sep 2, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I was replying to jan van Ruth my iPhone is messing up on many levels like the dummies running down America.


jan van ruth - Aug 27, 2022

jan van ruth

dr ana: the living proof that having a title means jack shit when it comes to being able to distinguish between reality and lala land.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 27, 2022

Well said.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Aug 27, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

Sweet! Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - this is LOVELY. I have exactly the same conclusions, after long scientific research. I would love to share it with you and talk!


TrumpFan - Aug 27, 2022


Thank you!!!


Leanne C - Aug 27, 2022

Wonderful and excellent information and recommendations.
Many thanks.



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