Thank you for responding and for your efforts.
I am wondering about the very popular injectable Ozempic & Mounjaro. Mounjaro materials state only the peptide tirzepatide and saline. For Ozempic they add propylene glycol as per the insert. Can I mail you a pen of Mounjaro? It is supposed to stay refrigerated so can send it with cold pack and a donation for the time and materials.
Another great project would be to build a registry of medical personnel who are set up to do live blood analyses in the manner that you are. This is now an area that should be tested routinely wherever possible as part of a physical or work up when people not feeling well.
Is it possible to post the names of those you have looked at please? My dentist is listening and interested, but he cannot find info on the brands he uses.
In 2019, I had tolerated many dental anesthesia sessions as part of an amalgam restoration. Since May 2020, every time after anesthesia, my nostril is closed more, first the right one, then the left. As a result, I can hardly breathe. How can I drain it, and is there an alternative? Is procaine also contaminated? Thanks for the information!
I've done a bit of research and have determined that EDTA (preferably intravenously) but suppositories are next best + NAC + Vitamin C (As well as a few other things) will help in destroying the Graphene Oxide, but... Do any of us really know if it will completely eliminate any of this that they are putting into our bodies? As long as we aren't sure, I'm skipping the oral surgeon. I had an appointment coming up in November, but this all sounds really shaky, and I've tried to hard to avoid every single aspect of everything related to this, including PCR tests, so I'm not going to make any mistakes now.
So damned worrisome. I have an appt to have an extraction done Monday which will necessarily mandate the use of anesthesia. (Or not, depending on how brave I am!) What are the alternatives?
Prayers are meaningless in this situation. warm the vial in your hands, then use a magnet to draw the metals down. From high to bottom, several times, most of the metals will be drawn downwards, and of course do not use it ! cf La Quinta Columna...
La Quinta Columna show that technique to remove nano tech form dental anaesthetics: say that ‘investigation by independent collaboration has shown that Levobupivacaina 1,25mg from Kabi labs is uncontaminated’.
Which batch, when? What stops a manufactirer to add nanotech at any time?
LQC showed negligence when grotesquely overinterpreting Prof. Madrid's results of Pfizer vial analysis for graphene, a study LQC themselvels commissioned!
Hydrogels must be heated to 176F/80C to be disabled, and not all the toxins are magnetic...
That doesn't mean it's not worth a try, but it's a shot in the dark, as usual...
Me too. I need an extraction for a dead tooth that is now infected. They wanted to do a root canal but I am done with those after several failed. I wonder how painful it is doing it without anesthesia? This is crazy…
there is no way to avoid anesthetic for extraction or root canal
im over sick with my teeths caus im EHS and Chemico sensitive to ALL dental materials and anesthetics
the last one i got in august 2023 articaine poisoned me so deeply that the adverse effects are major and last till now
i ordered in Belgium an isotherapic of the anesthetic ( i sent them a vial ) and im waiting for it
i also ordered 30 CH homeopathic.. :of :
GO( graphene oxyde)
PEG ( poly ethylene glycol )
i m waiting for them too...
as soon as they got here i will start with GO alone for one week to see if i have a change
im going to do a ' scientific ' protocol
first Graphene Oxyde 30 CH
then i will add PEG
then i will take the anesthetic ALPHACAINE complete formula in isotherapic
its very difficult for me i suffer immensely cause my head eyes and body are blocked since this anesthetic and it never happened before ..
i had eliminated a lot of dental materials in my mouth even if its bad for my teeths that are not ' encapsulated' or' repared' but its a choice to live or die
the blockage is typical of EHS sensitivity to dental materials except that this time it was not sth put ON the teeths, but was an INJECTION of anesthetic in the gums
i suspect GO increased my EHS sensitivity and is poisoning my brain
That sounds very interesting. Cannot breathe by nose anymore after several dental anestesia. It affected my nose. It would be great if you could share your efforts and how to order GO homeopatic.
Peroxide kills good bacteria, too. Not sure about baking soda, but it can also cause more harm than good. Charcoal also eradicates everything.
I am using nothing; only Waterpick for flossing and a good electric brush for deposits.
I’m so annoyed about this. And, annoyed is an understatement. I didn’t get the clot shot but just had to replace a crown. We all have to get dental work done!! Now what????
Let me admittedly state the obvious: Try not to get ANY dental treatment(s) unless you absolutely have to. Also, with such treatments, though of course the dentists claim otherwise, there's too much x-rays and radiation, and dangerous chemicals in all kinds of things they use. I wanted to get all of my teeth removed and get implants all the way around, paid for by the $1500.00 dental Visa card I get every year, only good for one year, from my Medicare Advantage Plan, but they require a huge amount of x-rays, literally all the way around. This irradiates very sensitive glands in the brain stem, etc., not to mention the brain itself, and I have chronic immune deficiency (which is likely being made worse by the nanotech inside me); so, needless to say, I did not get implants, though I still wish I could get them.
With my mouth being full of mercury amalgam fillings, I really need to get implants, but not if I have to subject myself to so much radiation, and not if the dentist refuses (as I've had happen) to use a dental dam and oxygen during removing my mercury-filled teeth, to keep the mercury from going down my throat, and from my breathing it if it's drilled or ground-down. (Of course they believe that "no safe level of mercury" is supposedly 'safe', like they falsely believe that the industrial waste byproduct from producing aluminum and steel, fluoride, is supposedly safe, even though they are required by law to treat all leftover mercury amalgam as hazardous waste, which clearly means hazardous waste is being put in peoples' mouths, as it has been for decades.) I tried to work something out with the dentist, to do much less x-rays, or to find out if they could use some other method, like a biopsy, to check the bone density of my jaw to make sure my jaw could handle having implants implanted in my jaw without fracturing and/or breaking it, but no such luck.
So, yes, you are right, with putting the nanotech in dental anesthetics, they are entrapping people into getting infested with it, if those people aren't already infested with it from previous treatments and/or from the environment, which they likely are. Clearly the PTB badly want to get this stuff into everyone. Dr. Ana of course hasn't been able to check every drug for nanotech, etc., but I'll bet that it's in almost every liquid medication and/or injectable (again, the spellchecker is falsely claiming a word supposedly isn't a word), as well as in many other things. They've made us all, supposedly "expendable", guinea pigs in seeking to turn as many people as possible into cyborg slaves, in an experiment where they know darn well that it is going to mass-murder most people in the process, but "people be damned".
Extremely unhealthy way to go about it though. Try to get the dentist to prescribe a relatively-non-addictive pain killer, but stronger than OTC, such as something (JUST NOT TYLENOL!) with Codeine. I think I'd take one tablet, and then chew a second one and keep it in my mouth for awhile, particularly around the tooth, or teeth, in question.
I even had the craziest thought of injecting tiny bit of pure cocaine into gum of tooth right before extraction… I’d imagine it’d be quite effective!!!
John Rambo once said: “To fight war you must become war…”
Not a bad idea, and you could do it yourself. Just get the doctor to prescribe some sort of relatively-benign IM (intramuscular) medication such as Methylcobalamin (preferably) or Cyanocobalamin (for self-injection of Vitamin B12), and have them prescribe a bunch of syringes at the same time (making sure he or she knows you're not into shooting "recreational" drugs). You know what you need to do for the rest.
Thanks for your input Elena - I like the idea of taking oxicotin for the extraction - is one pill enough or should I take 2 pills 20 minutes before? I’m not sure of what constitutes overdose? What milligram dosage would you recommend? I’m assuming they come in different milligram sizes? How would I get prescribed a few oxicotin from a Dr ? Explain it all to Dr? I’m sure he’d think me nuts… maybe not… Hahaha - this worlds appears to have slipped off it’s rocker…
Elena ~ I’ve gone through the same procedure as you which took two and half years and cost over $14,000. I learned more than I wanted to during this period. The hours and commitment required for teeth removal, healing, immediate dentures, implants, etc were torturous and unnecessary. I was strung along because I went to a dental school thinking it would cost less and offer more attention to detail but I was wrong.
One of the most shocking but important details I learned was that our jaw bones quickly deteriorate when teeth are removed causing our facial features to cave in as the jaw bone shrinks. By getting at least a couple implants (snap on dentures) they not only help maintain the jaw bones strength as the bone grows around the implants, they also allow for the dentures to hold onto the implant, allowing for ease of consuming foods and speaking normally without fear of the denture dislodging from the mouth.
Stephen-Wolf ~ What a scam artist your dentist is, aye??? Run 🏃 as they say... don’t walk! If there is a dental school near you, it would be worth your time and energy to get an opinion of what they think. The students are eager to be helpful (which could be a plus that they are interested in dentistry, yet also could be a disadvantage since some care more about the process than they do the patient).
I'm not offended, and I mean no offense to you, but my moniker is not "StepHen", it's StepPen, as in the name of the book [by my favorite earthly anti-fascsm, anti-war artist, bestselling author, landscape painter, literary critic, master poet, and writer, Hermann Hesse (1877 to 1962)], Steppenwolf. And I go by, and/or am called by, my middle name, "Wolf"; so, please, just call me Wolf, thanks. I'm not going to ANY medical and/or dental people anymore, for they burned their last bridges with me. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
It wasn’t actually my doing Steppen-Wolf... :) my autocorrect flipped the P to an H and now I must confess I didn’t even notice! It’s in the wee hours of the morning here in the desert so I trust you will forgive my mistake.
I raised a fuss about this with my dentist and he was able to avoid anesthetic in making a filling by using a laser instead of a drill. (The laser is really expensive.)
Perhaps a Dental School ■ these Universities have student work that do explore. As a child I had three surgeries oral that only a team could do at that time; 1970ish, MCV.
Teral at Dark Star swears by Borax Water and Colloidal Silver that he makes himself... and Borax Water was used by Morgellon's sufferers and found to work very well for them... what it does and how it does it I do not know.
Please explain if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that the spike detox protocol is intended to address detoxification from the spike protein that is being manufactured and circulating in the bodies of the vaxxed and unvaxxed. These dental anesthetics contain objects that are wholly different than the spike protein. That being the case, how would the detox protocol for the spike protein remove these nano-tech objects from our bodies? Is the implication that the spike protein and these nano-tech objects are the same?
Synthetic ■ synthetic venom seems to be the base for the nanoparticles. As an artist and free thinking, I wonder if the GO, Graphine Oxide is the synthetic venom. PCR test were the standard test for venom. Now, that synthetic venom is so wide used, they have a new test for the identification for synthetic venom. Remember this is in Pesticides and sprayed on crops, is in the air, water, soil. Just like water responses to frequencies, how much more than metals?
My personal concerns are these from the beginning, it is written that at the end we will know, know as we are known. New patents can claim their brilliance, but it could be stolen knowledge that is not theirs to own. Second, is this from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil? The death taken on by Adam and Eve? Is this a plaque from Heaven, directed in orchestrated by angels? Last, is this manmade and purposed to kill.
Choosing to want to be a Remainer/remnant (some chose but when I read all on that translation, I chose Remainer, Revelation 20) I still hope to be "Blessed" to the 1335 day/Book of Daniel. M
Actually, you're right. Clearly I need more coffee today. Having said that, it's good to bookmark these links in case you're around anyone freshly-vaxxed who might be shedding. Plus I suspect they're going to try and "vaccinate" everyone by sneaking the spike protein in, whether by unrelated vaccines or through vaccinated livestock.
They are already talking about putting it in the Flu shots and some of shots on the childrens vaccine schedule. Getting rid of the covid shots probably won't stop this problem. And it may already be in these, who knows at this point.They are determined to turn everybody into robots.
They openly talking about developing mRNA versions of traditional "vaccines" and for livestock. Children are going to be jabbed several times a year with these clot shots. Many of them are likely not going to live to adulthood, if this happens.
I don’t recall anesthesia when I had my crown done a few years ago. Choices, life’s full of them, Some more important than others. At the current time I will choose ugly hurting tooth over anesthesia.
There’s no need to be worried. We have no control over this. It’s in the past and we will be wiser in the future. I had a crown put on a few weeks ago. I am not going to worry. It’s in Gods hands. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal as well!! Trust in that.
Absolutely. God has not given us a spirit of fear but we are to put our complete faith and trust in Him!! Positive talk and saying I’m healthy goes a long way too! Something about quantum physics I think! But, there have been studies that they’ve done in the past giving people placebos, but not telling people who were sick that they were placebo‘s. The result was that people felt better taking a placebo, even though it did nothing to bring healing the power of our mind in our thoughts, and our bodies to bring healing is truly something I don’t think we can ever comprehend in this life.
prayers are not worthless...
I pray for those who have to undergo those treatments that somehow their vile of anesthetic is not tainted and even if so God will nullify the nanobot things in it... AMEN and AMEN.
I've been taking chlorine dioxide-mms, everyday as a precaution after doing a full detox with it. Went to the dentist for a checkup after 18 months and she was bewildered how clean my teeth were and hardly any plaque to clean..never seen one I add brushing my teeth once a week with 3%hydrogen peroxide...
I am empathetic to what is being presented here, but weary of the fear-mongering, on all “sides.” We all have to get dental work. I’ve had a chipped tooth for months that I’ve not addressed because “nanotechnology is in everything.” But what are we supposed to do? We all have to get dental work at some point. (Is it in the dental cleaning stuff too?). I mean, at some point, how is this helpful, except to make money for certain high profile individuals in the “health freedom movement?” I’ve known something was wrong since this whole “COVID” scam started (since 9/11, really), but what can I/we do? They just continue with their psychopathology.
Keep questioning, but don't give up. I feel dispirited by all of this too, and feel so powerless oftentimes, but God is All-Powerful, and MUCH MORE powerful than the Evil One, so there IS Hope. Pray, pray, pray, and believe without any doubt(s) that He will answer as He sees fit. Some things, though our finite, errant, sinful minds can't grasp why, it is necessary for Him to allow. All those who have been TRULY, Fully and Completely repentant, and thus completely transformed into new creatures by God, as well as filled with His character and Holy Spirit, WILL, without ANY doubt(s) whatsoever, be delivered from this "plague" of nanotech, unless He has to allow us to succumb to it for some good reason(s). But we have to be Truly, Fully and Completely His; otherwise, He may not be able to deliver us from it anyway, although He may see fit to to deliver humankind as a whole, or most of same, from it, but HIS will be done! He WILL do what's best!
I understand and agree. “Fear-mongering” was perhaps the wrong term, as it implies fear only for propagandizing sake. I merely meant at some point, in my weary and overburdened mind, all fear appears the same to me, even if the fear being stoked is an attempt to protect and warn. Lord knows the globalists have revealed their true colors on myriad ways since 9/11. From my vantage point in San Diego, they’ve pretty much destroyed the America I love, and imported a bunch of order-following, math-/status-/money-obsessed Sinos and Aryans to implement their agenda. There are more Mandarin speakers at one Costco I go to than there are English speakers. And I never saw more than a few there before 2020.
We are on the same page with that. I have been noticing some manifestations of the gaslighting on myself, too, so one cannot be cautious enough... Preserving human relationships
and retaining human dignity might work:
Last time the demographics of the illegals entering contained only four percent of Spanish-speakers. Setting up cultures against each other is a feasible way of depopulation at times of the upcoming artificial crises...
Dr Mihalcea - please check Botox , Xeomin (has less adjuvants than Botox), Juvederm fillers, to see if they have this tech.
I know tons of women (and men) who get shot up with this stuff every few months.
Kim Khardasian has auto immune problems, and I wonder if it comes from getting all these fillers and Botox so often.
Read this “interesting” article about chips the size of pepper flakes that GATES of hell Jnr is investing in. Coming out of Riverside University (California).
Of course it is always framed as intended for a “good cause”. Just like atomic bomb tech originally was.
Don’t those little chips look similar to some of the photo’s you’ve been sharing.
Well, unfortunately I didn’t know this before I had dental work in the Spring of this year. I am doing various detoxes, but I don’t know if what I had was contaminated with this. I requested a copy of the ingredient listing of the medication they used and of course none of the ingredients exposed are listed, but we know that doesn’t matter these days. I pray to God I didn’t get a toxic injection. I am going to print this and give it to my dentist. Also, the company that is the manufacturer of the lidocaine I received was involved in covid vaccines in Canada. So very likely these ingredients are in there and just not listed.
Thank you for sharing this. You gave me some relief this morning when I read your comment. The paper they gave me didn’t list it either. I didn’t have topical hydrogel which is good, but I just don’t trust any pharmaceutical companies after all this. I’ll just tough it out if I have to have a filling again. If it hadn’t have been right by my nerves I wouldn’t have taken it. Are you going to share what the damages the graphene oxide is doing to people? Amazing that they put it in dental medications at all. Pure evil.
When I wanted to have a filling, I asked for no anesthesia and no pads in my mouth. I emphasized I would pay with cash, yet the small-town dentist wanted PROOF of my address. Sounds like a tracking system to me...
I already canceled my last dental appointment in November, 2020, because I figured all they need was an injection to poison people. My suspicion was confirmed about a year later.
Since then, there have been significant advances in the technology. Recently, I have encountered two patients with identical complaints that started after they started taking their new "medications." One of them was on a high-blood-pressure pill and the other one on a PPI (proton pump inhibitor; easily one of the most toxic chemicals peddled as "medication")... Since the end of May, 2023, "vaccination" through the food supply has been allowed by the FDA. Of course, the delivery systems are limited only by one's imagination.
Damages by the multilateral attack on humanity cannot even be properly diagnosed, because the large variety of toxins and radiation affect or even activate each other:
As Ana also noted, there is not much difference now between v'd and unv'd blood.
My daughter is supposed to have wisdom teeth extracted in December, but is it even worth it if she will be injected with this garbage? Seriously, do you have suggestions for how to have dental work done safely?
I’ve heard that you don’t “really need” to have your wisdom teeth extracted. That it’s just a money maker. I don’t recall where but maybe research it and maybe others on this page know more.
Agree, I had 4 removed when young, when only one merited removal for some sort of impaction. It is totally unnecessary when your bite is not being affected. I have my tonsils and appendix, and wish had had those wisdom teeth as well.
Have her take two Ibuprofen (IBU) just before going to the dentist (unless she's very young, in which case only one IBU tablet, AS LONG AS SHE IS 12 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER), or when she arrives there, then ask the dentist to ONLY use a "rub-on" local anesthetic (but the nanotech might be in those/that too, since it's semi-liquid), and then be prepared to live with some pain during the extractions(?). I can't think of anything else right now.
Why does your daughter supposedly need to get all four of her wisdom teeth removed? Are those teeth infected with cavities, or is the dentist claiming that they're preventing her front teeth from aligning correctly, and/or preventing them from being straightened? I'm not a dentist, but common sense would seem to dictate that if those teeth aren't infected, they shouldn't need to be removed; and, again, unless it is absolutely necessary, I would say don't get them pulled, at least "right now" (or in December) until you can find an injectable anesthetic that isn't contaminated with nanotech, and until you can get the (or a) dentist to use it instead of what they usually use(?).
Stuff from the gum is quickly absorbed, and this is nano-sized tech...
I agree that one must leave well-enough alone. Extracting a wisdom tooth rips the gum apart...
Who supposed it on her? Her dentist, you ,society? Haven’t heard of many people getting deathly ill from not having their wisdom teeth out. It’s a choice. Seems like a simple one. There is always a choice. What’s the rush? My dad had all his teeth pulled and dentures put in 1938 - 5 th of whiskey only anesthesia , but that’s when people weren’t soft like nowadays. But then again, he had to walk miles uphill both ways to and from school in Howling snow storms. Great man great provider/protector.
IT is our right and duty to not obey all laws that are unjust...
It's our right and duty to throw off absolute Govt and bring in better protections against absolute Govt...
We're living in the days those statements of forefathers is being repeated.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
I link that because that's what's being done now...
I just stumbled on this........share this Research site. Type anything in the search box.
Apparently this Research has been going on for a long time.
Why aren't McCullough, Malone and the gang telling us about this Research that's been ongoing. I'm sure they have access to R&D papers.
I sometimes wonder if control opposition...As I noticed same for a long time. I never heard or read them talking about this transhumanist tech being injected.
Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D. - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Is there ANY dental anaesthetic injectable that isn't contaminated?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
So far we have had same findings in all we have looked at. I have more in the refrigerator, just have not yet had the time to look at them.
Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D. - Oct 15, 2023
Thank you for responding and for your efforts.
I am wondering about the very popular injectable Ozempic & Mounjaro. Mounjaro materials state only the peptide tirzepatide and saline. For Ozempic they add propylene glycol as per the insert. Can I mail you a pen of Mounjaro? It is supposed to stay refrigerated so can send it with cold pack and a donation for the time and materials.
Another great project would be to build a registry of medical personnel who are set up to do live blood analyses in the manner that you are. This is now an area that should be tested routinely wherever possible as part of a physical or work up when people not feeling well.
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Since 2012 at least according to LQC... but LQC talks about GO !
19 - Oct 23, 2023
Is it possible to post the names of those you have looked at please? My dentist is listening and interested, but he cannot find info on the brands he uses.
Felly - Oct 23, 2023
Felly’s Substack
In 2019, I had tolerated many dental anesthesia sessions as part of an amalgam restoration. Since May 2020, every time after anesthesia, my nostril is closed more, first the right one, then the left. As a result, I can hardly breathe. How can I drain it, and is there an alternative? Is procaine also contaminated? Thanks for the information!
Christian - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Comment removed.
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
EDTA suppos + NAC + Vit C...
Paul McCloud - Oct 16, 2023
Paul’s Substack
I've done a bit of research and have determined that EDTA (preferably intravenously) but suppositories are next best + NAC + Vitamin C (As well as a few other things) will help in destroying the Graphene Oxide, but... Do any of us really know if it will completely eliminate any of this that they are putting into our bodies? As long as we aren't sure, I'm skipping the oral surgeon. I had an appointment coming up in November, but this all sounds really shaky, and I've tried to hard to avoid every single aspect of everything related to this, including PCR tests, so I'm not going to make any mistakes now.
Tan - Oct 20, 2023
Ar’s Substack
where do you get EDTA suppositories ? And what is NAC ?
Christian - Oct 20, 2023
Ar’s Substack
From Switzerland, but they are american. "Medicardium".
NAC is an acid that produces Glutathion in the body.
Christian - Oct 15, 2023
Ar’s Substack
What a naive guy. He should know that the industry has to mention some of the elements not all of them... why dr ana do not talk about GO ?
Ron Larkin - Apr 27
Methylene Blue plus EDTA and maybe 10,000mg vitamin C and NAC and healthy eating.
Rust - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
So damned worrisome. I have an appt to have an extraction done Monday which will necessarily mandate the use of anesthesia. (Or not, depending on how brave I am!) What are the alternatives?
Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D. - Oct 14, 2023
Even with general anesthesia concomitant local anesthetic for surgeries are recommended. This is a conundrum for sure.
Christian - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Prayers are meaningless in this situation. warm the vial in your hands, then use a magnet to draw the metals down. From high to bottom, several times, most of the metals will be drawn downwards, and of course do not use it ! cf La Quinta Columna...
John Lawton - Oct 17, 2023
John Lawton
La Quinta Columna show that technique to remove nano tech form dental anaesthetics: say that ‘investigation by independent collaboration has shown that Levobupivacaina 1,25mg from Kabi labs is uncontaminated’.
Long viet - Apr 16
Lidocaine KABI is contaminated. i test it. for Levobupivacaina i dont know.
Piotr Bein - Jan 25, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Which batch, when? What stops a manufactirer to add nanotech at any time?
LQC showed negligence when grotesquely overinterpreting Prof. Madrid's results of Pfizer vial analysis for graphene, a study LQC themselvels commissioned!
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
Hydrogels must be heated to 176F/80C to be disabled, and not all the toxins are magnetic...
That doesn't mean it's not worth a try, but it's a shot in the dark, as usual...
Christian - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Exactement. High dose Vit C and Edta seem to work... I am feeling a bit better now, less fatigue since I do the protocol...
Margie Chism - Oct 14, 2023
Margie Chism
Prayers continuously ■ M
Elizabeth - Apr 30
Me too. I need an extraction for a dead tooth that is now infected. They wanted to do a root canal but I am done with those after several failed. I wonder how painful it is doing it without anesthesia? This is crazy…
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
I asked the same question in February, and the comments are quite interesting:
Theara - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
there is no way to avoid anesthetic for extraction or root canal
im over sick with my teeths caus im EHS and Chemico sensitive to ALL dental materials and anesthetics
the last one i got in august 2023 articaine poisoned me so deeply that the adverse effects are major and last till now
i ordered in Belgium an isotherapic of the anesthetic ( i sent them a vial ) and im waiting for it
i also ordered 30 CH homeopathic.. :of :
GO( graphene oxyde)
PEG ( poly ethylene glycol )
i m waiting for them too...
as soon as they got here i will start with GO alone for one week to see if i have a change
im going to do a ' scientific ' protocol
first Graphene Oxyde 30 CH
then i will add PEG
then i will take the anesthetic ALPHACAINE complete formula in isotherapic
its very difficult for me i suffer immensely cause my head eyes and body are blocked since this anesthetic and it never happened before ..
i had eliminated a lot of dental materials in my mouth even if its bad for my teeths that are not ' encapsulated' or' repared' but its a choice to live or die
the blockage is typical of EHS sensitivity to dental materials except that this time it was not sth put ON the teeths, but was an INJECTION of anesthetic in the gums
i suspect GO increased my EHS sensitivity and is poisoning my brain
Felly - Oct 23, 2023
Felly’s Substack
That sounds very interesting. Cannot breathe by nose anymore after several dental anestesia. It affected my nose. It would be great if you could share your efforts and how to order GO homeopatic.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Perhaps it's time to start making home-made anesthetics...
Vinnie - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Cocaine? LOL
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Even the toxins from toothpaste and mouthwash. :)
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 15, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 15, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Peroxide kills good bacteria, too. Not sure about baking soda, but it can also cause more harm than good. Charcoal also eradicates everything.
I am using nothing; only Waterpick for flossing and a good electric brush for deposits.
Ravelan - Oct 16, 2023
Colloidal silver?
Theara - Oct 17, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
vous ne pouvez rien faire de ce genre en cas d'operation dentaire avec anesthesie et ici on parle de cela
Christian - Jan 23, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Vous avez raison. Hélas...
Butterfly2510 - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
I’m so annoyed about this. And, annoyed is an understatement. I didn’t get the clot shot but just had to replace a crown. We all have to get dental work done!! Now what????
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Let me admittedly state the obvious: Try not to get ANY dental treatment(s) unless you absolutely have to. Also, with such treatments, though of course the dentists claim otherwise, there's too much x-rays and radiation, and dangerous chemicals in all kinds of things they use. I wanted to get all of my teeth removed and get implants all the way around, paid for by the $1500.00 dental Visa card I get every year, only good for one year, from my Medicare Advantage Plan, but they require a huge amount of x-rays, literally all the way around. This irradiates very sensitive glands in the brain stem, etc., not to mention the brain itself, and I have chronic immune deficiency (which is likely being made worse by the nanotech inside me); so, needless to say, I did not get implants, though I still wish I could get them.
With my mouth being full of mercury amalgam fillings, I really need to get implants, but not if I have to subject myself to so much radiation, and not if the dentist refuses (as I've had happen) to use a dental dam and oxygen during removing my mercury-filled teeth, to keep the mercury from going down my throat, and from my breathing it if it's drilled or ground-down. (Of course they believe that "no safe level of mercury" is supposedly 'safe', like they falsely believe that the industrial waste byproduct from producing aluminum and steel, fluoride, is supposedly safe, even though they are required by law to treat all leftover mercury amalgam as hazardous waste, which clearly means hazardous waste is being put in peoples' mouths, as it has been for decades.) I tried to work something out with the dentist, to do much less x-rays, or to find out if they could use some other method, like a biopsy, to check the bone density of my jaw to make sure my jaw could handle having implants implanted in my jaw without fracturing and/or breaking it, but no such luck.
So, yes, you are right, with putting the nanotech in dental anesthetics, they are entrapping people into getting infested with it, if those people aren't already infested with it from previous treatments and/or from the environment, which they likely are. Clearly the PTB badly want to get this stuff into everyone. Dr. Ana of course hasn't been able to check every drug for nanotech, etc., but I'll bet that it's in almost every liquid medication and/or injectable (again, the spellchecker is falsely claiming a word supposedly isn't a word), as well as in many other things. They've made us all, supposedly "expendable", guinea pigs in seeking to turn as many people as possible into cyborg slaves, in an experiment where they know darn well that it is going to mass-murder most people in the process, but "people be damned".
Paul - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Thanks for your excellent input… I’m thinking about just having extraction done with just taking oxicotin ? I’m open to more ideas…
Tiptriptrap - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Lots and lots of whiskey in till you fall out, won’t feel a thing, For a few hours.
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Extremely unhealthy way to go about it though. Try to get the dentist to prescribe a relatively-non-addictive pain killer, but stronger than OTC, such as something (JUST NOT TYLENOL!) with Codeine. I think I'd take one tablet, and then chew a second one and keep it in my mouth for awhile, particularly around the tooth, or teeth, in question.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
I even had the craziest thought of injecting tiny bit of pure cocaine into gum of tooth right before extraction… I’d imagine it’d be quite effective!!!
John Rambo once said: “To fight war you must become war…”
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 15, 2023
Not a bad idea, and you could do it yourself. Just get the doctor to prescribe some sort of relatively-benign IM (intramuscular) medication such as Methylcobalamin (preferably) or Cyanocobalamin (for self-injection of Vitamin B12), and have them prescribe a bunch of syringes at the same time (making sure he or she knows you're not into shooting "recreational" drugs). You know what you need to do for the rest.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
Comment removed.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
Thanks for your input Elena - I like the idea of taking oxicotin for the extraction - is one pill enough or should I take 2 pills 20 minutes before? I’m not sure of what constitutes overdose? What milligram dosage would you recommend? I’m assuming they come in different milligram sizes? How would I get prescribed a few oxicotin from a Dr ? Explain it all to Dr? I’m sure he’d think me nuts… maybe not… Hahaha - this worlds appears to have slipped off it’s rocker…
REW - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
REW’s Substack
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REW - Oct 15, 2023
REW’s Substack
Elena ~ I’ve gone through the same procedure as you which took two and half years and cost over $14,000. I learned more than I wanted to during this period. The hours and commitment required for teeth removal, healing, immediate dentures, implants, etc were torturous and unnecessary. I was strung along because I went to a dental school thinking it would cost less and offer more attention to detail but I was wrong.
One of the most shocking but important details I learned was that our jaw bones quickly deteriorate when teeth are removed causing our facial features to cave in as the jaw bone shrinks. By getting at least a couple implants (snap on dentures) they not only help maintain the jaw bones strength as the bone grows around the implants, they also allow for the dentures to hold onto the implant, allowing for ease of consuming foods and speaking normally without fear of the denture dislodging from the mouth.
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
The dentist I was going to go to, in Beaverton, Oregon, claimed that he could do the whole thing for the $1,500.00.
REW - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
REW’s Substack
Stephen-Wolf ~ What a scam artist your dentist is, aye??? Run 🏃 as they say... don’t walk! If there is a dental school near you, it would be worth your time and energy to get an opinion of what they think. The students are eager to be helpful (which could be a plus that they are interested in dentistry, yet also could be a disadvantage since some care more about the process than they do the patient).
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
I'm not offended, and I mean no offense to you, but my moniker is not "StepHen", it's StepPen, as in the name of the book [by my favorite earthly anti-fascsm, anti-war artist, bestselling author, landscape painter, literary critic, master poet, and writer, Hermann Hesse (1877 to 1962)], Steppenwolf. And I go by, and/or am called by, my middle name, "Wolf"; so, please, just call me Wolf, thanks. I'm not going to ANY medical and/or dental people anymore, for they burned their last bridges with me. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
REW - Oct 15, 2023
REW’s Substack
It wasn’t actually my doing Steppen-Wolf... :) my autocorrect flipped the P to an H and now I must confess I didn’t even notice! It’s in the wee hours of the morning here in the desert so I trust you will forgive my mistake.
Morpheus - Oct 14, 2023
I raised a fuss about this with my dentist and he was able to avoid anesthetic in making a filling by using a laser instead of a drill. (The laser is really expensive.)
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 14, 2023
....And if they "slipped"? I wouldn't let such a laser anywhere near me!
Margie Chism - Oct 14, 2023
Margie Chism
Perhaps a Dental School ■ these Universities have student work that do explore. As a child I had three surgeries oral that only a team could do at that time; 1970ish, MCV.
Claudia - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Fast for 72 hours, then follow Dr McCullough's Spike Detox Protocol:
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2023
That wont do anything for the tech. None of the " spike" interventions clear it
Rust - Oct 14, 2023
That is what I thought. Thank you for responding.
Unagnu - Oct 20, 2023
Teral at Dark Star swears by Borax Water and Colloidal Silver that he makes himself... and Borax Water was used by Morgellon's sufferers and found to work very well for them... what it does and how it does it I do not know.
Rust - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Please explain if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that the spike detox protocol is intended to address detoxification from the spike protein that is being manufactured and circulating in the bodies of the vaxxed and unvaxxed. These dental anesthetics contain objects that are wholly different than the spike protein. That being the case, how would the detox protocol for the spike protein remove these nano-tech objects from our bodies? Is the implication that the spike protein and these nano-tech objects are the same?
Margie Chism - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Synthetic ■ synthetic venom seems to be the base for the nanoparticles. As an artist and free thinking, I wonder if the GO, Graphine Oxide is the synthetic venom. PCR test were the standard test for venom. Now, that synthetic venom is so wide used, they have a new test for the identification for synthetic venom. Remember this is in Pesticides and sprayed on crops, is in the air, water, soil. Just like water responses to frequencies, how much more than metals?
My personal concerns are these from the beginning, it is written that at the end we will know, know as we are known. New patents can claim their brilliance, but it could be stolen knowledge that is not theirs to own. Second, is this from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil? The death taken on by Adam and Eve? Is this a plaque from Heaven, directed in orchestrated by angels? Last, is this manmade and purposed to kill.
Choosing to want to be a Remainer/remnant (some chose but when I read all on that translation, I chose Remainer, Revelation 20) I still hope to be "Blessed" to the 1335 day/Book of Daniel. M
John Lawton - Oct 17, 2023
John Lawton
Dr Bryan Ardis lists some antidotes to snake venom which he posits is the cause of the covid disease, not a virus or spike protein:
Margie Chism - Oct 17, 2023
Margie Chism
John - Thank you. ■ Will view. M
Claudia - Oct 14, 2023
Actually, you're right. Clearly I need more coffee today. Having said that, it's good to bookmark these links in case you're around anyone freshly-vaxxed who might be shedding. Plus I suspect they're going to try and "vaccinate" everyone by sneaking the spike protein in, whether by unrelated vaccines or through vaccinated livestock.
Mike H - Oct 14, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
They are already talking about putting it in the Flu shots and some of shots on the childrens vaccine schedule. Getting rid of the covid shots probably won't stop this problem. And it may already be in these, who knows at this point.They are determined to turn everybody into robots.
Claudia - Oct 14, 2023
They openly talking about developing mRNA versions of traditional "vaccines" and for livestock. Children are going to be jabbed several times a year with these clot shots. Many of them are likely not going to live to adulthood, if this happens.
Mike H - Oct 15, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
I think about that every day.
TheNarrowPathway - Oct 14, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Yep, my concern too.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 14, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
I don’t recall anesthesia when I had my crown done a few years ago. Choices, life’s full of them, Some more important than others. At the current time I will choose ugly hurting tooth over anesthesia.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
If she’s young and her wisdom teeth are already rotting her bone there is a greater problem a root cause/deficiency.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
I know quite a few elderly people with their wisdom teeth.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter's%20possible%20to%20have%20one,on%20wisdom%20teeth%20and%20extraction.'s%20possible%20to%20have%20one,on%20wisdom%20teeth%20and%20extraction
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter,any%20issues%20throughout%20their%20lifetime.,any%20issues%20throughout%20their%20lifetime
Butterfly2510 - Oct 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 14, 2023
There’s no need to be worried. We have no control over this. It’s in the past and we will be wiser in the future. I had a crown put on a few weeks ago. I am not going to worry. It’s in Gods hands. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal as well!! Trust in that.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
Comment removed.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
Absolutely. God has not given us a spirit of fear but we are to put our complete faith and trust in Him!! Positive talk and saying I’m healthy goes a long way too! Something about quantum physics I think! But, there have been studies that they’ve done in the past giving people placebos, but not telling people who were sick that they were placebo‘s. The result was that people felt better taking a placebo, even though it did nothing to bring healing the power of our mind in our thoughts, and our bodies to bring healing is truly something I don’t think we can ever comprehend in this life.
Doug - Oct 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
prayers are not worthless...
I pray for those who have to undergo those treatments that somehow their vile of anesthetic is not tainted and even if so God will nullify the nanobot things in it... AMEN and AMEN.
Alan Tan - Oct 14, 2023
Alan’s Substack
I've been taking chlorine dioxide-mms, everyday as a precaution after doing a full detox with it. Went to the dentist for a checkup after 18 months and she was bewildered how clean my teeth were and hardly any plaque to clean..never seen one I add brushing my teeth once a week with 3%hydrogen peroxide...
Alan Tan - Jan 28, 2024
Alan’s Substack
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Alan Tan - Jan 30, 2024
Alan’s Substack
I get my solution in Australia..
Alan Tan - Jan 30, 2024
Alan’s Substack
Comment removed.
Alan Tan - Jan 31, 2024
Alan’s Substack
Not sure what I said as substack only show yr reply.
Chris - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
I am empathetic to what is being presented here, but weary of the fear-mongering, on all “sides.” We all have to get dental work. I’ve had a chipped tooth for months that I’ve not addressed because “nanotechnology is in everything.” But what are we supposed to do? We all have to get dental work at some point. (Is it in the dental cleaning stuff too?). I mean, at some point, how is this helpful, except to make money for certain high profile individuals in the “health freedom movement?” I’ve known something was wrong since this whole “COVID” scam started (since 9/11, really), but what can I/we do? They just continue with their psychopathology.
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Keep questioning, but don't give up. I feel dispirited by all of this too, and feel so powerless oftentimes, but God is All-Powerful, and MUCH MORE powerful than the Evil One, so there IS Hope. Pray, pray, pray, and believe without any doubt(s) that He will answer as He sees fit. Some things, though our finite, errant, sinful minds can't grasp why, it is necessary for Him to allow. All those who have been TRULY, Fully and Completely repentant, and thus completely transformed into new creatures by God, as well as filled with His character and Holy Spirit, WILL, without ANY doubt(s) whatsoever, be delivered from this "plague" of nanotech, unless He has to allow us to succumb to it for some good reason(s). But we have to be Truly, Fully and Completely His; otherwise, He may not be able to deliver us from it anyway, although He may see fit to to deliver humankind as a whole, or most of same, from it, but HIS will be done! He WILL do what's best!
Chris - Oct 14, 2023
Amen to that. 100%
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
This is not fear-mongering; it fits into the globalists' plan neatly:
Chris - Oct 15, 2023
I understand and agree. “Fear-mongering” was perhaps the wrong term, as it implies fear only for propagandizing sake. I merely meant at some point, in my weary and overburdened mind, all fear appears the same to me, even if the fear being stoked is an attempt to protect and warn. Lord knows the globalists have revealed their true colors on myriad ways since 9/11. From my vantage point in San Diego, they’ve pretty much destroyed the America I love, and imported a bunch of order-following, math-/status-/money-obsessed Sinos and Aryans to implement their agenda. There are more Mandarin speakers at one Costco I go to than there are English speakers. And I never saw more than a few there before 2020.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 15, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
We are on the same page with that. I have been noticing some manifestations of the gaslighting on myself, too, so one cannot be cautious enough... Preserving human relationships
and retaining human dignity might work:
Last time the demographics of the illegals entering contained only four percent of Spanish-speakers. Setting up cultures against each other is a feasible way of depopulation at times of the upcoming artificial crises...
TheNarrowPathway - Oct 14, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Dr Mihalcea - please check Botox , Xeomin (has less adjuvants than Botox), Juvederm fillers, to see if they have this tech.
I know tons of women (and men) who get shot up with this stuff every few months.
Kim Khardasian has auto immune problems, and I wonder if it comes from getting all these fillers and Botox so often.
TheNarrowPathway - Oct 14, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
How do these “robots” get into the blood if they are injected into skin/muscle and don’t enter a vein?
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 14, 2023
Capillaries are virtually everywhere in the body, so it goes from the skin and the capillaries, into the blood vessels, and from there everywhere.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 14, 2023
Good point!!
TheNarrowPathway - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Read this “interesting” article about chips the size of pepper flakes that GATES of hell Jnr is investing in. Coming out of Riverside University (California).
Of course it is always framed as intended for a “good cause”. Just like atomic bomb tech originally was.
Don’t those little chips look similar to some of the photo’s you’ve been sharing.
Tracy A. - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Has anyone seen the Intra-Body Nano-Network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen? It is a 24-slide presentation that was posted on
Rust - Oct 15, 2023
Detailed videos of this exact thing here:
Tracy A. - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
Tracy A. - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
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Tracy A. - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Apparently, it was published on December 12, 2021
Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
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Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
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Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
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Joni - Oct 14, 2023
Well, unfortunately I didn’t know this before I had dental work in the Spring of this year. I am doing various detoxes, but I don’t know if what I had was contaminated with this. I requested a copy of the ingredient listing of the medication they used and of course none of the ingredients exposed are listed, but we know that doesn’t matter these days. I pray to God I didn’t get a toxic injection. I am going to print this and give it to my dentist. Also, the company that is the manufacturer of the lidocaine I received was involved in covid vaccines in Canada. So very likely these ingredients are in there and just not listed.
Joni - Oct 15, 2023
Comment removed.
Joni - Oct 15, 2023
Thank you for sharing this. You gave me some relief this morning when I read your comment. The paper they gave me didn’t list it either. I didn’t have topical hydrogel which is good, but I just don’t trust any pharmaceutical companies after all this. I’ll just tough it out if I have to have a filling again. If it hadn’t have been right by my nerves I wouldn’t have taken it. Are you going to share what the damages the graphene oxide is doing to people? Amazing that they put it in dental medications at all. Pure evil.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
When I wanted to have a filling, I asked for no anesthesia and no pads in my mouth. I emphasized I would pay with cash, yet the small-town dentist wanted PROOF of my address. Sounds like a tracking system to me...
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
I already canceled my last dental appointment in November, 2020, because I figured all they need was an injection to poison people. My suspicion was confirmed about a year later.
Since then, there have been significant advances in the technology. Recently, I have encountered two patients with identical complaints that started after they started taking their new "medications." One of them was on a high-blood-pressure pill and the other one on a PPI (proton pump inhibitor; easily one of the most toxic chemicals peddled as "medication")... Since the end of May, 2023, "vaccination" through the food supply has been allowed by the FDA. Of course, the delivery systems are limited only by one's imagination.
Damages by the multilateral attack on humanity cannot even be properly diagnosed, because the large variety of toxins and radiation affect or even activate each other:
As Ana also noted, there is not much difference now between v'd and unv'd blood.
Joy Lucette Garner - Oct 14, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
It enters the STEM CELLS.
Nice. Collect the whole set;-)
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
The problems with the bone marrow must be addressed:
Joy Lucette Garner - Oct 15, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
Serious issue that is largely ignored. Most people don't seem to realize what happens without living BONE MARROW;-)
Rhonda Sanger - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
My daughter is supposed to have wisdom teeth extracted in December, but is it even worth it if she will be injected with this garbage? Seriously, do you have suggestions for how to have dental work done safely?
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
I’ve heard that you don’t “really need” to have your wisdom teeth extracted. That it’s just a money maker. I don’t recall where but maybe research it and maybe others on this page know more.
Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D. - Oct 15, 2023
Agree, I had 4 removed when young, when only one merited removal for some sort of impaction. It is totally unnecessary when your bite is not being affected. I have my tonsils and appendix, and wish had had those wisdom teeth as well.
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Have her take two Ibuprofen (IBU) just before going to the dentist (unless she's very young, in which case only one IBU tablet, AS LONG AS SHE IS 12 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER), or when she arrives there, then ask the dentist to ONLY use a "rub-on" local anesthetic (but the nanotech might be in those/that too, since it's semi-liquid), and then be prepared to live with some pain during the extractions(?). I can't think of anything else right now.
Why does your daughter supposedly need to get all four of her wisdom teeth removed? Are those teeth infected with cavities, or is the dentist claiming that they're preventing her front teeth from aligning correctly, and/or preventing them from being straightened? I'm not a dentist, but common sense would seem to dictate that if those teeth aren't infected, they shouldn't need to be removed; and, again, unless it is absolutely necessary, I would say don't get them pulled, at least "right now" (or in December) until you can find an injectable anesthetic that isn't contaminated with nanotech, and until you can get the (or a) dentist to use it instead of what they usually use(?).
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Stuff from the gum is quickly absorbed, and this is nano-sized tech...
I agree that one must leave well-enough alone. Extracting a wisdom tooth rips the gum apart...
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 15, 2023
CORRECTION: IBU is not recommended for children under 12 unless prescribed by a doctor.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
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Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
What ingredient are you referring to that was on the insert?
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
Comment removed.
Butterfly2510 - Oct 15, 2023
Oh no!! That’s crazy.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Who supposed it on her? Her dentist, you ,society? Haven’t heard of many people getting deathly ill from not having their wisdom teeth out. It’s a choice. Seems like a simple one. There is always a choice. What’s the rush? My dad had all his teeth pulled and dentures put in 1938 - 5 th of whiskey only anesthesia , but that’s when people weren’t soft like nowadays. But then again, he had to walk miles uphill both ways to and from school in Howling snow storms. Great man great provider/protector.
Doug - Oct 16, 2023
Doug’s Substack
IT is our right and duty to not obey all laws that are unjust...
It's our right and duty to throw off absolute Govt and bring in better protections against absolute Govt...
We're living in the days those statements of forefathers is being repeated.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
I link that because that's what's being done now...
RedShoe - Oct 15, 2023
I just stumbled on this........share this Research site. Type anything in the search box.
Apparently this Research has been going on for a long time.
Why aren't McCullough, Malone and the gang telling us about this Research that's been ongoing. I'm sure they have access to R&D papers.
Tan - Oct 18, 2023
I sometimes wonder if control opposition...As I noticed same for a long time. I never heard or read them talking about this transhumanist tech being injected.
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