My Interview With Maria Zeee - Dr. Ana Mihalcea – They Have Put Artificial Life INSIDE HUMANS, Legal Action Commences

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 11, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea – They Have Put Artificial Life INSIDE HUMANS, Legal Action Commences

In this new interview I discuss recent findings of darkfield microscopy of childhood vaccines showing the same nanotechnology as C19 shots. We discuss changes in live blood and recent findings discussed at the Quantum Dot/ Micro bot symposium.

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Joy Lucette Garner - Oct 11, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

THANK YOU for covering this! This technology is REAL and it's already been deployed against the American people (and all over the world). I have read the DOD/DARPA patents. It doesn't GET any more real.

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Jamie - Oct 11, 2023

Unfortunately I think this is accurate. Unvaccinated and have major issues with sinus and circulation. What comes out appears to be ribbon parasite like with suction cup head and triangular shaped head. Body seems to contain heavy metals and when broken up will reassemble after a few minutes. I’ve never seen boogers/mucous do think or behave this way. It is very sticky and hard to expel without using a Neti pot. It is accumulating mostly on the ofactory pineal gland area and causing loss of smell and symptoms similar to pink eye. Hard to dissolve even with mms, msm, edta, peroxide, ozone water, magnesium…..and clumps up when exposed to triphala. So while we are focusing on blood it would be helpful to recognize that it is in the entire lymphatic system and colon. Coffee enemas will reveal tons of ribbon like rope worms. Xeno bots and rope worms are identical descriptions to what is happening. It’s very stealth and undetected building up slowly unless you go after it and start pushing it out. Fasting with only water has been the only thing that helps. Eating sugar makes it grow exponentially. Wifi and emf make it grow exponentially as well. Please if anyone has any idea how do get rid of this please help. We haven’t been around anyone that was vaccinated and live in a small mountain area. We eat organic but from the grocery store. I believe it is in the air, water and food. I believe everyone has it and don’t even know it’s there because it is very quiet unless you start manipulating it.

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