Dental Anesthetic Septocaine Mixed With Live…

Nov 19, 2023

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I went back to see if I could capture the self assembled nano sensors into micro robots when they get activated by mixing a drug with human blood.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


I am going through some horrible symptoms myself since not long after having some dental work. In addition, I truly believe that I am now being targeted.
I will never shut my mouth. I lost almost everyone in my family in less than a two year period due to this and other nefarious acts from our local “medical mecca” as some call it.
I had no idea that the dental anesthesia was an issue at the time I received the dental work.
I found out only days later and refused to let them use anything on me during my next visit. The dentist insisted that my mouth be deadened and when I said no due to the nano tech and my autoimmune disorder, he lightly popped me on my arm and said, “you let me give it to you before”.
I told him that I had not known any better and asked him if he had anesthesia without nano. He said, “No, I’m sorry” and I canceled the appointment and left. My boyfriend was with me and he was stunned. He couldn’t believe that the dentist had admitted that it was even in there. I had been trying to tell him that it was.
I think I should sue them and start telling everyone I can to do the same. We have nationally recognized medical malpractice lawyer here and his wife and I attended school together growing up.
I lost my husband, mother, father, sister, grandmother and aunt. All due to pieces of dung trying to line their pockets. I’ll never stop talking.
I talk to strangers on the street and anyone else who will listen.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m sorry what you’re going through! Can relate to the targeting, it’s exhausting . Lean on your faith if you can. & remember our bodies are amazing and constantly regenerate.
& it’s easy to say, hard to do but don’t live in fear.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& im glad you walked out of the dentist! (Clove oil may help , put it on a q tip and dab )


Tracy Chapman - Nov 19, 2023

Tracy’s Substack

We lost 4 people as well to the Jab๐Ÿ˜กin a year and 1/2๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’žsending Love,Light and Prayers to all that lost someone from these evil people๐Ÿ˜”


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Spiritual Fortitude
Thank you all for being so nice. I feel guilty for venting because I know darn well that it’s an extremely selfish way to behave, especially considering the times in which we are living.
Every day, we continue to witness atrocities being committed on a global scale while tyranny is being unleashed on the masses. It appears that they have just started a plan that in reality, was executed centuries ago.
The element of surprise has made it that much harder for those of us who want to unite. But we won’t stop trying.
I don’t usually share my personal struggles quite as openly as I have here, but I feel comfortable because I can tell that there is an abundance of spiritual fortitude among you. It’s what drives folks like yourselves to always seek truth.
You are some of the kindest people that I’ve encountered anywhere. Thanks again for all the words of encouragement.


Edmond Paré - Nov 24, 2023

Edmond Paré

Please do not feel guilty about venting. I thank you from my heart for dong so. Although I'm not vaxxed, I have lost no one to the jabs, except for a beloved German shepherd; and, I truly grieved for him so much, I can't imagine your sorrow. To read about your losses, slaps me across the face with a wake-up call and continues to keep me from going to the dentist for some needed dental work. I wish you peace.


Angela - Nov 25, 2023


I’m sorry for your loss. That too seems to be happening a lot to people. I have two dogs and a kitty. I’m extremely concerned when I have to take them to see any veterinarian now.
There’s one on YouTube who is awesome though. He gives great advice to people regarding home remedies and products for purchase to care for pets.


Edmond Paré - Nov 26, 2023

Edmond Paré

Thank you for the YT link. I'm not taking my very healthy five year old female shepherd to the vet unless she's showing signs of illness or it's time for the three year rabies titer, especially with the respiratory illness of undetermined origin which is now practically across the country and appears to be very contagious. Thankfully, I'm able to isolate both her and me, until I'm certain there's a was to protect both of us when we are in close contact with both humans and animals. Best wishes to you.


Angela - Nov 26, 2023


You’re welcome Edmond. Best wishes to you too.


koppykat - Nov 20, 2023


ditto = the upside of the horror is having found the good eggs in the basket


Carol Jean - Nov 19, 2023

Carol Jean

I'm so very sorry for your loss. That is a lot of ppl to lose in such a short amount of time. I tried to warn my family, but they all rolled up their sleeve to get jabbed and looked at me like I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist. I wish it was just a conspiracy, but anyone slightly awake should be able to see that something is awry. The only person in my family to pass away, so far, was my BIL and I'm 99.9999% sure what caused it! Im afraid it's just matter of time b4 the rest start dropping like flies. We all need to stand up and do not comply with their BS! Something else that would end it. if we would get rid of our tracking devices, uh, I mean smart phones. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


The tracking device situation really has me concerned. Big time. There will come a time, but it seems the time is now. What a cluster.


Anthony - Nov 22, 2023

Carol Jean

Yes, for sure, get rid of anything google or apple. I purchased a degoogled phone. They have no clue who I am whenever I am talking, texting, or online.
If anyone would like to know, these degoogled phones are not very expensive. I believe you can get one as low as $350


Carol Jean - Nov 22, 2023

Carol Jean

I would love to know where I can get one. Thanks in advance for sharing.


Anthony - Nov 22, 2023

Carol Jean

The name of the
You can simply go to theBrax.mestore, create a free account, purchase your degoogled phone, and receive it in a few days.
My advice is to spend a little time on their site learning the basics of how to become invisible while you are using your degoogled phone.
It works like any other smartphone, but you would want to learn how to use the degoogled app store. These apps are specifically created for degoogled phones. You want to learn how to pay cash using a prepaid debit card to sign up your new degoogled phone with a provider for services using an alias email, which is totally legal. How to set up a VPN. Etc. My point is that there are a bunch of nifty things to learn and do to regain your privacy.
This site is much more than a store. It is also a kinda social media platform for everything tech. I'm not tech savvy, but I learned so much The moderators help out and give advice. They have all the answers on how to maneuver yourself so that you become stealthily while using a degoogled phone and close to invisible while online using a laptop or any other computer. You just need to be willing to invest the time to read their FAQs and ask questions.
The founder ofBrax.meis extremely smart with cybersecurity issues. His name is Rob Braxman. He has an extremely informative channel, In case you want to learn what other tricks these sleaze bags are using against us.
Lastly, on the very first day, I walked out of my home and jumped in my car with my degoogled phone; I literally felt as if I was free. Seriously, you don’t realize the digital prison you have been living in until you are sitting outside or in your car talking or texting - knowing no one knows who you are or where you are going…
Many Blessings!


Carol Jean - Nov 22, 2023

Carol Jean

Thank you so much! Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


I’m sorry for your loss.


Danyèle - Nov 19, 2023


My sincere condolences.
Illnesses an death are, unfortunately, very sad outcomes for so many innocent people.
I greatly admire your courage and truly understand your thirst for revenge but, may I suggest you don’t spend all your money and join a civil lawsuit instead. The corrupted courts and intentionally delayed hearings might simply ruin you.
Personally, I chose to donate to organisms and individuals aiming to defeat those criminals and expose the truth. As you so bravely do, I talk about the current situation to foreigners. Sadly, so many people are totally unaware of what is really going on…
Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us! Never stop fighting!
Take good care.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Thank you for the encouragement.
Please understand. I don’t have a vengeful bone in my entire body. If I did, there would be loads of ways to get even outside of a lawsuit. Generally, when someone tries to walk over me, I shew them away and get on with my life. My dentist wasn’t even trying to get me and I don’t even dislike him. But he need not continue to harm people in order to grow a business or maintain a lifestyle. That’s wrong. He is one out of several dentists in that particular practice and as a legally incorporated entity in this state, they will have to answer for their decision not to allow their patients informed consent. That was foolish and completely irresponsible. His company will be liable for damages because that is what happens when they decide to appoint themselves as decision makers over the lives of their patients without asking. I’m pretty sure the law will be on the side of the patients.
I’m not looking for money either.
What I’m looking for is exposure and accountability.
I’m also looking to create an army of people who like me, have been victimized and don’t want to see it happen to others. A large group, but also singularly powerful as this way it will be impossible for one organization or law firm to control the outcome by opting for ‘under the table’ deals that could weaken our case in order to benefit themselves monetarily.
I will do this in my community and of course share the idea with friends, relatives and former colleagues in as many states as possible.
I’m not a lawyer. I only have a background in building sales organizations and marketing, so I could be wrong. Either way, I know an outstanding lawyer and I’m willing to find out.


Danyèle - Nov 19, 2023


If you live in the USA and are planning to do your part for a different world, you should contact James Roguski, he may be of some help to you:
« The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime. »


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Contact people like Roguski, but why join potentially corruptible org. Do what your wisdom tells you: a middle way between group and individual suite.
You are a martyr TI, experiencing now what awaits most of us, fitst of all the dissidents among us, in the Internet of Bodies and Transumanism.
Much love to you and prayers for the souls of your loved ones. They have been spared worse horrors.


Angela - Nov 20, 2023


You’re right. They have been spared and that is a great comfort to me. I actually feel a huge sense of relief.


Cody ryan - Jan 18, 2024

Cody’s Substack

Hi Angela, I also went to the Dentist. I needed a filling replace and a tooth Extracted. I refused an injection to numb. I couldn't handle the pain. I later tryed it again after taking some pain pills and 3 Asperin. Again, I couldn't get passed the pain. Can you recommend anything that will help me as I really need this Dental work done. Thanks for any help.


Angela - Feb 2, 2024


Look for Nixonlab.


Angela - Feb 2, 2024


He was going to be putting a cap on that day, but I went ahead and left without having it done and I’ve never gone back.
Search for David Nixon on this platform. I think he may have found some alternatives, but it’s a matter of finding a dentist in the states who offer them.


koppykat - Nov 20, 2023


me too Angela, down under, incredibly long list


Jean Parker - Nov 19, 2023

I’m so so sorry.


Carol Jean - Nov 19, 2023

Carol Jean

One other thing that might help your mouth is Dioxirinse mouthwash.Good stuff!


Alan Tan - Nov 19, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Use Clo2. It works. Been using it now for 2 yrs. Dentist was amazed how clean my teeth were and hardly any plaque.


TrumpFan - Nov 19, 2023


How do you use this? Where do you get the Cl02?


Anthony - Nov 22, 2023

Here you go.
This is inexpensive and high-quality MMS. Like many, Dr. Lee Merritt turned me on to (Chlorine Dioxide). I have been taking this for a couple of months. I no longer am fatigued, my mind seems a lot clear The first few weeks, I could feel it working in my digestive system, killing all those toxins. It also kills some parasites. To this day, my urine is somewhat foamy. My understanding, it’s the toxins coming out of my body. Also, I use alkalinity strips to test my urine; my Ph has gone up due to drinking Chlorine Dioxide.
You can order one kit for roughly $20
By the way, at first, I tried, but I discovered little specks of dirt or garbage; I'm not sure what it is, but I know it should not be in Chlorine Dioxide.
I just purchased a five-bottle supply for roughly $120, including shipping.
You can watch the documentary titled The Universal Antidote.


Alan Tan - Nov 20, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Go to telegram and join MMS dmDrinking buddy. They have links there around the world when you can buy from reputable seller, not Amazon
Also you'll find it does wonders to ye health and it's not expensive..


Carol Jean - Nov 19, 2023

Carol Jean

But can it stop or reverse recession?


Alan Tan - Nov 19, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Noidea.mylast dental anesthetic was just before the plandemic when I had a crown fitted.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Awesome! Thank you you.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


I just made a note of my it. Thank you so much. I’d not heard of it.


Tracy Chapman - Nov 28, 2023

Tracy’s Substack

Prayers to you and thank you for sharing. I’m blessed most my family are pure bloods. But watching all of these ridiculous “new Turbo cancers etc.” claim so many life’s is devastating. I applaud you for shouting out loud truths. I say it as well. Sometimes I know it’s not landing on the right ears but after watching my only best friends die I can’t wrap my head around the deaf ears๐Ÿ˜”


Leah - Nov 19, 2023 - Edited

Alan’s Substack

We need to fight this! There needs to be a huge movement to stop this craziness!


EAMBDGC - Nov 19, 2023

Alan’s Substack

how can we fight what most don’t see or won’t believe is happening? heck, we can’t even see it without a specific microscope.
i told my husband it’s the perfect crime. pick off one here and another there and have people believe it’s all natural - SAD syndrome, early heart attacks, more strokes, uptick in cancers, new cancers never seen before, etc.
He laughed at me and that hurts! No one to talk to but you all in here๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Maybe THEY’VE already hacked many people’s brains so they can’t see clearly. Artificial intelligence (AI) must’ve been here for a long long time and many are already trapped.
These evil-do-ers are flippin crazy and only some of us humans get to SEE the truth.


Alan Tan - Nov 19, 2023

Alan’s Substack

I gear what ur are experiencing. Same here, my sis lies waiting for her operation when they discovered one clot on each side of her brain and affecting one of her eyesight. No one can see that's it's not normal to have clots on both side when she has no medical condition. But you can't say nothing because they will think I am a nutter. So a. Just going with the flow and hope for recovery.


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Bless your heart. That hurts doesn’t it? I’m so sorry.
It feels like punishment for loving someone. I’ve experienced that too.


Alan Tan - Nov 20, 2023

Alan’s Substack

We are all going thru terrible times. We face with death, sickness and our iwn health to worry about talking and getting support helps us go thru these dark times..


EAMBDGC - Nov 20, 2023

Alan’s Substack

i’m very sorry about your sister Alan.


Alan Tan - Nov 20, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Thnx, most of us will have to go thru loosing someone close.. I have already lost my mom thru the jab, not covid. Somehow it makes you stronger to face reality..I have done my best in advising them but it's their choice as adults


Daphne - Nov 19, 2023


Is there a way to fight back?


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


I believe the only way to fight back is first of all through prayer and secondly on a local level. Most of our local communities are not prepared to do to us what the federal government has done to the Jan 6 victims. They just don’t have the power, nor the guts.
It would only take a small amount of courage to rock your local government’s world.
That courage is a lot easier to come by with numbers, but it’s okay to start small too.
I’m considering a weekly meeting of like minded people in my community followed by a group commitment to attend city council meetings, school board, church or anywhere else we can make a difference.
I have been saving phone numbers from people I meet when I’m out and about for well over a year now. I think it’s about time
Don’t be afraid to engage in small talk with strangers. It will usually lead to more serious topics. It never ceases to amaze me regarding the level of concern out there. People are just afraid to talk about it in most cases.


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"already hacked many people’s brains"
What else has the CIA "cellphone" project started years ago.Surely not for anyone's good.We hot around with maps and by asking locls for directions,now it's allgone. Sending SMS, people "talk" to each other under 100% surveillance. Loss of individual initiative and intelligence, cutting social ties, control of info fed, feeding lies to take as gospel, and rubbish to lough at instread of diving into real issues and seek truth -- a gradual process quickly transformed society into mindless mass, led by the smartphone erc. leashes into an abyss.
A.I. however seems a fake, from official descriptions of it being 15 yrs away. Unless the globalists have successfully applied secret science to go around the hurdles. Remember the basic principle of successful war: appear to be immensely powerful.
Therefore, I would NOT name AI the synthetic rubbish being found by our reasearchers. It's no more intelligent than peak hour traffic -- zillions of vehicles unintelligently moving ahead no matter what but actually stuck in congestion. Intelligent people settle in suburbs close to job an services, or live simply and purely without, eliminating the main cause of congestion: getting in front of otherts in the rat race that only the banksters benefit from. .


Angela - Nov 20, 2023


I agree. I personally think that AI is just a term offered up to blame at a later date. Plausible deniability.


420MedicineMan - Nov 19, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

I know how you feel, I told my ex partner in 2007 that I had Nano RFID chips floating around in my blood. She laughed at me. Didn't speak to her about it again till 2020... At least she didn't take the vaxx, she doesn't understand the danger of mobile phones, 5G towers and wifi.


EAMBDGC - Nov 19, 2023

if she doesn’t understand the danger it sounds like she’s not open to looking things up. A little research. Sorry 420. My husband says “I don’t have the time”.


EAMBDGC - Nov 19, 2023

wonder why she didn’t take the clot-shot? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป That’s great to hear. Maybe a couple red flags went up๐Ÿ˜‰


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana, you write "devices to modify and surveil you from the inside". The quotation from the science paper is chinese to me. Which words in it say the tech modifies one's body?
Question 2: I don't see in the pics what you write about the nano-bots attacking red blood cells. Could you describe for an image where in it this occurs and why is it an attack? Mayve the nanobot gets behind the cell and it looks like attacking it?


Danyèle - Nov 19, 2023 - Edited


Question 2:
For the last video, lower the speed to 0.5 x with full screen.
Its shaky and the focus changes constantly but, watch the red blood cell (RBC) and the movement of the white dot (nano bot) at the bottom very carefully.
This nano bot is hitting the red blood cell repeatedly. However, one can see that it also is rapidly beaming a blue then a white light at it; these are direct light shots to the RBC’s membrane, which Dr. Anna interprets as an attack. Then the nano bot disappears under the RBC.
As a photographer, a greater magnification, darker field and much lower speed may highlight this phenomenon but, I do see these light shots and I do agree with her. These attacks were also shown in many of her previous videos, as well as those of Dr. David Nixon, Matt. j.a.o.b and many other researchers. :)


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Thanks for the hint, Danyele.
Am colour bklind as well as poor sight. Hints inserted in articles at first writing would help, particually the novices, whose numbers grow fast for the novelty and significance of our Authors'wotk for Humanity's survival. For them, too, articles aggregating conclusions on a phenomenon observed by multiple authors would be precious.


Danyèle - Nov 19, 2023


Last year, I proposed this kind of compilation for a database to a researcher, but it didn't seem to be considered useful. Let's just say it could be for us common folk. :)
My sight diminishes every day but, I still can see a lot of details, probably the habit of the trade.
Stay tuned for further developments and share them with your friends and family!


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

For sharing with the world, my blog has been buldozed 2nd time since 2021. For sharing with family-- anger, name calling and ostricizing.
No worry, I still follow, since I'm kicking here :) and share any way I can. I've subscribed to your stack, will link to a few older articles there.


EAMBDGC - Nov 20, 2023

i’m sorry for your pains. if i may , “to thine own self be true”.


Danyèle - Nov 20, 2023


French will follow.
Question #1
To simplify what Dr. Anna means, let's take the following example:
You are prescribed an oral sedative. This medication also includes nanotechnology such as a microchip, which is now a thousand times smaller than a grain of rice...
Even if you don't want to take it, you could be forced to because you have already been mandatory vaccinated for the flue, which also contained a microchip.
Both the medication in the bottle and the flue microchips are equipped with a tracking device and bio-sensors that can also detect your hormones (joy, stress, sex drive, fear, etc.), via satellites or other monitoring devices. Thus, they could report you to the health system, insurers, police forces or government, if need be.
You, your family and friends could be penalized within minutes of your not taking the prescribed drug.
In the best-case scenario, you would be forced to take your pills or immediately denied access to your bank account, heating, food and transportation. In a worst-case scenario, you'd be arrested, imprisoned or outright eliminated and sent for organ recycling.
Of course, you can’t hide or flee, as this microchip can instantly reveal your geographical position (geolocation), whether you're awake or asleep, what you're doing and with whom at any time of day.
This is neither fabrication nor conspiracy, nor mis- or disinformation. All this is now possible thanks to the communication capacity of these nanotechnologies, these microchips and the real-time data exchanges concerning your physical body that they will maintain with the Network, i.e.: your computer, your telephone, your Wi-Fi, your microwave or any other too "Smart Device".
This also is the portrait of the repressive social credit system currently being used by China against citizens who deviate even slightly from the strict rules of this communist regime - alcohol or drug abuse, gambling, respect for others, belonging to another ethnic group or religion, social behavior deemed deviant, etc. Social pressure, propaganda, denunciation and the brutal repression of the communist model is among the most effective ways of exerting total control over individuals.
In addition, worldwide fear campaigns, censorship of conventional and social media, bribed or corrupt justice or government systems, and a multitude of laws passed on the sly have already given third parties, the military and unelected international entities full power over our genome, bodies and lives. The same applies to all other living beings on the planet.
It's only a short step from there to total police control and the enslavement of the entire population. This step has already been taken through computerization, vaccination with nanotech and what is termed transfection of all those contaminated by other means (chemtrails, shedding, food, air, water, etc.).
Finally, this was a brief overview of the foreseeable implications of this technology, so neatly summed up in this one sentence from Dr. Anna, for those who can understand what it actually means.
I hope that I have adequately answered your question. Dr. Anna will be able to correct me if I've ever erred or forgotten anything.
Have a good day.
Question n° 1
Dès que l’on utilise la nanotechnologie pour vous administrer des soins médicaux, cela signifie qu’ils sont reliés à un appareil informatisé de surveillance et d’interprétation, que ce soit de proximité ou à distance (Wi-Fi).
Afin de simplifier ce que Dr. Anna a écrit, prenons l’exemple suivant:
On vous prescrit un calmant oral. Ce médicament comporte également une nanotechnologie comme la micropuce, qui sont aujourd’hui mille fois plus petites qu’un grain de riz…
Même si vous ne souhaitez pas le prendre, vous pourriez y être forcé car la micropuce est équipée d’un mouchard qui, via des satellites de surveillance, vous dénoncerait au système de santé, aux assureurs, aux forces policières ou au gouvernement, le cas échéant.
Vous, vos proches et vos amis pourriez être pénalisés dans les minutes qui suivent l’heure de la non-prise de ce médicament, la pression sociale et la répression brutale du modèle communiste étant parmi les manières les plus efficaces pour exercer un contrôle total sur les individus.
Dans le meilleur des scenarios, vous n’auriez plus d’accès à votre compte bancaire, au chauffage, à la nourriture, aux déplacements. Dans le pire des cas ou de récidive, vous seriez arrêté, emprisonné ou carrément éliminé et bon pour le recyclage d’organes.
Évidemment, il vous serait impossible de vous cacher car cette micropuce pourra instantanément révéler votre position géographique (géolocalisation), si vous êtes éveillé ou endormi, ce que vous faites et avec qui à toute heure de la journée.
Ceci n’est ni une fabulation ni une invention conspirationniste, ni une mé- ou dés-information. Tout cela est maintenant possible grâce à la capacité de communication de ces nanotechnologies, de ces micropuces et aux échanges de données en temps réel concernant votre corps physique qu’elles maintiendront avec le Réseau, soit: votre ordi, votre téléphone, votre Wi-Fi, votre micro-onde ou tout autre « Appareil [trop] Intelligent».
C’est là également le portrait du système de crédit social répressif utilisé en ce moment même par la Chine contre les citoyens qui dévient tant soit peu des règles strictes de ce régime communiste -abus d’alcool ou de drogues, jeux, respect d’autrui, appartenance à une autre ethnie ou religion, comportement social jugé déviant, etc.
Par ailleurs, les campagnes de peur, la censure des médias conventionnels et sociaux, les systèmes de justice ou gouvernementaux soudoyés ou corrompus, ainsi qu’une multitude de lois votées en catimini ont déjà accordé à des tierces personnes, des militaires et des organismes internationaux non-élus les pleins pouvoirs sur notre génome, nos corps et nos vies. Il en va de même pour tous les autres êtres vivants de la planète.
De là au contrôle policier et à l’asservissement de toute la population il n’y a qu’un pas. Ce dernier a déjà été franchi avec l’informatisation, la vaccination et ce que l’on nomme la transfection chez tous ceux qui auront été contaminés par les autres moyens utilisés (chemtrails, shedding, food, air, water, etc.).
Cela se voulait également être un bref aperçu des implications prévisibles de cette technologie, si bien résumées dans cette unique phrase du Dr. Anna, pour qui peut comprendre ce qu’elle signifie en réalité.
J’espère avoir su répondre adéquatement à votre interrogation. Dr. Anna pourra me corriger si jamais j’avais erré ou oublié quelqu’autres aspects.
Passez une belle journée.


EAMBDGC - Nov 19, 2023

critical thinker. very good.


Suzanne - Nov 19, 2023




Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Meaning FOcus on the merit, Suzanne?


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Budesonide. Of course! Dad gum their hides!!! Someone was touting that stuff as the thing to use early on in all this. My late husband read am about it it and forwarded it to me. I only used it a couple of times, but he used it fairly often. I wonder if that’s why he passed away at 49. He was unvaccinated. Montsters!!!!!


Tracy Chapman - Nov 19, 2023

Tracy’s Substack

Sorry for your loss๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ž


Blaise - Nov 19, 2023

Att Viska

By 1942, more than half of all German physicians had become Nazi Party members.[In comparison, only about 10% of the general population became Nazi Party members by 1945. In addition, over 7% of German doctors became members of the Nazi SS, compared to less than 1% of the general population. The participation in the ‘betrayal of Hippocrates’ had a broad basis within the German medical profession. Without the doctors' active help, the Holocaust could not have happened," wrote E Ernst in the International Journal of Epidemiology. See Ernst, E. (2001). "Commentary: The Third Reich—German physicians between resistance and participation". International Journal of Epidemiology.
The exact same guys are back at it, only this time it is fascism (merger of the socialist state with big biz) dovetailed with Marxism


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Any clues why so many doctors joined the Nazi party?
Why most of the doctors went along with genocidal procedures and also administered genocidal vax to their patients in the present scamdemic?
"fascism (merger of the socialist state with big biz)" -- from my study, fascism was an autoritarian system that allowed all kinds of economic/financial approaches (private, state, corporate, co-operative) for the benefit of the nation, except thee bankster ones.


Blaise - Nov 19, 2023

Att Viska

Might I respectfully suggest you read the founder of fascism, Mussolini, in his 1932 definitive, eponymous The Doctrine of Fascism, here dozen pages or so.
Why did the docs join the Nazi party? With 8 years of univ., two grad degrees, it seems pretty simple, if I can distill into a few words. People can memorize, but not think. Somewhat similarly, I read that people with university degrees had very high uptake of the Covid gene therapy shot, but as you went up the scale to PhDs, quite a lot less got is. But see Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolution, which, again, in a nutshell, basically says that what a lot of what passes for science is mere fashion. Can you say Copernicus? Galileo? Perhaps Ignaz Semmelweis, who merely suggested his docs wash their hands between operations, and was drummed out of the medical profession?


Blaise - Nov 19, 2023

Att Viska

so... I am the head of Krupp, and I tell Hitler "Gee, but I can make more money making fridges than tanks." How long do you think I would stay out of the concentration camp...


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

It would follow that the remainder of doctors ended up in the camps. Is it a fact?
Do you have evidence of the Ph.D. vs. no Ph.D. doctors' moral behaviour?
The Krupps of this world would not dare oppose banksters and zionists' darling.
Pls give me the relevant page in Musso speach. !933 is warly wrt. 1939 -45 when Nazi behaviour itself has changed drastically, e.g. after the Wansee conf or in Operation Barbarossa.
Institutionslised "science" = scocial engeering, fakery and manipulation. "Paradigms" are formed in cprrupt processes, subject to shift only when those in power need, in direction they desire.
What happened between 2009 swine flu scamdemic and the present "covid" one? Many more doctors colluded in genocide with obvious violation of all cues and "brakes": Hypocrates oath, vax testing req'd long before licensing, EUA is not a license, ignoring known effects of mRNA vax, no SARS Cov2 found, fake pcr test, fatal use of ventilators, killings in "care homes" etc.
2009 was a large scale test, to prepare globally an operational application of the real stuff since 2020.
In the meantime, new tech arrived to do it, e.g. trargeted mss'ging via mobile phones (used in the "Arab revolutions" and Sorossian deluge by "migrants"). Targeted irradiation with EMF and accompanying torsion fields affects thinking, emotions and behaviour . The globalists have a file on most everyone, containing 5k data items, incl. profession and device address.
Some role fell on money rewards for desirables such as "covid" diagnose and jabbing. Remember the dancing nurses? Polish medical staff cried "Let the pandemic go on!" for same Mammon reason .


Reply (1) - Nov 21, 2023

Att Viska

Comment removed.


Blaise - Nov 22, 2023

Att Viska

I think you may have mistaken the import of my comment, which was not whether Krupp has been making cannons, or even tanks, or even metal arrows, but rather that if Hitler told them to do something, they had no choice. Ipso facto, the definition of fascism. Firearms seem to have been known in Japan around 1270 as proto-cannon invented in China, which the Japanese called teppō. Cannons were introduced to the Javanese Majapahit Empire when Kublai Khan's Mongol-Chinese army under the leadership of Ike Mese sought to invade Java in 1293. The earliest efficient wrought-iron cannon were called bombards or lombards, a term that continued in use well into the 16th century,.
Maybe Krupp was working for Kubla Khan?


Misha - Nov 19, 2023

Misha’s Substack

How can one keep a tab on which medications have the nanobots, etc,?


Rosalind McGill - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m assuming it’s in everything until further proof it isn’t.


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

How would it help, the bad stuff is reportedly around us in the environment. And can be added at will.


Stephen Verchinski - Nov 19, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

If someone took a gun and pointed it at you you'd likely react swiftly if you were armed. The threat here is no less real and unless proved otherwise, no less deadly.


Margie Chism - Nov 19, 2023

Margie Chism

The Time of the End โ–  Daniel Chapter 12, KJV, blueletterbible
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
4¶But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
5¶Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.
6And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
7¶And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
8¶And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
9¶And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
10Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
11¶And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
13¶But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.


Leah - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Right just like insulin. What if your life depends on their contaminated products?


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

That's the purpose and modus operandi of Rockefeller medicine.


Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 20, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

People wouldn't need the insulin if they stopped eating plants. Carnivores are reversing even the worst forms of diabetes swiftly on a diet of animal meats and fats. The doctors who tell people to go on eating high carb foods are IGNORANT.


Tracy Chapman - Nov 19, 2023

Tracy’s Substack

Can they be eliminated? How terrible, if I have a bad tooth I will let it fall out๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜”


Misha - Nov 19, 2023

Misha’s Substack

What else can you do?


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

On another forum a diabetic said he/she prays ovet the nanobot-infested insulin, asking God to clean it.


Julia - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Chlorine dioxide as a mouthwash to prevent dental issues and also to treat


Melissa - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I heard chlorine dioxide is contaminated with nano. Can't verify that tho. Everything is contaminated! May God be with us!


Julia - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

May God be with us indeed! Someone should gather a few different sources of CDS and test it under microscope.
I would be more interested to see supplements tested than drugs at this point (although it is interesting to know just how many drugs have nano). I want to test my fulvic/humic, my zeolite, my vitamin/mineral supplements etc.


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Why not bypass propducts under corporate control (controlled in turn,by the bamkster globalist cabal).
Supplements are often ingedients of foodstuffs and,herbs and medicinal and ordinary plants.


Therisa - Nov 20, 2023


I can’t see how. It’s pretty corrosive in its full strength. That’s why it has to be diluted


Melissa - Nov 20, 2023


Like i said i cant verify. However the people that said this has knowledge of this technology of over 10 years
Way b4 any of us new what this was. This is synthetic man-made nanotech ribbons, micro bots, quantum dots, etc. We need to pray to our Lord because this is the devils doing and ONLY JESUS CHRIST ALONE WILL DEFEAT HIM!


Therisa - Nov 20, 2023


I knew about this stuff back in 2011 when I went down the Morgellons rabbit hole. But I was just a “tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” back then. And since. And yet, here we are!


Misha - Nov 19, 2023

Misha’s Substack

Can chlorine dioxide prevent the further deterioration of a bad tooth?


Julia - Nov 19, 2023

I don’t see why not. It just has to be used with the correct dilution and consistently for the issue you are treating. If I were treating a dental issue I would be taking it internally as well as a mouthwash.
Protocol C and protocol J or just CDS diluted with water as a mouthwash frequently


Reply (1) - Nov 21, 2023

Misha’s Substack

Comment removed.


Misha - Nov 22, 2023

Misha’s Substack

Where to access your success post?


Angela - Nov 19, 2023


Thank you Tracy.


Jan Dickmeyer - Nov 19, 2023

Jan’s Substack

For what’s it’s worth I was sent budesonide in a preparedness kit purchased from one of the Flccc docs.


Tracy Chapman - Nov 19, 2023

Tracy’s Substack

That’s crazy


Jan Dickmeyer - Nov 19, 2023

Jan’s Substack

So are we to assume that all of pharma is now polluted with toxins and no meds bot free? Asking Dr. Anna..


Suzanne - Nov 19, 2023


Ummmmm, YES!


Mary T - Feb 28

Me too!


Therisa - Nov 20, 2023


Those Dr’s may not have known about the nano technology in it at the time. Or even if they know it now. We didn’t learn about it till these last few weeks.


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Nano-tech contents surfaced early in the plandemic:
-- some face mask batches,recalled in Canada for graphene fibres
-- Slovak scientists' investigation of nano-graphene tubes stuffed with mRNA gel in PCR "test" swabs
-- tons of articles in DARPA program and science databases re. nano-tech apps in medicine, vaccines, "health" care, 5G and 6G expansion of the telecom systems and similar topics.
If a layman like me could cover these since 2019 or earlier on my blogs, so could a legion of others.
In any case, the notoriety of the globalist cabal in mass crimes and their focus on "health care", the criminal history of the Pharmafia, mRNA nano-tech's risks and many more aspects acessible and comprehensible to the medical profession nullify its excuses.


Jean Parker - Nov 19, 2023

Wonder if the budesonide spray is just as bad. Probably so. I’ve been using that but will stop.


Reply (1) - Nov 19, 2023

Beyond Treason

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Similar to 2008, refereed research paper "Judeocentrics and Mass Crimes" destroyed by the bankster agents. There is no better stamp of "approval" by the villains of the mass crimes.
The only publically acessible, authiorised copy of this poaper was available onPiotrBein.netuntil October 13, 2023, when my blog on Hostinger platform was destroyed on trumped-up charges of promoting terrorism, falsifying truth, and practising antisemitism--nowadays the sign of being truthful.
Of any of the Readers here could recommend a platform to move my blog to, I would be most obliged.
Also, if someone knows a lawyer specialising in this kind of int'l smears and draconian destruction of private (intellectual) property w/o the due process, pls let me know by replying here.


Skeptic - Nov 19, 2023

Skeptic’s Substack

So we shouldnt be inhaling budesonide?
What if you have bad asthma?


Claudia - Nov 19, 2023


Some people have had good luck with the Buteyko Method:


Betsey - Nov 19, 2023


Before Rockefeller medicine, people used water fasting to both lessen symptoms and actually cure it! Many of our ailments are due to toxins in the body, see Sheldon's work in the 60's


Piotr Bein - Nov 19, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Due to disturbance of our biome, too -- terrain theory in contrast to "germ theory" fraud of Rockefeller "medicine". No SARS Civ2 virus nor other viruses, for which a legion of "vaccines" have been developed and administered to adults, kids and animals, have been proven to exist anywhere in the world to date, according to Christine Massey and colleauges' FOI investigation in over 200 institutions of dozens of countries.


Shareaware Canada - Nov 19, 2023

Shareaware Canada

Copied and downloaded. Thank you for you incredible service to our Humanity. xo


anna burns - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

What is a person supposed to do that needs dental work, or any other medical procedure?!


Rosalind McGill - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I take detox herbs before and after. & drink herbal tea regularly- add the pollution daily from the chemtrail s, it’s hitting us at every angle. Lots of toiletries and household cleaning supplies are using nanotechnology too, it’s insane & unregulated.


Daphne - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Clothing too.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 19, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Do you remember how much softer real cotton was before the genetic modification was widespread?
I long for the real stuff. Way too expensive now.


Reply (1) - Nov 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 22, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I bought 2 organic towels from dr mercola. I like them but they ripped in the middle after about 6 months ( I wash everything in hot water & hi dryer because of a health issue)


Julia - Nov 19, 2023

Research chlorine dioxide and Andreas Kalcker and mms. It can be used to prevent a lot of dental issues and also to treat infections.


Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 19, 2023

Agent’s Substack

They are probably injecting everybody with NANO BOTS, to make sure there is no CONTROL GROUP to compare to the vaccinated. You see all you DUMMIES are conspiracy theorist, look at all those UNVACCINATED peopled having heart attacks under 25... Makes it harder to sue them YOU, SEE????


Piotr Bein - Nov 20, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Similarly, control groups for epidemiology of radiation, chemical pollution and what not are increasingly more difficvult to put together.
W/o injecting everyone (impossible in reality),everybodu =y willeventually get oy via transfections and deliberate spreading in our environments, food,drink and consumer products -- an option listed ca. 2005 on high-ranking conf slides on bio-warfare.


Margie Chism - Nov 19, 2023

Margie Chism

When gentry starts to over spend and their life styles do come to an end โ–  their unsustainable habits runs them to their end; I personally believe the system is so broke they rather kill off the public than confess they have failed, and are broke; they cannot manage the coffers, but sure know how to put a "I owe you note" in the box. M


Deborah Weaver - Nov 19, 2023

COVID - Collections & Opinions

I do not think this is a good thing. Anyone can then program them!


dubose tracy - Nov 19, 2023

I think many of us won't be around to care. With agenda 2030 rapidly approaching and the Deagle population reduction forecast, I believe they will kill many with this technology. Two thirds of the world took the shot so I think the damage is done already.



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