Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I was asked to evaluate Budesonide inhalation solution for Darkfield Microscopy. Below you can see significant Quantum Dot like activity. For the first time, I captured microrobots at 4000x magnification and documented the different light emissions in literal rainbow colors. I believe that the light source of the Darkfield microscope excites them, so they are better visible. All of these videos are filmed from the Budesonide solution and they were immediately visible after applying the solution to the microscope slide.
Here are stunning photographs of self assembled micro robots:
A few answered questions.
People ask me all the time what I think about different potential treatment solutions that other people recommend. The recent news that C60 or Foreign Protein detox works against nanobots is not so in my experience. I have looked at those supplements and tested them and saw no effect on nano/ micro bot activity. They were sent to me specifically for Darkfield microscopy testing and I have looked at live blood analysis after using them for several days. Similarly Nicotine does nothing against shedding. I have shown that in previous posts and shown with live blood analysis no effect on the nanotechnology.
I am cautioning against people who quote some of our research and then put their interpretation on it that has not been verified in research and live blood analysis. That is not considerate to anyone who is seriously working to investigate this field and give it scientific credibility as to save our species - nor it is respectful to the people who sincerely are looking for treatment suggestions. It is not that I want to destroy hope for people, but I have seen many misled with claims that were not verified.
So far my top list of supplements that help the microbots and hydrogel production are: Vitamin C, EDTA, Methylene Blue verifiably so and you can find the many tests I have done on this substack. Antioxidant supplements certainly help to improve overall health and I absolutely recommend them - NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Glutathione etc. But to be clear, if you specifically look at the live blood and do the blood draw to look at rubber/hydrogel development, those are the ones that have tested to actually work. I still use Nattokinase for microclotting, but I have shown people who have been on it with no improvement in their hydrogel rubbery clots.
Many people send me emails over and over to ask about what dental anesthetics are safe. I do not know. I tell my patients if you need dental work, get it done and then go and get several EDTA Chelations to get your blood cleaned.
I am working to bring truthful information for this challenging field. I have no financial conflicts of interests in my statements. I find something that works and then I recommend it so it may help others. I have invested in many things that ended up not working, so I did not recommend them. Everything I recommend, I use to protect myself. I have no bias on what the solution is supposed to look like. I have tried everything for I was the first subject who’s blood I ever saw highly contaminated. At that time I thought it was Graphene. By far one of the most shocking moments for me in contemplating the ramifications for my health and longevity. Since then I have been on the journey to save my own life from this nanotechnological weapon and help others.
My soul is not for sale.
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Telestai Nexus - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
Telestai Nexus
Dr. Ana please see this - here you can literally find top notch and detailed scientific material about everything you are finding ! the whole substack is incredible, from Dominique Guillet who called you a genius- he is the distributor of the bach flower remedies and owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world, fighting monsanto legally for more than 10 years and he is the father of 5 healthy unvaxxed kids ;-)
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Thinking Mama Bear - Nov 16, 2023
Starbear’s Blog
Is nothing safe? This saddens my heart.
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