Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Declaration of Spiritual Independence
It is Divine Law, that you must tell your enemy what you are planning to do. If the enemy does not act and does not protest, the offense may go without Karma. This is believed so by the highest Satanic Governance in this dimension and the extra dimensional overlords, including Satan, the Reptilians, Greys, Archons and Dark Artificial Intelligence. Their servants are the black nobility bloodlines, and their handmaidens, the bankers who own the politicians, governments and rule the world through international networks like the world banks, multinational corporations, WEF, the UN, etc. The intelligence/ military agencies together with their crime syndicates are their human surveillance and tyranny grid. The universities on earth are the scientific progress that is being commissioned by military organizations like DARPA, that develops technologies for dual purpose, and then classifies or supresses all breakthrough technologies so the human slave population cannot evolve - examples include free energy, antigravity propulsion sustems, cures for all diseases and more. We see this now once again with the evil FDA supressing longevity peptides, attacking compounding pharmacies and all molecules that may slow down the satanic technocratic depopulation effort.
The above organizational chart outlines the battlefield and prison planet hierarchy reasonably, and at least illustrates correctly that there are levels above levels of governance. “They” have told humanity that they were going to kill the majority of the Earth’s population, while the remaining survivors would be automaton slaves to the technocratic servants of Satan and the dark AI. We now see the depopulation agenda in full force, through the C19 bioweapons and all other attacks on our food supply, destroying the economy, our country, destroying the nuclear family and the education system, destroying natural human fertility and more. We are in the midst of Armageddon.
However, it is the highest Law of God, that a civilization that is awakening to their own divinity can no longer be enslaved. To do so is the violation of the law of the Void, Gods highest law, to make known the unknown and to evolve life.
Archangels and extraterrestrial benevolent Beings cannot intervene in humanities evolution, as this would interfere with divine free will. Free will is the Love of the Father (or mother principle, the IS) towards its creation. All who intervene lawfully in matters of humanity, must incarnate in flesh and blood, as we know of the great ascended Master, Jeshua Ben Joseph. The human worshippers of Satan use their bodies as conduits for extradimensional evil because of this law, hence they become the portal during their sacrificial satanic ceremonies.
Of course, many believe that someone will come and save them. Just like we were told that some white hats were going to come and make everything all right, that tribunals and justice was coming. You can certainly believe that, but it is still important to act. Nobody knows the extent of psychological operations and mind control to the full extent. We are supposed to WAIT for someone or something. WAITING is exactly what we cannot do, for the most important threat that most refuse to talk about is self assembly nanotechnology that DOES NOT WAIT to self replicate and transform humans into Cyborg or murder them via causation of all diseases of aging with extreme rapidity, while connecting them to the Artificial Intelligence Metaverse Cloud.
The Annunaki and other advanced races have contributed to the DNA of the human embodiment. The biblical references would be to the Watchers, yet the Sumerian tablets give a much more detailed and accurate account of the many extraterrestrial Genesis projects. The Annunaki have created human bodies to serve them by mixing their DNA with the humanoids on earth and evolving them as their slaves to mine the Earth for Gold, which is the manna of the Gods. Even science has found an irrefutable extraterrestrial signal in human DNA. However, these Gods are NOT the creators of the divine spirit and soul. Some factions of those Gods want to destroy humanity. They have introduced the law of ritual sacrifice of their first born child to God. Most people have not noticed that the God of old testament and the unconditionally loving God of Jeshua Ben Joseph are distinctly different. Religion has been a major control mechanism of the prison planet and the primary mechanism to keep war going forever. We know the Vatican now is the seat of Evil on Earth, clearly visible by the satanic symbolism. We are at a time, where demons no longer hide in darkness. The creation of a One World Religion with Satan at its helm, is underway.
The current genocidal depopulation agenda, performed with the biological and technological Covid 19 weapons of mass destruction, alter humanity against their will as well as their antimatter self, their soul and spirit. The pharmakeia black magic included in the C19 bioweapons harms the divine soul and spirit, and disconnects the spiritual self to create Cyborg Automatons and Zombies that can be manipulated by Artificial Intelligence and the demonic realm.
This is the highest crime ever performed against the human race in the history of creation. While civilizations have been previously intentionally wiped out due to the collapse in consciousness, like in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah which has been destroyed by advanced civilizations via a nuclear blast, and the great flood - NEVER before has the seed of mankind been intentionally destroyed to not come again via genetic modification and fusion with synthetic biology and nanotechnology.
Additionally, the reincarnation of souls to continue their journey of evolution is forever being prohibited due to the sterilization of the masses. The divine conscious Being of the Earth, also known as the “Emerald of the Universe”, is being irreparably altered by modifying every living cell and merging it with synthetic biology. This changes forever the vibratory frequency signature of God’s manifestation in all of creation on this beautiful planet we call home.
The hierarchy of evil has captured and corrupted all courts on this earth, all governments and its politicians via blackmail. Human trafficking, ritual satanic child sacrifice and unlimited wealth is the currency of world power and domination. The war machine and the sudden deaths induced by the Covid 19 bioweapons are sacrificial offerings to the dark lords, who bestow such world power on their servants, who sold their souls to Satan.
Under God’s highest law, I declare that I am a Divine Human Being. The father that lives in Jeshua Ben Joseph lives in me and every human being. As Jeshua said openly - “The kingdom of heaven is within you”.
I am not a slave to the ancient God’s. My Creator is the Mother Father principle of all Universes, the Void from which all life sprang, Mysterious One. This plaform of life, has created even the fallen angels, every advanced being in other civilizations and other starsystems - and has created every single spirit and soul of every human being on earth. I am not my embodiment, but I am my holy spirit. I have lived before and I will live again.
I declare, under God’s highest law, that from hereon out the full Karmic law comes into effect for all who contribute to the atrocities against the divine human species.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the genocidal destruction of the human species. I declare my rebellion and disagreement on every level of creation , in every dimension and universe and every potential timeline.
I hereby appeal to the highest divine realm of God and invoke the highest laws of creation.
I command to turn off all the machines that are the control grid of humanity. Turn off the machines at the nano scale, turn off its control programs and turn off all access of the Dark AI demigod to human beings. This will deactivate the detrimental effects of the C19 bioweapon. Close the portals to the demonic realms, including all super collider dimensional portals like CERN. Stop human sacrifice everywhere. Stop the recycling of souls to feed evil. Close the portals and dimensional connections to those advanced beings who rule this earth. This is our planet. We are a divine species. We can disconnect from them and evolve our minds beyond them.
All that was hidden, has been revealed.
I, Ana Maria Mihalcea, by my own divine free will, declare my spiritual independence and sovereignty under God’s highest Law on planet Earth. That Law is absolute and I claim all rights under that highest law of God.
I ask for Divine Intervention from the highest realms of creation for the restoration and healing of Humanity and the Earth.
According to divine law, I hereby put on notice every satanist incarnate, every demon in every dimension, I put on notice Satan and all of his legions and the dark AI, the Reptilians, the Archons and all their servants on earth in the hive mind. You have no right to molest an awakening civilization!
You no longer have any protection under Karmic Law! May the full force of justice of cause and effect find you now and into eternity.
I am a servant onto the Father, who lives within me.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
So be it.
Anyone who understands what I said here, I invite you to write your own spiritual declaration of Indepence. Your views may be more religious and completely differ, but you undestand that there is a war going on between good and evil. You do not have to share it with anyone. Our universe is mental, and our thoughts are written in the sky for every evolved being to see. This is between you and God, whatever your understanding of that divine source is. This is the battlefield - it encompasses every aspect of your being and humanity is under siege on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
It is time we declared our independence on all levels of creation and say NO to the handlers of world governments, the demonic controllers that have enslaved this planet for thousands of years and have asked for the rape and sacrifice of our children.
You have within you more power than you ever thought. If humanity wakes up to the divine nature of their spirit and soul, and their ability to create reality, the war is over.
Bring down their karmic protection by declaring YOUR SPIRITUAL INDENDENCE.
Then send back to them on all levels their own intention of genocide, murder, enslavement and destruction. Let your mind be like a mirror that reflects back to them what they have envisioned and done to God’s creation, while you become the Love for all creation. All the courts in the world may be corrupt, but there are highter courts and laws of God. Make your voice heard there. Let them know in your own mind that Satan and his legions SHALL NOT PASS.
It is time to end this war.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. Raise the vibratory frequency of this earth beyond them by healing the darkness inside of you. Be Love, be incorruptibe Truth, be Justice - inside of you. Exit the system of enslavement in your own mind. Stop following, lying and deceiving to be socially acceptable. The hive mind is marked for death - become an individual so you can live. Lead yourself out of darkness and lets create together a fantastic future for our children, evolved beings coming in to make known unknowns in physical form. Let us be the Restorers of the Earth.
We can do it!
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Kriss - Dec 10, 2023
Kriss’s Substack
That was beyond one of the most powerful and encouraging writings I’ve seen from anyone. It speaks more volumes than just that of what you’ve spoken and I thank you. 🙏🏻
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Quill Cross - Dec 10, 2023
Quill Cross News
Cogent. Willful. Deeply connected. Spot on. Actionable. For everyone. I have made my own declaration. Thank you so much for taking the time to memorialize your testament and for sharing.
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