That was beyond one of the most powerful and encouraging writings I’ve seen from anyone. It speaks more volumes than just that of what you’ve spoken and I thank you. ππ»
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Cogent. Willful. Deeply connected. Spot on. Actionable. For everyone. I have made my own declaration. Thank you so much for taking the time to memorialize your testament and for sharing.
What a wonderful post. Here are some of my own thoughts =
If you pray, raise your arms up to the blue skies. Close your eyes and let the sunlight shine on your face. Look up at the sun, the moon and the stars and give thanks for the day. Your human eyes cannot stand to look at the sun, but your spirit can. It will realize the light is where it came from, it will remember the bright Light of which it originates. It will remember the Source of all being.
Listen to the whisper of the wind in the treetops. Your human ears will not be able to hear the voice, but your spirit will. Some aboriginals can still hear the heartbeat of the earth, the sound of the mountains, the voice of the trees. Don’t go in the darkness to say your prayer and do not bough your head, rise up to the skies though, and feel the sunlight on your skin.
Don’t ask for intermediates, don’t go to other humans. You are spirit and you can go to the Spirit, you can hear and see for yourself. You can, your spirit will remember how.
Know that the One is with you. Know that there is only One, and you are it. All there is, is Spirit.
All is Spirit, and nothing is separate from it.
(freely after Marcus Aurelius)
If you want to read a holy book, do not take those that describe elaborate wars. Do not take the books, that talk of slaughtering, murders, sacrifices, hatred, war. Do not go to the books full of rage, killing, death. These books are not a living source.
How can a holy book proclaim to be a source of life, when it tells hardly anything but blood and guts. Rape, killing, sacrifice of blood is not from a living source, but from a well of death.
Yeshua Jesus says, " I AM the way and the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me. " John 14:6 If you want to get to the Holy Spirit, you will have to have a saving relationship through Jesus. As far as violent books go, the Bible is a history book that records the evil deeds of people, Satan and the fallen angels, to teach us a moral lesson, ie. don't follow evil people and don't practice evil deeds. Have you ever read the Psalms and the book of Proverbs? The are full of wisdom and praise of the Most High God. Not only that, the prophecy in the Bible is 100% accurate. Can any other book in the world claim this? There are over 300 prophecies written about Jesus the Messiah, centuries before He came down from heaven and entered our world. Yeshua HaMeshiach fullfilled every one perfectly. I hope you will seriously consider the claims of Messiah. Your salvation depends on who you say He is.
Thank you. Apparently many people are being tricked into believing this New Age hijacking of Christianity. We are not little gods (divine beings), we are created by God. The Bible is His Word, and people need to read it.
Current day Gnosticism with creative tweaking. Been there, done that (as well as studying Islam, Buddhism, yoga, meditation, etc., etc.), born again at 48. Praise God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ! Jesus is king!
Thanks for these words! We can simply claim the blood of Christ and the armor of God as our defense against satan. I don’t know what all this other stuff is Mihalcea is talking about but there is only one way and that is through Christ. He’s the only one that died for me. I think we’re going to see a lot of weird satanic things in the near future. Satan doesn’t care what you worship or claim against him as long as it’s not Jesus. We need Jesus, His Holy Spirit and God the Father more than ever. Deceptions are coming upon the earth and we need to live by a “thus saith the Lord!”
The Hebrews often worshipped satanic religions throughout the ages, as captured in the Old Testament. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were accused of the same by Jesus himself in the New Testament. The Jews that didn't follow Christ haven't changed in the last 2000 years. They still wish to execute Christians as people promoting heresies and have an International Effort, similar to Islam, to get their laws brought into the 'law of the land' from whence they can execute all Christians. Look up Noahide laws and study how many US Presidents have signed laws to institute those principles into US law; even Trump signed an 'Education' law that somehow includes Noahide laws.
The Talmudic Jews and the Muslims both see Christians as the enemy and have books/laws that require they be killed if they won't convert.
Satan has created or taken over both religions?
Knowledge is power and this information isn't taught in Sunday School or in sermons in the church. We (Christians) are supposed to be sly as foxes, but we've been mislead by non-Christians and false Christians for centuries. The state of Israel is not a people, but merely a state/country hiding behind the veil of Semitism.
The nation of Israel (Jacob's people) = Jews, by blood. However, Israel (the state) = Jew. Just because a person can carry a Jewish passport doesn't make them a Biblical Jew (protected by Zionist Evangelicals due to their ignorance of the Bible and history). Typically they are simply Israel residents or Zionists waiting for their 'true' messiah because they refuse to believe, even to this day, that Jesus was the Messiah.
Thus, to this day, Jews believe as Saul of Tarsus did - that all believers must be eliminated (by decapitation, no less, just like Muslims do).
“Our manly ways and stern simplicity wreak much confusion to the enemy's councils. For they are men yet garb themselves as women, wearing wigs and finery and lace.” ― Oliver Cromwell
Do you really think the true Supreme Creative mind of all worlds seen and unseen, can be stuffed into one little fabricated belief box , one little forged book, one little openly fabricated history for the brutal sake of absolute control over humanity for millennia. That such a CREATOR is a cruel , judgemental , insecure , jealous , punishing HE. There are 20 miles of hallways , floor to ceiling in the VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES with half a MILLION hidden important pieces of human history for 10, 000 years . 84, 000 volumes of the same have just been found in one Tibetan monastery , showing 10,000 years of human history in 4 languages. ALL HIDDEN dont you think we are all missing some important info. Everyone spouting this formal religiouys nonsense is just repeating what someone else told them with zero research.
Forged book? But you believe that all of those secret archives are true? Believe me, if they had anything to discredit the Bible, it would have been put out there long ago. No one has been able to discredit anything about Jesus. His coming was predicted numerous times in the OT and confirmed in the NT. The more likely scenario is that those secret archives confirm the Bible and the dark side cannot take that risk.
“Our manly ways and stern simplicity wreak much confusion to the enemy's councils. For they are men yet garb themselves as women, wearing wigs and finery and lace.” ― Oliver Cromwell
All the Popes wear a yarmulke and pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . they are Jewsuits . . .
The Jewish Origins of the Jesuits . . . (Jewsuits) . . .
[23] The fairies in what nation soever they converse have but one universal king, which some poets of ours call King Oberon; but the Scripture calls Beelzebub, prince of demons. The ecclesiastics likewise, in whose dominions soever they be found, acknowledge but one universal king, the Pope.
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan: with selected variants from the Latin edition of 1668. Ed. Edwin Curley. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994 . . . Part IV. Of the Kingdom of Darkness . . . Chap. xlvii. Of the Benefit that proceedeth from such Darkness, and to Whom it Accrueth . . .
Jesus Christ is The Word. That is His name in Heaven. The Bible is the living Word of God. We are made in the image of God in Heaven. Through Christ we have His authority to cast out demons and bind them when we are born again and baptized by the fired of The Holy Spirit.
We are not little gods. Satan is a liar and father of it.
One of the prophecies beyond Jesus’ control is his birthplace. A census was called at the last minute and it required a very pregnant woman to travel, most likely by foot, to Bethlehem. What are the chances. There are no coincidences. I pray the Holy Spirit acts fast and draws Ana away from the new age (Gnostic) trap that preaches things like the Akashic Record and other nonsense. Been there. Done that. Waste of time! Ana, I pray that Jesus will reach out and touch you and allow you to feel, if only for a moment, the peace that surpasses all understanding to help you turn away from the UN saving nonsense and turn back to the king of kings, only. Only! Jesus is the bridge. He is the way. The Holy Spirit is the helper. God is in control, regardless. You will find the truth eventually, but the sooner the better. We need apostles that speak the truth and don’t ‘tickle ears’. Jesus warned that those that follow him will have to bear their own cross and that the journey will be tough, but he is with every believer sharing the work, sharing the struggle by manning the other side of the yoke. Do not be deceived!!! Demons = aliens and other dark beings, in my humble opinion. The goal of Lucifer is to destroy God’s creation, period. Do not comply and do not be complicit. May the peace and understanding that comes through the Holy Spirit bless you and keep you as you make your journey through this incredibly short time on Earth! I prayed that you be chosen to be saved and become an outspoken ambassador for Christ. May God bless you and have mercy on you.
It is a prime heresy of the Fallen Church of our time that the New Testament 'establishes' a God of Unconditional Love which overthrows the necessity of the Law. Referrals throughout the New Testament are aways back to the Law as found in the Old Testament. New Testament Christians are still to fear God as the beginning of Wisdom ... and Christians are to love what God Loves and hate what God hates. To wit, the New Testament upholds and affirms God's moral Law.
This is but one area wherein Orthodox Christians by doctrine will take exception to certain statements having been made in the article. This said, may Evil never prosper.
I agree. The Gospel is simple yet complex at the same time. My king was mocked and I expect no better. I am blessed and look forward to the wedding feast. My soul cries out every day “come Lord Jesus!” God is the being that will reveal to the wise how foolish they are.
Keep following the playbook. You may never understand that the universe is much greater than followers of a script.
And you are in fear of god, okay enjoy your fear. The Red Sea parted, yeah sure...
That is complete fabricated story absolutely not true and openly admitted stolen from the story of Krisna [which is Christ in Sanscrit language] 1,550 years previously. Not a single story in the accepted versions of this book are original they are ALL borrowed from previous history, figures and achievements all the way back to ancient Egypt. There are at least 16 nearly exact stories way before this historical period and as many as 34 very nearly identical. Santa Claus , the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are fun , imaginative stories for little children, if adults continue to believe them, base their lives upon them, and believe these characters are their eternal salvation. We have problem. Now torture , and murder everyone who doesnt believe these tales , has a different history and tradition, and much more unlimited understanding of reality for 2000 years and you have a formal religion based on FEAR, and CONTROL. Now when that/those organizations launch themselves into the rest of the world and murder 100 million indigenous people. We have what has brought us to their latest agenda . Depopulate 8/10 ths of the real humans , and turn the rest into cyborg slave machines governed by A.I, and you have our current reality. With the Jesuit Pope leading the genocide by calling upon the faithful to take the death shots , as an act of love.
The Krishna claim is apparently an old one and is accompanied by many others, according to the article linked at the end of this paragraph. You can educate yourself here about the false logic used in failed efforts to disprove Jesus as the Son of God:
Georgia guide stones: 500 million left out of 8 billion. That's less than 7% left not the 20% (8/10ths gone) you note.
Fear is an awesome motivator - 93% of college educated people in the USA got vaccinated, because of fear and misinformation promoted by Fauci, et al. He did his fair share to start killing people beginning with AIDS and his miracle 'AIDS cure' which killed more than it saved.... just like Remdesivir.
Amen. 10 For a day in thy courts [is] better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
11 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good [thing] will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
12 O LORD of hosts, blessed [is] the man that trusteth in thee. (Psalms 84:10, KJV)
Thanks for posting this. The new aggie stuff is deceptive and misleading, but Jesus Christ the Righteous is True and forever. I am a child of the most high God of all gods and a follower of Jesus who was Lamb and is coming as a mighty Lion.
Anna it is definitely newagie stuff, it is ancient knowlwedge that new age Christianity has nidden and removed from the BIBLE so we will nor empower ourselves.
I did not say there aren't any beautiful pages in the bible - you name some of my favorites. But most of the bible books are indeed, history. Some passages are mostly forgotten. like where a father is advized to kill his child rather than ask questions, or where 2 girls have sex with their father. Or where a prophet offers his young daughters to a male visitor. That are indeed the books to be forgotten.
When I have the choice though, I rather not read someone else's love letters, I rather be with my LOve.
I do not argue about your religious belief. I just prefer to have a first hand experience instead of trusting the old, manyfold 'corrected' writings.
All that and much worse stuff was the common behavior and practice in those times , and the actual behavior of those creating the unholy roman catholic church was the most corrupted and debauched and murderous in all history. Because we are dealing with the Roman empire , virtually the entire population was suffering extreme lead poisoning and VD. All water to any Roman controlled area was piped in lead pipes.
None of those things that you mentioned are anymore than a historic record. In other words, they happened, but they were not the Mosaic law. The end of those books say.. "...and men in those days did what was right in their own eyes'. Just as we are seeing to this very day. Which accounts for all the atrocities then and now,.. men are not obeying the will of the lord God.
WOW...I’m speechless. Dr. Ana, this is breathtaking! I want to read it a few times and go from there. I feel your words in my soul. I think many of “us” do.
Thank you.
We have to rise up. Prayer must be followed by action. Like now.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Comment on this essay::
Bruce, are you an American? Should every "nation" develop a separate declaration? That's not in the Spirit's spirit.
"reinstate Trump as our president" -- that clown has been banksters & Zionists' clown years before they put him in office!
You are still asleep but write declarations for us to read and approve? No way!
Well the planks of the PPF agenda are universal. As for Trump I suppose the only thing I can say is "better than Biden." Yes I wish for someone better but it is pretty obvious he will be the Republican candidate being 50 points ahead of the remaining field. The only way he could loose is if he is taken off the ballot which would probably start a Civil War. Just saying. Neither the US or EU can withstand more immigration.
Please share widely. Updated 12/09/2023. For those that read my essays they tend to be long and contain what I think to be the best videos and sources. It would take many hours just to watch the videos in a single essay. The focus of this essay is three-fold: the Global rejection of Mass Immigration, the rejection of the lying globalist corporate media and an end to the censorship of Anti-Globalist internet journalism. After nearly 15 years of Mass Immigration both the people and governments, throughout the planet, are rejecting the globalist UN's policies of Open Borders along with their broader globalist agenda of forced vaccination and digital currency. Like the French Revolution the people put up with being disenfranchised for years. Then in a span of months they united and rose up against their elites. I think that is what we are seeing happening now on a global scale. It is my hope that the people of planet Earth unite behind the "Put People First" (PPF) Agenda in order to stop the Globalist Agenda once and for all. It is time.
If nothing else read the section where Van Jones labels Vivek Ramaswamy as a Nazi for bringing up the Great Replacement theory (Mass Immigration of largely Fundamentalist Muslims), which of course is exactly what is happening in both the US and EU. Also worth a watch, video with Biden saying (2015) white people becoming an absolute minority in America is "a good thing" and that a continuously Open Border is a “good thing.” If you read my newest essay it is clear no one wants more immigration.
To Biden and all Globalist Leaders: Go F**k yourselves
The globalist use of censorship, hate speech accusations and immigration must stop now
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Excellent. And there are those setting up broader communities as well for us to join together in and move beyond the demonic (legal) slavery system which has hijacked our true identities in Divine law.
Most of this is good idea but how will you implement it now . DJT as president is very bad idea . Take a real look at his history , take a good look at his unlawful EUA activation,, Operation warp speed, JAN 6TH false flag event , now cheering for total ww3 destruction in Gaza on behalf of the controllers of terrorist state of Israel. This does not mean Im for any democrat evil administration in power now , they are ALL controlled opposition.
I agree mostly, but mRNA injections should be out right banned, as should any covid injections. After all, they shed nanotech. And just curious, why legalise psylocybin? I object to abortion. I agree with Piotr about Donald Trump. Sorry,but I haven’t looked at your links yet, I will, but short on time now.
Of course one of the planks is "No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance," but I will give some thought to "no mRNA injections." I've thought of scratching off the psilocybin though it is becoming pretty well accepted. As for abortion. Most people think an abortion should be allowed through the 2nd trimester. I'm not for abortion but think it is a right of bodily autonomy just as is refusing an mRNA injection. And finally while I'm not a big fan of Trump it is highly likely he will become the Republican candidate. All I can say there is "better than Biden." Thanks for writing.
I often think that there’s a cognitive step-up required to grasp what’s going on. And those of us on that rung need to reach out and lift the spiritually hungry up. Ana did exactly that in this post. It’s her “Clarence Oddbody” post and in this Christmas Season it has given all of us a chance to celebrate Zuzu’s petals.
The more people that read this and share this the more powerful it becomes . That is the power of collective thinking. As one individual we are more powerful than we can possibly imgine. Collectively we are unstopabla!
This is wishful thinking Dear Dr. Ana and that is why this is a sect that believes that if THEY HAVE SAID, INFORMED, THERE IS NO KARMA.
It doesn't work that way.
The law of action and reaction is much simpler - if you plant a seed, you get a certain plant.
So, if you cause suffering, your blind belief WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM FUTURE SUFFERING.
If these people had a vision that would let them see what's coming FOR THEM, they'd cut off their limbs so they wouldn't get involved in causing this harm.
The now worldwide occult-based death cult behind what is happening today practice a black magic blood sacrifice every year to disconnect all bad karmic connections formed due to their own bad actions over each previous year from themselves and then graft any of these karmic connections, which are a actual subtle physical substance like a channel of auric energy, onto an innocent and defenceless creature such as a chicken instead, so that the chicken is then condemned to suffer all karmic repercussions on behalf of all members of that black magic sect, there is hardly a fouler crime, or a fouler form of black magic, it is called kapparot, and has even been extended to being practiced on kidnapped Christian children around the time of Purim over many centuries, there are many accounts of this thoroughly documented and well-proven, that is one of the reasons why those who practice this demonic kind of occult-based behaviour have been thrown out of cities and nations over 1,300 times over many hundreds of years, so those responsible have no fear of the conscequences of any bad karma at all, they know how to get rid of it by grafting their own bad karmic auric connections onto innocents so that the victimised innocents are made to take the blame and the consequences of the sins of cult members instead, with the innocent creatures then suffering terribly in their future lives on behalf of the real sinners, and maybe this is something to do with why chickens suffer so terribly in intensive battery farms and nobody seems to be able to stop that from happening while this world remains under such dark powers. Those who do that black magic make themselves unfit to rise spiritually as long as they persist in their selfish cruelty and bad actions against all others, though the real God sees what they do in this lower world nonetheless. But only those willing to love on an actually Godly level can live amongst the infinite community of loving souls in the spiritual dimension, those who selfishly hate and abuse all others remain restricted to material dimensions for as long as they persist in such things, and by their own hand.
Eventually, all souls wake up again spiritually back to the place of their ultimate spiritual origin in God, though that may take millions of lifetimes for some of the worst criminal recidivists who choose to persist for so long in being addicted to needless hatred and anger and cruel and selfish exploitation of others.
Mountain top sacrifice/s β The worse I have seen has been in the mountains of Hawaii; and if the evil spirit screams are not coming from the dead then the wild hogs I never saw. M
I think your comment needs expanding further especially as regards the second line to explain everything in full, as I cannot see what you are saying here.
Mo - I do not recieve your statement, I send it back to you double; in Jesus Name. β As a solo hiker for over 50 years, the most current evidence of sacrifice/s I walked upon has been North of Pearl Harbor. Under the Grand Power lines; chicken sacrifice/s were offered and remains of those rituals including more practices did surround that top. M
Then please talk in plain language when you write, how is anyone expected to be able to decipher any real meaning from such cryptic nonsense? Jesus never existed. Even the Muslim scholar Ahmed Deedat has proven beyond the slightest doubt with clearly demonstrable instances of fraud and plagiarism in the Bible that the Bible is fraudulent and not the word of God. Of course, even the alleged Bible Jesus and the alleged Muslim prophet Issa are stated to have lived centuries apart at two very different periods in 'history', and in truth, neither of them ever existed, both Islam and Christianity are mind-control cults operating and maintained even on a psychic level, ultimately generated from influences controlled by the Judaic cult. Even Hamas today was created by the Israeli Mossad as controlled opposition.
Mo - October 29, 1972 I was caught up as a nine year old, the last week of being nine. β I testify personally that YHVH is the Lord God and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ is there at the throne. I did receive Jesus that day, yet it was difficult for me knowing what I knew; I had viewed Jesus as a community trouble maker. As far as my last reply to you, I do not expect all to know, nor all to believe because there is a veil; many are called, few are choosen. As far as what I may share, I share what I should. It rains on the just and the unjust. M
I understand your comments on karma.
Even so, can you separate the small bits of what you don't agree with and see the bigger picture…the incredible power in the rest…recognize the rightness in what is offered here?
Yes indeed , the law of karma is self inflicted. It starts producing effects from the inception of the thought that precipitates the corresponding act , for good or for evil .The refferences about "cutting off the limbs "as suggested by Jesus are connected to the energy required to bring a thought into action. . Therefore any evil intention must be cut off / stopped/ cauterized from its inception in the mind before it reaches executory organs such as the hands and eyes with which we act upon those self created thoughts. Karma is integral part of God ' s divine laws and the individual effects are carried on lifetime after lifetime to be eventually extinguished completelly by self effort in the purifying steps of spiritual evolution .The universal concept of reincarnation abolished from various orthodox doctrines such as the creeds of Niceea and Constantinopol in 325- 381 a.d , can explain or justify any of the crimes and genocides we witness as direct consequences of karma to be paid off. Rarely we see also others karma taken on by pure saints and sages who are strong enough to withstand the pain and torture.
Spoken with a scientific mind.
This is beyond science and cause and affect, to understand the mind is shut down and the spiritual pathways are opened ans set free.
But remember this, do not wish them harm, but send love and forgiveness less you create karma of your own.
In this awareness there is no place for hate or blame or judgement. The frequency that is called LOVE will heal all.
That doesn't sound right. It is not for us to pronounce judgement on 'these people'. It is not for us to think we can know what their prognosis is. If viewing them as human, but possessed by demons, it is just that they know not what they they are possessed!
The message from Ana addresses us being an aspect of Source, to fully take on and face, without flinch, the dark forces. Forces which are powerless unless we let them manipulate us.
It is our priority to be informed how the world operates, and forge our own personal way ahead. We manifest where we are on our journey of enabling our loving capacities. As true love is creation and invincibility. The 'Armour of God' is here within. We press on...
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Someone believes that if they say something, they are not responsible for harming someone.
People believe different things, but that won't change the law.
Cold vs Hot, Ying vs Yang, Darkness vs Light, Evil vs Good. This is a raging battle between those two forces since ancient times. It separates the wheat from the chaff. While homeless and GPS tracked since 7-19-23, Being physically mentally psychologically tortured, burned daily, by domestic terrorists, being shot several times per day with lasers and DEWs from on foot, vehicles (cars, trucks), helicopters, airplanes, drones, weaponized cell towers, satellites, being called names, called mentally ill or implying MH issues by LE and Med Urgent Care Staff who falsify med evidence of the crime- ongoing homicide by ongoing electronic torture as a constipation or mental illness it makes me marvel at the magnitude and evil propensity and depravity of the human race, while being in the front line suffering greatly, it gives me a glimpse daily of the institutionalized rooted evil in this world. It makes me understand why God destroyed humanity with the great Flood Genesis 6:5-9:29, Jeremiah 17:9 and why destroyed the Tower of Bable, and why He sacrificed his Divine Son for the sins of the fallen world including my own. By using torture, the terrorists are hoping I will cross into their sick twisted dark world of crime and violence. I am joining Dietrich Bonhoeffer and all Christian martyrs and believers in denouncing the nazis and communist's takeover of this constitutional republic. The servants of Darkness may torture, burn, kill my body, but my Spirit belongs to God. So today I publicly declare I am a Child of the Most High God and I break all generational curses and spells and that no weapons formed against me shall prosper, and that I am crossing from Darkness into the Divine Light, and that I am a faithful sheep of Yeshua my Sheperd, who will lead me to into everlasting life and eternal greener pastures. Come Lord Jesus come. Amen. Soli Deo Gloria.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Thank you, friend! I don't know and I am not into any games but thank you for honoring the Lord our God and me. May the Lord keep you and shine on you. Dimitar.
it is a very old game , when we humans had a more pure , clean , child like brain . one person would say a riddle , the other person would try to solve it by guessing , and the 1st . person would reply either "you are cold" [far from the truth] , or "you are hot" [close to the truth] . & do not worry D ! JUDGEMENT DAY is closer than we think . !!!
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
I Am One with the Creator of all things,
I accept my responsibility
I Am a silken wave of conciousness singing in the great spiritual orchestra of divine creation,
I take my place as an instrument of divine will.
I command all evil wrought upon the earth to be banished now and always.
I wield the greatest power now, of love and co-creative manifestation which I direct toward peace, abundance, goodness, and love being alive and well on earth now.
I command evil bankers, politicians, health providers, hating, violent and satanic beings to come to the living light of peace now, or to now leave this time space continuum for eternity, without one more atom of destruction being allowed.
And so it is.
Satan would be a Megalomaniac Psychopath and the Bible describes him as a man. Revelation 13:16-18. Patent owner of W02020060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Technologies Licensing LLC. Will enough people hold him accountable for the deaths this nanotechnology has already caused. Patent W02012148684 A1 is another abomination!
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to Mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds...
Oh Lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgment day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of Judgment, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...
Oh Lord, yeah!
Those who have masterminded this evil, genocidal plan are breaking Universal Law. Quoting Jeffrey Daugherty: "We are divine, sovereign, and free, and will not go on bended knee. We were born with the spark of divinity from within, and were not born with original sin."Thank you very much, Dr. Ana, for bravely stepping forward and so eloquently laying out what "must" be done. May this wake up many millions, (billions?) who will take a stand with you to stamp out this evil and reclaim our sovereignty and live peaceful and happy lives.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Satan and his minions know their time is short, our father in heaven has promised all who put their trust and faith in the death, burial and resurrection shall have ever lasting life. Repent and except Him as your personal savior. John 3:16
I even pray for that the Lord will touch the hearts of those who are doing all this harm to humanity just like he touched the heart of Saul who became Paul, what a glorious miracle.
Whenever I start to feel ill will towards evil humans, I'm reminded of how awesome God is because he loves all his creation; all humans. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is their savior and repents from their sins; shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit as a result. Everyone can become right with the Lord. My God (your God) is that big; that awesome.
Yikes. That's a lot of new age jumble, just the way satan likes it, to mix in some Godly sounding stuff with pure chaos. Revelation clearly defines the beast/antichrist as roman catholicism, so they are the silent hand driving all of satan's schemes on earth.
OT and NT are one in the same, with the NT quoting OT in 60 percent of its texts. God says, "I am God, I change not."
This chart above is just a confused mess that has some foundational accuracy, but way more chaotic jumble from esoteric sources that don't recognize the sovereignty of God.
Sorry but if you cannot SEE it then you are not awake to the deceptions of religions. A pure religion will not disempower and make its followers dependent, the notion of GOD has been disrupted and misused to try to make us disempowered. They have suptly, over many years and millenia, used Religious philosophies to devide us,
True Christianity or any other philosophy is inclusive and understanding and allows all types of other philosophies to abide in freedom and peace.
Separate Christianity from Religion and dogma, and see what ti really means!
True Christianity follows Gods morals, which allow other religions and people's to make horrible, and even destructive choices. Most other religions don't care what you believe, hence really don't have anything to offer. If you think everything is relative, try jumping off a 10 story building because gravity is relative, see how relative realities are.
Dont know where you would get that idea Gods morals ? Like you know them or christianity lives them? Or know where the true ones and works are , the actual history is the most murderous evil institutions on earth. Its easy to blame the founding unholy roman empire catholic church , but all the rest follow the same fabricated, forged, deleted preposterous story , have done most the same actions and done nothing to eradicate the evil ones. They all live in fear and have an extraordinarily limited perception of a man made god. Suggest any other possibility to them, and they resort to spiritual terrorism by telling you how you will burn and suffer for eternity. If I can burn and suffer for eternity , then I must be an eternal being, so if thats the case and I have free will , I will go somewhere wonderful for eternity.
God calls us to understand his truth, but we must be patient with those who don't understand, yet have a desire for the truth, as Ana obviously has.
She is a courageous sole, not afraid to look evil in the eye and say what it is. It is God that opens our eyes to what good is, and we can pray for Ana and all people who see the evil in this world that they may also see how to be a light of God: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Mat 5:16)
We all need God's help to be a light to this world.
We need to pray that Dr. Ana breaks free of the New Age brain washing and come to know the truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible. She is doing good in her work but she is being led astray in her faith.
I agree we should pray for her.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, I would respectfully ask you to read Dr. Tenpenny's Substack from today and last Sunday regarding New Age Christianity. I was very surprised to see some of the wording you used.
You've clearly never read your Bible and are merely regurgitating the teachings of Constatine. Nothing she said is not within the Bible or historical artifacts that predate the publication of the Bible.
I guess your perceptions are not as omnipotent as you must think they are. I have read my Bible for 60 years, and have marked it from stem to stern, teach classes in church, etc. I find Constantine nothing more than a political hack that thought attaching himself to religion would solidify his power.
I have also studied closely all these so-called historical facts, and they come from nothing more than pagan civilizations that rebelled against the God who created the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is in it. Anything that is not worshipping Him is worshipping satan by default.
There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS floor to ceiling in the SECRET VATICAN ARCHIVES hiding everything important about 10,000 years of human history and all the documents, scrolls, books , artifacts and more that show the bible as most know it is complete fraud. You have not studied the historical facts because they keep it all hidden, rewrote the history to their agendas and killed anyone disagreeing or with different knowledge history , perceptions and practices. You are worshiping satan by default as well because all this truth is hidden, you just think you got it right, based on a fraudulent , forged , deleted , altered fabricated book openly admitted by it creators to be that.
Then, by your own admission, you obviously don't know anything, as everything is hidden from you too.
Why are you so intent on ranting about all this drivel that you think is hidden and just read the Bible, as is revealed by God and try to love your neighbour instead of proclaiming your own perfection and righteousness.
Wake up. Grow up, or shut up.
Nothing screams liar than someone who claims to do all such things but clearly hasn’t. That or you clearly do not understand the teachings of Yeshua. I’m not going to go back and forth with you though. Believe what you want. I’m on my own evolutionary path.
I have read the Bible cover to cover twice. I have also read many books from Christians who escaped the New Age. I have not read anything from Constantine. I urge you to seek some solid Christian teaching and turn away from any church that teaches false doctrine.
Look, this lady is out doing Gods work. That speaks for itself. I’m not going to have an ego stroking contest in the comment section on who read the most pages of their Bible or not. To read and to understand are mutually exclusive. Also, Constantine was a powerful, political, public figure—not a disciple. This further reiterates my point regarding people’s understanding of how the Bible was manipulated. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I stand by what I said because it makes the most sense to me and resonates within me. This will be my last comment for anyone else who wants to throw their Bible at me.
I was not stroking my ego, I was defending myself against what you said with the facts. I never said Constantine was a disciple. The problem with the New Agers is just that, they believe what "resonates with me" instead of the real message of the Bible which is about Him.
I pray that Dr. Ana continues to explore her sovereignty and freedom from religion.
I pray that all believers will respect the free will of others, especially those who do not subscribe to biblical or any abrahamic tomes.
I vow that I will never pray for anyone to embrace my personal beliefs.
So if someone is being sucked into the occult you should say nothing? Many are being misled while thinking that they are following Jesus. I just want people to be aware of what is going on and to recognize the tricks of the New Age. They are free to do as they wish, but they should enter with their eyes open.
Well said. I really like Ana, but when people get themselves immersed in the morass of new age psychobabble, it's a deep, dark pit that is hard to get out of.
I am trying to read the OT it is amazing/ theoria on yt an orthodox christian channel just did a write up on the OT. ike says the ot God is a tyrant. Harold Kautz Vella talks trauma trauma trauma then winces regarding abraham/ issac. 80's new age indoctrination.
All the countries around Israel had one goal and that was to wipe them out. The same as you love your family and would protect them, God knew the hardness of the pagan nation's hearts, and He loved His people and did tough things to protect and preserve them. There would have been none left if He hadn't.
It’s amazing that people don’t realize that the same evil exposed in the OT is present and active today. The people that perished were the raping, killing, Satan worshipers of the time that sacrificed babies, as is claimed to be occurring today. The OT is a testament to the inherent evil of man and shows how easy we are deceived. The history of the golden calf is a great example. When Jesus came, the leaders of the Jewish religion had all but destroyed the religion through all the add-ons. The Pharisees and Sadducees corrupted God’s word. The Jews were turning away and the ability to record (write) the word had come to pass. Jesus came to reveal the mystery of the OT. To pull all the pieces together. It shows how devout followers will distort the truth over time. They will add to the word. And it happens to this day. Roman Catholicism (the antichrist), Islam, the re-creation of the Word by false prophets (Mormons). The truth is in the Bible. May all that have eyes, see, and those that have ears, hear.
Going deep to seek the truth, which is hard to find, is not brainwashing.
Listening to the same TRUTHS spoken out in name of any religion day after day until you believe them, that is brainwashing!
All Re- Legions are distorted tools for the evil agenda... even the KJ Bible has the word Lord as LORD... this is grammatical deceit and changes the meaning of Lord (God) to mean FICTIONAL!
God is real and there is only one Creator many lies many names only One God. We are the offspring and creators too, focus on creating and see who you truly are then!.
I was brainwashed and have seen the truth, newly awakened and striving to stay that way.
If you accuse me of what you are guilty of, you are the guilty one not me.
Not brainwashed
Genesis 3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Hmmmm, Synickel, I think that your quoting of scripture was interpreted in a way that was revealing. I'm thinking 'troll'. Was the following what was meant? 'And many are deceived by the serpent, believing they are gods because they know "the truth"; their truth.' These people, of whom I've only met a few, rise above structured religions because they are smarter, brighter, more awakened and fall for the serpent's promise as written in Genesis 3:4-5. The greatest commandment, paraphrased - love God with everything you've got (heart, mind and soul) and love your neighbor as yourself. If you haven't accomplished the ability to love all neighbors, including your enemies, as yourself, you still have plenty of work to do. The ad hominem approach taken by those that claim intelligence is revealing.
I, for one, learned that men need church discipline to protect the flock. Power is addictive and power of the pulpit is not immune. As can be seen by history, men in the ministry can be led astray by Satan. Latest example that comes to mind is Ravi Zacharias. There are many other stories to be found of Christian leaders that have fallen. When a leader begins to speak heresy and it's pointed out to them. If there's no church discipline, no hierarchy, then the leader can simply tell the person with a disagreement "you are free to leave" and shame them into silence.
People can mislead themselves and if they follow their hearts rather than wisdom, they will fall into a trap. So many songs teach Americans to follow their hearts, but that is Satan at work. Follow wisdom for she will not fail you, and wisdom may lead you to ask for guidance from those that know more, BUT the heart is used for communication. In my humble opinion, we are to pray through our hearts and not through our heads, but we are to think through decisions. Brain - decisions; heart - pray.
If I mis-interpreted your intent, please update me. P.S., nice play on words and I too, have a cynical nature that serves to slow my conclusions and keep me safer. Be well. God bless you.
I love, love, love this. It resonates with me on so many levels. I have always believed in 'God', but could never reconcile myself to the God of the Torah/Old Testament even though I really tried. The only useful thing I could take away from it was the 10 Commandments. But my guiding principle in life has always been The Golden Rule. I hate hypocrisy as much as I hate lies. I am going to write my declaration, but I will say that I always knew in my soul that worldly 'authorities' have no authority over my life. I make my own unique laws for my own unique life.
I am now an old man and I have seen and heard much. While I have a few things in your post that I have to disagree with from a Biblical perspective, I don't think I have ever seen a more complete declaration of personal independence in my life. A beautifully written and laid out challenge for the forces of EVIL to try to deal with. And I do mean TRY to deal with. Humanity has only to call upon peaceful non compliance as our sword. It has always been the one weapon that the Global Oligarchs, the cabal, the Communist lunatics who are attacking humans everywhere, cannot defeat. SO, I think we must put aside any minor concerns or differences we may have and join Dr. Michalcea in putting on the full armor of G-D if we are to survive the coming attacks for I am certain that we have not seen the worst of what the demonic realm is capable of. I've been trying to warn anyone who would listen about this day since the very week the demons took power in November of 1963. Few would listen and as a result, we are all going to go through absolute hell for the foreseeable future and then we'll emerge victorious on the other side. G-D bless you Ana and please do take all necessary precautions for your own health and defense. You've been over the target for a few years now and as your message gains traction, the murdering bastards will try to shut you down, one way or another. G-D speed Dr Ana!!
Kriss - Dec 10, 2023
Kriss’s Substack
That was beyond one of the most powerful and encouraging writings I’ve seen from anyone. It speaks more volumes than just that of what you’ve spoken and I thank you. ππ»
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 12, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Quill Cross - Dec 10, 2023
Quill Cross News
Cogent. Willful. Deeply connected. Spot on. Actionable. For everyone. I have made my own declaration. Thank you so much for taking the time to memorialize your testament and for sharing.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Jan 12, 2024
Nordic Pagan Soldier
In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .
Im Schatten des Krieges: Ukraine als Great-Reset-Labor der globalen Tech-Eliten . . .
INGRID C DURDEN - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
What a wonderful post. Here are some of my own thoughts =
If you pray, raise your arms up to the blue skies. Close your eyes and let the sunlight shine on your face. Look up at the sun, the moon and the stars and give thanks for the day. Your human eyes cannot stand to look at the sun, but your spirit can. It will realize the light is where it came from, it will remember the bright Light of which it originates. It will remember the Source of all being.
Listen to the whisper of the wind in the treetops. Your human ears will not be able to hear the voice, but your spirit will. Some aboriginals can still hear the heartbeat of the earth, the sound of the mountains, the voice of the trees. Don’t go in the darkness to say your prayer and do not bough your head, rise up to the skies though, and feel the sunlight on your skin.
Don’t ask for intermediates, don’t go to other humans. You are spirit and you can go to the Spirit, you can hear and see for yourself. You can, your spirit will remember how.
Know that the One is with you. Know that there is only One, and you are it. All there is, is Spirit.
All is Spirit, and nothing is separate from it.
(freely after Marcus Aurelius)
If you want to read a holy book, do not take those that describe elaborate wars. Do not take the books, that talk of slaughtering, murders, sacrifices, hatred, war. Do not go to the books full of rage, killing, death. These books are not a living source.
How can a holy book proclaim to be a source of life, when it tells hardly anything but blood and guts. Rape, killing, sacrifice of blood is not from a living source, but from a well of death.
YeshuaFaith - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Yeshua Jesus says, " I AM the way and the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me. " John 14:6 If you want to get to the Holy Spirit, you will have to have a saving relationship through Jesus. As far as violent books go, the Bible is a history book that records the evil deeds of people, Satan and the fallen angels, to teach us a moral lesson, ie. don't follow evil people and don't practice evil deeds. Have you ever read the Psalms and the book of Proverbs? The are full of wisdom and praise of the Most High God. Not only that, the prophecy in the Bible is 100% accurate. Can any other book in the world claim this? There are over 300 prophecies written about Jesus the Messiah, centuries before He came down from heaven and entered our world. Yeshua HaMeshiach fullfilled every one perfectly. I hope you will seriously consider the claims of Messiah. Your salvation depends on who you say He is.
Un-silent - Dec 10, 2023
Thank you. Apparently many people are being tricked into believing this New Age hijacking of Christianity. We are not little gods (divine beings), we are created by God. The Bible is His Word, and people need to read it.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Current day Gnosticism with creative tweaking. Been there, done that (as well as studying Islam, Buddhism, yoga, meditation, etc., etc.), born again at 48. Praise God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ! Jesus is king!
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
Satan is a Hebrew god.
Lisa Nash - Dec 10, 2023
Lisa Nash
Thanks for these words! We can simply claim the blood of Christ and the armor of God as our defense against satan. I don’t know what all this other stuff is Mihalcea is talking about but there is only one way and that is through Christ. He’s the only one that died for me. I think we’re going to see a lot of weird satanic things in the near future. Satan doesn’t care what you worship or claim against him as long as it’s not Jesus. We need Jesus, His Holy Spirit and God the Father more than ever. Deceptions are coming upon the earth and we need to live by a “thus saith the Lord!”
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
Satan is a Hebrew god.
DenverDad - Dec 18, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
The Hebrews often worshipped satanic religions throughout the ages, as captured in the Old Testament. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were accused of the same by Jesus himself in the New Testament. The Jews that didn't follow Christ haven't changed in the last 2000 years. They still wish to execute Christians as people promoting heresies and have an International Effort, similar to Islam, to get their laws brought into the 'law of the land' from whence they can execute all Christians. Look up Noahide laws and study how many US Presidents have signed laws to institute those principles into US law; even Trump signed an 'Education' law that somehow includes Noahide laws.
The Talmudic Jews and the Muslims both see Christians as the enemy and have books/laws that require they be killed if they won't convert.
Satan has created or taken over both religions?
Knowledge is power and this information isn't taught in Sunday School or in sermons in the church. We (Christians) are supposed to be sly as foxes, but we've been mislead by non-Christians and false Christians for centuries. The state of Israel is not a people, but merely a state/country hiding behind the veil of Semitism.
The nation of Israel (Jacob's people) = Jews, by blood. However, Israel (the state) = Jew. Just because a person can carry a Jewish passport doesn't make them a Biblical Jew (protected by Zionist Evangelicals due to their ignorance of the Bible and history). Typically they are simply Israel residents or Zionists waiting for their 'true' messiah because they refuse to believe, even to this day, that Jesus was the Messiah.
Thus, to this day, Jews believe as Saul of Tarsus did - that all believers must be eliminated (by decapitation, no less, just like Muslims do).
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 18, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
“Our manly ways and stern simplicity wreak much confusion to the enemy's councils. For they are men yet garb themselves as women, wearing wigs and finery and lace.” ― Oliver Cromwell
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 17, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Do you really think the true Supreme Creative mind of all worlds seen and unseen, can be stuffed into one little fabricated belief box , one little forged book, one little openly fabricated history for the brutal sake of absolute control over humanity for millennia. That such a CREATOR is a cruel , judgemental , insecure , jealous , punishing HE. There are 20 miles of hallways , floor to ceiling in the VATICAN SECRET ARCHIVES with half a MILLION hidden important pieces of human history for 10, 000 years . 84, 000 volumes of the same have just been found in one Tibetan monastery , showing 10,000 years of human history in 4 languages. ALL HIDDEN dont you think we are all missing some important info. Everyone spouting this formal religiouys nonsense is just repeating what someone else told them with zero research.
Un-silent - Dec 18, 2023
Forged book? But you believe that all of those secret archives are true? Believe me, if they had anything to discredit the Bible, it would have been put out there long ago. No one has been able to discredit anything about Jesus. His coming was predicted numerous times in the OT and confirmed in the NT. The more likely scenario is that those secret archives confirm the Bible and the dark side cannot take that risk.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 18, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
“Our manly ways and stern simplicity wreak much confusion to the enemy's councils. For they are men yet garb themselves as women, wearing wigs and finery and lace.” ― Oliver Cromwell
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 18, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
All the Popes wear a yarmulke and pay homage to the Hebrew god Satan at the Wailing Wall in their obeisance to the Jews . . . they are Jewsuits . . .
The Jewish Origins of the Jesuits . . . (Jewsuits) . . .
[23] The fairies in what nation soever they converse have but one universal king, which some poets of ours call King Oberon; but the Scripture calls Beelzebub, prince of demons. The ecclesiastics likewise, in whose dominions soever they be found, acknowledge but one universal king, the Pope.
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan: with selected variants from the Latin edition of 1668. Ed. Edwin Curley. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994 . . . Part IV. Of the Kingdom of Darkness . . . Chap. xlvii. Of the Benefit that proceedeth from such Darkness, and to Whom it Accrueth . . .
Donna - Dec 20, 2023
What are those 4 languages?
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 20, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Tibetan , Sanscrit , a Chinese language of which Im not exactly certain which variety. Not sure of the 4th maybe yet unidentified .
Donna - Dec 20, 2023
Interesting, thank you Thomas! I figured Sanscrit, but couldn't figure the rest.
CozzyCornerπͺ - May 2
Jesus Christ is The Word. That is His name in Heaven. The Bible is the living Word of God. We are made in the image of God in Heaven. Through Christ we have His authority to cast out demons and bind them when we are born again and baptized by the fired of The Holy Spirit.
We are not little gods. Satan is a liar and father of it.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
One of the prophecies beyond Jesus’ control is his birthplace. A census was called at the last minute and it required a very pregnant woman to travel, most likely by foot, to Bethlehem. What are the chances. There are no coincidences. I pray the Holy Spirit acts fast and draws Ana away from the new age (Gnostic) trap that preaches things like the Akashic Record and other nonsense. Been there. Done that. Waste of time! Ana, I pray that Jesus will reach out and touch you and allow you to feel, if only for a moment, the peace that surpasses all understanding to help you turn away from the UN saving nonsense and turn back to the king of kings, only. Only! Jesus is the bridge. He is the way. The Holy Spirit is the helper. God is in control, regardless. You will find the truth eventually, but the sooner the better. We need apostles that speak the truth and don’t ‘tickle ears’. Jesus warned that those that follow him will have to bear their own cross and that the journey will be tough, but he is with every believer sharing the work, sharing the struggle by manning the other side of the yoke. Do not be deceived!!! Demons = aliens and other dark beings, in my humble opinion. The goal of Lucifer is to destroy God’s creation, period. Do not comply and do not be complicit. May the peace and understanding that comes through the Holy Spirit bless you and keep you as you make your journey through this incredibly short time on Earth! I prayed that you be chosen to be saved and become an outspoken ambassador for Christ. May God bless you and have mercy on you.
daverkb - Dec 10, 2023
It is a prime heresy of the Fallen Church of our time that the New Testament 'establishes' a God of Unconditional Love which overthrows the necessity of the Law. Referrals throughout the New Testament are aways back to the Law as found in the Old Testament. New Testament Christians are still to fear God as the beginning of Wisdom ... and Christians are to love what God Loves and hate what God hates. To wit, the New Testament upholds and affirms God's moral Law.
This is but one area wherein Orthodox Christians by doctrine will take exception to certain statements having been made in the article. This said, may Evil never prosper.
DenverDad - Dec 11, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
I agree. The Gospel is simple yet complex at the same time. My king was mocked and I expect no better. I am blessed and look forward to the wedding feast. My soul cries out every day “come Lord Jesus!” God is the being that will reveal to the wise how foolish they are.
Charlie - Dec 11, 2023
Keep following the playbook. You may never understand that the universe is much greater than followers of a script.
And you are in fear of god, okay enjoy your fear. The Red Sea parted, yeah sure...
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
That is complete fabricated story absolutely not true and openly admitted stolen from the story of Krisna [which is Christ in Sanscrit language] 1,550 years previously. Not a single story in the accepted versions of this book are original they are ALL borrowed from previous history, figures and achievements all the way back to ancient Egypt. There are at least 16 nearly exact stories way before this historical period and as many as 34 very nearly identical. Santa Claus , the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are fun , imaginative stories for little children, if adults continue to believe them, base their lives upon them, and believe these characters are their eternal salvation. We have problem. Now torture , and murder everyone who doesnt believe these tales , has a different history and tradition, and much more unlimited understanding of reality for 2000 years and you have a formal religion based on FEAR, and CONTROL. Now when that/those organizations launch themselves into the rest of the world and murder 100 million indigenous people. We have what has brought us to their latest agenda . Depopulate 8/10 ths of the real humans , and turn the rest into cyborg slave machines governed by A.I, and you have our current reality. With the Jesuit Pope leading the genocide by calling upon the faithful to take the death shots , as an act of love.
DenverDad - Dec 18, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
The Krishna claim is apparently an old one and is accompanied by many others, according to the article linked at the end of this paragraph. You can educate yourself here about the false logic used in failed efforts to disprove Jesus as the Son of God:
Georgia guide stones: 500 million left out of 8 billion. That's less than 7% left not the 20% (8/10ths gone) you note.
Fear is an awesome motivator - 93% of college educated people in the USA got vaccinated, because of fear and misinformation promoted by Fauci, et al. He did his fair share to start killing people beginning with AIDS and his miracle 'AIDS cure' which killed more than it saved.... just like Remdesivir.
Susan sullivan - Dec 10, 2023
Susan’s Substack
Amen. 10 For a day in thy courts [is] better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.
11 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good [thing] will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
12 O LORD of hosts, blessed [is] the man that trusteth in thee. (Psalms 84:10, KJV)
anna burns - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Thanks for posting this. The new aggie stuff is deceptive and misleading, but Jesus Christ the Righteous is True and forever. I am a child of the most high God of all gods and a follower of Jesus who was Lamb and is coming as a mighty Lion.
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Anna it is definitely newagie stuff, it is ancient knowlwedge that new age Christianity has nidden and removed from the BIBLE so we will nor empower ourselves.
DenverDad - Dec 18, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
That's what the Gnostics taught before the rise of the Roman Catholic religion. There's nothing new under the sun (check out Ecclesiastes).
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
Pity I cannot spell!
INGRID C DURDEN - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
I did not say there aren't any beautiful pages in the bible - you name some of my favorites. But most of the bible books are indeed, history. Some passages are mostly forgotten. like where a father is advized to kill his child rather than ask questions, or where 2 girls have sex with their father. Or where a prophet offers his young daughters to a male visitor. That are indeed the books to be forgotten.
When I have the choice though, I rather not read someone else's love letters, I rather be with my LOve.
I do not argue about your religious belief. I just prefer to have a first hand experience instead of trusting the old, manyfold 'corrected' writings.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
All that and much worse stuff was the common behavior and practice in those times , and the actual behavior of those creating the unholy roman catholic church was the most corrupted and debauched and murderous in all history. Because we are dealing with the Roman empire , virtually the entire population was suffering extreme lead poisoning and VD. All water to any Roman controlled area was piped in lead pipes.
VJCBingham - Dec 19, 2023 - Edited
None of those things that you mentioned are anymore than a historic record. In other words, they happened, but they were not the Mosaic law. The end of those books say.. "...and men in those days did what was right in their own eyes'. Just as we are seeing to this very day. Which accounts for all the atrocities then and now,.. men are not obeying the will of the lord God.
Jonm - Dec 10, 2023
Yes YeshuaFaith, Jesus is Lord!
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 17, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Read my comments above and reading list
Renee Marie - Dec 10, 2023
Renee Marie
WOW...I’m speechless. Dr. Ana, this is breathtaking! I want to read it a few times and go from there. I feel your words in my soul. I think many of “us” do.
Thank you.
Bruce Cain - Dec 10, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
We have to rise up. Prayer must be followed by action. Like now.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Comment on this essay::
Piotr Bein - Dec 10, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Bruce, are you an American? Should every "nation" develop a separate declaration? That's not in the Spirit's spirit.
"reinstate Trump as our president" -- that clown has been banksters & Zionists' clown years before they put him in office!
You are still asleep but write declarations for us to read and approve? No way!
Bruce Cain - Dec 10, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
Well the planks of the PPF agenda are universal. As for Trump I suppose the only thing I can say is "better than Biden." Yes I wish for someone better but it is pretty obvious he will be the Republican candidate being 50 points ahead of the remaining field. The only way he could loose is if he is taken off the ballot which would probably start a Civil War. Just saying. Neither the US or EU can withstand more immigration.
Please share widely. Updated 12/09/2023. For those that read my essays they tend to be long and contain what I think to be the best videos and sources. It would take many hours just to watch the videos in a single essay. The focus of this essay is three-fold: the Global rejection of Mass Immigration, the rejection of the lying globalist corporate media and an end to the censorship of Anti-Globalist internet journalism. After nearly 15 years of Mass Immigration both the people and governments, throughout the planet, are rejecting the globalist UN's policies of Open Borders along with their broader globalist agenda of forced vaccination and digital currency. Like the French Revolution the people put up with being disenfranchised for years. Then in a span of months they united and rose up against their elites. I think that is what we are seeing happening now on a global scale. It is my hope that the people of planet Earth unite behind the "Put People First" (PPF) Agenda in order to stop the Globalist Agenda once and for all. It is time.
If nothing else read the section where Van Jones labels Vivek Ramaswamy as a Nazi for bringing up the Great Replacement theory (Mass Immigration of largely Fundamentalist Muslims), which of course is exactly what is happening in both the US and EU. Also worth a watch, video with Biden saying (2015) white people becoming an absolute minority in America is "a good thing" and that a continuously Open Border is a “good thing.” If you read my newest essay it is clear no one wants more immigration.
To Biden and all Globalist Leaders: Go F**k yourselves
The globalist use of censorship, hate speech accusations and immigration must stop now
Piotr Bein - Dec 12, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Sheeple are led to an abyss by the fiction of elections and electing "the lesser evil". When you wake up, ley me know.
Zofia Filipiak - STOPZET - Dec 12, 2023
Zofia’s Substack
I agree with all your points, because they are universal, except for this one:
"* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president."
And here Peter is right : "That's not in the Spirit's spirit. "
Which is consistent with Ana Maria's thought
first 20 minutes where Dr. Kilde speaks :
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 12, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Bruce Cain - Dec 12, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
Point well taken. The planks of the PPF Agenda do need to be updated so they apply to all nations. It has been evolving over the past several years.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 12, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Michael Sharp - Dec 11, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
I think Marianne Williamson would a good person to lead the U.S
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 19, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
She's a dumb cunt.
Piotr Bein - Dec 12, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Lead where to? The frame must be bulldozed and new system of We the People built, instead of trying to fit into the imposed "paradigm" of demoncracy!
Lupa - Dec 12, 2023
Comment removed.
Lupa - Dec 19, 2023
Tacky misogyny.
And that ends my reading of any of your posts.
The "Nordic Pagan" free to speak and this Crone is free to ignore.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 19, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
fuck you and your jewish god
Tim - Dec 10, 2023
Well done…Resonate’s with me…Thank you for sharing…Tim
Liberty Liz - Dec 10, 2023
Liberty Liz
Excellent. And there are those setting up broader communities as well for us to join together in and move beyond the demonic (legal) slavery system which has hijacked our true identities in Divine law.
Seeking Truth - Dec 10, 2023
Seeking Truth
Charlie Ward is psyop
JP Spatzier - Dec 10, 2023
JP Spatzier
Is that lookout Charlie
Jeannettecally Modified - Dec 10, 2023
Jeannettecally Modified
NO, That's Lookoutfa Charlie & He's not a shill or psyop. :)
Ward is a plant, a CONintel agent.
JP Spatzier - Dec 10, 2023
JP Spatzier
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Completely as is anyone pushing Q, bs
Liberty Liz - Dec 11, 2023
Liberty Liz
That being said, the person in the interview had some good points and is at least doing something about admiralty law.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Dec 10, 2023
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Most of this is good idea but how will you implement it now . DJT as president is very bad idea . Take a real look at his history , take a good look at his unlawful EUA activation,, Operation warp speed, JAN 6TH false flag event , now cheering for total ww3 destruction in Gaza on behalf of the controllers of terrorist state of Israel. This does not mean Im for any democrat evil administration in power now , they are ALL controlled opposition.
rrodynmac - Dec 11, 2023
I agree mostly, but mRNA injections should be out right banned, as should any covid injections. After all, they shed nanotech. And just curious, why legalise psylocybin? I object to abortion. I agree with Piotr about Donald Trump. Sorry,but I haven’t looked at your links yet, I will, but short on time now.
Bruce Cain - Dec 11, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
Of course one of the planks is "No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance," but I will give some thought to "no mRNA injections." I've thought of scratching off the psilocybin though it is becoming pretty well accepted. As for abortion. Most people think an abortion should be allowed through the 2nd trimester. I'm not for abortion but think it is a right of bodily autonomy just as is refusing an mRNA injection. And finally while I'm not a big fan of Trump it is highly likely he will become the Republican candidate. All I can say there is "better than Biden." Thanks for writing.
JP Spatzier - Dec 11, 2023
JP Spatzier
11 counties in FL have banned mRNA as bio - weapons & have given Sheriff control .. agreed to reject any unconstitutional orders..
Bruce Cain - Dec 11, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
Wish that were true.
rrodynmac - Dec 19, 2023
Hey-no worries!π
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
They are already spraying the vaxxes up children noses in Austr and Ireland
rrodynmac - Dec 19, 2023
Australia or Austria? I’m a citizen of one of these countries, and it’s not happening here!
michael janket - Dec 10, 2023
michael janket
Philosophically brilliant, lucid, luminous, the product of a brilliant and exceedingly humanitarian mind.
Quill Cross - Dec 10, 2023
Quill Cross News
I often think that there’s a cognitive step-up required to grasp what’s going on. And those of us on that rung need to reach out and lift the spiritually hungry up. Ana did exactly that in this post. It’s her “Clarence Oddbody” post and in this Christmas Season it has given all of us a chance to celebrate Zuzu’s petals.
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
The more people that read this and share this the more powerful it becomes . That is the power of collective thinking. As one individual we are more powerful than we can possibly imgine. Collectively we are unstopabla!
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
This is wishful thinking Dear Dr. Ana and that is why this is a sect that believes that if THEY HAVE SAID, INFORMED, THERE IS NO KARMA.
It doesn't work that way.
The law of action and reaction is much simpler - if you plant a seed, you get a certain plant.
So, if you cause suffering, your blind belief WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM FUTURE SUFFERING.
If these people had a vision that would let them see what's coming FOR THEM, they'd cut off their limbs so they wouldn't get involved in causing this harm.
mothman777 - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
The now worldwide occult-based death cult behind what is happening today practice a black magic blood sacrifice every year to disconnect all bad karmic connections formed due to their own bad actions over each previous year from themselves and then graft any of these karmic connections, which are a actual subtle physical substance like a channel of auric energy, onto an innocent and defenceless creature such as a chicken instead, so that the chicken is then condemned to suffer all karmic repercussions on behalf of all members of that black magic sect, there is hardly a fouler crime, or a fouler form of black magic, it is called kapparot, and has even been extended to being practiced on kidnapped Christian children around the time of Purim over many centuries, there are many accounts of this thoroughly documented and well-proven, that is one of the reasons why those who practice this demonic kind of occult-based behaviour have been thrown out of cities and nations over 1,300 times over many hundreds of years, so those responsible have no fear of the conscequences of any bad karma at all, they know how to get rid of it by grafting their own bad karmic auric connections onto innocents so that the victimised innocents are made to take the blame and the consequences of the sins of cult members instead, with the innocent creatures then suffering terribly in their future lives on behalf of the real sinners, and maybe this is something to do with why chickens suffer so terribly in intensive battery farms and nobody seems to be able to stop that from happening while this world remains under such dark powers. Those who do that black magic make themselves unfit to rise spiritually as long as they persist in their selfish cruelty and bad actions against all others, though the real God sees what they do in this lower world nonetheless. But only those willing to love on an actually Godly level can live amongst the infinite community of loving souls in the spiritual dimension, those who selfishly hate and abuse all others remain restricted to material dimensions for as long as they persist in such things, and by their own hand.
Eventually, all souls wake up again spiritually back to the place of their ultimate spiritual origin in God, though that may take millions of lifetimes for some of the worst criminal recidivists who choose to persist for so long in being addicted to needless hatred and anger and cruel and selfish exploitation of others.
Margie Chism - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Mountain top sacrifice/s β The worse I have seen has been in the mountains of Hawaii; and if the evil spirit screams are not coming from the dead then the wild hogs I never saw. M
mothman777 - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
I think your comment needs expanding further especially as regards the second line to explain everything in full, as I cannot see what you are saying here.
Margie Chism - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Mo - I do not recieve your statement, I send it back to you double; in Jesus Name. β As a solo hiker for over 50 years, the most current evidence of sacrifice/s I walked upon has been North of Pearl Harbor. Under the Grand Power lines; chicken sacrifice/s were offered and remains of those rituals including more practices did surround that top. M
mothman777 - Dec 10, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Then please talk in plain language when you write, how is anyone expected to be able to decipher any real meaning from such cryptic nonsense? Jesus never existed. Even the Muslim scholar Ahmed Deedat has proven beyond the slightest doubt with clearly demonstrable instances of fraud and plagiarism in the Bible that the Bible is fraudulent and not the word of God. Of course, even the alleged Bible Jesus and the alleged Muslim prophet Issa are stated to have lived centuries apart at two very different periods in 'history', and in truth, neither of them ever existed, both Islam and Christianity are mind-control cults operating and maintained even on a psychic level, ultimately generated from influences controlled by the Judaic cult. Even Hamas today was created by the Israeli Mossad as controlled opposition.
Margie Chism - Dec 10, 2023
Margie Chism
Mo - October 29, 1972 I was caught up as a nine year old, the last week of being nine. β I testify personally that YHVH is the Lord God and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ is there at the throne. I did receive Jesus that day, yet it was difficult for me knowing what I knew; I had viewed Jesus as a community trouble maker. As far as my last reply to you, I do not expect all to know, nor all to believe because there is a veil; many are called, few are choosen. As far as what I may share, I share what I should. It rains on the just and the unjust. M
Chele - Dec 10, 2023
Sacred Body Wisdom
I understand your comments on karma.
Even so, can you separate the small bits of what you don't agree with and see the bigger picture…the incredible power in the rest…recognize the rightness in what is offered here?
mothman777 - Dec 10, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
So you reckon kapparot has incredible power and you think I need to recognize what you say is the rightness in that? I don't agree.
Bianca - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Yes indeed , the law of karma is self inflicted. It starts producing effects from the inception of the thought that precipitates the corresponding act , for good or for evil .The refferences about "cutting off the limbs "as suggested by Jesus are connected to the energy required to bring a thought into action. . Therefore any evil intention must be cut off / stopped/ cauterized from its inception in the mind before it reaches executory organs such as the hands and eyes with which we act upon those self created thoughts. Karma is integral part of God ' s divine laws and the individual effects are carried on lifetime after lifetime to be eventually extinguished completelly by self effort in the purifying steps of spiritual evolution .The universal concept of reincarnation abolished from various orthodox doctrines such as the creeds of Niceea and Constantinopol in 325- 381 a.d , can explain or justify any of the crimes and genocides we witness as direct consequences of karma to be paid off. Rarely we see also others karma taken on by pure saints and sages who are strong enough to withstand the pain and torture.
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
Spoken with a scientific mind.
This is beyond science and cause and affect, to understand the mind is shut down and the spiritual pathways are opened ans set free.
JOHN DAWE - Dec 10, 2023
Agree! There is no such thing a a free lunch. These people will pay dearly for theirs misdeeds.
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
But remember this, do not wish them harm, but send love and forgiveness less you create karma of your own.
In this awareness there is no place for hate or blame or judgement. The frequency that is called LOVE will heal all.
Digging in, Reaching out - Dec 11, 2023
Steve’s Newsletter
That doesn't sound right. It is not for us to pronounce judgement on 'these people'. It is not for us to think we can know what their prognosis is. If viewing them as human, but possessed by demons, it is just that they know not what they they are possessed!
The message from Ana addresses us being an aspect of Source, to fully take on and face, without flinch, the dark forces. Forces which are powerless unless we let them manipulate us.
It is our priority to be informed how the world operates, and forge our own personal way ahead. We manifest where we are on our journey of enabling our loving capacities. As true love is creation and invincibility. The 'Armour of God' is here within. We press on...
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 12, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Dec 11, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Someone believes that if they say something, they are not responsible for harming someone.
People believe different things, but that won't change the law.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Dec 11, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Don't expect strawberries if you planted weeds.
If someone plants weeds and you tell them they will grow weeds, is that a judgment?
Dimitar Dermendziev - Dec 10, 2023
Dimitar’s Substack
Cold vs Hot, Ying vs Yang, Darkness vs Light, Evil vs Good. This is a raging battle between those two forces since ancient times. It separates the wheat from the chaff. While homeless and GPS tracked since 7-19-23, Being physically mentally psychologically tortured, burned daily, by domestic terrorists, being shot several times per day with lasers and DEWs from on foot, vehicles (cars, trucks), helicopters, airplanes, drones, weaponized cell towers, satellites, being called names, called mentally ill or implying MH issues by LE and Med Urgent Care Staff who falsify med evidence of the crime- ongoing homicide by ongoing electronic torture as a constipation or mental illness it makes me marvel at the magnitude and evil propensity and depravity of the human race, while being in the front line suffering greatly, it gives me a glimpse daily of the institutionalized rooted evil in this world. It makes me understand why God destroyed humanity with the great Flood Genesis 6:5-9:29, Jeremiah 17:9 and why destroyed the Tower of Bable, and why He sacrificed his Divine Son for the sins of the fallen world including my own. By using torture, the terrorists are hoping I will cross into their sick twisted dark world of crime and violence. I am joining Dietrich Bonhoeffer and all Christian martyrs and believers in denouncing the nazis and communist's takeover of this constitutional republic. The servants of Darkness may torture, burn, kill my body, but my Spirit belongs to God. So today I publicly declare I am a Child of the Most High God and I break all generational curses and spells and that no weapons formed against me shall prosper, and that I am crossing from Darkness into the Divine Light, and that I am a faithful sheep of Yeshua my Sheperd, who will lead me to into everlasting life and eternal greener pastures. Come Lord Jesus come. Amen. Soli Deo Gloria.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
elcasto - Dec 11, 2023
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
Dimitar Dermendziev - Dec 11, 2023
Dimitar’s Substack
Thank you, friend! I don't know and I am not into any games but thank you for honoring the Lord our God and me. May the Lord keep you and shine on you. Dimitar.
elcasto - Dec 11, 2023
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
it is a very old game , when we humans had a more pure , clean , child like brain . one person would say a riddle , the other person would try to solve it by guessing , and the 1st . person would reply either "you are cold" [far from the truth] , or "you are hot" [close to the truth] . & do not worry D ! JUDGEMENT DAY is closer than we think . !!!
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 12, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 10, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Comment removed.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I think he is controlled opposition his supposed history and achievements are very unlikely , he is a deeper level of controlled opposition .
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
American State National - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
I Am One with the Creator of all things,
I accept my responsibility
I Am a silken wave of conciousness singing in the great spiritual orchestra of divine creation,
I take my place as an instrument of divine will.
I command all evil wrought upon the earth to be banished now and always.
I wield the greatest power now, of love and co-creative manifestation which I direct toward peace, abundance, goodness, and love being alive and well on earth now.
I command evil bankers, politicians, health providers, hating, violent and satanic beings to come to the living light of peace now, or to now leave this time space continuum for eternity, without one more atom of destruction being allowed.
And so it is.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
I really don’t think they care that you command them to do anything. “Satan, laughing, spreads his wings.”
Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 10, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Satan would be a Megalomaniac Psychopath and the Bible describes him as a man. Revelation 13:16-18. Patent owner of W02020060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Technologies Licensing LLC. Will enough people hold him accountable for the deaths this nanotechnology has already caused. Patent W02012148684 A1 is another abomination!
American State National - Dec 11, 2023
American State National
Yeah yeah whatever
In the weeds..
Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 11, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
American State National - Dec 12, 2023
American State National
What a worthless reply... lame unimaginative ignorant illiterates only use emojis!! Lolπ€£
Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 18, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Kindness is a path and love is the way... I like how you follow your own statements truthfullyβ£οΈπΆ
Lupa - Dec 19, 2023
War Pigs! One of my all time faves.
Still, I think it is good to make a declaration, take a stand against the evil TPTB have wrought.
DenverDad - Dec 20, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to Mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds...
Oh Lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their judgment day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of Judgment, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...
Oh Lord, yeah!
Lupa - Dec 26, 2023
Thanx. It frequently goes to Loop in my head.
Some women, First Aid Kit, doing fine job of War Pigs:
American State National - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
No one cares what you think especially since you have a place in your heart for demonic attachments!! Ugh
Rosalie - Dec 10, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
Those who have masterminded this evil, genocidal plan are breaking Universal Law. Quoting Jeffrey Daugherty: "We are divine, sovereign, and free, and will not go on bended knee. We were born with the spark of divinity from within, and were not born with original sin."Thank you very much, Dr. Ana, for bravely stepping forward and so eloquently laying out what "must" be done. May this wake up many millions, (billions?) who will take a stand with you to stamp out this evil and reclaim our sovereignty and live peaceful and happy lives.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 13, 2023
Nordic Pagan Soldier
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
β. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.β
Darrell - Dec 10, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Satan and his minions know their time is short, our father in heaven has promised all who put their trust and faith in the death, burial and resurrection shall have ever lasting life. Repent and except Him as your personal savior. John 3:16
Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 10, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
I hope mankind resurrects telling the truth!
Darrell - Dec 11, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
I even pray for that the Lord will touch the hearts of those who are doing all this harm to humanity just like he touched the heart of Saul who became Paul, what a glorious miracle.
DenverDad - Dec 20, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Whenever I start to feel ill will towards evil humans, I'm reminded of how awesome God is because he loves all his creation; all humans. Everyone who confesses that Jesus is their savior and repents from their sins; shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit as a result. Everyone can become right with the Lord. My God (your God) is that big; that awesome.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Yikes. That's a lot of new age jumble, just the way satan likes it, to mix in some Godly sounding stuff with pure chaos. Revelation clearly defines the beast/antichrist as roman catholicism, so they are the silent hand driving all of satan's schemes on earth.
OT and NT are one in the same, with the NT quoting OT in 60 percent of its texts. God says, "I am God, I change not."
This chart above is just a confused mess that has some foundational accuracy, but way more chaotic jumble from esoteric sources that don't recognize the sovereignty of God.
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
Sorry but if you cannot SEE it then you are not awake to the deceptions of religions. A pure religion will not disempower and make its followers dependent, the notion of GOD has been disrupted and misused to try to make us disempowered. They have suptly, over many years and millenia, used Religious philosophies to devide us,
True Christianity or any other philosophy is inclusive and understanding and allows all types of other philosophies to abide in freedom and peace.
Separate Christianity from Religion and dogma, and see what ti really means!
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
True Christianity follows Gods morals, which allow other religions and people's to make horrible, and even destructive choices. Most other religions don't care what you believe, hence really don't have anything to offer. If you think everything is relative, try jumping off a 10 story building because gravity is relative, see how relative realities are.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Dont know where you would get that idea Gods morals ? Like you know them or christianity lives them? Or know where the true ones and works are , the actual history is the most murderous evil institutions on earth. Its easy to blame the founding unholy roman empire catholic church , but all the rest follow the same fabricated, forged, deleted preposterous story , have done most the same actions and done nothing to eradicate the evil ones. They all live in fear and have an extraordinarily limited perception of a man made god. Suggest any other possibility to them, and they resort to spiritual terrorism by telling you how you will burn and suffer for eternity. If I can burn and suffer for eternity , then I must be an eternal being, so if thats the case and I have free will , I will go somewhere wonderful for eternity.
Martin - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Friends With God
God calls us to understand his truth, but we must be patient with those who don't understand, yet have a desire for the truth, as Ana obviously has.
She is a courageous sole, not afraid to look evil in the eye and say what it is. It is God that opens our eyes to what good is, and we can pray for Ana and all people who see the evil in this world that they may also see how to be a light of God: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Mat 5:16)
We all need God's help to be a light to this world.
Un-silent - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
We need to pray that Dr. Ana breaks free of the New Age brain washing and come to know the truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible. She is doing good in her work but she is being led astray in her faith.
Freedom girl - Dec 11, 2023
I agree we should pray for her.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, I would respectfully ask you to read Dr. Tenpenny's Substack from today and last Sunday regarding New Age Christianity. I was very surprised to see some of the wording you used.
VP - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
You've clearly never read your Bible and are merely regurgitating the teachings of Constatine. Nothing she said is not within the Bible or historical artifacts that predate the publication of the Bible.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
I guess your perceptions are not as omnipotent as you must think they are. I have read my Bible for 60 years, and have marked it from stem to stern, teach classes in church, etc. I find Constantine nothing more than a political hack that thought attaching himself to religion would solidify his power.
I have also studied closely all these so-called historical facts, and they come from nothing more than pagan civilizations that rebelled against the God who created the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is in it. Anything that is not worshipping Him is worshipping satan by default.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS floor to ceiling in the SECRET VATICAN ARCHIVES hiding everything important about 10,000 years of human history and all the documents, scrolls, books , artifacts and more that show the bible as most know it is complete fraud. You have not studied the historical facts because they keep it all hidden, rewrote the history to their agendas and killed anyone disagreeing or with different knowledge history , perceptions and practices. You are worshiping satan by default as well because all this truth is hidden, you just think you got it right, based on a fraudulent , forged , deleted , altered fabricated book openly admitted by it creators to be that.
Martin - Dec 18, 2023
Friends With God
Then, by your own admission, you obviously don't know anything, as everything is hidden from you too.
Why are you so intent on ranting about all this drivel that you think is hidden and just read the Bible, as is revealed by God and try to love your neighbour instead of proclaiming your own perfection and righteousness.
Wake up. Grow up, or shut up.
VP - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited
Nothing screams liar than someone who claims to do all such things but clearly hasn’t. That or you clearly do not understand the teachings of Yeshua. I’m not going to go back and forth with you though. Believe what you want. I’m on my own evolutionary path.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
Nothing screams loser in mom's basement more than someone who has nothing more than ad hominem rants. Ever hear of devolution?
Un-silent - Dec 11, 2023
I have read the Bible cover to cover twice. I have also read many books from Christians who escaped the New Age. I have not read anything from Constantine. I urge you to seek some solid Christian teaching and turn away from any church that teaches false doctrine.
VP - Dec 11, 2023
Look, this lady is out doing Gods work. That speaks for itself. I’m not going to have an ego stroking contest in the comment section on who read the most pages of their Bible or not. To read and to understand are mutually exclusive. Also, Constantine was a powerful, political, public figure—not a disciple. This further reiterates my point regarding people’s understanding of how the Bible was manipulated. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I stand by what I said because it makes the most sense to me and resonates within me. This will be my last comment for anyone else who wants to throw their Bible at me.
Un-silent - Dec 12, 2023
I was not stroking my ego, I was defending myself against what you said with the facts. I never said Constantine was a disciple. The problem with the New Agers is just that, they believe what "resonates with me" instead of the real message of the Bible which is about Him.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Lupa - Dec 19, 2023
I pray that Dr. Ana continues to explore her sovereignty and freedom from religion.
I pray that all believers will respect the free will of others, especially those who do not subscribe to biblical or any abrahamic tomes.
I vow that I will never pray for anyone to embrace my personal beliefs.
Un-silent - Dec 21, 2023
So if someone is being sucked into the occult you should say nothing? Many are being misled while thinking that they are following Jesus. I just want people to be aware of what is going on and to recognize the tricks of the New Age. They are free to do as they wish, but they should enter with their eyes open.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
You know that , and base your judgement on what?
Un-silent - Dec 18, 2023
On her post.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
Well said. I really like Ana, but when people get themselves immersed in the morass of new age psychobabble, it's a deep, dark pit that is hard to get out of.
Thomas Guitarman - Dec 18, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I can instantly tell a programmed mind when they call God HE /HIM and think they know " his " truth . Based on what?
psychoNWO - Dec 10, 2023
The United Nations - Resurrecting the Sanhedrin...
kaal - Dec 10, 2023
I am trying to read the OT it is amazing/ theoria on yt an orthodox christian channel just did a write up on the OT. ike says the ot God is a tyrant. Harold Kautz Vella talks trauma trauma trauma then winces regarding abraham/ issac. 80's new age indoctrination.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
All the countries around Israel had one goal and that was to wipe them out. The same as you love your family and would protect them, God knew the hardness of the pagan nation's hearts, and He loved His people and did tough things to protect and preserve them. There would have been none left if He hadn't.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
It’s amazing that people don’t realize that the same evil exposed in the OT is present and active today. The people that perished were the raping, killing, Satan worshipers of the time that sacrificed babies, as is claimed to be occurring today. The OT is a testament to the inherent evil of man and shows how easy we are deceived. The history of the golden calf is a great example. When Jesus came, the leaders of the Jewish religion had all but destroyed the religion through all the add-ons. The Pharisees and Sadducees corrupted God’s word. The Jews were turning away and the ability to record (write) the word had come to pass. Jesus came to reveal the mystery of the OT. To pull all the pieces together. It shows how devout followers will distort the truth over time. They will add to the word. And it happens to this day. Roman Catholicism (the antichrist), Islam, the re-creation of the Word by false prophets (Mormons). The truth is in the Bible. May all that have eyes, see, and those that have ears, hear.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
Well said.
psychoNWO - Dec 10, 2023
The Marxist Murderers...
Different country. Same evil demonic script. Kill everything...
American State National - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
You are the one in the dark and are clearly brainwashed... sad
Sheila Kearon - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
Going deep to seek the truth, which is hard to find, is not brainwashing.
Listening to the same TRUTHS spoken out in name of any religion day after day until you believe them, that is brainwashing!
American State National - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
All Re- Legions are distorted tools for the evil agenda... even the KJ Bible has the word Lord as LORD... this is grammatical deceit and changes the meaning of Lord (God) to mean FICTIONAL!
God is real and there is only one Creator many lies many names only One God. We are the offspring and creators too, focus on creating and see who you truly are then!.
I was brainwashed and have seen the truth, newly awakened and striving to stay that way.
If you accuse me of what you are guilty of, you are the guilty one not me.
Not brainwashed
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
Genesis 3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
American State National - Dec 11, 2023
American State National
Im a man. Are you a woman hater then? Lol
Guess you were hatched not birthed by woman.... I get it. Peace
DenverDad - Dec 20, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Hmmmm, Synickel, I think that your quoting of scripture was interpreted in a way that was revealing. I'm thinking 'troll'. Was the following what was meant? 'And many are deceived by the serpent, believing they are gods because they know "the truth"; their truth.' These people, of whom I've only met a few, rise above structured religions because they are smarter, brighter, more awakened and fall for the serpent's promise as written in Genesis 3:4-5. The greatest commandment, paraphrased - love God with everything you've got (heart, mind and soul) and love your neighbor as yourself. If you haven't accomplished the ability to love all neighbors, including your enemies, as yourself, you still have plenty of work to do. The ad hominem approach taken by those that claim intelligence is revealing.
I, for one, learned that men need church discipline to protect the flock. Power is addictive and power of the pulpit is not immune. As can be seen by history, men in the ministry can be led astray by Satan. Latest example that comes to mind is Ravi Zacharias. There are many other stories to be found of Christian leaders that have fallen. When a leader begins to speak heresy and it's pointed out to them. If there's no church discipline, no hierarchy, then the leader can simply tell the person with a disagreement "you are free to leave" and shame them into silence.
People can mislead themselves and if they follow their hearts rather than wisdom, they will fall into a trap. So many songs teach Americans to follow their hearts, but that is Satan at work. Follow wisdom for she will not fail you, and wisdom may lead you to ask for guidance from those that know more, BUT the heart is used for communication. In my humble opinion, we are to pray through our hearts and not through our heads, but we are to think through decisions. Brain - decisions; heart - pray.
If I mis-interpreted your intent, please update me. P.S., nice play on words and I too, have a cynical nature that serves to slow my conclusions and keep me safer. Be well. God bless you.
Synickel - Dec 20, 2023
I think you are close if not right on. It's hard to convey the depths of truth in comment sections. I love what the Bible can teach on any subject.
DenverDad - Dec 10, 2023
Ramblings of a Lake Dog
Unfortunately the opposite is true. Peace be with you and may you be chosen to know the truth sometime in the future.
American State National - Dec 10, 2023
American State National
I rebuke you and your curses.
Synickel - Dec 10, 2023
I appreciate your detailed reply as to how I am in the dark and clearly brainwashed. I don't bother with ad hominem discussions.
American State National - Dec 11, 2023
American State National
Are you retarded? Sorry!
JP Powers - Dec 10, 2023
Sped some quiet time with yourself, Rebecca and try to find out who you really are.
Rosalind McGill - Dec 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I do not consent.
(In Jesus Holy name, Amen)
Thanks for speaking your mind Dr Ana.
Claire De Lune - Dec 10, 2023
I love, love, love this. It resonates with me on so many levels. I have always believed in 'God', but could never reconcile myself to the God of the Torah/Old Testament even though I really tried. The only useful thing I could take away from it was the 10 Commandments. But my guiding principle in life has always been The Golden Rule. I hate hypocrisy as much as I hate lies. I am going to write my declaration, but I will say that I always knew in my soul that worldly 'authorities' have no authority over my life. I make my own unique laws for my own unique life.
George - Dec 10, 2023
Could not have been better spoken - Thank you so much.
Clive Bragdon - Dec 10, 2023
Clive Bragdon
I am now an old man and I have seen and heard much. While I have a few things in your post that I have to disagree with from a Biblical perspective, I don't think I have ever seen a more complete declaration of personal independence in my life. A beautifully written and laid out challenge for the forces of EVIL to try to deal with. And I do mean TRY to deal with. Humanity has only to call upon peaceful non compliance as our sword. It has always been the one weapon that the Global Oligarchs, the cabal, the Communist lunatics who are attacking humans everywhere, cannot defeat. SO, I think we must put aside any minor concerns or differences we may have and join Dr. Michalcea in putting on the full armor of G-D if we are to survive the coming attacks for I am certain that we have not seen the worst of what the demonic realm is capable of. I've been trying to warn anyone who would listen about this day since the very week the demons took power in November of 1963. Few would listen and as a result, we are all going to go through absolute hell for the foreseeable future and then we'll emerge victorious on the other side. G-D bless you Ana and please do take all necessary precautions for your own health and defense. You've been over the target for a few years now and as your message gains traction, the murdering bastards will try to shut you down, one way or another. G-D speed Dr Ana!!
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