Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 02, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The novel Covid19 mRNA gene technology has many dangers that have been reported extensively, such as the multifaceted toxicity of the manufactured spike protein. The persistence of the spike mRNA by modification with pseudouridine - a codon not usually present in human DNA or RNA - has unknown consequences.
The Critical Contribution of Pseudouridine to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
We know the spike protein mRNA is reverse transcribed into the human genome within 6 hours of getting the injection.
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
While there are many more concerning mechanisms that can lead to significant dangers to the human recipient, the intent of this article is to analyze the above-named areas from a biophysical standpoint and reveal unconsidered adverse health effects via DNA modification as well as possible pathways for reversing DNA integration.
The Linguistic–Wave Genome Model
The late Dr. Peter Garyaev, former professor with the Institute of Quantum Genetics in Moscow and Nobel Prize Nominee in 2021 for Medicine and Physiology, wrote in his groundbreaking book, Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic–Wave Genome, Theory and Practice, about the fundamental flaws of the current Genetic Code Model. He describes how the genetic translational system is intelligent and able to read, based on the quantum and electromagnetic nature of the genome and the holographic whole program of the organism.
Dr. Garyaev and his coresearchers found in mathematical-linguistic analysis of the texts of DNA an independent language. They developed a new kind of spectroscopy called the “polarization-laser-radio wave” spectroscopy based on principles of holography, quantum nonlocality, and an understanding of soliton regulation (the modality in which electrons travel along DNA and peptide chains for ultrafast transmission of information).
Garyaev Peter. Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome Theory and Practice. Moscow: Institute of Quantum Genetics, First English edition. April 2016.
On a broader view, all of life is interconnected. This was described by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) in 1935 as a paradox in physics. Quantum objects—for example, a pair of entangled photons—during their separation show an information connection. The quantum state of one photon—polarization or spin—can be instantaneously transferred to another photon. It becomes a mirror image of the first. This phenomenon occurs regardless of any distance between the photons. Garyaev describes that this EPR mechanism is a base for transmission of genetic (and mental) information between organisms. According to Dr. Garyaev:
1. Soliton and laser fields of DNA and chromosomes are optical-acoustoelectric, non-linear wave processes, responsible for storage, reading, and transmission of genetic and other regulatory field information in the organism’s space/time.
2. In biological systems, DNA, chromosomes, and proteins work in “antenna” mode, receiving external acoustic and electromagnetic fields, wherein the properties of such antennas change to perform regulatory body functions. The liquid-crystal chromosome continuum is a nonlinear optical medium and under certain conditions can function as a laser with alternating wavelengths as well as a soliton laser (on the so-called Fröhlich modes).
3. Chromosomal DNA, as a transceiver of laser radiation, linguistically polarizes its image and simultaneously performs its conversion into radio waves. The radio waves, formed according to a quantum nonlocality mechanism (teleportation), are isomorphically (linguistically) polarized in accordance with photons’ polarizations. These radio waves can carry genetic-metabolic information from (both) within and outside of the biosystem.
Garyaev Peter. Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome Theory and Practice. Moscow: Institute of Quantum Genetics, First English edition. April 2016.
These described mechanisms for regulation of vital processes allow the ability to instantaneously transfer vast information between all cells and tissues via photons and polarized radio wave channels. This would explain why strategic, linguistic biomolecules—nucleic acids and proteins—have left-handed helical twists. These biomolecules determine the pronounced abilities of optical rotatory dispersion (optical rotation of a substance with a change in wavelength of light), circular dichroism (possible spin angular momentum states for a photon left- and right-hand), and birefringence (the ability to split a beam of light into two beams). This ability to alter the emission of light is the language mechanism used by these molecules to scan and communicate the context of their function over space and time to the whole organism. They act as an antenna for receiving and emitting information.
Dr Garyev’s team was able to transfer, via DNA wave replicas and laser-radio wave processes, biological information from a donor to a recipient organism.
In this experiment the donor biosystem, represented by a tadpole of Xenopus Iaevis (a frog), was at a specific stage of development with the recipient biosystem at a different stage of development. The experiment successfully demonstrated the possibility of morphogenetic information transfer via the broadband electromagnetic field of the living tissues of tadpoles of Xenopus laevis (donor) on the cell differentiation of an embryo tissue of the same species.
Holographic associative memory and information transmission by solitary waves in biological systems.
This means that we are able to transfer genetic information via electromagnetic fields and directly influence our gene expression without physical gene editing.
The insertion of the mRNA from the Covid injection brings up significant questions. Where in the DNA is it inserted? How does that affect the reading of the holographic whole? While American Scientists and now looking into where that happens and weather or not it is in a junk DNA region, silenced or actively transcribed – their inquiry will only give a limited answer as there is no “junk DNA” - all genomic material is crucial to gene regulation according to the linguistic gene wave model.
Considering the mRNA gene modification product, its insertion of Pseudouridine, which is not part of the natural human DNA genetic sequence, could have significant biophysical consequences. In essence, our gene transcription is a mechanism by which the context of our space time is read in a holographic manner. Every letter of our DNA has a light and sound emission of photons and phonons that encode the morphogenic field of our being. If every cell has an insertion of a foreign frequency emitting nucleoside, that is not known to the context of the whole, what adverse effects does that have? This information is now passed on to the next generation provided that the vaccine recipient has not been sterilized, as we now see significant fertility problems, miscarriages, low sperm count and more.
We are as human beings quantum entangled with all of Life. We are literally One with all of creation because the quantum particles that we are made of are sharing information. We affect the morphogenic field of the whole physical universe. If our frequency emission was altered with a disease-causing frequency, would it affect the morphogenic field of all of humanity to have a large portion of the species altered in this way and - therefore allow the entire species to be encoded with disease causing information at an accelerated rate?
Furthermore, could the nearly instantaneous effects of vaccine shedding, in which unvaccinated women start hemorrhaging within minutes of being around vaccinated people be a photonic EMF information transfer? How could we have such a rapid response? Light speed travels this fast. It is known that we are a coherent biphotonic field exquisitely sensitive to ultra-weak signals. One photon that is absorbed by the retina can induce 100.000 chemical reactions in the physical body.
Mae Wan Ho - The Rainbow and the Worm – The Physics of Organisms
If the Russians were able to reverse genetic defects via polarization-laser-radio wave spectroscopy, why can’t we reverse mRNA integration for vaccine injured individuals?
In the following video in Russia a child was born with Down Syndrome. The baby had a healthy sibling, and the quantum gene information was transferred. The baby with Down Syndrome normalized in development. See for yourself:
Wave Genetics program for Down Syndrome
Dr Garyaev also cured cystic fibrosis in a child with the same information transfer from a healthy child. Here are his interview discussing that any disease can be reversed, any organ regrown, any infection cured.
The ultimate Anti-Aging Tool
Wave Genetics can cure every disease Dr Peter Garyaev
Summary and Conclusion
We discussed that the Genome Linguistics Model allows a new way of understanding DNA.
Theoretically, if we wanted to reverse the Gene transcription of the mRNA vaccine, we would not use CRISPR gene editing due to its risks.
The process is simple: The picture of the vaccinated person as a healthy child before the age of 6 would be transcribed via Polarization Laser Wave Radio into a file and the vaccinated person would listen to it. This information would reset the DNA to a prior healthy state as in the quantum field there is no time. In essence, the DNA would be reversed to a time before the person was vaccinated and it would be healed by the holographic information of the healthy child genome. Given previous excellent experiment results in Russia, further investigation regarding the feasibility of this noninvasive process should be considered.
Sound like Science Fiction Conspiracy?
Well, these days the conversion time from conspiracy to truth is about 6 months. Fact is, Russian Scientists are way ahead of American genetic understanding. Solutions exist.
For further in-depth discussion of my proposed new paradigm of medicine which incorporates the Linguistic Gene Wave model, please see my book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”.
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HWG - Aug 14, 2022
Thank you for this fabulous article! Just last week, I was remembering the Russian experiment where a salamander egg was turned into a frog using light frequencies shining through Frog eggs and into the salamander egg and I told my collegue I thought it would be found that DNA damaged from the mRNA Covid vax and other gene altering vax's could be healed and reversed using this kind of technology. He thought I was nuts, but here is your article describing this process as it has now evolved and developed into therapeutic uses. This could be the shining light at the end of a long dark tunnel for so many damaged people.
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Kathy Clarke - Jul 4, 2022
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
Amazing but really not surprising in light of what we know about quantum physics. Thank you for sharing this groundbreaking information. It is so vitally important for humans to understand their true nature at this critical time when all life is threatened by genetic injections and 5G technology.
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