Cyborgs And the Nanotechnological Platforms…

Sep 8, 2022

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The Next Biggest Threat to Humanity That Isn’t Much Talked About


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 8, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Excellent article!
It looks like the actual "vaccinations" have become a side show, because there are many other delivery systems now, including "test" swabs, aerosolized nano-tech, and GMO mosquitoes.
On the other hand, I strongly doubt that genetic manipulation in humans is taking place. GMO mosquitoes, yes, they exists, but human development will need more test subjects, which will probably take place in the "Green Zones," once deportations start during the food/energy riots.
Still, messing with the human genetic code will be probably the demise of the technocrats, too, because they don't know what their quantum-nanotech graphene-based "super AI" that is running the worldwide simulation is doing, but its recommendations have been working out perfectly in the process of herding the masses towards their own extinction:
The simulation would need about 200 thousand years of the history of the human DNA in order to be able to formulate a working paradigm for genetic manipulation. The technocrats are conceited and impatient, so there is a good chance that their "genetic move" will be more devastating than a nuclear world war, an "alien attack" (that will also come on TV and in a few false flags), and a number of more devastating mass poisonings that emulate the appearance of a "pandemic" could ever accomplish.
mRNA seems to be a fad:


Lioness of Judah Ministry - Sep 8, 2022

Exposing The Darkness

Transhumanism, Nanotechnology and Cybernetics


trisvonbis - Sep 8, 2022


Fortunately, Harari is homosexual and therefore the last of of the "Harari" lineage - what a blessing.
And Sapiens, the sociopathic midget is not. Anthropologists will have to invent some new strangely underdeveloped species when the jar containing the formolised ugly remains of this vicious goblin will be discovered in an ancient latrine.
What is happening all over the world is a desperate revolt of the NPCs. They don't understand "soul" for they don't have one, they are simple components of this game, trying to prevent the players from switching off the reality aggregator from the other side, which is unreachable and incomprehensible to them. They are trying to build their own reality and break it away from this one, while keeping it "alive" and self-contained somehow.
This is the real purpose of fringe technologies and occult research like the LHC at CERN, and they are failing. They cannot interfere with the true players - the spirits - so their new tactic is to keep the diver's suits we use to interact with this environment (called bodies) anchored to it by all means and hope this will keep the manufactured reality from collapsing when the players disconnect from it.
They have the same chances of success as any cartoon character on your tv screen trying to stop you from pressing the "off" button on your remote, but their revenge is in making our experience as unpleasant as possible, for as long as we and the game's complex algorithm allow them to do so.
Enjoy the ride ツ


Susannah - Jan 12, 2023


1 John 4:2-6
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in theworld.readmore.
They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.


trisvonbis - Jan 14, 2023


Well yes, sort of.
I personally think that the whole story is a lot more complex than that, but the Bible was written for commoners to get the message and behave in ways to ensure enough happiness and comfort for everyone, for the time spent here. I agree with it, but there's more and taking it literally may not be the right way to understand it. I am not sure that any of us will see the whole picture, even after exiting this stage.


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 8, 2022

Thanks for the last 3 lines especially. F'harari.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 8, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Songs are the original computer programs
I wrote one long ago, one of my first ,mostly abandoned,but a great refrain ...
Sitting trapped in the flesh,
Spirit s got to sing....
Cartwheels ...
May gets a rewrite ?...


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Sep 8, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

Nicely said Ana! I would have little to add to your commentary, at least at this time. This is truly new information spelled out in an understandable way. We humans are at a crossroad, unfortunately there are so many ways "they" can act against us, we must be aware. Thank you for the realization of the up coming war. We can pray!


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Sep 8, 2022

Fascinating information.


Kat Brannen - Feb 1, 2024

Kat’s Substack

The WE wants Dr. Ana to be more improved by the watering her as the woman that worms to the world that spirituality isn't the mind nor the brain nor the nanobots that won't be there for much longer.
WE want Dr. Ana to be the woman that recognizes that her research is duplicitous.
WE want the woman called Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD to be more forthright that her funding is Mossad/British Intelligence/CIA/Mossad/Mossad/Mossad...
Dr. Ana wants to remember that the love that is the way to the heart opening to show to the world that the doshas are the way to anti-aging, well the Sushumna channel too holds the spiritual realities that the whole systemic world where the animals are Satan's too, the world hears that Jews want to remember that loving the "chosen" motif so much that the goyim are not real humans but their assholes are importanter than the other humans that watch the world find that the way to anti-Semitism thinks that the way to shoulder blades, well the marma points that anaphylaxis finds to be the way to the energetics the way to communicable diseases, that thinks that the Dr. Ana's need to show off that her funding is the same sourced ways that the big important "human's are hackable" bullshit artist called Yuval Noah Harari says to think too that the realities that this is the channeled message, that is.
Ask the source to reapply to the systemic world the systemic economics at play. Fiat money.
The money changers fund the researchers that love to show that the mind is the spirit that too is the neuronal activity that is too the spinal cord: the Sushumna feeds the spinal fluids. The chakras are the light posts.
All the non-sense that the "hackable human" is the future, that is the way to showing to the world that all Neuralink testees will be dead-on-arrival-to-the-hell-that-too-will-end-the-animal-sacrifices that spell that Jerusalem isn't the only Jerryco that will be revealed to start the new Space Exploration: The Grateful Deadsters are already informed the real magic is there, there, there.
Dollars are to end to the DARPA non-sense, and the new frontier won't be the brain-computer interface, but the world where the artists rule.
The WE wants Yuval Noah Harari to die.
The WE knows Yuval Noah Harari is a fraud, a shyster and an ass kisser extraordinaire.
The WE want the world to hear the Elohim are the WE. And that thinks Genesis isn't the holy-moly, what? The home to The Bible's world where the animals are safer, where the land is the source that the plants and mushrooms and salted ways show that the salt is the answer to the philosophers' question that Stones want more.


Observer - Dec 10, 2023

Observer’s Substack

More info here on Peter Garyaev and his work.


Michelle - Sep 22, 2023

Wow. Excellent! I Absolutely LOVE this!! One of the best articles I have read!! Thank you Dr. Ana, and thank for your honest account of your experience during the interview with Dr. Len. I was very touched by it. I prayed that you would heal completely from it, as I too can relate. I have been targeted as well. Different experience, but same bat-channel, and mine is ongoing. Looking back, I believe mine started sometime prior to end of 2019. And by the beginning of the so-called-virus in 2020, and then, by the time of the arm-boops to follow, I "knew" that it was all somehow all connected, and connected to what was happening to me, or, should I say, being done to me. (I couldn't even imagine what the connection could be at the time, as I am a salesperson by trade, and by no means a scientist in any regard - I am limited to one biology class in high school.) But as time went on, I kept reading and researching, and things just became clearer and clearer to me as I have listened and read many, many, many experts (in various fields) along the way. If nothing else, I am comforted by your work, so thank you.
"Because as spiritual beings we are ONE, this internal change creates a ripple effect in the world."
Makes me think of it this way: Jesus is the head, and His people are "the Body." Makes perfect sense. I am praying for your protection throughout this battle.


Raymond Newman - Jan 13, 2023

Love reading Dr. Ana's info. Like many others, it is a welcome source of what makes sense to a living man or woman who already acknowledges God the Creator. I left my position as a med tech in a major hospital as the tsunami of MKUltra programming overwhelmed the place. I need the input from Dr. Ana to keep me grounded. As a worker in an alternative healing center in NJ there are often many opportunities to share thoughts with coworkers and clients which reinforce the idea we are what we eat and also WHAT WE THINK. We employ PEMF, yoga, Reiki, Harmonic Egg, and other methods. It has, however, become ever more clear to me personally how we also "can move mountains" to help people heal by convincing them they have the soul to do the same. Thank you Dr. Ana.


Susannah - Jan 12, 2023

Regarding your statement that there is nothing in the Bible when humans become economically (or in general) passe.....I beg to differ. In fact, the Bible has already told us that the "beast system" is coming, and to not be deceived by it. If people had read their Bible, they probably would not have taken the shot, knowing what the truth is as led by the Holy Spirit, and also, an investigative nature. In my opinion, the "shot" IS the mark of the beast, and God tells us we are not supposed to take it, if we want to be raptured (harpazo) and avoid the Tribulation which is to follow. We also know that Satan (Harari, et al) has ALREADY been defeated at the cross, so, they can talk a good game, but in the final analysis, they will not achieve their goals, except, perhaps to take many people along with themselves to hell. Seek HIM while you may. The harvest is in full separate the wheat from the tares, so that he can take his sheathes to the barn. You have no idea what kind of spiritual warfare in which we are truly engaged. Read the Bible and find out, the WHOLE truth. John 10: 1-2 Verily, Verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jan 12, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Apologies, due to popular request, I have updated the reasons why mRNA is unlikely to be used in public:
I left out gaslighting sites like Mercola's that further substantiates my conjecturing.


Heather H - Sep 15, 2022

I just wish this stayed theory. Lol. How creepy, however, it makes total sense. The pushing of these things in the face of all the data showing harm pretty much solidifies it.


jan van ruth - Sep 8, 2022

jan van ruth

come on admit it, you are taking the piss, aren't you?



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